


MRS WEAVER: Good evening, Mr. Learner. How are you??

MARTIN: Fine, thanks. How are you??
MRS WEAVER: Fine, thanks. This is Mrs. Bane.?
MRS BANE: Hello. I'm Robin's mother.?
MRS WEAVER: Mr. Learner is a reporter.?
MARTIN: Robin is making a picture book.?
MRS WEAVER: That's right. Come see, Mrs. Bane.?
HAL: Hello, Mr. Learner.?
MARTIN: Hello. Call me Martin.?
HAL: Martin, this is Wendy Silver. She's a teacher, too.?
MARTIN: Good evening.?
WENDY: Hi. I teach third grade.?
HAL: Martin visited my room today.?
MARTIN: Yes, I saw the geography lesson.?
WENDY: You're a reporter.?
MARTIN: Yes, I write stories for the Voice of America. I'm writing a story about schools.
HAL: Martin, this is Mrs. Bane.?
MRS. Bane: We've met.?
HAL: And this is Mr. Bane.?
MARTIN: Hello.?
MR BANE: Hello. You're a teacher??
MARTIN: No, I'm a reporter.?
MR BANE: A reporter??
MARTIN: I'm writing a story about schools.?
MR BANE: I see.?
MARTIN: What do you do??
MR BANE: I'm a contractor. I build schools.?
MARTIN: Wonderful.?
WENDY: Martin, come meet Mrs. Steele.?
MARTIN: Excuse me, Mr. Bane, Mrs. Bane.?
WENDY: This is Jessica.?
MARTIN: Good evening. I'm Martin Learner.?
MRS STEELE: I'm happy to meet you.?
MARTIN: What's that??
MRS STEELE: It's a dress from Romania. It was my grandmother's dress.?WENDY: Mrs. Steele is Roberta's mother.?
MARTIN: Fifth grade geography??
MRS STEELE: That's right.?
MARTIN: What do you do, Mrs. Steele??
MRS STEELE: I'm a housewife. I'm raising three young children. I studied nursing.
HAL: Martin, this is Melissa's mother.?
MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner.?
MRS ROBERTSON: Good evening. I'm Rachel Robertson.?
MARTIN: I'm happy to meet you. This is Mrs. Steele, Roberta's mother.?
MRS ROBERTSON: We've met, thank you.?
MARTIN: What do you do, Mrs. Robertson.?
MRS ROBERTSON: I'm a farmer.?
MARTIN: A farmer!?
MRS ROBERTSON: Yes, I farm five-hundred acres.?
MARTIN: Wonderful! What's that??
MRS ROBERTSON: Corn. Soybeans. And wheat. I grow them.?
WENDY: Mrs. Robertson is Becky's mother, too. Becky's in third grade.?
MRS ROBERTSON: They are studying food.?
MARTIN: I see.?
PAT: Hello, I'm Pat Bryan. Who are you??
MARTIN: I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter.?
PAT: Where are you from, Martin??
MARTIN: I'm from Baltimore. What do you do??
PAT: I'm a farmer. And I'm a mechanic, too. I farm a hundred acres. And I fix tractors.?
MARTIN: What's that??
PAT: I have a boy in the third grade. It's beans.?
MARTIN: Soybeans??
PAT: No. Red beans. I grow soybeans, red beans, and white beans. Last year I grew green beans and peas.?

会话A : 在教师家长会上?
马    丁:很好,谢谢,你好吗??
马    丁:罗宾在做图画书。?
哈    尔:你好,勒纳先生。?
马    丁:你好,叫我马丁吧。?
哈    尔:马丁,这是温迪·谢尔弗,她也是老师。?
马    丁:晚上好。?
温    迪:你好,我教三年级。?
哈    尔:马丁今天来我教室了。?
马    丁:对,我看到了地理课。?
温    迪:你是记者。?
马    丁:是的,我为“美国之音”写报导,我在写一篇有关学校的报导。?
哈    尔:马丁,这是贝恩夫人。?
哈    尔:这是贝恩先生。?
马    丁:你好。?
马    丁:不是,我是记者。?
马    丁:我在写一篇有关学校的报导。?
马    丁:你做什么工作??
马    丁:太好了。?
温    迪:马丁,来见见斯梯尔夫人。?
马    丁:对不起,贝恩先生,贝恩夫人。?
温    迪:这是杰西卡·斯梯尔。?
马    丁:晚上好,我叫马丁·勒纳。?
马    丁:那是什么??
温    迪:斯梯尔夫人是罗伯塔的母亲。?
马    丁:五年级地理课上的那个吗??
马    丁:你做什么工作,斯梯尔夫人。?
哈    尔:马丁,这是梅利莎的母亲。?
马    丁:你好,我叫马丁·勒纳。?
马    丁:很高兴见到你,这是斯梯尔的夫人,梅利莎的母亲。?
马    丁:你做什么工作,罗伯森夫人。?
马    丁:农民!?
马    丁:太好了,那是什么??
温    迪:罗伯森夫人还是贝奇的母亲,贝奇在三年级。?
马    丁:我明白了。?
派    特:你好,我是派特·布瑞恩,你是哪位??
马    丁:我叫马丁勒纳,我是记者。?
派    特:你从哪里来?马丁??
马    丁:我从巴尔的摩来,你做什么工作??
派    特:我是农民,还是个机械师,种100英亩地,还修理拖拉机。?
马    丁:那是什么??
派    特:我有个儿子在三年级,那是豆子。?
马    丁:黄豆??
派    特:不,是红豆。我种大豆、红豆和白豆,去年,我种了豆角和豌豆。?

Conversation B?

MRS WEAVER: This is Mr. Gary Durant.?
MARTIN: Hello. How are you??
GARY: Fine, thanks.?
MRS WEAVER: Mr. Durant is the assistant principal. Mr. Learner, would you like some coffee??
MARTIN: Yes, please. Excuse me, Mr. Durant.?
MARTIN: Black coffee, please.?
MRS WEAVER: No sugar??
MARTIN: That's right. Thank you.?
MRS WEAVER: Mr. McCammon. This is Martin Learner.?
MR MCCAMMON: Hello. I'm Malcolm McCammon. How are you??
MARTIN: Fine, thanks. How are you? What do you do??
MR MCCAMMON: I'm Conrad's father.?
MARTIN: What grade??
MR MCCAMMON: Second grade. I'm a father and a lawyer.?
MARTIN: Where are you from??
MR MCCAMMON: I'm from Lawrence, Kansas. I studied at the university there. What do you do??
MARTIN: I'm a reporter for the“Voice of America”. I’m writing a story about schools.
MRS WEAVER: This is Glen Edwards.?
MARTIN: Hello. How are you??
GLEN: Fine, thanks. How are you??
MARTIN: Fine, thanks.?
GLEN: Are you a father??
MR MCCAMMON: He's a reporter.?
MARTIN: I'm a father, too. What's that??
GLEN: It's corn.?
MR MCCAMMON: It's red!?
GLEN: Yes. It's interesting.?
MARTIN: Your child is in third grade??
GLEN: Yes, my son is in third grade.?
MARTIN: What do you do??
GLEN: I'm a gardener. I grow red corn.?
MR MCCAMMON: He's a gardener. He's a banker, too.?
MARTIN: Is your son a gardener??
GLEN: Yes. He grows carrots and onions. I grow corn, tomatoes, potatoes and squash.
MARTIN: Mr. McCammon, are you a gardener??
MR MCCAMMON: Oh, no. But I'm a cook.?
GLEN: Yes, he's a good cook.?
MR MCCAMMON: I don't cook red corn! I cook yellow corn and white corn, but I don't cook red corn.?
MRS WEAVER: Mr. Learner. Come meet Miss Frazetta. Tobi, this is Martin Learner.?
TOBI: Good evening. Are you a teacher??
MARTIN: No, I'm a reporter.?
TOBI: That's interesting. I'm a reporter, too.?
MARTIN: I write stories for radio.?
TOBI: I write for the newspaper. Are you a parent??
MARTIN: Yes, but my children are in Baltimore.?
TOBI: Are you from Baltimore??
MARTIN: Yes, I live in Baltimore.?
TOBI: My daughter is in fourth grade.?
MARTIN: I visited fifth grade today. What's that??
TOBI: It's a rock. They're studying rocks in science.

马    丁:你好,你好吗??
加    里:很好,谢谢。?
马    丁:好,请。对不起杜兰特先生。?
马    丁:请来杯黑咖啡。?
马    丁:不要,谢谢。?
马    丁:很好,谢谢,你好吗?你做什么工作??
马    丁:几年级。?
马    丁:你是哪儿人??
麦克先生:我来自堪萨斯州的劳伦斯市,我在那儿的大学学习过,你做什么工作?马    丁:我是“美国之音”记者,在写一篇有关学校的报导。?
马    丁:你好,你好吗??
格    伦:很好,谢谢,你好吗??
马    丁:很好,谢谢。?
格    伦:你是位家长吗??
马    丁:我也是家长,那是什么??
格    伦:是玉米。?
格    伦:是的,很有趣!?
马    丁:你的儿子在三年级吗??
格    伦:是的,我儿子在三年级。?
马    丁:你做什么工作??
格    伦:我是园丁,种红玉米。?
马    丁:你儿子也是园丁吗??
格    伦:是的,他种胡萝卜和元葱。我种玉米、西红市、土豆和南瓜。?
马    丁:麦克卡蒙先生,你是园丁吗??
格    伦:是的,他是个好厨师。?
托    比:晚上好。你是老师吗??
马    丁:不,我是记者。?
托    比:很有趣,我也是记者。?
马    丁:我为广播电台写报导。?
托    比:我为报社撰稿,你也是学生家长吗??
马    丁:是,但我孩子在巴尔的摩。?
托    比:你来自巴尔的摩吗??
马    丁:是的,我住在巴尔的摩。?
托    比:我女儿在四年级。?
马    丁:今天我采访了五年级,那是什么??
托    比:是块岩石,他们在自然课上学习岩石。

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

contractor   n. 承包商(建筑)?
housewife   n. 家庭主妇?
nursing   ]n. 保育、护理?
acre   n. 英亩?
soybean   n. 大豆?
tomato   番茄?
potato   马铃薯?
squash   南瓜?
bean   n. 豆类?
red beans   红豆?
white beans   白豆?
green beans   青豆?
pea   n. 豌豆?
gardener   花匠?
banker   银行家?
carrots   胡萝卜?
onion   洋葱?
science   科学

Proper Nouns 专有名词?
Romania   罗马尼亚?
Kansas   堪萨斯?

Language Points 语言要点?

1. Come see...来看,这是一种口语表达形式,正式语法中应该是 come and see...口语中省略了 and,这种现象在美国英语中比较普遍。
动词 go 也可以这样用,例如:I'll go look. 相当于 I'll go and look.?
2. I have a boy in the third grade. 我有个男孩在三年级。the third grade 三年级,third 是序数词,即第三,在使用序数词时,前面一般要用定冠词“the”,例如:
the first, the second, the third, the fourth...?
序数词的规则变法是在基数词后直接加 th。

Cultural Notes  文化注释

许多美国中学每年都要给学生安排一次“父子餐”(Fathers and Sons' Meal)活动。这一天父亲专门到学校来跟孩子一起共进早餐、午餐或晚餐,并一起拍照纪念。?   
教师家长会(parents and teachers meeting)是美国教育中的一种增强学校与家长沟通的形式




KATHY: Good morning, Jeff.?
JEFF: Good morning, Kathy. How are you this morning??
KATHY: Fine, thanks. How are you??
JEFF: Fine, thanks.?
KATHY: What's that??
JEFF: It's the plan.?
KATHY: What plan??
JEFF: For the new building. Look.?
KATHY: It's interesting. What's that??
JEFF: Shops. There are ten shops.?
KATHY: What's that??
JEFF: It's the cinema.?
KATHY: Show me the restaurants.?
JEFF: Look here. There are three restaurants.?
KATHY: Show me the sports club.?
JEFF: Look here...?
KATHY: Martin Learner is coming this morning.?
JEFF: Martin Learner??
KATHY: He's a reporter.?
JEFF: Oh, yes. He's a reporter for the“Voice of America”.?
KATHY: Yes.?
JEFF: Please come in, Mr. Learner.?
MARTIN: Thank you.?
JEFF: I'm Jeff O'Neil. I'm the director of the shopping mall. How are you??MARTIN: Fine, thanks.?
JEFF: Please sit down. Coffee??
MARTIN: No, thanks.?
JEFF: Where are you from??
MARTIN: I'm from Baltimore, Maryland.?
JEFF: I lived in Maryland. How can I help you??
MARTIN: Tell me about the shopping mall. May I record??
JEFF: Sure. That's OK. Look here.?
MARTIN: What's that??
JEFF: It's the plan for the new building.?
MARTIN: Show me the old building.?
JEFF: Here is the old building. Here is the new building.?
MARTIN: What's that??
JEFF: It's the cinema.?
MARTIN: Show me the shops.?
JEFF: Here is a shoe store. Here is a bicycle shop. Here is a gift shop. Here is a clothing store. There are ten shops.?
MARTIN: What's that??
JEFF: It's the sports club.?
MARTIN: What's that??
JEFF: It's a restaurant. There are three restaurants.?
MARTIN: Show me.?
JEFF: Here is a restaurant. Here is a restaurant. And here is a restaurant.?

Practice 1:“here”用来指离讲话人较近的事物的位置,Here is a... 这儿有一个……
Examples:  JEFF: Here is a shoe store.?
Here is a bicycle shop.?
Here is a gift shop.?
Here is a clothing store.?
Here is a restaurant.?

会话A  在一个新的购物中心?
凯  西:早上好,杰夫。?
杰  夫:早上好,凯西,今早怎么样??
凯  西:很好,谢谢。你怎么样??
杰  夫:很好,谢谢。?
凯  西:那是什么??
杰  夫:那是设计图。?
凯  西:什么设计图??
杰  夫:新楼的设计图。看!?
凯  西:很有趣,那是什么??
杰  夫:商店,10个商店。?
凯  西:那是什么??
杰  夫:电影院。?
凯  西:告诉我餐馆儿在哪儿??
杰  夫:看这儿,有3个餐馆儿。?
凯  西:告诉我体育俱乐部在哪儿。?
杰  夫:看这儿。?
凯  西:马丁·勒纳今早要来。?
杰  夫:马丁·勒纳。?
凯  西:他是记者。?
杰  夫:哦!是的,他是“美国之音”记者。?
凯  西:是的。?
杰  夫:请进,勒纳先生。?
马  丁:谢谢。?
杰  夫:我是杰夫·奥尼尔,购物中心经理。你怎么样??
马  丁:很好,谢谢。?
杰  夫:请坐,要咖啡吗??
马  丁:不要,谢谢。?
杰  夫:你是哪儿的人??
马  丁:我是马里兰州巴尔的摩市人。?
杰  夫:我在马里兰州住过,我能帮什么忙吗??
马  丁:给我讲讲购物中心,可以录音吗??
杰  夫:当然可以。那没关系。看这儿。?
马  丁:那是什么??
杰  夫:那是一座新楼的设计图。?
马  丁:带我看看旧楼。?
杰  夫:这儿是旧楼,这儿是新楼。?
马  丁:那是什么??
杰  夫:电影院。?
马  丁:带我看看商店??
杰  夫:这儿是鞋店,这是自行车店,这是礼品店,这是服装店,共有10家商店。?
马  丁:那是什么??
杰  夫:那是体育俱乐部。?
马  丁:那是什么??
杰  夫:那是餐馆,有3家餐馆。?
马  丁:让我看看。?
杰  夫:这是一家餐馆,这是一家餐馆,这是一家餐馆。?

Conversation B?

JEFF: Here is the new building.?
MARTIN: What's that??
JEFF: It's the sports club.?
MARTIN: Who are they??
JEFF: They're painters. They're painting the sports club.?
MARTIN: What's that??
JEFF: It's the cinema. Here is the shoe store.?
MARTIN: Who are they??
JEFF: They're the carpenters. They're making shelves. They're workers. They're making a road.?
MARTIN: What's that??
JEFF: It's a garage. Here is the entrance.?
MARTIN: Who are they??
JEFF: They're the gardeners. They're making the gardens.?
MARTIN: What's that??
JEFF: It's the garage. It's the exit.?
MARTIN: Good morning.?
WELDER: Good morning.?
MARTIN: What are you doing??
WELDER: We're welders. We're building a new building.?
MARTIN: What's that??
WELDER: It's a door. We're making two large doors. Here's a window.?MARTIN: That's interesting.?
WELDER: We're making twelve large windows.?
MARTIN: Thanks.?
JEFF: Come see the old building.?
MARTIN: Tell me about the shopping mall. I'm going to record.?
JEFF: There's a clothing store. There's a jewelry store. There's a pet shop. There’s a hardware store. There's a music store.

Practice 2:“there”指离讲话人较远的事物的位置,There is a...那儿有一个……Examples:  JEFF: There's a clothing store.
There's a jewelry store.?           
There's a pet shop.
There's a hardware store.?           
There's a music store.?

杰  夫:这是新楼。?
马  丁:那是什么??
杰  夫:那是运动俱乐部。?
马  丁:那些人是谁??
杰  夫:他们是油漆工,在给俱乐部刷油漆。?
马  丁:那是什么??
杰  夫:那是电影院,这儿是鞋店。?
马  丁:那些人是谁??
杰  夫:他们是木匠,在做架子。他们是工人,在铺路。?
马  丁:那是什么??
杰  夫:是车库,这儿是入口。?
马  丁:他们是谁??
杰  夫:他们是园丁,在修花园。?
马  丁:那是什么??
杰  夫:是车库,那是出口。?
马  丁:早上好。?
焊  工:早上好。?
马  丁:你在干什么??
焊  工:我是电焊工,在建新楼。?
马  丁:那是什么??
焊  工:是门,我们在做两个大门,这儿是窗子。?
马  丁:有趣。?
焊  工:我们要做12个大窗子。?
马  丁:谢谢。?
杰  夫:过来看看旧楼。?
马  丁:好。?
马  丁:给我讲讲购物中心,我打算录下来。?
杰  夫:有1个服装店,1个珠宝店,1 个宠物店,1个五金店。1个音乐店。

Conversation C?

MARTIN: What are they doing??
JEFF: They're musicians. They're playing music. It's a music store. Here’s the pet shop.?
MARTIN: They're buying a dog.?
CLERK: Who are you??
MARTIN: I'm a reporter.?
CLERK: I'm the clerk. I work here. I sell dogs and cats.?
JEFF: Would you like coffee??
MARTIN: Yes, please.?
JEFF: Here's a cafe. Please sit down.?
MARTIN: They're cleaning the floor.?
JEFF: Yes, sit here.?
MARTIN: What's that??
JEFF: It's a bookstore. There's a photo shop. Look. He's a photographer. He's taking photos now.?

马  丁:他们在做什么??
杰  夫:他们是音乐家。他们在演奏音乐。那是家音乐店。这是宠物店。?
马  丁:他们在买狗。?
店  员:你是谁??
马  丁:我是记者。?
店  员:我是职员。我在这儿工作。我卖狗和猫。?
杰  夫:要咖啡吗??
马  丁:是的。?
杰  夫:这是咖啡店。请坐。?
马  丁:他们在擦地板。?
杰  夫:是的,坐这儿。?
马  丁:那是什么??
杰  夫:那是书店,那儿是个照相馆。看,他是摄影师,现在在照相呢!

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

shopping mall   n. 购物中心?
restaurant   n. 饭店?
sports club    n. 健身房?
carpenter   n. 木工?
shelf   n. 架子?
shelves   复数?
entrance   n. 入口?
jewelry   n. 珠宝?
pet   n. 宠物?
hardware   n. 五金?
clerk   n. 职员?
photographer   n. 摄影师?

Language Points 语言要点?

1 . For the new building. 新楼的(设计图)。?
这句话省略了 the plan,原句应为 the plan for the new building 介词 for  用于名词后,表示被用于某种目的,例如:?
a room for sleeping in 卧室?coal for the winter 冬季用煤?
2 . May I record? 我可以录音吗??
这是请求对方允许自己做某事。May I+动词原形?我可以……吗?例如:?May I sit here? 我可以坐这吗??
May I ask you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗??




MARTIN: Good afternoon. How are you??
CAST: Fine, thanks. OK. Good afternoon. Hi. How are you? Great.?
MARTIN: I'm happy to meet you. Thank you for coming this afternoon. Tell me about your jobs. Let's start with you. Who are you??
CELIA: I'm Celia Chan.?
MARTIN: Where do you live??
CELIA: I live at 12 Coolidge Street.?
MARTIN: What do you do??
CELIA: I'm a sales person. I sell things.?
MARTIN: Where do you sell things??
CELIA: I work at the General Store.?
MARTIN: What do you sell??
CELIA: Oh-candy-T-shirts.?
MARTIN: Thank you, Celia. Now, who are you??
RALPH: I'm Ralph Beck.?
MARTIN: How old are you, Ralph??
RALPH: I'm sixteen years old.?
MARTIN: Celia, how old are you??
CELIA: I'm sixteen.?
MARTIN: Ralph, where do you work??
RALPH: I work at the Frontier Restaurant.?
MARTIN: What do you do??
RALPH: I'm a waiter.?
MARTIN: When do you work??
RALPH: I work on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.?
MARTIN: Celia, when do you work??
CELIA: I work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.?
MARTIN: Thanks. And who are you??
DON: I'm Don Tharp.?
MARTIN: Where do you live??
DON: I live at six twenty-eight Monroe Street.?
MARTIN: How old are you??
DON: I'm seventeen years old.?
MARTIN: Where do you go to school??
DON: I go to school at Northwest High School.?
MARTIN: Ralph, where do you go to school??
RALPH: At Central High School.?
MARTIN: Celia, where do you go to high school??
CELIA: I go to school at South High School.?
MARTIN: Thanks. Don, what do you do??
DON: I'm a lifeguard.?
MARTIN: You're a swimmer??
DON: Yes, I'm a good swimmer.?
MARTIN: Wonderful! When do you work??
DON: I work on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I work at a supermarket on Saturday.?
MARTIN: What do you do at the supermarket??
DON: I'm a stock boy. I put things on the shelves.?
MARTIN: Who are you??
KRISTIE: I'm Kristie Wasserman.?
MARTIN: When do you work??
KRISTIE: I work everyday-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.?
MARTIN: That's a lot.?
KRISTIE: I only work two hours a day.?

Practice 1:询问对方的工作时间时可用:
When do you work? 你何时工作?
回答时可用 I work+时间短语。
Examples:  MARTIN: When do you work??
RALPH: I work on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.?
MARTIN: When do you work??
CELIA: I work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.?
MARTIN: When do you work??
DON: I work on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.?

会话A : 在娱乐公园
马    丁:下午好!你们好吗??
众      :很好,谢谢。不错。下午好。你好,你怎么样?非常好。?
马    丁:幸会。感谢你们今天下午能来。告诉我你们的工作。从你开始吧!你是哪位??
西 莉 亚:我叫西莉亚·陈。?
马    丁:你住哪儿??
西 莉 亚:我住柯立芝街12号。?
马    丁:你做什么工作??
西 莉 亚:我是个售货员。我卖东西。?
马    丁:你在哪儿售货呢??
西 莉 亚:在杂货店。?
马    丁:你卖什么呢??
西 莉 亚:噢!糖果,T恤衫。?
马    丁:谢谢你,西莉亚。?
马    丁:那么,你是哪位??
拉 尔 夫:我叫拉尔夫·贝克。?
马    丁:你多大了?拉尔夫。?
拉 尔 夫:我16了。?
马    丁:西莉亚,你多大??
西 莉 亚:我16。?
马    丁:拉尔夫,你在哪儿工作??
拉 尔 夫:我在边塞餐馆工作。?
马    丁:你做什么工作??
拉 尔 夫:服务员。?
马    丁:你在什么时候工作??
拉 尔 夫:我星期一、星期三和星期六工作。?
马    丁:西莉亚,你什么时候工作??
西 莉 亚:我在星期五、星期六和星期日工作。?
马    丁:谢谢。你是哪位??
唐      :我叫唐·撒普。?
马    丁:你住哪儿??
唐      :我住门罗街628号。?
马    丁:你多大了??
唐      :我17岁。?
马    丁:你在哪儿上学??
唐      :在西北高中。?
马    丁:拉尔夫,你在哪儿上学??
拉 尔 夫:在中央高中。?
马    丁:西莉亚,你在哪所高中上学呢??
西 莉 亚:在南方高中。?
马    丁:谢谢。唐,你做什么工作呢??
唐      :我是救生员。?
马    丁:你会游泳吧??
唐      :会,游得很好。?
马    丁:太好了!你在什么时候工作??
唐      :星期天、星期二和星期四。我星期六去一家超级商场工作。?
马    丁:你在超级商场里做什么工作呢??
唐      :我做货物管理员。我把货物放在货架上。?
马    丁:你是哪位??
马    丁:你什么时候工作??
马    丁:太辛苦了。?

Conversation B

RALPH: Kristie, where do you go to school??
KRISTIE: I go to school at St. Mary's High School.?
MARTIN: How old are you??
KRISTIE: I'm fifteen years old.?
MARTIN: What do you do??
KRISTIE: I work at the stable.?
CELIA: Oh, I love horses!?
KRISTIE: Do you work on Monday??
CELIA: No, I don't work on Monday. I work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.?KRISTIE: Come see me on Monday.?
RALPH: I like horses, too.?
KRISTIE: When do you work??
RALPH: I work on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. I don't work on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.?
KRISTIE: Come see me on Tuesday. When do you work, Don??
DON: I don't work on Monday, Wednesday or Friday.?
KRISTIE: I work everyday. Come see me on Wednesday.?
MARTIN: What do you do at the stable??
KRISTIE: I exercise the horses.?
MARTIN: Do you like animals??
KRISTIE: No, I don't.?
MARTIN: Do you like horses??
KRISTIE: Yes, I only like horses. Come see the horses now!?
CAST: Can we? Great idea! Wonderful! Why not? Let's go.?
MARTIN: Kristie, you work at the stable now. What did you do last year??KRISTIE: I didn't work last year.?
MARTIN: Ralph, you work in a restaurant now. What did you do last year??RALPH: I worked in a music store.?
MARTIN: When did you work??
RALPH: I only worked on Saturday.?
MARTIN: Don. You're a lifeguard now. Where did you work last year??
DON: I worked at a supermarket.?
MARTIN: When did you work??
DON: I only worked on Sunday.?
MARTIN: Celia, what did you do last year??
CELIA: I was a salesperson. I worked at the General Store.?
MARTIN: When did you work??
CELIA: I worked on Friday and Monday.?

拉 尔 夫:克里斯蒂,你在哪上学??
马    丁:你多大了??
马    丁:你做什么工作??
西 莉 亚:噢!我喜欢马!?
西 莉 亚:不,我星期一不工作。我星期五、六、日上班。?
拉 尔 夫:我也喜欢马。?
拉 尔 夫:我星期一、三、六上班。二、四、五、日我不上班。?
唐      :我星期一、星期三或星期五不上班。?
马    丁:你在马厩做什么工作呢??
马    丁:你喜欢动物吧??
马    丁:你喜欢马吗??
众      :行吗?好主意!太棒了!为什么不呢?我们去吧。?
马    丁:克里斯蒂,你现在在马厩工作。你去年在哪工作呢??
马    丁:拉尔夫,你现在在餐馆工作。去年你做什么工作呢??
拉 尔 夫:在一家音乐店工作。?
马    丁:什么时候上班呢??
拉 尔 夫:我只在星期六上班。?
马    丁:唐。你现在做救生员,去年你在哪儿工作呢??
唐      :我在一家超级商场工作。?
马    丁:什么时候上班呢??
唐      :我只在星期天上班。?
马    丁:西莉亚,去年你做什么工作呢??
西 莉 亚:我当售货员,在一家杂货店。?
马    丁:你什么时候上班??
西 莉 亚:星期五和星期一。

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语
sales person   n. 售货员?
general store    n. 杂货店?
candy   n. 糖果?
high school   n. 中学?
lifeguard   n. 救生员?
swimmer   n. 游泳者?
supermarket   n. 超级市场?
stockboy   v. 货品管理员
stable   n. 马棚?

Proper Nouns 专有名词?

Coolidge Street   柯立芝街
Frontier Restaurant  
Monroe Street   门罗街
St. Mary's High School  圣玛丽中学?

Language Points 语言要点?

1 . I work on Friday. 我星期五工作。?
在星期几前要用介词 on,例如:on Sunday, on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday, on Saturday.?
2 . I don't work on Monday. 我星期一不工作。?
don't=do not 是助动词 do 的否定形式,与动词一起构成否定句。?
I don't know. 我不晓得。?
I don't like animals. 我不喜欢动物。?
3 . Why not? 为什么不呢??
A: Come see the horses now. 来看看这些马吧。?
B: Why not? 没问题。?
A: Let's go to the park right now. 咱们现在就去公园吧。?
B: Why not? 可以呀。?



MARTIN: Good afternoon. I'm Martin Learner.?
ASSISTANT: Good afternoon, Mr. Learner. I'm Mayor Walker's assistant. The Mayor is expecting you. Please go in.?
MARTIN: Thank you. Good afternoon, Mayor Walker.?
MAYOR: Hello. How are you??
MARTIN: Fine, thanks, How are you??
MAYOR: Fine, thanks. What can I do for you??
MARTIN: I'm a reporter. I want to talk about the work people do in this town.?MAYOR: Fine.?
MARTIN: How long have you been mayor of Greentown??
MAYOR: Three years.?
MARTIN: How many people live in Greentown??
MAYOR: Thirteen thousand.?
MARTIN: Let's talk about the work people do. What do they do??
MAYOR: They work in small factories. They work in small businesses.?MARTIN: How many factories do you have??
MAYOR: We have five small factories.?
MARTIN: What do they make??
MAYOR: Look at these pictures. See these people??
MAYOR: They work in the battery factory. They make batteries.?
MARTIN: What do they make??
MAYOR: They work in the tire factory. They make tires.?
MARTIN: What do they make??
MAYOR: They work in the glass factory. They make windows and windshields.
MARTIN: What do they make??
MAYOR: They make bottles. And they make plastic bags. Come see the town.
MARTIN: Thank you, I'd like that.?
MAYOR: Do you see those people? They work on the roads and streets.?MARTIN: I see. How many teachers do you have??
MAYOR: About one-hundred. They teach in the schools. Look at that school.
MARTIN: Is it a new school??
MAYOR: Yes, it is. Twenty teachers teach in that school.?
MARTIN: Is that a hospital??
MAYOR: Yes, it is. It's small. Twenty-three nurses work in the hospital.

Practice 1:询问对方的工作地点,我们通常用:?
Where do you work? 你在哪工作??
其回答方式是:“I work+地点介词短语”. 我在……工作。
Examples:  MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work in small businesses.?
MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work in the battery factory.?
MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work in the tire factory.?
MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work in the glass factory.?
MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work on the roads and streets.?

会话A : 在小镇
马  丁:下午好!我是马丁·勒纳。?
助  手:下午好,勒纳先生。我是沃克市长的助手。市长正等你呢!请进。?
马  丁:谢谢。下午好。沃克市长。?
市  长:你好,你怎么样??
马  丁:很好,谢谢。你怎么样??
市  长:很好,谢谢。我能为你做什么??
马  丁:我是个记者,我想和你谈谈这个城市的人们所做的工作。?
市  长:好的。?
马  丁:你担任格林市市长有多久了??
市  长:3年了。?
马  丁:格林市有多少居民??
市  长:一万三千人。?
马  丁:让我们谈谈他们的工作吧。他们都做什么工作呢??
市  长:他们在小工厂里上班。他们在小企业上班。?
马  丁:你们有多少厂子??
市  长:我们有5个小厂。?
马  丁:生产什么??
市  长:看看这些照片,看到这些人了??
马  丁:是的。?
市  长:他们在电池厂工作,生产电池。?
马  丁:他们做什么??
市  长:他在轮胎厂工作,生产轮胎。?
马  丁:他们生产什么??
市  长:他们在玻璃厂工作,生产窗玻璃和挡风玻璃。?
马  丁:他们生产什么??
市  长:他们生产瓶子。他们生产塑料袋。来看看这座城市。?
马  丁:谢谢。我很愿意。?
市  长:看到那些人了吗?他们在街道上作业。?
马  丁:我看到了。你们有多少教师??
市  长:大约100。他们在学校教书。看那所学校。?
马  丁:是所新学校吗??
市  长:是的。有20名教师在那里教书。?
马  丁:那是个医院吗??
市  长:是的。小医院。有23名护士。

Conversation B?

MARTIN: Mayor Walker, how many small businesses do you have??
MAYOR: About two-hundred twenty. People work in stores and shops. They work in banks. They work in restaurants and bars. They work in the Post Office. They work in bakeries.?
MARTIN: What do they make in the bakeries??
MAYOR: They bake bread and cakes. Do you see that man there??
MAYOR: He's a writer.?
MARTIN: Where does he write??
MAYOR: He writes for the newspaper.?
MARTIN: I see a photographer.?
MAYOR: Yes, she works for the newspaper.?
MARTIN: Who are those women??
MAYOR: They're workers.?
MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work at the plastic factory.?
MARTIN: What do they make??
MAYOR: They make plastic bags.?
MARTIN: Who are those men??
MAYOR: They're workers too.?
MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work at the tire factory.?
MARTIN: Who are they??
MAYOR: They're students.?
MARTIN: Where do they study??
MAYOR: They study at the high school.?
MARTIN: They're good musicians, too! Who are those children??
MAYOR: They're students, too. They're going to sing.?
MAYOR: Do you see those men??
MARTIN: Yes. Who are they??
MAYOR: They're carpenters.?
MARTIN: Oh, yes. I see.?
MAYOR: We have many carpenters.?
MARTIN: Those men work on the roads and streets.?
MAYOR: Yes.?
MARTIN: Who are those women??
MAYOR: They're workers.?
MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work in the glass factory.?
MARTIN: What do they make??
MAYOR: They make windows and windshields.?
MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work in the bottle factory.?
MARTIN: What do they make??
MAYOR: They make bottles.?
MARTIN: Where do they work??
MAYOR: They work in the tire factory.?
MARTIN: What do they make??
MAYOR: They make tires. Where do you work??
MARTIN: I work at the“Voice of America”. Thank you for your time, Mayor Walker.

Practice 2:再练习一下关于工作和工作地点的对话。?
Examples:  MAYOR: He's a writer.?           
MARTIN: Where does he write??           
MAYOR: He writes for the newspaper. They are workers.?            MARTIN: Where do they work??           
MAYOR: They work at the factory. She's a photographer.?            MARTIN: Where does she work??        
MAYOR: She works for the newspaper.?

会话B  在小镇?

马  丁:沃克市长,你们有多少家小企业。?
市  长:大约220家。人们在商店里工作,在银行里工作,
市  长:在餐馆里和酒吧里工作,在邮局工作,在面包店工作。?
马  丁:他们在面包店里做什么??
市  长:他们烤面包和蛋糕,你看见那个男的了吗??
马  丁:是的。?
市  长:他是个作家。?
马  丁:他在哪儿写稿??
市  长:他为一家报纸撰稿。?
马  丁:我看见一个摄影师。?
市  长:是的,他为报社工作。
马  丁:那些妇女做什么工作??
市  长:她们是工人。?
马  丁:她们在哪儿工作??
市  长:她们在塑料厂工作。?
马  丁:她们生产什么??
市  长:她们生产塑料袋。?
马  丁:那些男子是干什么的??
市  长:他们也是工人。?
马  丁:他们在哪儿工作??
市  长:他们在轮胎厂工作。?
马  丁:他们是谁??
市  长:他们是学生。?
马  丁:他们在哪儿学习??
市  长:他们在高中学习。?
马  丁:他们也是优秀的乐手呢!那些孩子是谁??
市  长:他们也是学生,他们正准备唱歌。?
市  长:看见那些男子了吗??
马  丁:看见了。他们是谁??
市  长:他们是木匠。?
马  丁:噢!是的,我知道了。?
市  长:我们这儿有许多木匠。?
马  丁:就是那些在马路上工作的人吧。?
市  长:是的。?
马  丁:那些妇女是干什么的??
市  长:她们是工人。?
马  丁:她们在哪儿工作??
市  长:她们在玻璃厂工作。?
马  丁:她们生产什么??
市  长:她们制造玻璃窗和挡风玻璃。?
马  丁:他们在哪儿工作??
市  长:在制瓶厂。?
马  丁:他们生产什么??
市  长:他们生产瓶子。?
马  丁:他们在哪儿工作??
市  长:他们在轮胎厂工作。?
马  丁:他们生产什么??
市  长:他们生产轮胎,你在哪儿工作??
马  丁:我在美国之音工作。谢谢你为我花的时间,沃克市长。

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

mayor   n. 市长?
expect   v. 等待,期望?
business   n. 企业?
battery   n. 电池?
tire   n. 轮胎?
glass   n. 玻璃?
windshield   n. 挡风玻璃?
plastic   n. 塑料?
bakery   n. 面包房?
bake   v. 烤?

Language Points 语言要点
1 . The Mayor is expecting you. 市长在等你。?
expect 是期待的意思,例如:?
I'm expecting a letter from him. 我在盼望他回信。 ?
2 . I'd like that. 我愿意那样。?
I'd=I would?
would like 是愿意的意思。?




MARTIN: Thank you. Thank you very much. That was wonderful.?
MUSICIAN: You're welcome. Do you like the violin??
MARTIN: I love the violin.?
MUSICIAN: Would you like some coffee or tea??
MARTIN: No, thanks. I want to ask you some questions.?
MARTIN: You're a young musician. How old are you??
MUSICIAN: I'm twenty-one years old.?
MARTIN: Do you have a family??
MUSICIAN: I have a family in Finland. I don't have a family here.?
MARTIN: Do you work? Do you have a job??
MUSICIAN: I'm a musician. I don't work now. I'm a student.?
MARTIN: Do you study at the university??
MUSICIAN: Yes, I do.?
MARTIN: Do you Practice at the university??
MUSICIAN: Yes. I Practice at home, too.?
MARTIN: Where do you live??
MUSICIAN: I live here. This is my home. Where do you live??
MARTIN: I live in Baltimore.?
MUSICIAN: Do you live in an apartment??
MARTIN: Yes, I do.?
MUSICIAN: This apartment is very small.?
MARTIN: I live in a small apartment, too. It's my home.?
MUSICIAN: I live in a big house in Finland. But this is my home here.?MARTIN: Did you play the violin in Finland??
MUSICIAN: Oh, yes, I did. I played for many years.?
MARTIN: Where did you play??
MUSICIAN: I played at school. And I played at home. My mother played the violin.
MARTIN: Did you play another musical instrument??
MUSICIAN: First, I played the piano. My father played the piano.?
MARTIN: Do you play the piano now??
MUSICIAN: No, I don't. I don't study. I don't Practice the piano now.?
MARTIN: When did you play the piano??
MUSICIAN: When I lived in Finland.?
MARTIN: How long did you play??
MUSICIAN: Ten years.?
MUSICIAN: Excuse me. Hello, Manny. Come in.?
MARTIN: Hello, I'm Martin Learner. How are you??
MANNY: Hi, I'm Manny.?
MUSICIAN: Mr. Learner is a reporter. Manny is my friend.?
MARTIN: I'm happy to meet you.?
MANNY: Thanks.?
MARTIN: Where is your home??
MANNY: Here.?
MARTIN: You live here in this apartment??
MANNY: No, no. I don't live in this apartment. I live here in Bloomington. My home is in Bloomington.?
MUSICIAN: My home is very small.?
MANNY: My home is very small, too.?

Practice 1:“home”是指你居住的地方,它可能是一所房子,也可能是一间公寓。询问你居住在哪,一般用:Where do you live? 你住在哪儿?回答是:I live... 我住在……
Examples:  MARTIN: Where do you live??
MUSICIAN: I live here. This is my home.?
MARTIN: Where do you live??
MANNY: I live in Bloomington.?
MUSICIAN: Where do you live??
MARTIN: I live in an apartment.?

会话A : 拜访音乐家?
马  丁:谢谢!非常感谢你。太棒了。?
马  丁:我喜爱小提琴。?
马  丁:不,谢谢。我想问你些问题。?
马  丁:你是个年轻的音乐家。你多大了??
马  丁:你成家了吗??
马  丁:你工作吗?你有工作吗??
马  丁:你在大学里学习吗??
马  丁:你在大学里练习吗??
马  丁:你住在哪儿??
马  丁:我住在巴尔的摩。?
马  丁:是的。?
马  丁:我也住一个小公寓。那是我的家。?
马  丁:你在芬兰拉小提琴吗??
马  丁:你在哪儿演奏??
马  丁:你演奏过其他乐器吗??
马  丁:你现在还弹吗??
马  丁:你什么时候弹钢琴??
马  丁:你弹了多久??
马  尼:你好!?
马  丁:你好,我是马丁·勒纳。你怎么样??
马  尼:嗯!我叫马尼。?
马  丁:很高兴认识你。?
马  尼:谢谢。?
马  丁:你家在哪儿??
马  尼:在这儿。?
马  丁:你在这个公寓里住??
马  尼:不,不,我不在这个公寓住。我在布鲁明顿住。?
马  尼:我的家里也很小。?

Conversation B?

MARTIN: Manny, where do you live in Bloomington??
MANNY: I live at five-twenty-six Hamilton Street.?
MARTIN: Do you live in a house??
MANNY: No, I don't.?
MARTIN: Do you live in a dormitory??
MANNY: No, I don't.?
MARTIN: Do you live in an apartment??
MANNY: Yes, I do. It's very small.?
MARTIN: How many rooms does it have??
MANNY: It has one large room and one very small room.?
MARTIN: That was beautiful.?
MANNY: He's very good.?
MUSICIAN: Thanks.?
MARTIN: Manny, what do you do??
MANNY: I'm a musician, too.?
MARTIN: Are you a student??
MANNY: Yes, I am. I study at the university.?
MARTIN: Do you play the violin??
MANNY: No, I don't.?
MUSICIAN: Yes, he does.?
MANNY: No, I don't.?
MUSICIAN: Yes, he does. But he's very bad.?
MANNY: Yes, I'm very bad.?
MARTIN: Where are you from??
MANNY: I'm from Brooklyn. My family is from Russia. It was their home.?MARTIN: Did you live in Russia??
MANNY: No, I didn't. My home was in Brooklyn.?
MARTIN: Did you play the violin in Brooklyn??
MANNY: Yes. I was very bad.?
MARTIN: What do you play now??
MANNY: I play the clarinet.?
MARTIN: Did your father play the clarinet??
MANNY: No, he didn't. He was a chemist.?
MARTIN: Did your mother play the clarinet??
MANNY: No, she didn't. But she was a musician. She was a singer.?
MARTIN: Do you play another musical instrument??
MANNY: Yes, I do. I play the guitar.?
MUSICIAN: He plays the mandolin, too.?
MUSICIAN: Excuse me. Teresa! Hi.?
MUSICIAN: This is Teresa.?
MANNY: Hi, Teresa.?
MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin. Are you a musician??
TERESA: No. I'm a teacher.?
MUSICIAN: She teaches at the high school.?
MARTIN: Do you live in Bloomington??
TERESA: Yes, I do.?
MUSICIAN: She lives in the apartment downstairs.?
TERESA: Manny, do you have your guitar??
MANNY: Yes, I do.?
TERESA: Play for us.?

Practice 2:询问对方是否住在一所房子里或一间宿舍里,用:Do you live in a(n)...? 你住在……里吗??
Examples:  MARTIN: Do you live in a house??
MANNY: No, I don't.?
MARTIN: Do you live in a dormitory??
MANNY: No, I don't.?
MARTIN: Do you live in an apartment??
MANNY: Yes, I do.?
MARTIN: Do you live in an apartment??
MUSICIAN: Yes, I do.?
MARTIN: Did you live in a house??
MUSICIAN: Yes, I lived in a house in Finland.?


马  丁:马尼,你在布鲁明顿的什么地方住??
马  尼:我住在汉弥尔顿街526号。?
马  丁:你住在一栋房子里吗??
马  尼:不。?
马  丁:你住宿舍吗??
马  尼:不。?
马  丁:你住公寓里吗??
马  尼:是的。很小的公寓。?
马  丁:有几间房??
马  尼:一间大屋和一个很小的屋。?
马  丁:很美。?
马  尼:他很棒。?
马  丁:马尼,你做什么工作??
马  尼:我也是个音乐家。?
马  丁:你是个学生吗??
马  尼:是的,我在大学里上学。?
马  丁:你拉小提琴吗??
马  尼:不。?
马  尼:不。?
马  尼:是的,我很差劲。?
马  丁:你来自什么地方??
马  尼:我是布鲁克林人。祖籍是俄罗斯,那是我家人的家。?
马  丁:你住在俄罗斯吗??
马  尼:不。我家在布鲁克林。?
马  丁:你在布鲁克林拉小提琴吗??
马  尼:是的。我很差劲。?
马  丁:你现在干什么呢??
马  尼:我吹单簧管。?
马  丁:你父亲吹单簧管吗??
马  尼:不。他是个化学家。?
马  丁:你母亲吹单簧管吗??
马  尼:不。但她是个音乐家。她是个唱歌的。?
马  丁:你还演奏其他乐器吗??
马  尼:是的。我弹吉他。?
马  尼:你好,特雷萨。?
马  丁:你好,我叫马丁。你是个音乐家吗??
马  丁:你住在布鲁明顿吗??
马  尼:是的。?
马  尼:好的。

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

apartment   n. 公寓?
instrument   n. 乐器?
dormitory   n. 宿舍?
clarinet   n. 单簧管?
guitar    n. 吉它?
mandolin   n. 曼陀铃琴?

Proper Nouns 专有名词?
Finland   芬兰?
Bloomington    布鲁明顿?
Teresa   (是 Theresa 的异体)?

Language Points 语言要点?

1 . I play the piano. 我弹钢琴。?
在乐器前面要加定冠词 the。例如:?
I play the guitar. 我弹吉它。?
He plays the clarinet. 我吹黑管。?
She plays the violin. 她拉小提琴。?
2 . Do you play another musical instrument??你演奏其它乐器吗??
another 再一个,又一个,另外一个。?






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