


Research on Image Quality Assessment

Lin Zhang, School of Software Engineering, Tongji University

Lei Zhang, Dept. Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Key words: image quality assessment, IQA, FSIM, FSIMC, SSIM, VIF, MS-SSIM, IW-SSIM, IFC, PSNR, NQM, VSNR, SR_SIM, MAD, GSM, RFSIM


Image quality assessment (IQA) aims to use computational models to measure the image quality consistently with subjective evaluations. With the rapid proliferation of digital imaging and communication technologies, image quality assessment (IQA) has been becoming an important issue in numerous applications such as image acquisition, transmission, compression, restoration and enhancement, etc. Since the subjective IQA methods cannot be readily and routinely used for many scenarios, e.g. real-time and automated systems, it is necessary to develop objective IQA metrics to automatically and robustly measure the image quality. Meanwhile, it is anticipated that the evaluation results should be statistically consistent with those of the human observers. To this end, the scientific community has developed various IQA methods in the past decades. This website aims to provide enough basic knowledge of IQA to the beginners in this direction.

What are different categories of IQA problems?

According to the availability of a reference image, objective IQA metrics can be classified as full reference (FR), no-reference (NR) and reduced-reference (RR) methods.

Full Reference (FR) IQA  In FR IQA problem, the distortion free image is given. Such an image usually is considered to have a "perfect" quality and is called "reference image" in IQA terminologies. Then, a set of its distorted versions are also provided. Your task is to present a computerized algorithm to evaluate the perceptual quality of each distorted image.

Reduced Reference (RR) IQA  In RR IQA problem, the distorted image is of course given. The reference image is not available; however, partial information of the reference image is known. What kind of information is known of the reference image depends on your algorithm's scheme. Such RR algorithms can be useful in applications such as real-time visual information communications over wired or wireless networks, where they can be adopted to monitor image quality degradations or control the network streaming resources. The general framework explaining how an RR IQA metric works can be illustrated by the following figure, which is extracted from the paper "Q. Li, Z. Wang, Reduced-reference image quality assessment using divisive normalization-based image representation, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 202-211, 2009".

No Reference (NR) IQA  In NR IQA problem, only the distorted image is given. Or more accurately in such a case, we cannot call it as "distorted" image since we do not know the corresponding distortion-free reference image. You need to design an algorithm to evaluate the quality of the given image. NR is the most difficult IQA problems. To the best of my knowledge, there is no successful universal NR IQA algorithms currently. Most of the existing NR IQA metrics assume that the distortion affecting the image is known beforehand. For example, there exist NR IQA metrics to evaluate the quality of JPEG, JPEG2000, or blurred images.

How to evaluate IQA metrics?

If you want to evaluate the performance of existing IQA metrics or to compare your proposed IQA metric wi

目 录 第一章 引言 1 1.1 图像质量评价的定义 1 1.2 研究对象 1 1.3 方法分类 2 1.4 研究意义 3 第二章 历史发展和研究现状 4 2.1 基于手工特征提取的图像质量评价 4 2.1.1 基于可视误差的“自底向上”模型 4 Daly模型 4 Watson’s DCT模型 5 存在的问题 5 2.1.2 基于HVS的“自顶向下”模型 5 结构相似性方法 6 信息论方法 8 存在的问题 9 2.2 基于深度学习的图像质量评价 10 2.2.1 CNN模型 10 2.2.2 多任务CNN模型 12 2.2.3 研究重点 15 第三章 图像质量评价数据集和性能指标 16 3.1 图像质量评价数据集简介 16 3.2 图像质量评价模型性能指标 17 第四章 总结与展望 19 4.1 归纳总结 19 4.2 未来展望 19 参考文献 21 第一章 引言 随着现代科技的发展,诸如智能手机,平板电脑和数码相机之类的消费电子产品快速普及,已经产生了大量的数字图像。作为一种更自然的交流方式,图像中的信息相较于文本更加丰富。信息化时代的到来使图像实现了无障碍传输,图像在现代社会工商业的应用越来越广泛和深入,是人们生活中最基本的信息传播手段,也是机器学习的重要信息源。 图像质量图像系统的核心价值,此外,它也是图像系统技术水平的最高层次。但是,对图像的有损压缩、采集和传输等过程会很容易导致图像质量下降的问题。例如:在拍摄图像过程中,机械系统的抖动、光学系统的聚焦模糊以及电子系统的热噪声等都会造成图像不够清晰;在图像存储和传输过程中,由于庞大的数据量和有限通讯带宽的矛盾,图像需要进行有损压缩编码,这也会导致振铃效应、模糊效应和块效应等图像退化现象的出现。所以,可以说图像降质在图像系统的各个层面都会很频繁地出现,对图像质量作出相应的客观评价是十分重要且有意义的。为了满足用户在各种应用中对图像质量的要求,也便于开发者们维持、控制和强化图像质量图像质量评价(Image Quality Assessment,IQA)是一种对图像所受到的质量退化进行辨识和量化的
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