SharePoint2013 IT Professional - Site Column& List Column

大多数企业使用SharePoint,在List/Library下创建item/file的同时都会使用自定义的Column,也就是栏位,可以对item/file赋予一定的Column value用来管理和区分item/file类别,比如在Library中,对file添加自定义的栏位用来知道文档出处是哪个部门,属于哪一类文档,这些都可以通过设置Column实现管理。



  1. 创建Site Level ColumnList/Library中引用,此种类型Column作用在当前Site中的List/Library,以及其下层的site
  2. List/Library创建自己的column,作用范围只是创建的List/Column内使用。


下面我们通过实例具体看下List ColumnSite Column

  1. 登录Site Collection-> Site Settings-> Web Designer Galleries-> Site columns

Machine generated alternative text:, ' htt 卩 以 1 丷 '" 」 朝℃Lt豇 . 0 , ' Site Settings Site Settings , ' demo Newsfeed OneDrive Sites System Account 0 SHARE 会 FO 0 会 司 D004vE5 SharePoint Home Documents Site Contents . EDIT LINKS G Overn m n Compliance G uard n feature . EDIT LINKS Site Settings and permissions People and groups Site permissions Site collection administrators Site app permissions Web Designer Galleries Site columns Site content types Web parts L00 疑 and Feel Title, description, and logo Quick launch Top link bar Tree View Change the № ok Site Actions Manage site features Save Slte as template

  1. 在显示的Site Columns中点击Create创建site column,输入column name,选择column类型创建;

Machine generated alternative text:feature . EDIT LINKS Site Columns Show Group: All Groups Site Settings — Create Site Column Base Columns Append Only Comments Categories End Date Language Multiple lines oftext Single line oftext Date and Time Choice Source feature feature feature feature


Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint Home Documents Site Contents . EDIT LINKS Newsfeed Site Columns Create Column OneDrive Sites System 0 Name and Type Type a name , or this column, and select the type Of information you wa nt to store in the column. Column name: Test Site Colurnnl The type of information1 this column Is: O Single line oftext O Multiple lines oftext C) Choice (menu to choose from) O Number ( 1 , 10 100 ) O Currency 阝 , ¥ , 6) O Date and Time O Lookup (information already on this site) O Yes/No (check box) C) Person or Group O Hyperlink or Picture O Calculated (calculation based on other columns) C) Task Outcome C) Full HTML content with formatting and constraints for publishing


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  1. 点击Documents进入document Library-> Library Settings,点击Create Column创建list level columnCreate column页面同Site Column Create,只是作用范围不同;

Machine generated alternative text:, ' htt 卩 刀 1 丷 ' ur 酊 」 以 yo 」 t 1 , 'St 以 1 以 叩 : I 吖 out 1 5 引 · 0 , ' Document LibrarySettings Or 会 司 D004vE5 SharePoint G Overn m a n Compliance G u ard i a n Column (click to edit) Created Modified Title Created By Modified By Checked Out To Add from existing Site columns Column ordering Indexed columns Site Settings , ' demo . Home Date and Time Date and Time Single line of text Person or Group Person or Group Person or Group Newsfeed Required


Machine generated alternative text:, ' http://www.」 朝℃Lt豇15 鑫 t 匕 叩 x 了 I 吖 out 1 5/1 . 0 , ' Document LibrarySettings OneDrive Sites 会 司 D004vE5 Governmance Automation C Compliance G uard n SharePoint Column (click to edit) Title Test List Column Created Site Settings , ' demo Home Single line oftext Choice Date and Time Newsfeed Required

  1. 此时点击Library Settings"Add from existing site columns"链接,在跳转的页面选择之前创建的Site Column

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint Home Documents Site Contents . EDIT LINKS feature . EDIT LINKS Newsfeed OneDrive Sites System 0 SHARE Settings Add Columns fro m Site Columns Columns to add: Select Columns Select which Site columns to add № this list. Select site columns from: Custom Columns Available site columns: Category Picture Description HashTags Task Outcome Test Site Column WSEnabled ' Remove

  1. 返回Library,可以看到sitelist创建的两个ColumnUpload file可以直接为这两个Column赋值。

Machine generated alternative text:SharePoint LIBRARY feature . EDIT LINKS Newsfeed Test List Column A OneDrive Sites Syste BROWSE Home FILES 0 SHARE 会 Search this site Test Site Column Demo Documents @ new document or drag files here All Documents Public View Test [ 〕 卜 n 」 Introduction Find a file Modified A few seconds ago Documents Site Contents . EDIT LINKS Modified By System Account


以上就是对SharePoint Site Column& list Column的介绍,感谢阅读!





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