

1 自适应直方图均衡化(AHE)


2 限制对比度自适应直方图均衡(CLAHE)

2.1 重分布

  CLAHE同普通的自适应直方图均衡不同的地方主要是其对比度限幅。这个特性也可以应用到全局直方图均衡化中,即构成所谓的限制对比度直方图均衡(CLHE),但这在实际中很少使用。在CLAHE中,对于每个小区域都必须使用对比度限幅。CLAHE主要是用来克服AHE的过度放大噪音的问题。 这主要是通过限制AHE算法的对比提高程度来达到的。在指定的像素值周边的对比度放大主要是由变换函数的斜度决定的。这个斜度和领域的累积直方图的斜度成比例。CLAHE通过在计算CDF前用预先定义的阈值来裁剪直方图以达到限制放大幅度的目的。这限制了CDF的斜度因此,也限制了变换函数的斜度。直方图被裁剪的值,也就是所谓的裁剪限幅,取决于直方图的分布因此也取决于领域大小的取值。通常,直接忽略掉那些超出直方图裁剪限幅的部分是不好的,而应该将这些裁剪掉的部分均匀的分布到直方图的其他部分。如下图所示。

2.2 插值

  如上所述,直接的自适应直方图,不管是否带有对比度限制,都需要对图像中的每个像素计算器领域直方图以及对应的变换函数,这使得算法极其耗时。 而插值使得上述算法效率上有极大的提升,并且质量上没有下降。首先,将图像均匀分成等份矩形大小,如下图的右侧部分所示(8行8列64个块是常用的选择)。然后计算个块的直方图、CDF以及对应的变换函数。这个变换函数对于块的中心像素(下图左侧部分的黑色小方块)是完全符合原始定义的。而其他的像素通过哪些于其临近的四个块的变换函数插值获取。位于图中蓝色阴影部分的像素采用双线性查插值,而位于便于边缘的(绿色阴影)部分采用线性插值,角点处(红色阴影处)直接使用块所在的变换函数。

3 源码

3.1 matlab源码

function out = adapthisteq(varargin)
%ADAPTHISTEQ Contrast-limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE).
%   ADAPTHISTEQ enhances the contrast of images by transforming the
%   values in the intensity image I.  Unlike HISTEQ, it operates on small
%   data regions (tiles), rather than the entire image. Each tile's 
%   contrast is enhanced, so that the histogram of the output region
%   approximately matches the specified histogram. The neighboring tiles 
%   are then combined using bilinear interpolation in order to eliminate
%   artificially induced boundaries.  The contrast, especially
%   in homogeneous areas, can be limited in order to avoid amplifying the
%   noise which might be present in the image.
%   J = ADAPTHISTEQ(I) Performs CLAHE on the intensity image I.
%   J = ADAPTHISTEQ(I,PARAM1,VAL1,PARAM2,VAL2...) sets various parameters.
%   Parameter names can be abbreviated, and case does not matter. Each 
%   string parameter is followed by a value as indicated below:
%   'NumTiles'     Two-element vector of positive integers: [M N].
%                  [M N] specifies the number of tile rows and
%                  columns.  Both M and N must be at least 2. 
%                  The total number of image tiles is equal to M*N.
%                  Default: [8 8].
%   'ClipLimit'    Real scalar from 0 to 1.
%                  'ClipLimit' limits contrast enhancement. Higher numbers 
%                  result in more contrast. 
%                  Default: 0.01.
%   'NBins'        Positive integer scalar.
%                  Sets number of bins for the histogram used in building a
%                  contrast enhancing transformation. Higher values result 
%                  in greater dynamic range at the cost of slower processing
%                  speed.
%                  Default: 256.
%   'Range'        One of the strings: 'original' or 'full'.
%                  Controls the range of the output image data. If 'Range' 
%                  is set to 'original', the range is limited to 
%                  [min(I(:)) max(I(:))]. Otherwise, by default, or when 
%                  'Range' is set to 'full', the full range of the output 
%                  image class is used (e.g. [0 255] for uint8).
%                  Default: 'full'.
%   'Distribution' Distribution can be one of three strings: 'uniform',
%                  'rayleigh', 'exponential'.
%                  Sets desired histogram shape for the image tiles, by 
%                  specifying a distribution type.
%                  Default: 'uniform'.
%   'Alpha'        Nonnegative real scalar.
%                  'Alpha' is a distribution parameter, which can be supplied 
%                  when 'Dist' is set to either 'rayleigh' or 'exponential'.
%                  Default: 0.4.
%   Notes
%   -----
%   - 'NumTiles' specify the number of rectangular contextual regions (tiles)
%     into which the image is divided. The contrast transform function is
%     calculated for each of these regions individually. The optimal number of
%     tiles depends on the type of the input image, and it is best determined
%     through experimentation.
%   - The 'ClipLimit' is a contrast factor that prevents over-saturation of the
%     image specifically in homogeneous areas.  These areas are characterized
%     by a high peak in the histogram of the particular image tile due to many
%     pixels falling inside the same gray level range. Without the clip limit,
%     the adaptive histogram equalization technique could produce results that,
%     in some cases, are worse than the original image.
%   - ADAPTHISTEQ can use Uniform, Rayleigh, or Exponential distribution as
%     the basis for creating the contrast transform function. The distribution
%     that should be used depends on the type of the input image.
%     For example, underwater imagery appears to look more natural when the
%     Rayleigh distribution is used.
%   Class Support
%   -------------
%   Intensity image I can be uint8, uint16, int16, double, or single.
%   The output image J has the same class as I.
%   Example 1
%   ---------
%   Apply Contrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization to an 
%   image and display the results. 
%      I = imread('tire.tif');
%      A = adapthisteq(I,'clipLimit',0.02,'Distribution','rayleigh');
%      figure, imshow(I);
%      figure, imshow(A);
%   Example 2
%   ---------
%   Apply Contrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization to a color 
%   photograph.
%      [X MAP] = imread('shadow.tif');
%      RGB = ind2rgb(X,MAP); % convert indexed image to truecolor format
%      cform2lab = makecform('srgb2lab');
%      LAB = applycform(RGB, cform2lab); %convert image to L*a*b color space
%      L = LAB(:,:,1)/100; % scale the values to range from 0 to 1
%      LAB(:,:,1) = adapthisteq(L,'NumTiles',[8 8],'ClipLimit',0.005)*100;
%      cform2srgb = makecform('lab2srgb');
%      J = applycform(LAB, cform2srgb); %convert back to RGB
%      figure, imshow(RGB); %display the results
%      figure, imshow(J);

%   Copyright 1993-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%   References:
%      Karel Zuiderveld, "Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization",
%      Graphics Gems IV, p. 474-485, code: p. 479-484
%      Hanumant Singh, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, personal
%      communication

%--------------------------- The algorithm ----------------------------------
%  1. Obtain all the inputs: 
%    * image
%    * number of regions in row and column directions
%    * number of bins for the histograms used in building image transform
%      function (dynamic range)
%    * clip limit for contrast limiting (normalized from 0 to 1)
%    * other miscellaneous options
%  2. Pre-process the inputs:  
%    * determine real clip limit from the normalized value
%    * if necessary, pad the image before splitting it into regions




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