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原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 16 Key-Value Coding

Keyvalue coding, affectionately known as KVC to its friends, is a way of changing an object’s state indirectly, by using strings to describe what piece of object state to change. Introducing KVC ???

2013-12-31 10:37:57 918

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 15 File Loading and Saving

Property Lists In Cocoa, there is a class of objects known as property list objects, frequently abbreviated as plist. These lists contain a small set of objects that Cocoa knows how to do stuff with,

2013-12-31 07:53:12 754

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 13 Protocols

Chapter 13 Protocols A formal protocol is a named list of methods. You adopt a protocol by listing the protocol’s name in your class’s @interface declaration. When you do this, your class is said

2013-12-30 12:18:46 464

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 10 - 12 Initialization Property Category

Chapter 10 Object Initialization Allocating Objects Allocation is the process by which a new object is born. alloc also conveniently initializes all the memory to 0. All your BOOLs start out as

2013-12-27 11:09:35 566

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 9 Memory Management

Object Life Cycle Reference Counting Every object has an integer associated with it, known as its reference count or retain count. When an object is created via alloc or new, or via a copy messa

2013-12-25 03:39:32 641

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 8 Foundation Kit

Chapter 8 Foundation Kit Cocoa is actually composed of two different frameworks: Foundation and Application Kit. Cocoa’s Foundation framework has a bunch of useful low- level, data- oriented class

2013-12-24 02:11:09 738

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 5 ~ 7

Chapter 5 Composition In Objective- C, you compose by including pointers to objects as instance variables. @interface Unicycle : NSObject { Pedal *pedal; Tire *tire; } @end // UnicycleStrict

2013-12-21 11:57:20 567

原创 !!!Chapter 4 The Medium Access Control Sublayer

Network links can be divided into two categories: Point-to-point connectionsBroadcast channels (It's also known as) multiaccess channelsrandom access channels MAC: Medium Access Control de

2013-12-20 06:14:57 811

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 2 ~ 4

Xcode uses the .m extension to indicate a file that holds Objective- C code and will be processed by the Objective- C compiler. File names ending in .c are handled by the C compiler, and .cpp files ar

2013-12-18 04:43:04 531

原创 Xcode

Archive archive can be used to generate .ipa file without a real device. The .ipa file can be used to create OTA link http://help.testflightapp.com/customer/portal/articles/1333914-how-to-create-a

2013-12-18 00:38:27 426

原创 !!!Chapter 3 The Data Link Layer

3.1 Data Link Layer Design Issues Providing a well-defined service interface to the network layer.Dealing with transmission errors.Regulating the flow of data so that slow receivers are not swamped

2013-12-12 02:33:23 804

原创 !!!Chapter 2 The Physical Layer

2.1 The Theoretical Basis for Data Communication Fourier Analysis: Any reasonably behaved periodic function, g(t) with period T, can be constructed as the sum of a number of sines and cosines. The

2013-12-09 02:59:47 663

原创 !!!Chapter 1 Introduction

Computer network: a collection of autonomous computers interconnected by a single technology. Interconnect: two computers are said to be interconnected if they are able to exchange information.

2013-12-04 06:32:29 911



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