
本文深入探讨了Android系统的像素格式,包括RGBA、RGB、YUV等常见格式的定义,以及它们在色彩空间中的应用。特别提到了Android Camera默认的NV21格式,并解析了HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12、HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_Y8和HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_Y16等格式的详细结构和特点。此外,还介绍了RAW传感器格式如RAW16和RAW10的像素布局和使用场景。
Android Camera默认输出的就是NV21格式。对android的像素格式进行了整理,有利于加深了对色彩空间的理解。
android 像素格式定义:
45typedef enum android_pixel_format {
46    /*
47     * "linear" color pixel formats:
48     *
49     * When used with ANativeWindow, the dataSpace field describes the color
50     * space of the buffer.
51     *
52     * The color space determines, for example, if the formats are linear or
53     * gamma-corrected; or whether any special operations are performed when
54     * reading or writing into a buffer in one of these formats.
55     */
56    HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888          = 1,
57    HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888          = 2,
58    HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888            = 3,
59    HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565            = 4,
60    HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888          = 5,
62    /*
63     * 0x100 - 0x1FF
64     *
65     * This range is reserved for pixel formats that are specific to the HAL
66     * implementation.  Implementations can use any value in this range to
67     * communicate video pixel formats between their HAL modules.  These formats
68     * must not have an alpha channel.  Additionally, an EGLimage created from a
69     * gralloc buffer of one of these formats must be supported for use with the
70     * GL_OES_EGL_image_external OpenGL ES extension.
71     */
73    /*
74     * Android YUV format:
75     *
76     * This format is exposed outside of the HAL to software decoders and
77     * applications.  EGLImageKHR must support it in conjunction with the
78     * OES_EGL_image_external extension.
79     *
80     * YV12 is a 4:2:0 YCrCb planar format comprised of a WxH Y plane followed
81     * by (W/2) x (H/2) Cr and Cb planes.
82     *
83     * This format assumes
84     * - an even width
85     * - an even height
86     * - a horizontal stride multiple of 16 pixels
87     * - a vertical stride equal to the height
88     *
89     *   y_size = stride * height
90     *   c_stride = ALIGN(stride/2, 16)
91     *   c_size = c_stride * height/2
92     *   size = y_size + c_size * 2
93     *   cr_offset = y_size
94     *   cb_offset = y_size + c_size
95     *
96     * When used with ANativeWindow, the dataSpace field describes the color
97     * space of the buffer.
98     */
99    HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12   = 0x32315659, // YCrCb 4:2:0 Planar
102    /*
103     * Android Y8 format:
104     *
105     * This format is exposed outside of the HAL to the framework.
106     * The expected gralloc usage flags are SW_* and HW_CAMERA_*,
107     * and no other HW_ flags will be used.
108     *
109     * Y8 is a YUV planar format comprised of a WxH Y plane,
110     * with each pixel being represented by 8 bits.
111     *
112     * It is equivalent to just the Y plane from YV12.
113     *
114     * This format assumes
115     * - an even width
116     * - an even height
117     * - a horizontal stride multiple of 16 pixels
118     * - a vertical stride equal to the height
119     *
120     *   size = stride * height
121     *
122     * When used with ANativeWindow, the dataSpace field describes the color
123     * space of the buffer.
124     */
125    HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_Y8     = 0x20203859,
127    /*
128     * Android Y16 format:
129     *
130     * This format is exposed outside of the HAL to the framework.
131     * The expected gralloc usage flags are SW_* and HW_CAMERA_*,
132     * and no other HW_ flags will be used.
133     *
134     * Y16 is a YUV planar format comprised of a WxH Y plane,
135     * with each pixel being represented by 16 bits.
136     *
137     * It is just like Y8, but has double the bits per pixel (little endian).
138     *
139     * This format assumes
140     * - an even width
141     * - an even height
142     * - a horizontal stride multiple of 16 pixels
143     * - a vertical stride equal to the height
144     * - strides are specified in pixels, not in bytes
145     *
146     *   size = stride * height * 2
147     *
148     * When used with ANativeWindow, the dataSpace field describes the color
149     * space of the buffer, except that dataSpace field
150     * HAL_DATASPACE_DEPTH indicates that this buffer contains a depth
151     * image where each sample is a distance value measured by a depth camera,
152     * plus an associated confidence value.
153     */
154    HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_Y16    = 0x20363159,
156    /*
157     * Android RAW sensor format:
158     *
159     * This format is exposed outside of the camera HAL to applications.
160     *
161     * RAW16 is a single-channel, 16-bit, little endian format, typically
162     * representing raw Bayer-pattern images from an image sensor, with minimal
163     * processing.
164     *
165     * The exact pixel layout of the data in the buffer is sensor-dependent, and
166     * needs to be queried from the camera device.
167     *
168     * Generally, not all 16 bits are used; more common values are 10 or 12
169     * bits. If not all bits are used, the lower-order bits are filled first.
170     * All parameters to interpret the raw data (black and white points,
171     * color space, etc) must be queried from the camera device.
172     *
173     * This format assumes
174     * - an even width
175     * - an even height
176     * - a horizontal stride multiple of 16 pixels
177     * - a vertical stride equal to the height
178     * - strides are specified in pixels, not in bytes
179     *
180     *   size = stride * height * 2
181     *
182     * This format must be accepted by the gralloc module when used with




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