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原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 16 Key-Value Coding

Keyvalue coding, affectionately known as KVC to its friends, is a way of changing an object’s state indirectly, by using strings to describe what piece of object state to change.Introducing KVC ???

2013-12-31 10:37:57 918

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 15 File Loading and Saving

Property ListsIn Cocoa, there is a class of objects known as property list objects, frequently abbreviated as plist. These lists contain a small set of objects that Cocoa knows how to do stuff with,

2013-12-31 07:53:12 755

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 13 Protocols

Chapter 13 ProtocolsA formal protocol is a named list of methods.You adopt a protocol by listing the protocol’s name in your class’s @interface declaration. When you do this, your class is said

2013-12-30 12:18:46 465

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 10 - 12 Initialization Property Category

Chapter 10 Object InitializationAllocating ObjectsAllocation is the process by which a new object is born. alloc also conveniently initializes all the memory to 0.All your BOOLs start out as

2013-12-27 11:09:35 567

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 9 Memory Management

Object Life CycleReference CountingEvery object has an integer associated with it, known as its reference count orretain count.When an object is created via alloc or new, or via a copy messa

2013-12-25 03:39:32 642

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 8 Foundation Kit

Chapter 8 Foundation KitCocoa is actually composed of two different frameworks: Foundation and Application Kit.Cocoa’s Foundation framework has a bunch of useful low- level, data- oriented class

2013-12-24 02:11:09 739

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 5 ~ 7

Chapter 5 CompositionIn Objective- C, you compose by including pointers to objects as instance variables.@interface Unicycle : NSObject{ Pedal *pedal; Tire *tire;}@end // UnicycleStrict

2013-12-21 11:57:20 567

原创 !!!Chapter 4 The Medium Access Control Sublayer

Network links can be divided into two categories:Point-to-point connectionsBroadcast channels (It's also known as)multiaccess channelsrandom access channelsMAC: Medium Access Controlde

2013-12-20 06:14:57 811

原创 !!!Obj-c on Mac --- Chapter 2 ~ 4

Xcode uses the .m extension to indicate a file that holds Objective- C code and will be processed by the Objective- C compiler. File names ending in .c are handled by the C compiler, and .cpp files ar

2013-12-18 04:43:04 531

原创 Xcode

Archivearchive can be used to generate .ipa file without a real device. The .ipa file can be used to create OTA linkhttp://help.testflightapp.com/customer/portal/articles/1333914-how-to-create-a

2013-12-18 00:38:27 426

原创 !!!Chapter 3 The Data Link Layer

3.1 Data Link Layer Design IssuesProviding a well-defined service interface to the network layer.Dealing with transmission errors.Regulating the flow of data so that slow receivers are not swamped

2013-12-12 02:33:23 804

原创 !!!Chapter 2 The Physical Layer

2.1 The Theoretical Basis for Data CommunicationFourier Analysis: Any reasonably behaved periodic function, g(t) with period T, can be constructed as the sum of a number of sines and cosines.The

2013-12-09 02:59:47 663

原创 !!!Chapter 1 Introduction

Computer network: a collection of autonomous computers interconnected by a single technology.Interconnect: two computers are said to be interconnected if they are able to exchange information.

2013-12-04 06:32:29 911



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