3D in ios





How would I go about adding a 3D object from Maya into an iOS app? For now, before it gets too complicated, I just want to add it in, no response to touch yet. Is there a tutorial about this? Thanks!

Edit: It doesn't necessarily have to be Maya. I can learn how to use another program.




Go to Xcode and start an OpenGL-ES Project.

Export your maya-model to *.obj(Wavefront)-format and use Jeff Lamarches obj-loader to create c-header files that you can include into your iPhone project!


The link to the google-project page in the post is under "right here": code.google.com/p/iphonewavefrontloader Bersaelor Jul 15 '11 at 18:13


Molecules is a great open source iOS app that uses OpenGL ES to render 3D objects that have nice touch interaction. Maybe that would be a good starting point.

如果做一个产品,需要客户提供很多的3d模型 数据/图片,那么要么选择提供如此的服务,要么就不要做了,否则客户抓狂了。。。



  1. You can purchase a bundle with both the Android 3D Globe and iPhone 3D Globe Source Code
  2. For simplification of our licensing structure if you are doing the development for a client the license will reside with that client. If you want to put it in your own apps and a client app you need to purchase 2 licenses.
  3. You can also simply hire us to implement the 3D globe into an existing iPhone app or an existing project in development.
  4. Our core business is the development of iPhone and Android apps for clients. One option would be to hire us to develop the entire app from start to finish including the use of the 3D globe.

Arqball Spin is a strangely-named iOS app that does something pretty magical: It will create fully spinnable 3D models from real-life objects. The app is available to download right now, so you can go and check it out for free. Engadget played with both the app and a stage (more on that in a second), and they have examples and video of how the app works. The model looks pretty great, even just viewed in a web browser.



2 good 3d sdks for iphone:

sio2interactive and oolong.

The sio2interactive has great video  and src tutorials on their site. It will help with blender and model export and render - gets you to right to game development. The src is all in c for sio2 and the code is commented very well. It is a great place to begin learning 3d and opengles. Blender to sio2 export is WYSIWYG.

Doing  all this from scratch and you will have to know how to export and import the models yourself. So both great libs for someone getting started.


The next thing I'd encourage is for you to challenge yourself in the development of your application.  If you can write it in under two weeks, don't bother.  Almost all of the low-hanging fruit has been plucked in the App Store, with decent free versions of most ideas.  A talented developer can differentiate himself from the crowd by writing an application that's difficult to do a good free implementation of.  In particular, I'd love to see more applications aimed at scientists, engineers, and even students.


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