Pygame之Tutorials - Windows Executables

Pygame Tutorials
Windows Executables


by Pete Shinners

Revision 1.2, January 28th, 2002


One drawback to creating your game with pygame is the large amount of dependencies that your game requires. In order for people to play your game, they need a lot of libraries installed. For unix users, this isn't too bad, since most unix distributions come with their own package and dependency management system. On Windows there is nothing like this, and it is more difficult for a Windows user to just download your python source and run your game.
The best solution is to create a collection of all the needed files for your game to run. With python this can mean a lot of files. This document will show you the tools you need to create a standalone version of your game. It is not difficult.

Download The Tools

The first thing you need to do is download the tools to build the executable. We will use the excellent PY2EXE tool. This package extends the distutils to turn your python code into an executable. You can grab the latest version from the PY2EXE page. It uses a simple windows installer to manage the installation.
首先你要去下载一个工具才能创建包。我们将使用PY2EXE这个工具。这个扩展模块在distutils机制的基础上,将你的python代码转换成一个可执行文件。你可以访问 PY2EXE页面去缺德最新版本。它使用一个windows安装程序来进行安装操作。
To use PY2EXE you'll need to create a simple distutils script to run it. I've created a version of this script that I suggest you use.

Build the Script

There's a small block of variables you will want to change in the script to make it work for your specific game.
project_name = "aliens"         #name for exe
project_script = ""    #name of base .PY
icon_file = "aliens.ico"        #name of .ICO
optimize = 2                    #0, 1, or 2; like -O and -OO
dos_console = 0                 #set to 1 to run in a DOS box
data_directories = ['data']     #used data directories
extra_modules = []              #any extra modules that are missing

Most of the options are pretty self descriptive. When first testing your game, you'll want to set the dos_console value to 1. This will print any errors into the dos console. When you release your game, you'll want to set it back to 0, so your game can run without opening a dos prompt.
If you notice your game doesn't run, and get an error about missing modules, you can add the names of specific missing modules to the list named extra_modules. For example, if your game uses the surfarray module, surfarray depends on the Numeric modules, but sometimes it can be difficult for PY2EXE to detect Numeric as a dependency. You can add the missing Numeric modules to this list and everything will be ok.
如果提示游戏不能运行,而且显示缺失模块的信息时,你可以把缺失模块的名字加入到名为extra_modules的列表里去解决。例如,游戏使用了surfarray模块,它依赖于Numeric模块,但有时PY2EXE不能检查出Numeric是必须的。如果你 手工将缺失的模块添加到列表中,问题就迎刃而解了。
Once you are all setup, simply run this script and it will do all the work. The final executable and DLLs will be placed inside a project directory, which will be inside a directory named "dist".
You'll notice there aren't any .PY source files in the final directory. That is because all the needed python source has been compressed as bytecode into the actual executable file.
The icon_file variable is an optional name of a .ICO file to use for the executable. You can leave it empty ("") and it will be ignored. Also be warned the icon_file doesn't work too well, especially on windows9x.
The data_directories is a list of paths that will be copies into the final game directory. Since most games out there will require some sort of graphics/sound/font resources, this will help copy them into the correct place.
You'll need to doublecheck that all the game resources and files got copied into the final directory in the "dist" folder. Once that is done and the game is working, you can compress the entire directory into a .ZIP file and send it to all your friends. They do not need any versions of python or SDL installed on their machines. Even if they have older versions of python (like version 1.5.2), it will not interfere with your game. 
You can also safely pick through the final game directory, and remove any of the "PYD" files that you don't expect your game to use. for example, if you don't use joysticks in your game, you can remove the "joystick.pyd" to make your game size a little smaller.

Creating an Actual Installer

There's nothing wrong with distributing your game in a .ZIP file. But it is usually a lot nicer to create an installer executable so the game can automatically decompress itself, as well as setup Start Menu icons and adding an option to uninstall. For this you'll need to use one of the many available installing tools for windows. There are many free ones to choose from, and there are several high quality ones.
I can recommend INNO Setup for creating the install tool, and ISTool for configuring the package. These are both of the utilities I use when creating the installable pygame package for windows.  
我推荐使用 INNO Setup 来创建安装工具,用 ISTool 来配置包。这也是我用来创建windows版pygame包的工具。




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