TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 33

Lease Query and Bulk Lease Query

In some environments it is useful to allow a third-party system (such as a relay or access concentrator) to learn the address bindings for a particular DHCP client. This facility is provided by DHCP leasequery ([RFC4388][RFC6148] for DHCPv4 and [RFC5007] for DHCPv6). In the case of DHCPv6, it can also provide lease information for delegated prefixes. In Figure 6-21, the relay agent may “glean” information from DHCP packets that pass through it in order to influence what information is provided to the DHCP server. Such information may be kept by the relay but may be lost upon relay failure. The DHCPLEASEQUERY message allows such an agent to reacquire this type of information on demand, usually when relaying traffic for which it has lost a binding. The DHCPLEASEQUERY message supports four types of queries for DHCPv4: IPv4 address, MAC address, Client Identifier, and Remote ID. For DHCPv6, it supports two: IPv6 address and Client Identifier (DUID).

DHCPv4 servers may respond to lease queries with one of the following types of messages: DHCPLEASEUNASSIGNED, DHCPLEASEACTIVE, or DHCPLEASEUNKNOWN. The first message indicates that the responding server is authoritative for the queried value but no current associated lease is assigned. The second form indicates that a lease is active, and the lease parameters (including T1 and T2) are provided. There is no particular presumed use for this information; it is made available to the requestor for whatever purposes it desires. DHCPv6 servers respond with a LEASEQUERY-REPLY message that contains a Client Data option. This option, in turn, includes a collection of the following options: Client ID, IPv6 Address, IPv6 Prefix, and Client Last Transaction Time.

Layer 2 Relay Agents

In some network environments, there are layer 2 devices (e.g., switches, bridges) that are located near end systems that relay and process DHCP requests. These layer 2 devices do not have a full TCP/IP implementation stack and are not addressable using IP. As a result, they cannot act as conventional relay agents. To deal with this issue, [IDL2RA] and [RFC6221] specify how layer 2 “lightweight” DHCP relay agents (LDRAs) should behave, for IPv4 and IPv6, respectively. When referring to relay behaviors, interfaces are labeled as client-facing or network-facing, and as either trusted or untrusted. Network-facing interfaces are topologically closer to DHCP servers, and trusted interfaces are those where it is assumed that arriving packets are not spoofed.

The primary issue for IPv4 LDRAs is how to handle the DHCP giaddr field and insert a RAIO when the LDRA itself has no IP layer information. The approach recommended by [IDL2RA] is to have LDRAs insert the RAIO into DHCP requests received from clients but not fill in the giaddr field. The resulting DHCP message is sent in a broadcast fashion to one or more DHCP servers, as well as any other receiving LDRAs. Such messages are flooded (i.e., sent on all interfaces except the one upon which the message was received) unless received on an untrusted interface. LDRAs receiving such a message already including a RAIO do not add another such option but perform flooding. Responses (e.g., DHCPOFFER messages) sent using broadcast may be intercepted by the LDRA, which in turn strips the RAIO and uses its information to forward the response to the original requesting client. Many LDRAs also intercept unicast DHCP traffic. In these cases, the RAIO is also created or stripped as necessary. Note that compatible DHCP servers must support the ability to process and return DHCP messages containing RAIOs without a valid giaddr field, whether such messages are sent using unicast or broadcast.

DHCP Authentication

While we ordinarily discuss various security vulnerabilities at the end of each chapter (as we do in this one), for DHCP it is worth mentioning them here. It should be apparent that if the smooth operation of DHCP is interfered with, hosts are likely to be configured with erroneous information and significant disruption could result. Unfortunately, as we have discussed so far, DHCP has no provision for security, so it is possible for unauthorized DHCP clients or servers to be set up, either intentionally or accidentally, that could cause havoc with an otherwise functioning network.

Reconfigure Extension

In ordinary operation, a DHCP client initiates the renewal of address bindings. [RFC3203] defines the reconfigure extension and associated DHCPFORCERENEW message. This extension allows a server to cause a single client to change to the Renewing state and attempt to renew its lease by an otherwise ordinary operation (i.e., DHCPREQUEST). A server that does not wish to renew the lease for the requested address may respond with a DHCPNAK, causing the client to restart in the INIT state. The client would then begin again using a DHCPDISCOVER message.

The purpose of this extension is to cause the client to reestablish an address or to cause it to lose its address as the result of some significant change of state within the network. This could happen, for example, if the network is being administratively taken down or renumbered. Because this message is such an obvious candidate for a DoS attack, it must be authenticated using DHCP authentication. Because DHCP authentication is not in widespread use, neither is the reconfigure extension.

Rapid Commit

The DHCP Rapid Commit option [RFC4039] allows a DHCP server to respond to the DHCPDISCOVER message with a DHCPACK, effectively skipping the DHCPREQUEST message and ultimately using a two-message exchange instead of a four-message exchange. The motivation for this option is to quickly configure hosts that may change their point of network attachment frequently (i.e., mobile hosts). When only a single DHCP server is available and addresses are plentiful, this option should be of no significant concern.

Location Information (LCI and LoST)

In some cases, it is useful for a host being configured to become aware of its location in the world. Such information may be encoded using, for example, latitude, longitude, and altitude. An IETF effort known as Geoconf (“Geographic configuration”) resulted in [RFC6225], which specifies how to provide such geospatial Location Configuration Information (LCI) to clients using the GeoConf (123) and GeoLoc (144) DHCP options. Geospatial LCI includes not only the value of the latitude, longitude, and altitude coordinates, but also resolution indicators for each. LCI can be used for a number of purposes, including emergency services. If a caller using an IP phone requests emergency assistance, LCI can be used to indicate where the emergency is taking place.

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