
std::forward_list是在C++11中引入的单向链表或叫正向列表。forward_list具有插入、删除表项速度快、消耗内存空间少的特点,但只能向前遍历。与其它序列容器(array、vector、deque)相比,forward_list在容器内任意位置的成员的插入、提取(extracting)、移动、删除操作的速度更快,因此被广泛用于排序算法。forward_list是一个允许在序列中任何一处位置以常量耗时插入或删除元素的顺序容器(sequence container)。forward_list可以看作是对C语言风格的单链表的封装,仅提供有限的接口,和C中它的实现相比,基本上不会有任何开销。当不需要双向迭代的时候,与std::list相比,该容器具有更高的空间利用率。

forward_list的主要缺点是不能在常量时间内随机访问任意成员,对成员的访问需要线性时间代价;以及存储链接信息需要消耗内存,特别是当包含大量的小规模成员时。forward_list处于效率考虑,有意不提供size()成员函数。获取forward_list所包含的成员个数需要用std::distance(_begin, _end)算法。forward_list中的每个元素保存了定位前一个元素及后一个元素的信息,不能进行直接随机访问操作。

Forward lists are sequence containers that allow constant time insert and erase operations anywhere within the sequence. Forward lists are implemented as singly-linked lists; Singly linked lists can store each of the elements they contain indifferent and unrelated storage locations. The ordering is kept by the association to each element of a link to the next element in the sequence.

 Compared to other base standard sequence containers (array, vector and deque), forward_list perform generally better in inserting, extracting and moving elements in any position within the container, and therefore also in algorithms that make intensive use of these, like sorting algorithms.

The main drawback of forward_lists and lists compared to these other sequence containers is that they lack direct access to the elements by their position;For example, to access the sixth element in a forward_list one has to iterate from the beginning to that position, which takes linear time in the distance between these. They also consume some extra memory to keep the linking information associated to each element (which may be an important factor for large lists of small-sized elements). 

一个容器就是一些特定类型对象的集合。顺序容器(sequential container)为程序员提供了控制元素存储和访问顺序的能力。这种顺序不依赖于元素的值,而是与元素加入容器时的位置相对应。


























#include "forward_list.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <forward_list>
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include <cmath>

// reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/forward_list/forward_list/
template<class Container>
static Container by_two(const Container& x)
	Container temp(x);
	for (auto& x : temp) x *= 2;
	return temp;

// a predicate implemented as a function:
static bool single_digit(const int& value) { return (value<10); }

// a predicate implemented as a class:
class is_odd_class
	bool operator() (const int& value) { return (value % 2) == 1; }
} is_odd_object;

// a binary predicate implemented as a function:
static bool same_integral_part(double first, double second)
	return (int(first) == int(second));

// a binary predicate implemented as a class:
class is_near_class
	bool operator() (double first, double second)
		return (fabs(first - second)<5.0);
} is_near_object;

int test_forward_list_1()
{ // forward_list::forward_list: Constructs a forward_list container object,
  // initializing its contents depending on the constructor version used
	std::forward_list<int> first;                      // default: empty
	std::forward_list<int> second(3, 77);              // fill: 3 seventy-sevens
	std::forward_list<int> third(second.begin(), second.end()); // range initialization
	std::forward_list<int> fourth(third);            // copy constructor
	std::forward_list<int> fifth(std::move(fourth));  // move ctor. (fourth wasted)
	std::forward_list<int> sixth = { 3, 52, 25, 90 };    // initializer_list constructor

	std::cout << "first:"; for (int& x : first)  std::cout << " " << x; std::cout << '\n';
	std::cout << "second:"; for (int& x : second) std::cout << " " << x; std::cout << '\n';
	std::cout << "third:";  for (int& x : third)  std::cout << " " << x; std::cout << '\n';
	std::cout << "fourth:"; for (int& x : fourth) std::cout << " " << x; std::cout << '\n';
	std::cout << "fifth:";  for (int& x : fifth)  std::cout << " " << x; std::cout << '\n';
	std::cout << "sixth:";  for (int& x : sixth)  std::cout << " " << x; std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::assign: Assigns new contents to the forward_list container,
  // replacing its current contents, and modifying its size accordingly
	std::forward_list<int> first;
	std::forward_list<int> second;

	first.assign(4, 15);                           // 15 15 15 15

	second.assign(first.begin(), first.end());     // 15 15 15 15

	first.assign({ 77, 2, 16 });                  // 77 2 16

	std::cout << "first contains: ";
	for (int& x : first) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

	std::cout << "second contains: ";
	for (int& x : second) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::before_begin: Returns an iterator pointing to the position before the first element in the container.
  // forward_list::cbefore_begin: Returns a const_iterator pointing to the position before the first element in the container.
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 20, 30, 40, 50 };

	mylist.insert_after(mylist.before_begin(), 11);
	mylist.insert_after(mylist.cbefore_begin(), 19);

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::begin: Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the forward_list container.
  // forward_list::cbegin: Returns a const_iterator pointing to the first element in the container.
  // forward_list::end: Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the forward_list container
  // forward_list::cend: Returns a const_iterator pointing to the past-the-end element in the forward_list container
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 34, 77, 16, 2 };

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (auto it = mylist.begin(); it != mylist.end(); ++it)
		std::cout << ' ' << *it;
	for (auto it = mylist.cbegin(); it != mylist.cend(); ++it)
		std::cout << ' ' << *it;   // cannot modify *it
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::clear: Removes all elements from the forward_list container (which are destroyed),
  // and leaving the container with a size of 0
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 10, 20, 30 };

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

	mylist.insert_after(mylist.before_begin(), { 100, 200 });

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::emplace_after: The container is extended by inserting a new element after the element at position.
  // This new element is constructed in place using args as the arguments for its construction.
  // forward_list::emplace_front: Inserts a new element at the beginning of the forward_list, right before its current first element.
  // This new element is constructed in place using args as the arguments for its construction.
	std::forward_list< std::pair<int, char> > mylist;
	auto it = mylist.before_begin();

	it = mylist.emplace_after(it, 100, 'x');
	it = mylist.emplace_after(it, 200, 'y');
	it = mylist.emplace_after(it, 300, 'z');

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (auto& x : mylist)
		std::cout << " (" << x.first << "," << x.second << ")";
	std::cout << std::endl;

	mylist.emplace_front(10, 'a');
	mylist.emplace_front(20, 'b');
	mylist.emplace_front(30, 'c');

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (auto& x : mylist)
		std::cout << " (" << x.first << "," << x.second << ")";
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::empty: Returns a bool value indicating whether the forward_list container is empty, i.e. whether its size is 0
	std::forward_list<int> first;
	std::forward_list<int> second = { 20, 40, 80 };
	std::cout << "first " << (first.empty() ? "is empty" : "is not empty") << std::endl;
	std::cout << "second " << (second.empty() ? "is empty" : "is not empty") << std::endl;

{ // forward_list::erase_after: Removes from the forward_list container either a single element (the one after position) or a range of elements 
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };

						  // 10 20 30 40 50
	auto it = mylist.begin();                 // ^

	it = mylist.erase_after(it);              // 10 30 40 50
						  //    ^
	it = mylist.erase_after(it, mylist.end()); // 10 30
						   //       ^

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::front: Returns a reference to the first element in the forward_list container.
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 2, 16, 77 };

	mylist.front() = 11;

	std::cout << "mylist now contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;

	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::insert_after: The container is extended by inserting new elements after the element at position
	std::array<int, 3> myarray = { 11, 22, 33 };
	std::forward_list<int> mylist;
	std::forward_list<int>::iterator it;

	it = mylist.insert_after(mylist.before_begin(), 10);          // 10
								      //  ^  <- it
	it = mylist.insert_after(it, 2, 20);                          // 10 20 20
								      //        ^
	it = mylist.insert_after(it, myarray.begin(), myarray.end()); // 10 20 20 11 22 33
								      //                 ^
	it = mylist.begin();                                             //  ^
	it = mylist.insert_after(it, { 1, 2, 3 });                        // 10 1 2 3 20 20 11 22 33
									  //        ^

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::max_size: Returns the maximum number of elements that the forward_list container can hold
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 2, 16, 77 };
	std::cout << "mylist max size:" << mylist.max_size() << std::endl;

{ // forward_list::merge: Merges x into the forward_list by transferring all of its elements at their respective ordered positions
  // into the container (both containers shall already be ordered)
  // forward_list::sort: Sorts the elements in the forward_list, altering their position within the container
	std::forward_list<double> first = { 4.2, 2.9, 3.1 };
	std::forward_list<double> second = { 1.4, 7.7, 3.1 };
	std::forward_list<double> third = { 6.2, 3.7, 7.1 };


	std::cout << "first contains:";
	for (double& x : first) std::cout << " " << x;
	std::cout << std::endl;

	first.merge(third, std::greater<double>());

	std::cout << "first contains:";
	for (double& x : first) std::cout << " " << x;
	std::cout << std::endl;

{ // forward_list::operator=: Assigns new contents to the container, replacing its current contents
	std::forward_list<int> first(4);      // 4 ints
	std::forward_list<int> second(3, 5);   // 3 ints with value 5

	first = second;                        // copy assignment
	second = by_two(first);                // move assignment

	std::cout << "first: ";
	for (int& x : first) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

	std::cout << "second: ";
	for (int& x : second) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::pop_front: Removes the first element in the forward_list container, effectively reducing its size by one.
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 10, 20, 30, 40 };

	std::cout << "Popping out the elements in mylist:";
	while (!mylist.empty()) {
		std::cout << ' ' << mylist.front();

	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::push_front: Inserts a new element at the beginning of the forward_list, right before its current first element.
  // The content of val is copied (or moved) to the inserted element
	using namespace std;

	forward_list<int> mylist = { 77, 2, 16 };

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::remove: Removes from the container all the elements that compare equal to val.
  // This calls the destructor of these objects and reduces the container size by the number of elements removed
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 30, 20, 10 };


	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::remove_if: Removes from the container all the elements for which Predicate pred returns true.
  // This calls the destructor of these objects and reduces the container size by the number of elements removed.
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 7, 80, 7, 15, 85, 52, 6 };

	mylist.remove_if(single_digit);      // 80 15 85 52

	mylist.remove_if(is_odd_object);     // 80 52

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::resize: Resizes the container to contain n elements
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
				      // 10 20 30 40 50
	mylist.resize(3);             // 10 20 30
	mylist.resize(5, 100);        // 10 20 30 100 100

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::reverse: Reverses the order of the elements in the forward_list container.
	std::forward_list<int> mylist = { 10, 20, 30, 40 };


	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (int& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::splice_after: Transfers elements from fwdlst into the container inserting them after the element pointed by position.
	std::forward_list<int> first = { 1, 2, 3 };
	std::forward_list<int> second = { 10, 20, 30 };

	auto it = first.begin();  // points to the 1

	first.splice_after(first.before_begin(), second);
	// first: 10 20 30 1 2 3
	// second: (empty)
	// "it" still points to the 1 (now first's 4th element)

	second.splice_after(second.before_begin(), first, first.begin(), it);
	// first: 10 1 2 3
	// second: 20 30

	first.splice_after(first.before_begin(), second, second.begin());
	// first: 30 10 1 2 3
	// second: 20
	// * notice that what is moved is AFTER the iterator

	std::cout << "first contains:";
	for (int& x : first) std::cout << " " << x;
	std::cout << std::endl;

	std::cout << "second contains:";
	for (int& x : second) std::cout << " " << x;
	std::cout << std::endl;

{ // forward_list::swap: Exchanges the content of the container by the content of fwdlst,
	// which is another forward_list object of the same type. Sizes may differ
	std::forward_list<int> first = { 10, 20, 30 };
	std::forward_list<int> second = { 100, 200 };
	std::forward_list<int>::iterator it;

	std::swap(first, second);

	std::cout << "first contains:";
	for (int& x : first) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

	std::cout << "second contains:";
	for (int& x : second) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // forward_list::unique: Remove duplicate values
	std::forward_list<double> mylist = { 15.2, 73.0, 3.14, 15.85, 69.5,
					     73.0, 3.99, 15.2, 69.2, 18.5 };

	mylist.sort();                       //   3.14,  3.99, 15.2, 15.2, 15.85
					     //  18.5,  69.2,  69.5, 73.0, 73.0

	mylist.unique();                     //   3.14,  3.99, 15.2, 15.85
					      //  18.5,  69.2,  69.5, 73.0

	mylist.unique(same_integral_part);  //  3.14, 15.2, 18.5,  69.2, 73.0

	mylist.unique(is_near_object);      //  3.14, 15.2, 69.2

	std::cout << "mylist contains:";
	for (double& x : mylist) std::cout << ' ' << x;
	std::cout << '\n';

{ // Performs the appropriate comparison operation between the forward_list containers lhs and rhs.
	std::forward_list<int> a = { 10, 20, 30 };
	std::forward_list<int> b = { 10, 20, 30 };
	std::forward_list<int> c = { 30, 20, 10 };

	if (a == b) std::cout << "a and b are equal\n";
	if (b != c) std::cout << "b and c are not equal\n";
	if (b<c) std::cout << "b is less than c\n";
	if (c>b) std::cout << "c is greater than b\n";
	if (a <= b) std::cout << "a is less than or equal to b\n";
	if (a >= b) std::cout << "a is greater than or equal to b\n";

{ // get forward_list elements size
	std::forward_list<int> a = { 10, 20, 30 };

	size_t size = std::distance(a.begin(), a.end());
	std::cout << "a size: " << size << std::endl;

	return 0;





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