2014年科技行业就业前景大热特热 - 财富中文网




亲爱的布莱恩:明年的就业形势对科技类人才一片大好,尤其是那些专业技能对口的从业人员,或是拥有三五年工作经验的职场精英。(实习经验也很重要,实践经历越丰富越好。)科技类求职网站Dice.com的运营商Dice Holdings公司最近报告指出,55%的雇主(创历史新高)表示将雇佣大批技术人员,而2013年下半年,这个数字仅为42%。

    更重要的是,由于科技类岗位大量涌现,许多公司不得不开出越来越高的薪水,以挽留老员工,招聘新人。Instant Technology是一家位于芝加哥的科技类猎头公司,公司首席执行官罗纳•伯雷说:“短短一年前,科技类就业市场还不是这番景象。对于用人企业而言,招聘(科技类人才)的难度只会越来越大。”


    最热门的职位非软件开发莫属。招聘网站Wanted Analytics每天会抓取互联网上的海量招聘信息。这家网站报道称,软件工程师的招聘广告相较去年大涨了120%。伯雷也发现了同样的趋势。他说:“移动端、网页和后台开发的招聘需求非常强劲。”


    招聘网站Dice列举了近期招聘广告中提及最频繁的四项技能,在投简历前,你不妨看看自己是否具备相关经验。它们是:基于Javascript的开发框架,例如KnockoutJS和AngularJS(Dice称,精通这类框架的技术人员自称失业率仅为1.8%);开源集成工具Jenkins;在各大公司日趋流行的电子商务平台Elastic Path;用于交换、分享和检索健康信息的框架HL7。







Dear Annie: I read your column about how women can get ahead in the information technology field, so I'm curious. What advice have you got for guys like me? I'll be graduating in the spring with a bachelor's in computer science, minor in business. I have a couple of good internships behind me, where I got to develop programs that companies are still using. I'm about to start seriously job hunting, so I'm wondering what the IT job market will look like over the next year or so, and how to best position myself to get hired. Any thoughts? — Brian in Berkeley

Dear B.B.: The year about to start looks bright for people with tech skills, especially if they have picked up the right ones, and who bring with them at least three to five years' experience. (Internships do count, the more hands-on the better.) Consider: Dice Holdings, which runs tech job site Dice.com, reports that 55% more employers — a record high — say they're ready to hire large numbers of techies, up from 42% in the second half of 2013.

    Moreover, so many opportunities are opening up now that companies increasingly need to offer higher salaries than in the past, both to hold onto current tech employees and to attract new ones. "A year ago, the tech job market didn't look like this. For employers, it's only going to get harder," says Rona Borre, CEO of Chicago-based tech recruiters Instant Technology.

    That's good news for you, of course. Borre adds, "IT people are getting multiple offers and picking and choosing among them — not only to get more money, but to go with the employers who are on the cutting edge, who can offer the latest and greatest technologies."

    The skills most in demand: Software development. Wanted Analytics, which aggregates job listings from all over the Web, reports that help-wanted ads for software developers are up 120% over last year, and Borre is seeing the same trend. "Development, whether mobile or web or back-end support, is where the driving need is now," she says.

    Mobile apps are another hot area. "People with three years' experience in mobile apps are considered senior now," notes Borre. "There is also a huge demand for people who can help companies move to the cloud. And there's always demand at big companies for people who can run SAP and other large-scale ERP [enterprise resource planning] systems."

    In putting your resume together for your job hunt, it might help if you have any experience with the four technologies most often mentioned in recent help-wanted ads on Dice. They are Javascript-based frameworks like KnockoutJS and AngularJS (whose adepts, Dice reports, boast a tiny 1.8% jobless rate); Jenkins, an open-source integration tool; Elastic Path, an e-commerce platform gaining in popularity with employers; and HL7, a framework for the exchange, sharing, and retrieval of health information.

    But beyond your knowledge of specific tools and programs, Borre has three suggestions for you about how to launch a career in information technology. First, she says, "Accessibility of information is more important than ever, so be ready to show a prospective employer a project you created or completed" — whether it's that

    software program you developed as an intern or a computer game or mobile app you created at school. "If you can bring examples of your work, companies will have a job for you," says Borre.

    Second (and in common with the advice to women in that earlier column you cite), start building a network of fellow techies. "Especially right out of college, but really at any point in your career, it's important to get involved in groups on LinkedIn and be active with local user groups," Borre says. "You might also look for local volunteer groups where you can use your skills, or hone new ones." Getting lots of exposure to what your peers are doing is not only interesting and fun, she notes, but could open the door to future job opportunities.

    Most important, Borre says, go into job interviews with a clear idea of what each employer does and what its goals are — and how your tech skills can help them get where they're trying to go. "Employers want innovation that will further their business. They want to hire people who understand the role technology plays in the bigger picture.

    "So being able to play that dual role of tech person and business analyst is what moves people's tech careers forward now," she says. "The days of the tech guy or gal sitting alone in the corner are over." Noted.

Talkback: If you're in IT, have you noticed an upward trend in demand for your skills? What skills have served you best in the current job market? Leave a comment below.

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