The Responder Chain

The Responder Chain

A responder is an object that knows how to receive UIEvents directly (see the previous section). It knows this because it is an instance of UIResponder or a UIResponder subclass.If you examine the Cocoa class hierarchy, you’ll find that just about any class that has anything to do with display on the screen is a responder. A UIView is a responder. A UIWindow is a responder. A UIViewController is a responder.Even a UIApplication is a responder. In iOS 5 and later, the app delegate is a responder.

If you look in the documentation for the UIResponder class, you’ll find that it implements four low-level methods for receiving touch-related UIEvents: touchesBegan:withEvent:, touchesMoved:withEvent:, touchesEnded:withEvent: and touchesCancelled:withEvent:. These are called to notify a responder of a touch event. No matter how your code ultimately hears about a user-related touch event — indeed, even if your codenever hears about a touch event (because Cocoa reacted in some automatic way to the touch, without your code’s intervention) — the touch was initially communicated to a responder through one of these methods.

The mechanism for this communication starts by deciding which responder the user touched. The UIView methods hitTest:withEvent: and pointInside:withEvent: are called until the correct view (thehit-test view) is located. Then UIApplication’s sendEvent: method is called, which calls UIWindow’s sendEvent:, which calls the correct method of the hit-test view (a responder).

The responders in your app participate in a responder chain, which essentially links them up through the view hierarchy. A UIView can sit inside another UIView, itssuperview, and so on until we reach the app’s UIWindow (a UIView that has no superview). The responder chain, from bottom to top, looks like this:

  1. The UIView that we start with (here, the hit-test view).
  2. The UIViewController that controls that UIView, if there is one.
  3. The UIView’s superview, and then its UIViewController if there is one. Repeat this step, moving up the superview hierarchy one superview at a time, until we reach…
  4. The UIWindow.
  5. The UIApplication.
  6. The UIApplication’s delegate.

Deferring Responsibility

The responder chain can be used to let a responder defer responsibility for handling a touch event. If a responder receives a touch event and can’t handle it, the event can be passed up the responder chain to look for a responder thatcan handle it. This can happen in two main ways:

  • The responder doesn’t implement the relevant method.
  • The responder implements the relevant method to call super.

One of my apps is a game that’s a simple jigsaw puzzle: a rectangular photo is divided into smaller pieces, and the pieces are shuffled. The background view is a UIView subclass called Board; the puzzle pieces are generic UIView objects, and are subviews of the Board. Knowledge of how a piece should respond when tapped resides in the Board, which knows the overall layout of the pieces; thus, I don’t need a puzzle piece to contain any tap detection logic. Therefore I take advantage of the responder chain to defer responsibility: the puzzle pieces don’t implement any touch methods, and a tap on a puzzle piece falls through to the Board, whichdoes perform touch detection and handles the tap, and tells the tapped piece what to do. The user, of course, knows nothing about that:outwardly, you touch a piece and the piece responds.

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