- Singleton Pattern模式的设计意图是:保证一个类仅有一个实例,并提供一个访问他的全局访问点。
- interface
- uses classes,SysUtils;
- type
- TSingletonList = class(TList);
- TSingletonl = class
- public
- constructor Create;virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- protected
- function Lookup(PSingleton: TSingletonl): boolean;
- end;
- TChildSingletonl = class(TSingletonl);
- var
- Glob_Singletonlist: TSingletonList; //使用整体变量
- implementation
- constructor TSingletonl.Create;
- begin
- if Lookup(self) then
- Abort
- else
- Glob_Singletonlist.Add(self);
- end;
- destructor TSingletonl.Destroy;
- begin
- if Lookup(self) then
- begin
- Glob_Singletonlist.Remove(self);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- end;
- function TSingletonl.Lookup(PSingleton: TSingletonl): boolean;
- var
- i: word;
- plSingleton: TSingletonl;
- begin
- result := false;
- if (Glob_Singletonlist = nil) or (Glob_Singletonlist.Count = 0) then
- begin
- Glob_Singletonlist := TSingletonList.Create;
- result := false;
- Exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Glob_Singletonlist.Count - 1 do
- begin
- plSingleton := Glob_Singletonlist.Get(i);
- if (plSingleton.ClassName = PSingleton.ClassName) then
- result := true;
- end;
- end;
- unit Unit4;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, Classes;
- type
- TDSingleton = class(TObject)
- private
- FCount: integer;
- protected
- constructor CreateInstance;
- class function AccessInstance(Request: integer): TDSingleton;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- class function Instance: TDSingleton;
- class procedure ReleaseInstance;
- end;
- implementation
- {$J+}
- { TDSingleton }
- class function TDSingleton.AccessInstance(Request: integer): TDSingleton;
- const
- FInstance: TDSingleton = nil;
- begin
- case Request of
- 0: ;
- 1:
- begin
- if not Assigned(FInstance) then
- FInstance := CreateInstance;
- end;
- 2: FInstance := nil;
- else
- raise Exception.CreateFmt('Illegal request %d in AccessInstance!', [Request]);
- end;
- result := FInstance;
- end;
- constructor TDSingleton.Create;
- begin
- raise Exception.CreateFmt('Access class %s only through Instance!', [ClassName]);
- end;
- constructor TDSingleton.CreateInstance;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- end;
- destructor TDSingleton.Destroy;
- begin
- if AccessInstance(0) = self then AccessInstance(2);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- class function TDSingleton.Instance: TDSingleton;
- begin
- result := AccessInstance(1);
- end;
- class procedure TDSingleton.ReleaseInstance;
- begin
- AccessInstance(0).Free;
- end;
- End.
The $J directive controls whether typed constants can be modified or not. In the {$J+} state, typed constants can be modified, and are in essence initialized variables. In the {$J-} state, typed constants are truly constant, and any attempt to modify a typed constant causes the compiler to report an error.
Writeable consts refers to the use of a typed const as a variable modifiable at runtime.
在刘艺《Delphi设计模式》这本书中,也引用了这两个例子。并分别做了阐述,这两个例子是从网络上找到。并做了相应的改写。 当总是感觉Delphi使用此模式有些蹩脚,不像C++那么的舒畅。这是一个好的想法,但至少在Delphi中不是那么的实用。在delphi中,完全可以使用Initialization初始化一个变量,配合Finalization来释放他。
Delphi设计模式之单例模式(Singleton Pattern)
最新推荐文章于 2024-08-26 11:02:06 发布