ImageLoader 的基本使用

  • ImageLoader简单介绍
    ImageLoader 是最早开源的 Android 图片缓存库, 强大的缓存机制, 早期使用这个图片加载框架的Android应用非常多, 至今仍然有不少 Android 开发者在使用。

  • 使用第一步,配置一些参数

DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder().showStubImage(R.drawable.ic_stub) // 设置图片下载期间显示的图片
        .showImageOnLoading(R.drawable.ic_empty)    //设置下载过程中图片显示   
        .showImageForEmptyUri(R.drawable.ic_empty) // 设置图片Uri为空或是错误的时候显示的图片
        .showImageOnFail(R.drawable.ic_error) // 设置图片加载或解码过程中发生错误显示的图片
        .cacheInMemory(true) // 设置下载的图片是否缓存在内存中
        .cacheOnDisc(true) // 设置下载的图片是否缓存在SD卡中
        .build(); // 创建配置过得DisplayImageOption对象

ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration
        .threadPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2)
        .discCacheFileNameGenerator(new Md5FileNameGenerator())
        imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
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  • 第二步,获取ImageLoader图片加载框架实例对象
ImageLoader imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance(); 
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  • 根据url把图片展示到imageView控件上(异步加载)
imageLoader.displayImage(imageUri, imageView); 
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  • 根据url把图片展示到imageView控件上,并监听图片加载是否完毕(异步加载)
imageLoader.displayImage(imageUrl, imageView, null , new SimpleImageLoadingListener(){

    public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, View view, Bitmap loadedImage) {

}, new ImageLoadingProgressListener(){

    public void onProgressUpdate(String imageUri, View view, int current, int total) {
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  • 根据url获取到图片文件并返回为位图格式对象(同步加载)
Bitmap bmp = imageLoader.loadImageSync(imageUri);
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  • 以下代码为ImageLoader对象加载图片的三大类方法及其重载
    //ImageViewAware这个类主要是将ImageView进行一个包装,将  ImageView的强引用变成弱引用,
    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageAware imageAware) {
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageAware)imageAware, (DisplayImageOptions)null, (ImageLoadingListener)null, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageAware imageAware, ImageLoadingListener listener) {
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageAware)imageAware, (DisplayImageOptions)null, listener, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageAware imageAware, DisplayImageOptions options) {
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageAware)imageAware, options, (ImageLoadingListener)null, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageAware imageAware, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener) {
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageAware)imageAware, options, listener, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageAware imageAware, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener, ImageLoadingProgressListener progressListener) {
        if(imageAware == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong arguments were passed to displayImage() method (ImageView reference must not be null)");
        } else {
            if(listener == null) {
                listener = this.emptyListener;

            if(options == null) {
                options = this.configuration.defaultDisplayImageOptions;

            if(TextUtils.isEmpty(uri)) {
                listener.onLoadingStarted(uri, imageAware.getWrappedView());
                if(options.shouldShowImageForEmptyUri()) {
                } else {

                listener.onLoadingComplete(uri, imageAware.getWrappedView(), (Bitmap)null);
            } else {
                ImageSize targetSize = ImageSizeUtils.defineTargetSizeForView(imageAware, this.configuration.getMaxImageSize());
                String memoryCacheKey = MemoryCacheUtils.generateKey(uri, targetSize);
                this.engine.prepareDisplayTaskFor(imageAware, memoryCacheKey);
                listener.onLoadingStarted(uri, imageAware.getWrappedView());
                Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)this.configuration.memoryCache.get(memoryCacheKey);
                ImageLoadingInfo imageLoadingInfo;
                if(bmp != null && !bmp.isRecycled()) {
                    L.d("Load image from memory cache [%s]", new Object[]{memoryCacheKey});
                    if(options.shouldPostProcess()) {
                        imageLoadingInfo = new ImageLoadingInfo(uri, imageAware, targetSize, memoryCacheKey, options, listener, progressListener, this.engine.getLockForUri(uri));
                        ProcessAndDisplayImageTask displayTask1 = new ProcessAndDisplayImageTask(this.engine, bmp, imageLoadingInfo, defineHandler(options));
                        if(options.isSyncLoading()) {
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        options.getDisplayer().display(bmp, imageAware, LoadedFrom.MEMORY_CACHE);
                        listener.onLoadingComplete(uri, imageAware.getWrappedView(), bmp);
                } else {
                    if(options.shouldShowImageOnLoading()) {
                    } else if(options.isResetViewBeforeLoading()) {

                    imageLoadingInfo = new ImageLoadingInfo(uri, imageAware, targetSize, memoryCacheKey, options, listener, progressListener, this.engine.getLockForUri(uri));
                    LoadAndDisplayImageTask displayTask = new LoadAndDisplayImageTask(this.engine, imageLoadingInfo, defineHandler(options));
                    if(options.isSyncLoading()) {
                    } else {


    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageView imageView) {
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageAware)(new ImageViewAware(imageView)), (DisplayImageOptions)null, (ImageLoadingListener)null, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageView imageView, DisplayImageOptions options) {
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageAware)(new ImageViewAware(imageView)), options, (ImageLoadingListener)null, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageView imageView, ImageLoadingListener listener) {
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageAware)(new ImageViewAware(imageView)), (DisplayImageOptions)null, listener, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageView imageView, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener) {
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageView)imageView, options, listener, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void displayImage(String uri, ImageView imageView, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener, ImageLoadingProgressListener progressListener) {
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageAware)(new ImageViewAware(imageView)), options, listener, progressListener);

    public void loadImage(String uri, ImageLoadingListener listener) {
        this.loadImage(uri, (ImageSize)null, (DisplayImageOptions)null, listener, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void loadImage(String uri, ImageSize targetImageSize, ImageLoadingListener listener) {
        this.loadImage(uri, targetImageSize, (DisplayImageOptions)null, listener, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void loadImage(String uri, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener) {
        this.loadImage(uri, (ImageSize)null, options, listener, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void loadImage(String uri, ImageSize targetImageSize, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener) {
        this.loadImage(uri, targetImageSize, options, listener, (ImageLoadingProgressListener)null);

    public void loadImage(String uri, ImageSize targetImageSize, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener, ImageLoadingProgressListener progressListener) {
        if(targetImageSize == null) {
            targetImageSize = this.configuration.getMaxImageSize();

        if(options == null) {
            options = this.configuration.defaultDisplayImageOptions;

        NonViewAware imageAware = new NonViewAware(uri, targetImageSize, ViewScaleType.CROP);
        this.displayImage(uri, (ImageAware)imageAware, options, listener, progressListener);

    public Bitmap loadImageSync(String uri) {
        return this.loadImageSync(uri, (ImageSize)null, (DisplayImageOptions)null);

    public Bitmap loadImageSync(String uri, DisplayImageOptions options) {
        return this.loadImageSync(uri, (ImageSize)null, options);

    public Bitmap loadImageSync(String uri, ImageSize targetImageSize) {
        return this.loadImageSync(uri, targetImageSize, (DisplayImageOptions)null);

    public Bitmap loadImageSync(String uri, ImageSize targetImageSize, DisplayImageOptions options) {
        if(options == null) {
            options = this.configuration.defaultDisplayImageOptions;

        options = (new Builder()).cloneFrom(options).syncLoading(true).build();
        ImageLoader.SyncImageLoadingListener listener = new ImageLoader.SyncImageLoadingListener();
        this.loadImage(uri, targetImageSize, options, listener);
        return listener.getLoadedBitmap();
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  • 对ImageLoader进行封装


public class ImagerLoaderUtil {

    private ImageLoader imageLoader;
    private DisplayImageOptions options;
    private Context context;
    private static ImagerLoaderUtil imagerLoaderUtil;

    private ImagerLoaderUtil(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    public synchronized static ImagerLoaderUtil getInstance(Context context){
        if(imagerLoaderUtil == null){
            imagerLoaderUtil = new ImagerLoaderUtil(context);
        return imagerLoaderUtil;

    public void displayMyImage(String imageUrl, ImageView imageView ){
        imageLoader.displayImage(imageUrl, imageView);

    public void displayMyImage(String imageUrl, ImageView imageView,SimpleImageLoadingListener listener ){
        imageLoader.displayImage(imageUrl, imageView, listener);

    public void displayMyImage(String imageUrl, ImageView imageView, int resourceId){
        DisplayImageOptions tempOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
        .showImageOnLoading(resourceId)         // 设置图片下载期间显示的图片  
        .showImageForEmptyUri(resourceId)  // 设置图片Uri为空或是错误的时候显示的图片  
        .showImageOnFail(resourceId)       // 设置图片加载或解码过程中发生错误显示的图片  
        imageLoader.displayImage(imageUrl, imageView, tempOptions);

    public void displayMyImage(String imageUrl, ImageView imageView, int resourceId, SimpleImageLoadingListener listener) {
        DisplayImageOptions tempOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
                .showImageOnLoading(resourceId)         // 设置图片下载期间显示的图片
                .showImageForEmptyUri(resourceId)  // 设置图片Uri为空或是错误的时候显示的图片
                .showImageOnFail(resourceId)       // 设置图片加载或解码过程中发生错误显示的图片
        imageLoader.displayImage(imageUrl, imageView, tempOptions, listener);

    public void initImageLoader() {

        DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder().showStubImage(R.drawable.ic_stub) // 设置图片下载期间显示的图片
                .showImageOnLoading(R.drawable.ic_empty)    //设置下载过程中图片显示   
                .showImageForEmptyUri(R.drawable.ic_empty) // 设置图片Uri为空或是错误的时候显示的图片
                .showImageOnFail(R.drawable.ic_error) // 设置图片加载或解码过程中发生错误显示的图片
                .cacheInMemory(true) // 设置下载的图片是否缓存在内存中
                .cacheOnDisc(true) // 设置下载的图片是否缓存在SD卡中
                .build(); // 创建配置过得DisplayImageOption对象

        ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration
                .threadPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2)
                .discCacheFileNameGenerator(new Md5FileNameGenerator())
                imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
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  • 最后附上ImagerLoader在gitHub上面的项目地址:点击打开




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