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转载 怎么在windows xp或windows 7中使用kdiff3

Add the KDiff3 directory to your Windows System Path (e.g. C:\Program Files\KDiff3\)Add kdiff3 as your Git mergetool (From Git Bash, run git config --global merge.tool kdiff3)Add kdiff3 complete path

2012-05-30 19:56:50 1691

转载 KDiff3

KDiff3 is a program thatcompares or merges two or three text input files or directories,shows the differences line by line and character by character (!),provides an automatic merge-facility andan

2012-05-30 19:55:38 1526

转载 Layout Modes

Layout ModesFixed Layout vs Automatic LayoutThere are two different modes you can use to arrange and organize your GUIs: Fixed and Automatic. Up until now, every UnityGUI example provided in

2012-05-30 15:16:30 608

转载 iPhone如何使用私有库PhotoLibrary中的类PLCameraController

iPhone:Using PLCameraControllerThe PLCameraController class is for controlling iPhone's built-in camera and one of Apple's private frameworks. If you want to get the preview of incoming video

2012-05-30 10:08:41 1070

转载 ios将摄像头捕获的视频数据转为jpeg格式

想要将摄像头进行视频录制或者拍照可以用UIImagePickerController,不过UIImagePickerController会弹出一个自己的界面,可是有时候我们不想要弹出的这个界面,那么就可以用另一种方法来获取摄像头得到的数据了。首先需要引入一个包#import ,接下来你的类需要实现AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate这个协议,

2012-05-28 19:33:37 789

转载 Xcode快捷键和使用技巧

一些xcode的快捷键和使用技巧,具体来源已丢失查看或修改Xcode 环境设置用户可以设置自己的编程环境状态,但设置前得先关了所有打开着得工程1. (菜单项)Xcode ->  Preferences 或者  command + ,2. 可以选择其中的所有项目进行设置例如:General选项卡中有个编程界面的设置选项:Layout : All-i

2012-05-28 19:32:49 666

转载 UIImage和IplImage之间的相互转换

Converting images between UIImage and IplImageThis content is copied from Yoshimasa's blog.Converting images between UIImage and IplImageOpenCV is using IplImage structure

2012-05-28 16:04:04 964

转载 iOS中如何将图片文件转为OpenCV中的cv::Mat

/** * 提取图像元数据 * * @param filepath 图片路径,目前只支持jpg格式的图片 * @param convertToGray 是否转化为灰度图片 * * @return cv::Mat */cv::Mat ae_imageMatFromFile(constchar *filepath,bool convertToGray

2012-05-28 10:59:54 1552

转载 [越狱] 5.1.1越狱后安装不了软件

5.1.1越狱后用快装商店装不了app 解决办法:安装完美越狱必不可少的App Sync补丁,具体步骤为:在屏幕下方的工具栏中选择“管理”,进入界面后选择“软件源”,其后点击屏幕右上方的“编辑”,选择屏幕左上方的“添加”,在弹出的地址框中输入“Cydia.hackulo.us”,输入完成后弹出的提示中选择“仍然添加”,待苹果iOS设备再次重启即可。  5.苹

2012-05-27 20:11:15 1978

转载 正确进入Iphone DFU模式

当 Iphone 白苹果时令人很烦恼,前段时间由于手多装了些软件导致白苹果。最后是电脑读不出Iphone,Iphone 白苹果加菊花不停在转,并不断重复启动。一开始没有正确进入DFU模式,以为这台机完了,经过不断的尝试后得出如下经验,希望对你有用。这方法对你平时刷机同样有用。工具/原料Iphone 正常手机一台Itunes 软件Iphone 数据线步

2012-05-27 13:34:22 1756

转载 最全面的shsh备份及恢复教程,已更新Win版小雨伞4.33.00

转自:http://bbs.weiphone.com/read-htm-tid-2017752.html很多小白不知道如何备份shsh,论坛有很多关于备份shsh的帖子,但大多都不全面,本贴把shsh进行整合,并做详细的教程                                             首先先说下备份shsh的用处:苹果每次出新固件就会关闭旧固件的验证

2012-05-27 10:39:07 18259

转载 shader

ShadersAll rendering in Unity is done with Shaders - small scripts that let you configure the how the graphics hardware is set up for rendering. Unity ships with 60+ built-in shaders (documented i

2012-05-24 20:04:35 648

转载 OpenGL 的渲染流水线

一、渲染:计算机根据模型创建图象。模型(或物体)是由几何图元构成的,而几何图元是通过顶点来指定的。最终渲染的图象由屏幕像素组成。像素(pixel)是显示硬件能够放置到屏幕上的最小的可视元素。有关像素的信息(如颜色)在系统内存中被组织为位面(bitplane)。位面构成了帧缓存(包含图形显示设备为控制屏幕上所有像素的颜色和亮度所需的信息)。 1、使用几何图元建立模型,从而得到物体的数学描述。(O

2012-05-24 11:13:05 667

转载 模板缓冲区

作者:Nin+.Lee邮箱:[email protected]* 本文属原创,转载请注明出处。与颜色缓冲区和深度缓冲区类似,模板缓冲区可以为屏幕上的每个像素点保存一个无符号整数值。这个值的具体意义视程序的具体应用而定。在渲染的过程中,可以用这个值与一个预先设定的参考值相比较,根据比较的结果来决定是否更新相应的像素点的颜色值。这个比较的过程被称为模

2012-05-24 11:11:58 720

转载 OpenGL中的FBO对象(含源码)

作者:Nin+.Lee邮箱:[email protected]* 本文属原创,转载请注明出处。 概要在OpenGL的渲染管线中,几何数据和纹理通过一系列变换和测试,最终被渲染成屏幕上的二维像素。那些用于存储颜色值和测试结果的二维数组的几何被称为帧缓冲区(frame buffer)。这些二维数组按用途划分,可分为颜色缓冲区(color buffer),深度

2012-05-24 10:45:56 1148

转载 Where is IOS Camera support documented?

问:Unity 3.5 release notes say there is support for the iOS Camera. Where is this documented?I'm looking for a simple example of how to take a photo and apply it as a texture.回答:We

2012-05-18 16:04:28 773

转载 3ds max中mat文件

File used by 3ds Max, a 3D modeling and animation software package; stores a material, which defines the way textures and lighting are applied to a surface; can be accessed from the Material Editor co

2012-05-18 10:57:17 1174

转载 How to write Assembly code for the iPhone:

How to write Assembly code for the iPhone:To write Assembly language code for an iOS device (the iPhone, iPad or newer iPods), you can either:write inline asm statements in C/C++/Objective-C c

2012-05-17 13:06:16 1097

转载 Switching Branches Without Committing

Switching Branches Without CommittingCommands discussed in this section:git checkoutSwitching Branches: Without CommittingTypically you’d want to first switch to the right branch and the

2012-05-15 16:40:22 583

转载 Git Remotes: Fun Commands You Can Use

Git Remotes: Fun Commands You Can UseCommands discussed in this section:git branchgit remotegit ls-remotegit fetchgit pullList remote-tracking branches$ git branch -r origin/HEAD -> o

2012-05-15 15:43:56 566

转载 The Configuration File – “Branch” Section

The Configuration File – “Branch” SectionCommands used in this section:git clonegit fetchgit mergeThe “branch” Section Of The Config FileLet’s look at the config file for the git client

2012-05-15 15:39:33 708

转载 self.parentViewController dismissModalViewController在iOS不起作用

On iOS 5 you will need to use the presentingViewController selector instead of theparentViewController selector.

2012-05-14 18:15:30 686

转载 如何使用AV Foundtion获取摄像头的影像帧

How to capture video frames from the camera as images using AV FoundationQ:  How do I capture video frames from the camera as images using AV Foundation?A: How do I capture video frames from t

2012-05-14 15:08:21 1153

转载 Gitosis and Gitweb – Part 3 – Gitweb

Gitosis and Gitweb – Part 3 – Gitwebfrom:   http://lostechies.com/jasonmeridth/2010/05/27/gitosis-and-gitweb-part-3-gitweb/So we are setup, have a project, and have contributors via the firs

2012-05-14 10:41:29 774

转载 Gitosis and Gitweb – Part 2 – Add Projects and Contributors

Gitosis and Gitweb – Part 2 – Add Projects and Contributorsfrom:http://lostechies.com/jasonmeridth/2010/05/25/gitosis-and-gitweb-part-2-add-projects-and-contributors/So we are setup now th

2012-05-14 10:38:23 596

转载 Gitosis and Gitweb – Part 1 – Setup

Gitosis and Gitweb – Part 1 – Setupfrom:http://lostechies.com/jasonmeridth/2010/05/25/gitosis-and-gitweb-part-1-setup/I’ve had a number of people ask me where they should host their

2012-05-14 10:30:13 680

转载 gitweb

'Gitweb' is a Git web interface, the one working on http://www.kernel.org/git/. It is written in Perl and can be used as a CGI script, or as a mod_perl legacy script (run by ModPerl::Registry handle

2012-05-14 10:02:56 521

转载 The .git Directory

The .git DirectoryIf you haven’t explored the .git directory yet, it’s worth the hike. Do a cd .git in your local git repository that you’ve cloned from a remote repository and you should fi

2012-05-13 19:05:44 844

转载 The Configuration File – “remote” Section

The Configuration File – “remote” SectionCommands used in this section:git clonegit fetchgit mergegit branchGit and Remotes: The Config fileIn previous sections you’ve seen

2012-05-13 18:59:30 711

转载 “Tracking Branches” And “Remote-Tracking Branches”

“Tracking Branches” And “Remote-Tracking Branches”Commands used in this section:git addgit commitgit clonegit pushgit fetchgit mergegit pullLet’s Talk TrackingWhen us

2012-05-13 18:42:05 1448

转载 Adding And Removing Remote Branches

Adding And Removing Remote BranchesCommands discussed in this section:git branchgit checkoutgit pushgit remoteCreating Remote BranchesOne way to add a new branch to the rem

2012-05-13 18:27:58 777

转载 Shared Repositories Should Be Bare Repositories

Shared Repositories Should Be Bare RepositoriesCommands discussed in this section:git init –bareShared Repositories Should Be Bare RepositoresWhen creating a central repository t

2012-05-13 18:17:38 694

转载 Creating a Shared Repository; Users Sharing The Repository

源自:http://www.gitguys.com/topics/creating-a-shared-repository-users-sharing-the-repository/Creating a Shared Repository; Users Sharing The RepositoryCommands discussed in this

2012-05-13 18:11:33 784

转载 Git And Remote Repositories

Git And Remote RepositoriesCommands discussed in this section:git clonegit pullgit push“Here is The Git URL”For many people, the first time they use git occurs when somebody

2012-05-13 17:59:25 765

转载 Merging With a GUI

源自:http://www.gitguys.com/topics/merging-with-a-gui/Merging With a GUICommands discussed in this section:git mergetoolMerging With a GUIGit can also work with a

2012-05-13 17:54:49 723

转载 Merging With a Conflict: Conflicts And Resolutions

Merging With a Conflict: Conflicts And ResolutionsCommands discussed in this section:git mergegit diffgit statusgit showgit ls-filesMerging Branches With a ConflictWhat c

2012-05-13 17:49:10 1338

转载 Merging Branches: Without a Conflict

Merging Branches: Without a ConflictCommands discussed in this section:git mergeWhen To Merge?Examples of when would you might want to merge branches:You start with a repos

2012-05-13 17:31:46 543

转载 http://www.gitguys.com/topics/branches-visualizing/

源自:http://www.gitguys.com/topics/branches-visualizing/Visualizing Branches And Their CommitsCommands discussed in this section:git show-branchgitg, gitk and qgitOur Example

2012-05-11 16:07:04 764

转载 Creating And Playing With Branches

from: http://www.gitguys.com/topics/creating-and-playing-with-branches/Creating And Playing With BranchesCommands discussed in this section:git branchgit checkoutThe Br

2012-05-11 16:00:22 520

转载 Git diff

from:http://www.gitguys.com/topics/git-diff/git diffLet’s stop for a minute to see how the git diff command can be used to show you the difference between the version of a file in the workin

2012-05-11 15:48:34 694

TR069客户端 Android版本 源码 并含开发过程中收集的TR069协议开发资料集合

TR069客户端 Android版本 源码 并含开发过程中收集的TR069协议开发资料集合 CWMP


2503 2593,MTK META工具最新版本

META原名MTK Engineering Testing Architecture,即联发科工程测试架构,通过META,开发者可以查看比如MT2502或MT2503 Soc的FAT使用情况



MTK MT2503AVE最新资料datasheet文档, 带低功耗蓝牙BLE


OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide[pdf和源代码]

详细讲解OpenGL ES 2.0 的使用; 有针对下列平台的配套代码: iOS Android Windows Web


Programming Web Services with SOAP

讲解: Wes Services SOAP WSDL 如何部署Web Services 言简意赅。


iPhone OpenGL ES 2D游戏范例-《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》

Iphone OpenGL 2D游戏范例-《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》。 《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》是一个完整可运行的游戏,目前它已在苹果的App Store发售。 《Sir Lamorak’s Quest》有配套书籍《Learning iOS Game Programming》详细讲解它是怎么做出来的。


iPhone OpenGL ES 2D游戏编程教材

iPhone OpenGL ES 2D游戏编程教材-《Learning iOS Game Programming》 详细教你怎么做一款iPhone 2D游戏-《Sir Lamorak’s Quest 》(此游戏已在App Store中发售) 而且游戏《Sir Lamorak’s Quest 》的代码是开放的。


Learn Objective-C on the Mac

想学mac开发或iphone开发,那么就得先学objective-c这门语言; 本书是objective-c入门得经典数据; 英文版。


Quartz 2D Graphics For Mac OS X Developers

详细讲解mac的Quartz 2D 库的书籍,英文版。


iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide 英文版



iTunesConnect DeveloperGuide 中文版



learn iphone and ipad cocos2d game development

iphone 2D游戏开发教程,使用cocos2D游戏引擎。 一本详细介绍如何使用cocos2D游戏引擎开发iphone游戏的数据。 英文版。


Core Animation:Simplified Animation Techniques for Mac and iPhone Development

讲解iPhone动画编程的经典书籍 Core Animation编程的好工具书 英文版


iPhone SDK Programming A.Beginner's Guide



iPhone and iPad Apps for Absolute Beginners




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