Case - Cass Assign

You can assign cases to users or queues in a variety of ways.

  • Using an Assignment Rule for Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, or On-Demand Email-to-Case

    In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, web- and email-generated cases are automatically assigned to users or queues based on criteria in your active case assignment rule.

    Cases that do not match the assignment rule criteria are automatically assigned to the Default Case Owner specified in the Support Settings.

  • Using an Assignment Rule when Creating or Editing a Case

    In Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, when creating or editing a case, you can check a box to assign the case automatically using your active case assignment rule. An email is automatically sent to the new owner if your administrator specified an email template in the matching rule entry. If you want this checkbox to be selected by default, your administrator can modify the appropriate page layout. If required, your administrator can edit the page layout to hide the assignment checkbox but still force case assignment rules.

  • Changing Ownership of Multiple Cases (administrators only)

    From any case list page, an administrator, or a user with the “Manage Cases” permission, can manually assign one or more cases to a single user or queue.

  • Taking Cases from a Queue

    To take ownership of cases in a queue, go to the queue list view, check the box next to one or more cases, and click Accept.

    The organization-wide sharing model for an object determines the access users have to that object's records in queues:
    Public Read/Write/Transfer
    Users can view and take ownership of records from any queue.
    Public Read/Write or  Public Read Only
    Users can view any queue but only take ownership of records from queues of which they are a member or, depending on sharing settings, if they are higher in the role or territory hierarchy than a queue member.
    Users can only view and accept records from queues of which they are a member or, depending on sharing settings, if they are higher in the role or territory hierarchy than a queue member.
    Regardless of the sharing model, users must have the “Edit” permission to take ownership of records in queues of which they are a member. Administrators, users with the “Modify All” object-level permission for Cases, and users with the “Modify All Data” permission, can view and take records from any queue regardless of the sharing model or their membership in the queue.
  • Changing Ownership of One Case

    To transfer a single case you own or have read/write privileges to, click Change next to the Case Owner field on the case detail page, and specify a user, partner user, or queue. Make sure that the new owner has the “Read” permission on cases. TheChange link displays only on the detail page, not the edit page.

    In Group, Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition organizations, check the Send Notification Email box to automatically send an email to the new case owner.

  • Creating a Case Manually (default assignment)

    When you create a case from the Cases tab, you are automatically listed as the case owner, unless the assignment rule checkbox is displayed and you select it to enable the assignment rule. If it’s selected by default, you can override the assignment rule and assign yourself as the owner by deselecting the checkbox.

Case Assign using apex

Case c;
AssignmentRule assign = [select id from AssignmentRule where SobjectType = case and Active = true limit 1];
Database.DMLOptions dmlOpts = new Database.DMLOptions();
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