HDU 5140 Hun Gui Wei Company KDTree裸题

Hun Gui Wei Company

 Time Limit: 8000/4000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 491    Accepted Submission(s): 126

Problem Description
My friend Hun Gui Wei (HGW) has started a company which is named Hun Gui Wei Company (HGWC). In HGWC, there are many staffs. Every staff has a certain salary, level and working age. Sometimes, HGW wants to do some queries. He wants to know the sum of salary of the staffs fit some conditions. For the large amount of staffs, artificial query is time-consuming. So he wants to hire you to write a program to help him. If you do a good job, he will pay you a generous remuneration.

Multi test cases (about 10).
The first line contains an integer n indicates there are n staffs in HGWC.
In the next n lines, each line describes the attributes of one staff.
Each line contains S, L, A indicate the salary, level and working age of one staff.
Next line an integer m comes which indicates there will be m queries.
Then next m lines, query dates will come
HGW sets a variable k. In the beginning of each test case, k = 0. For the i-th query, he sets 
LLi=LLi+k,HLi=HLik,LAi=LAi+k,HAi=HAik , then make k the answer of this query.

[Technical Specification]
All numbers in the input are integers.

For i-th query,output the sum of salary of the staffs whose level are between  LLi  and  HLi  while working age are between  LAi  and  HAi  in a single line.

Sample Input
2 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 2 3 3 2 6 2 7

Sample Output
1 4
For this case, first we clear k i.e. set k to 0. For the first query we should find the staff whose level is between 2 and 3 while working age is exactly 3. There is only one staff fitting the conditions whose salary is 1. So the answer for the first query is 1. Then we set k to 1. For the second query we should update query parameters according to the statement. Thus after updating, the query parameters become 3 5 3 6. There is also only one staff fitting the condition whose salary is 4. So the answer for the second case is 4.




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define maxn 200010
#define inf 0x7fffffffffffffff
using namespace std;
int n, m, root, cmpd, cnt;
struct data
    int l, r;
    long long d[2], mx[2], mn[2];
    long long sum, w; // sum:以此为根节点数目和  w:节点上数字
    data() {}
    data(long long a, long long b, long long c)
        l = r = 0;
        d[0] = mx[0] = mn[0] = a;
        d[1] = mx[1] = mn[1] = b;
        w = sum = c;
} tr[maxn];
void update(int x)
    int l = tr[x].l, r = tr[x].r;
    if (l) // 维护以此为根的子树各个维度范围与节点数目和
        tr[x].mx[0] = max(tr[x].mx[0], tr[l].mx[0]);
        tr[x].mn[0] = min(tr[x].mn[0], tr[l].mn[0]);
        tr[x].mx[1] = max(tr[x].mx[1], tr[l].mx[1]);
        tr[x].mn[1] = min(tr[x].mn[1], tr[l].mn[1]);
        tr[x].sum += tr[l].sum;
    if (r)
        tr[x].mx[0] = max(tr[x].mx[0], tr[r].mx[0]);
        tr[x].mn[0] = min(tr[x].mn[0], tr[r].mn[0]);
        tr[x].mx[1] = max(tr[x].mx[1], tr[r].mx[1]);
        tr[x].mn[1] = min(tr[x].mn[1], tr[r].mn[1]);
        tr[x].sum += tr[r].sum;
int cmp(data a, data b)
    if (a.d[cmpd] == b.d[cmpd])
        return a.d[cmpd ^ 1] < b.d[cmpd ^ 1];
    return a.d[cmpd] < b.d[cmpd];
int build(int l, int r, int d)
    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
    cmpd = d;
    nth_element(tr + l, tr + mid, tr + r + 1, cmp);
    tr[mid].mx[0] = tr[mid].mn[0] = tr[mid].d[0];
    tr[mid].mx[1] = tr[mid].mn[1] = tr[mid].d[1];
    tr[mid].sum = tr[mid].w;
    tr[mid].l = 0;
    tr[mid].r = 0;
    if (l < mid)
        tr[mid].l = build(l, mid - 1, d ^ 1);
    if (r > mid)
        tr[mid].r = build(mid + 1, r, d ^ 1);
    return mid;
void kdinsert(int now)
    if (now == root)
    int D, p;
    D = 0;
    p = root;
    while (true)
        if (tr[now].mx[0] > tr[p].mx[0])
            tr[p].mx[0] = tr[now].mx[0];
        if (tr[now].mx[1] > tr[p].mx[1])
            tr[p].mx[1] = tr[now].mx[1];
        if (tr[now].mn[0] < tr[p].mn[0])
            tr[p].mn[0] = tr[now].mn[0];
        if (tr[now].mn[1] < tr[p].mn[1])
            tr[p].mn[1] = tr[now].mn[1];
        tr[p].sum += tr[now].sum;
        if (tr[p].d[0] == tr[now].d[0] && tr[p].d[1] == tr[now].d[1]) //相等时只更新不插入
            tr[p].w += tr[now].w;
        if (tr[now].d[D] >= tr[p].d[D])
            if (tr[p].r == 0)
                tr[p].r = now;
                p = tr[p].r;
            if (tr[p].l == 0)
                tr[p].l = now;
                p = tr[p].l;
        D = !D;
long long query(int now, long long x1, long long y1, long long x2, long long y2)
    // 当前节点范围与查询矩形不相交
    if (!now || tr[now].mx[0] < x1 || tr[now].mn[0] > x2 || tr[now].mx[1] < y1 || tr[now].mn[1] > y2)
        return 0;
    // 当前节点范围包含查询矩形
    if (tr[now].mx[0] <= x2 && tr[now].mn[0] >= x1 && tr[now].mx[1] <= y2 && tr[now].mn[1] >= y1)
        return tr[now].sum;
    long long ret = 0;
    // 查询矩形包含当前节点
    if (tr[now].d[0] >= x1 && tr[now].d[0] <= x2 && tr[now].d[1] >= y1 && tr[now].d[1] <= y2)
        ret += tr[now].w;
    ret += query(tr[now].l, x1, y1, x2, y2) + query(tr[now].r, x1, y1, x2, y2);
    return ret;
int main()
#ifdef LOCAL
    freopen("data.in", "r", stdin);
    freopen("data.out", "w", stdout);
    while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
        long long a, b, c, d;
        root = 1;
        int mod = 10000;
        cnt = 0;
        long long ans = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            scanf("%lld %lld %lld", &a, &b, &c);
            tr[++cnt] = data(b, c, a);
            if (cnt % mod == 0)
                root = build(1, cnt, 0);
        scanf("%d", &m);
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            scanf("%lld %lld %lld %lld", &a, &b, &c, &d);
            long long qx1 = min(a + ans, b - ans), qy1 = min(c + ans, d - ans);
            long long qx2 = max(a + ans, b - ans), qy2 = max(c + ans, d - ans);
            ans = query(root, qx1, qy1, qx2, qy2);
            printf("%lld\n", ans);
    return 0;





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