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原创 BIS新增手机测试认证标准 IS16333 (Part 3)2017.6.30 印度语

▼标准标示1. BIS早前已规定手机标准号 IS 13252 (Part1)/IEC 60950-1 须在标准标示(BIS logo)上方体现,同时注册号在标准标示下方呈现。 2. 支持印度语言的手机标准 IS 16333 (Part 3) 将于2017年7月1日强制实施,因此已注册制造商在取得BIS认可后,须在标准标示上方体现 IS 13252 (Part 1)/IEC 60

2017-06-16 13:22:31 2065

原创 功能机和Andorid 语言支持

1)我们主要提供mtk现在不支持语言的字库和输入法:Pushtu(阿富汗语;Pashto 普什图语),尼泊尔语(Nepali),阿姆哈拉语(Amharic, Ethiopic埃塞俄比亚),不丹语(Dzongkha,Bhutanese),藏语(Tibetan),锡克教语(Gurmukhi),僧伽罗语(Sinhala/Sinhalese),维吾尔语(Uyghur),哈萨克语(kazakh),吉尔吉

2009-11-14 13:25:00 4384 1

原创 AT命令怎样实现的


2023-05-17 10:49:57 602

原创 9 个将改变一切的物联网应用

无论您是有远见的 CEO、技术驱动型 CEO 还是 IT 领导者,您之前都遇到过 IoT 一词。它经常与最高级一起使用,表示它将如何彻底改变您的工作、娱乐和生活方式。但这只是另一个流行语,还是承诺的技术圣杯?事实是,物联网 (IoT) 应用程序不仅仅是一件事,而是一种规划、实施和使用技术以实现广泛利益的方法。物联网应用与 5G、自动化和机器学习等其他技术颠覆者相结合,物联网改变了我们开展业务和生活的方式。因此,考虑到这一点,让我们深入研究 IoT 以及今天已经产生影响的一些实际应用。什么是物

2021-09-29 09:20:10 3434

原创 Types of daTabases数据库类型

NoSQL databases provide the performance,scalability and stability that’s required by the modern data-driven apps we interact with these days.But that is where the similarity between NoSQL systems end....

2019-08-29 10:10:43 1083

翻译 正确学习javascript。困惑的指南

正确学习javascript。困惑的指南迷失了javascript?这一点都不奇怪。你需要一个能告诉你真正重要的指南。我们只有一个。向左看 - 有一个框架市场,它们相互竞争,赞扬它们的能力。向右看 - 这是一个npm-modules的超市。在此之前,您可以看到大型的Bandeler和任务运行者研讨会以及Node应用程序的办公室摩天大楼。JavaScript城市街道漫长而曲折,有数十家小...

2019-06-27 09:56:16 588

翻译 12 个Docker助手 - 帮助开发的开源工具

我们考虑使用开源工具来加速,促进,改进并有时优化Docker的工作。Habitus一个更开源的docker构建工具。使用Dockerfile文件和build.yml创建包含任意数量任意命令的多阶段容器程序集。程序集中的每个步骤都可以保持对某个先前步骤的依赖性,以确保任何复杂的多步依赖项的正确操作。 Habitus还支持在构建过程中包含秘密,并且这样做的方式是图像中没有任何痕迹。Dockly...

2019-06-03 09:23:46 498

原创 开发人员应该知道的10个Git命令

我们检查一切git diff - 在本地查看所有文件更改。指定文件名时,将仅显示更改。git log - 查看提交历史记录。它也可以用于带有git log -p my_file的文件。输入q退出。git blame my_file - 查看my_file中的更改者,内容和内容。git reflog - 在本地存储库头中显示更改日志。搜索丢失数据的绝佳选择。按原样旋转git reset,g...

2019-05-31 14:15:03 375

转载 GPS 0183协议GGA、GLL、GSA、GSV、RMC、VTG解释 + 数据解析


2019-03-25 11:12:25 31235 3

转载 Android 语言码_国家码

android获取语言列表的源码核心部分        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();        Locale[] locales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();        i = 0;        for (Locale locale : locales) {            sb.append...

2018-12-18 11:25:42 13893

转载 MEC技术简介


2018-12-14 19:29:02 17860 1

转载 nRF51822低功耗睡眠函数应用

通过的nRF51822低功耗睡眠的软件应用,当执行NRF_POWER->SYSTEMOFF = 1;CPU将停止运行,保留外设参数,睡眠模式下电路电流消耗10微安,当被GPIO的DETECT信号唤醒后,复位,软件从main函数开始执行。whilie(1)下CPU消耗18毫安电流。 /***************************************************...

2018-10-11 15:27:22 2974

转载 蓝牙低功耗(BLE)应用领域

蓝牙低功耗(BLE)应用领域从手机、平板、PC到车载设备, 到耳机、游戏手柄、音响、电视, 再到手环、电子秤、智能医疗器械(血糖仪、数字血压计、血气计、数字脉搏/心率监视器、数字体温计、耳温枪、皮肤水分计等),  再到智能家居等领域均有他的身影。主流的BLE芯片有TI的TI CC2540/2541、CSR BC6130、创杰 IS1685S、Nordic nRF51822。  其中TI...

2018-10-11 15:22:25 1661 1

转载 67 open source tools and resources for IoT

The idea behind open source has been around for years, long before the movement toward open source software in the late 1980s—even before computers and well before the Internet of Things (IoT) tools o...

2018-09-20 08:33:35 1592

转载 The top 6 programming languages for IoT projects

What we mean when we say 'IoT devices'Skerrett divides the IoT architectural environment into three major sections: the sensors that create the data, the hubs or local gateways that organize it, and...

2018-09-20 08:32:37 410

转载 GPS数据解析

gps数据如下: $GPGGA,031024.000,3115.6422,N,12127.5490,E,1,6,1.93,128.3,M,8.1,M,,*6F$GPRMC,031024.000,A,3115.6422,N,12127.5490,E,0.58,98.86,180918,,,A*5A$GPRMC,031023.000,A,3115.6427,N,12127.5478,E,0.61...

2018-09-18 12:09:58 7874 1

转载 LinuxUserDeveloper-March2018

LinuxUserDeveloper-March2018链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fqrs986L6NWAaz2VnJ_tsQ 密码: f3ig

2018-03-09 17:41:45 440

转载 MyMobile-March2018

MyMobile-March2018链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1l_mC0gBQdWIb_5zOQ5B-2w 密码: hrt5

2018-03-09 17:40:03 435

翻译 The Ten Principles of Interaction Design交互设计的十大原则

Equitable: Be welcoming.Flexible: Provide options.Straightforward: Be obvious and not ambiguous.Perceptible: Don’t assume anything.Informative: Be timely, predictable, uncomplicated and precis

2017-12-28 09:40:17 995

翻译 PHP中MVC体系结构的基础知识

MVC, which stands for Model-View-Controller, is a really good way to develop clean, scalable, powerful and fast applications in the least amount of time and with the least effort. Before exploring MVC

2017-11-28 16:18:13 975

翻译 无连线的Linux——蓝牙的基础

Linux Without Wires The Basics of Bluetooth蓝牙技术用于短距离(1米至100米)的通信。 它是最广泛的无线技术,根据功率和通信范围分为多个类别蓝牙是基于分组的协议,并具有主从结构。 它工作在2400MHz和2483.5MHz频率范围之间,并使用跳频扩频。 蓝牙将数据分成数据包并在79个指定的频道之一上发送。 每个通道具有1MHz的带宽。 蓝牙4.0

2017-11-28 15:37:11 9355

翻译 用分层结构打造微 MVC 框架

Fat controllers and models: an inevitable problem for most large-scale projects based on MVC frameworks such as Yii and Laravel. The primary thing that fattens controllers and models is the Active R

2017-11-09 14:14:43 877

翻译 如何选择最佳前端框架

How to Choose the Best Front-end FrameworkThe JavaScript world is a rich environment with dozens of tools, libraries, and frameworks. But, with lots of options comes a lot of confusion. It reall

2017-11-09 11:03:20 2070 1

翻译 服务器端I / O性能:Node,PHP,Java与Go

Server-side I/O Performance: Node vs. PHP vs. Java vs. GoUnderstanding the Input/Output (I/O) model of your application can mean the difference between an application that deals with the loa

2017-10-18 13:47:01 1402

翻译 Python面试指南

Q: Why use function decorators? Give an example.A decorator is essentially a callable Python object that is used to modify or extend a function or class definition. One of the beauties of decorato

2017-10-18 13:23:30 837

转载 10个开源电子商务平台

2017-09-11 12:53:46 2831

转载 8个保护你商业的开源防火墙

2017-09-11 12:52:36 3867

转载 20+个免费提高个人生产力的流行工具

2017-09-11 12:50:48 726

转载 6个DIY移动APP开发平台

2017-09-11 12:47:51 2491

转载 10个开源云基础管理工具

2017-09-11 12:46:38 499

翻译 7个提示在JavaScript中处理未定义

7 tips to handle undefined in JavaScriptWhen I started to learn JavaScript about eight years ago, a bizarre situation for me was the existence of both undefined and null that represent empty v

2017-09-06 10:35:02 5080

翻译 [[][[]]+[]][+[]][++[+[]][+[]]] is "n" in javascript

[[][[]]+[]][+[]][++[+[]][+[]]]This evaluates to "n" in javascript. Why?Let's start with an empty array[]Now, let's access a member of it.[][]What member? Let's check for the emp

2017-09-06 10:32:54 703

翻译 50个最常用的UNIX / Linux命令(示例)

This article provides practical examples for 50 most frequently used commands in Linux / UNIX.This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but this should give you a jumpstart on some of the com

2017-09-04 12:00:26 853

翻译 15个用于管理MySQL服务器mysqladmin命令

15 Practical Usages of Mysqladmin Command For Administering MySQL ServerIn all the 15 mysqladmin command-line examples below, tmppassword is used as the MySQL root user password. Please change t

2017-09-04 11:08:20 2102

翻译 15实用的PostgreSQL数据库管理命令

15 Practical PostgreSQL Database Administration Commands1. How to change PostgreSQL root user password ?$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql postgres postgresPassword: (oldpassword)# ALTER USER postg

2017-09-04 11:05:00 1627

翻译 15个高级的PostgreSQL命令的例子

15 Advanced PostgreSQL Commands with ExamplesSome of the open source application comes with postgreSQL database. To maintain those application, companies may not hire a fulltime postgreSQL DBA.

2017-09-04 11:03:37 2017

翻译 测试和调试 容器化Node应用

Testing and Debugging a Containerized Node applicationIntroductionContainers in general and Docker in specific have changed the way how we think about running and deploying software quit

2017-09-04 11:00:12 382

翻译 两个行业的故事:编程语言与富裕国家和发展中国家之间的差异

A Tale of Two Industries: How Programming Languages Differ Between Wealthy and Developing Countries技术与人均国内生产总值相关在最近的一篇文章中,我们看到Android的流量问题(占国家堆栈溢出访问的百分比)往往与一个国家的人均GDP负相关。 这可能会导致我们想知道任何其他标签是否也是如此。

2017-09-04 10:38:51 674

翻译 How to Extend Django User Model 如何扩展Django用户模型

The Django’s built-in authentication system is great. For the most part we can use it out-of-the-box, saving a lot of development and testing effort. It fits most of the use cases and is very safe. Bu

2017-08-25 14:09:46 1283

翻译 惰性求值,可组合和模块化的JavaScript

ECMAScript 6, or the 6th edition of ECMA-262 standard, gives JavaScript developers new tools for writing more succinct and modular code. In this article, I’ll cover how we can use four of these featur

2017-08-21 13:17:45 509





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