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原创 File System

File System BasicAbout the iOS File System1.  During installation of a new app, the installer code creates a home directory for the app, places the app in that directory, and creates several oth

2012-05-16 10:25:36 392

转载 Over 46 Powerful Geeklets and Scripts for the Geek Within You

http://mac.appstorm.net/roundups/utilities-roundups/over-46-powerful-geeklets-and-scripts-for-the-geek-within-you/GeekTool is a small, yet remarkably powerful application that some neglect becau

2012-05-04 00:19:54 952

原创 Core Location和MapKit的一些简单使用

Core Location1. 基本对象是CLLocation,有属性coordinate, altitude, horizontal/vertical Accuracy, timestamp, speed, coursetypedef {CLLocationDegrees latitude; // a doubleCLLocationDegrees longitude; // a

2012-05-02 22:34:52 2583

原创 Split View Controller, Popover

Split View Controllers1. 必须将UISlitViewController的视图设置为window的根视图2. 一个程序只能创建一个split view controller,该视图控制器不能被嵌入其他视图控制器中3. SVC的代理用于管理

2012-04-17 09:42:03 109

原创 iOS中的一些设计模式

The Most Important Design Pattern: Model-View-Controller理解model,view,controller之间的通讯方式Delegation: Acting on Behalf of Another (Framework) Object 代理被代理对象必须定义一个属性,用来保存对代理对象的引用(通常为weak)

2012-04-10 09:59:11 1018

原创 Objective-C New Features

Strong and Weak1. strong : keep this in the heap until I don’t point to it anymore.                 I won’t point to it anymore if I set my pointer to it to nil.                 Or if I myse

2012-04-07 21:09:25 771

原创 Objective-C New Features

动态特性1. 动态输入    在运行时才决定一个对象的类,通过使用id数据类型。与动态输入响应的是静态输入,编译时就指定对象的类。动态类型id表示一个指针,而声明静态类型的    需要在对象名前加*表示指针。对象的引用必须为指针。2. 动态绑定    在运行时才决定需要调用的方法,消息被发送时才和响应的方法绑定3. 动态载入    在运行时添加代码块和其他资源。

2012-04-07 17:32:44 69

原创 Your First iOS App基础概念总结

Your First iOS App@autoreleasepool { return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([HelloWorldAppDelegate class]));}1. UIApplicationMain创建了一个UIApplication类的实例和一个app delegate的实例

2012-04-06 21:27:51 594

原创 Core Animation And Core Graphics

UIKitThe high-level framework that allows developers to create views and UI related components. It also incorporates some of the low-level APIs into an easier-to-use high-level API.Quartz

2012-02-28 14:48:42 809

原创 CALayers基础概念入门

self.view.layer.backgroundColor = [UIColor orangeColor].CGColor;self.view.layer.cornerRadius = 20.0;self.view.layer.frame = CGRectInset(self.view.layer.frame, 20, 20);CALayer *sublayer = [CALaye

2012-02-25 20:47:18 502

转载 Introduction to CALayers Tutorial

http://www.raywenderlich.com/2502/introduction-to-calayers-tutorialIf you’ve been programming for the iPhone, you’re probably really familiar with UIViews – buttons, text areas, sliders, w

2012-02-25 17:52:09 376

原创 Views概念总结

Views的主要作用:子视图的排版和管理绘图和动画Drawing and animation处理触摸事件Event handling创建和配置视图1.通常创建一个nib文件来保存某个视图控制器的整个视图层次,nib文件的根视图表示视图控制器的视图2.视图的默认初始化方法为initWithFrame,指定了视图的大小和在父视

2012-02-22 23:49:53 1391

原创 Windows概念总结

1. 每个iOS程序都至少需要一个window,window的作用:包含程序的可视化内容.在传递触摸事件给视图和其他对象中起到重要的作用与视图控制器协作来响应orientation改变.2.window没有任何可视化内容,它只是给视图提供一个容器。3.大多数程序只创建一个window,该window对象是从主nib文件中创建创

2012-02-21 17:29:05 705 1

转载 How to Write a Custom Image Picker like UIImagePicker

转自 http://www.raywenderlich.com/130/how-to-write-a-custom-image-picker-like-uiimagepickerThe UIImagePicker is an easy to use and beautiful way to let users pick images from their photo libra

2012-02-20 17:00:43 399

转载 UIView Animation Tutorial: Practical Recipes

转自 http://www.raywenderlich.com/5478/uiview-animation-tutorial-practical-recipesThis is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Fabio Budai, an Objective C developer from Italy.One les

2012-02-20 16:51:01 659

原创 objective-C 基本概念和语法总结

Chapter 3 Allocating and Initializing Objects1.NSObject的alloc方法,动态地给对象分配足够的内存来容纳其实例变量,该方法将对象的isa变量初始化为实力对象的类对象,其他变量则设置为02.初始化方法应该返回id对象3.在自定义初始化方法中,应该调用指定初始化方法(designated initializer),指定初始化方

2012-02-20 11:38:25 378

原创 Your First iOS App的一些基础概念

1. 此函数创建了一个UIApplication的实例,同时扫描程序的Info.plist文件。该文件包括application对象需要载入的nib文件名称,和程序图标 int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);2.当application对象设置完成后,给其代理发送application:didFinish

2012-02-19 15:20:39 497

原创 UIView的一些基础概念

Windows本身没有任何可见的内容,但是为views提供了一个基本的容器。Views定义了window的一部分矩形区域,用来填充需要显示的内容。views负责绘制内容,处理多点触摸事件,管理子视图的布局。大多数情况下,windows不会发生改变,当它被创建之后,只有windows显示的view会发生改变。View and Window 结构views和Core Animation

2012-02-19 10:50:28 1032

转载 How To Debug Memory Leaks with XCode

http://www.raywenderlich.com/2696/how-to-debug-memory-leaks-with-xcode-and-instruments-tutorialThis is the second article in a three-part series on working with memory in Objective-C

2012-02-18 13:11:37 734

转载 How To Use UIView Animation Tutorial

http://www.raywenderlich.com/2454/how-to-use-uiview-animation-tutorialOne of the coolest things about iPhone apps is how animated many of them are. You can have views fly across the screen, fa

2012-02-12 12:10:29 544

原创 SQLite3 Tutorial


2012-02-11 17:20:53 104

转载 SQLite 101 for iPhone Developers: Creating and Scripting

http://www.raywenderlich.com/902/sqlite-101-for-iphone-developers-creating-and-scriptingThere are many ways to retrieve and store data on the iPhone, from property lists to NSCoding, from

2012-02-10 16:10:31 58

转载 SQLite 101 for iPhone Developers: Creating and Scripting

http://www.raywenderlich.com/902/sqlite-101-for-iphone-developers-creating-and-scriptingThere are many ways to retrieve and store data on the iPhone, from property lists to NSCoding, from

2012-02-10 16:10:29 343

转载 Core Data Tutorial: Getting Started

http://www.raywenderlich.com/934/core-data-tutorial-getting-startedOf all of the ways to persist data on the iPhone, Core Data is the best one to use for non-trivial data storage. It can red

2012-02-10 15:03:07 602

原创 UIView Animation的一些用法

Animations可以动画显示的视图属性1.UIKit和Core Animation都支持动画效果。在UIKit中,动画是通过UIView对象来实现,视图支持许多基本动画2.视图的可动画改变的属性,frame, bounds, center, transform, alpha, backgroundColor, contentStretch3.Core

2012-02-09 16:18:49 13799

原创 人机交互指南-2.app设计策略


2012-02-05 22:24:20 508

原创 iOS地图的注释(Annotation)

1. 添加到map view的子视图不会随地图的移动而移动,map view会固定其子视图的位置。如果要添加随着地图移动的子视图,可以使用annotations和overlays。annotation用来显示由一个经纬度定义的位置,而overlay则是由多个点所定义或者包含了许多连续的图形。2.在地图上显示annotation,需要提供两个对象annotatio

2012-02-05 13:09:51 1799

原创 iOS地图的注释(Annotation)

1. 添加到map view的子视图不会随地图的移动而移动,map view会固定其子视图的位置。如果要添加随着地图移动的子视图,可以使用annotations和overlays。annotation用来显示

2012-02-05 11:39:38 69

原创 iPhoned地图的一些用法(MapKit的使用)

1.三维球面和二维地图的转换关系2.MapKit支持三种坐标系统第一种是地图坐标,即经度纬度,用结构CLLocationCoordiante2D表示第二种是用于地图计算相关的坐标系 MKMapSize第三种是与UIView相关的坐标系CGSize CGRect3.坐标系之间的转换4.添加Map View到UI CGRect mapFrame

2012-01-31 23:53:09 337

翻译 人机交互指南-2.app设计策略(官方文档)


2012-01-31 22:31:45 278

转载 40+ Super Secret OS X Lion Features and Shortcuts

OS X Lion has now been around long enough for us all to dig in and really find some interesting functionality that is either completely hidden or just enough below the service that many users don’t ev

2012-01-30 00:25:45 643

转载 12 Apps That Should Be in the Apps Starter Kit

A Bigger Apps Starter KitThe Apps Starter Kit is a great place to start when choosing apps to buy and/or download for your new Mac. Here are other apps that should be on this category as well:

2012-01-29 23:34:13 471

原创 人机交互指南-2HI Principles


2012-01-29 15:46:19 88

原创 人机交互指南-1平台特性

Platform Characteristics 平台特性The comfortable minimum size of tappable UI elements is 44 x 44 points.    屏幕的分辨率在普通屏幕上,一个像素等于一个point;而在Retina显示屏上一个point等于两个像素Device Orientation C

2012-01-29 15:44:22 350

原创 iPhone获取当前位置(CoreLocation的一些简单使用)

获取用户位置Core Location框架提供了三种用于追踪设备当前位置的服务,Core Location框架从内置的蜂窝,Wi-Fi或者GPS来获取位置The significant-change location service 提供了低耗电的方法来获取当前位置,当前位置改变时会发出通知The standard location service

2012-01-28 20:58:01 559

转载 iPhone九宫格的实现

看到CocoaChina很多同学在问,其实很简单,我这是用图片堆砌实现的九宫格,分享如下:效果图:核心就这2个方法://Power by ieliwb.com- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSArray* imageNames = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:

2012-01-27 16:22:57 974

原创 类似iPhone键盘出现动画的实现

用显示键盘动画的方式来显示DatePicker1.显示DatePicker- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ UITableViewCell *targetCell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPa

2012-01-26 22:49:02 592

原创 类似iPhone键盘出现动画的实现

2012-01-26 22:41:38 108

原创 Date Formatters 用法总结

Date FormattersUse Formatter Styles to Present Dates and Times With the User’s PreferencesNSDateFormatterNoStyle 不显示NSDateFormatterShortStyle 1/25/12 7:11 PMNSDateFormatterMediumStyle Ja

2012-01-25 20:28:05 1061

原创 Date Formatting Programming Guide 小结

Date FormattersThere are two basic methods you use to create a string representation of a date and to parse a string to get a date object using a date formatter—dateFromString: and stringF

2012-01-25 18:55:01 112



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