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原创 Nodejs digital envelope routines::unsupported解决方法

如果使用17版本以上的NodeJS会导致出现digital envelope routines::unsupported的错误。如果想在IDE自动运行的时候解决这个问题,在项目文件page.json中将"scripts": { "start": "react-scripts start", "build": "react-scripts build" },改成"scripts": { "start": "SET NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-pro

2023-11-07 09:27:05 198

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 21

LoopbackAlthough it may seem surprising, in many cases clients may wish to communicate with servers on the same computer using Internet protocols such as TCP/IP. To enable this, most implementations ...

2023-11-07 09:26:43 90 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 81

#include "unp.h"int tcp_listen(const char *host, const char *serv, socklen_t *addrlenp){ int listenfd, n; const int on=1; struct addrinfo hints, res, &ressave; bzero(&hints...

2023-11-07 09:26:05 232 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 80

‘tcp_connect’ FunctionWe will now write two functions that use getaddrinfo to handle most scenarios for the TCP clients and servers that we write. The first function, tcp_connect, performs the nor...

2023-11-07 09:25:52 252 1

原创 UICollectionView代理方法不执行

self.collectionView.reloadData() self.layoutIfNeeded()刷新数据。

2023-10-07 14:14:30 192

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 20

LCP OptionsSeveral options can be negotiated by LCP as it establishes a link for use by one or more NCPs. We shall discuss two of the more common ones. The Asynchronous Control Character Map (ACCM) o...

2023-10-07 14:13:58 103 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 79

‘gai_strerror’ FunctionThe nonzero error return values from getaddrinfo have the names and meanings shown in Figure 11.7. The function gai_strerror takes one of these values as an argument and retur...

2023-10-07 14:13:24 341 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 78

‘getaddrinfo’ FunctionThe gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr functions only support IPv4. The API for resolving IPv6 addresses went through several iterations, as will be described in Section 11.20(See...

2023-10-07 14:13:07 324 1

原创 unable to boot the simulator,无法启动模拟器已解决


2023-09-04 09:37:36 644

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 19

802.11 Higher Throughput/802.11nIn late 2009, the IEEE standardized 802.11n [802.11n-2009] as an amendment to [802.11-2007]. It makes a number of important changes to 802.11. To support higher throug...

2023-09-04 09:37:12 116 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 77

‘gethostbyaddr’ FunctionThe function gethostbyaddr takes a binary IPv4 address and tries to find the hostname corresponding to that address. This is the reverse of gethostbyname.#include <netdb...

2023-09-04 09:36:29 401 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 76

We encourage the use of getaddrinfo (Section 11.6(See 8.9.6)) in new programs.#include <netdb.h>struct hostent *gethostbyname (const char *hostname);The non-null pointer returned by this ...

2023-09-04 09:36:14 583 1

原创 高德地图自定义AnnotationView没有交互效果的解决思路


2023-08-04 17:59:32 183

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 18

Virtual Carrier Sense, RTS/CTS, and the Network Allocation Vector (NAV)In the 802.11 MAC protocol, a virtual carrier sense mechanism operates by observing the Duration field present in each MAC frame...

2023-08-04 17:59:12 141

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 75

Controlling Terminationfor(;;){ len=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); rd_sz=Sctp_recvmsg(sock_fd, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), (SA *)&cliaddr, &len, &sri, &msg_flags); if(strea...

2023-08-04 17:58:33 606

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 74

SCTP One-to-Many-Style Streaming Echo Client: ‘main’ Function#include "unp.h"int main(int argc, char **argv){ int sock_fd; struct sockaddr_in servaddr; struct sctp_event_subscribe e...

2023-08-04 17:58:18 747

原创 CSS 审核印章样式

// 旋转.arrow { &_up { @include arrow_animation(270deg); } &_down { @include arrow_animation(90deg); } &_right { @include arrow_animation(0deg); } &_left { @include arrow_animation(180deg); }}// 审核印章@mixin arrow_animation(

2023-07-03 09:25:41 635

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 17

Wireless LANs—IEEE 802.11(Wi-Fi)One of the most popular technologies being used to access the Internet today is wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi), also known by its IEEE standard name 802.11, effectively a w...

2023-07-03 09:22:40 95

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 73

SCTP One-to-Many-Style Streaming Echo Server: ‘main’ Function#include "unp.h"int main(int argc, char **argv){ int sock_fd, msg_flags; char readbuf[BUFFSZIE]; struct sockaddr_in serv...

2023-07-03 09:21:45 745

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 72

ssf_flags will be set to one of two values:SCTP_DATA_UNSENT, which indicates that the message could never be transmitted to the peer (e.g., flow control prevented the message from being sent before...

2023-07-03 09:21:26 92

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 16

BPDU StructureTo determine the links in the spanning tree, STP uses BPDUs that adhere to the format shown in Figure 3-15.The format shown in Figure 3-15 applies to both the original STP as well as t...

2023-06-12 10:17:04 690

原创 Ubuntu编译CryptoPP在Android的so文件

首先根据ReadMe设置NDK路径。然后删除setenv-android-gcc.sh中的if [ -z "${AOSP_API-}" ]; then AOSP_API="android-${AOSP_API_VERSION}"else echo "WARNING: Using AOSP_API has been deprecated. Please use AOSP_API_VERSI...

2023-06-12 10:16:11 355

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 71

SCTP_ASSOC_CHANGEThis notification informs an application that a change has occurred to an association; either a new association has begun or an existing association has ended. The information provi...

2023-06-12 10:14:01 759

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 70

‘sctp_opt_info’ FunctionThe sctp_opt_info function is provided for implementations that cannot use the getsockopt functions for SCTP. This inability to use the getsockopt function is because some of...

2023-06-12 10:13:23 1393

原创 iOS设置字体文件时的注意事项

我试着在Xcode上引入字体文件,却一直无法设置成功。参考这篇文章后https://www.cnblogs.com/liuyongfa/p/10120926.html?ivk_sa=1024320u测试了一下:for fontFamilyName in UIFont.familyNames {// print("familay: \(fontFamilyName)") for fontName in UIFont.fontNames(forFamily

2023-05-05 17:13:02 76

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 15

Duplex MismatchHistorically, there have been some interoperability problems using autonegotiation, especially when a computer and its associated switch port are configured using different duplex conf...

2023-05-05 17:11:30 722 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 68

Elementary SCTP SocketsIntroductionSCTP is a newer transport protocol, standardized in the IETF in 2000 (compared with TCP, which was standardized in 1981). It was first designed to meet the needs...

2023-05-05 17:10:56 702 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 69

With SCTP, a one-to-many socket can also be used in conjunction with the sctp_peeloff function (see Section 9.12(See 8.7.12)) to allow the iterative and concurrent server models to be combined as foll...

2023-05-05 17:10:39 559 1



2023-04-03 08:59:49 325 1

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 14

Frame SizesThere is both a minimum and a maximum size of Ethernet frames. The minimum is 64 bytes, requiring a minimum data area (payload) length of 48 bytes (no tags). In cases where the payload is ...

2023-04-03 08:59:19 251 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 67

include "unp.h"static void recvfrom_int(int);static int count;void dg_echo(int sockfd, SA *pclientaddr, socklen_t clientlne){ int n; socklen_t len; char mesg[MAXLINE]; Singal(SI...

2023-04-03 08:56:03 77 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 66

PerformanceWhen an application calls sendto on an unconnected UDP socket, Berkeley-derived kernels temporarily connect the socket, send the datagram, and then unconnect the socket (pp. 762–763 of TC...

2023-04-03 08:55:42 111 1

原创 Python Request因为connection keep-alive出现reset by peers

因为在爬虫的时候,设置的Header加上了'Connection': 'keep-alive'导致出现Reset by pear的情况。无奈之下只好搜索,解决方法是改成'Connection': 'close'

2023-03-01 10:10:23 363

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 13

Ethernet and the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN StandardsThe term Ethernet generally refers to a set of standards first published in 1980 and revised in 1982 by Digital Equipment Corp., Intel Corp., and Xerox Corp...

2023-03-01 10:08:07 246 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 65

Lost DatagramsOur UDP client/server example is not reliable. If a client datagram is lost (say it is discarded by some router between the client and server), the client will block forever in its cal...

2023-03-01 10:07:26 89 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 64

#include "unp.h"int main(int argc, char **argv){ int sockfd; struct sockaddr_in servaddr, cliaddr; sockfd=Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM,0); bzero(&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); ...

2023-03-01 10:06:56 61 1

原创 编译libpng

我下载的是最新版本Android.mkLOCAL_PATH :=$(call my-dir)include $(CLEAR_VARS)LOCAL_MODULE :=pngLOCAL_SRC_FILES := pngget.c \pngread.c \pngrutil.c \pngtrans.c \pngwtran.c \png.c \pngmem.c \pngrio.c \...

2023-02-01 16:10:14 245 1

原创 TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 12

Single Provider/No Network/Single AddressThe simplest type of Internet service that can be obtained today is to receive a single IP address (typically IPv4 only in the United States) from an ISP to ...

2023-02-01 16:09:27 281 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 62

sinfo_pid provides the default value to use when setting the SCTP payload protocol identifier in all data transmissions.sinfo_context specifies the default value to place in the sinfo_context field,...

2023-02-01 16:08:45 414 1

原创 Unix Network Programming Episode 63

‘fcntl’ Functionfcntl stands for “file control” and this function performs various descriptor control operations. Before describing the function and how it affects a socket, we need to look at the...

2023-02-01 16:08:35 237 1



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