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原创 lecture15-自动编码器、语义哈希、图像检索

Hinton第15课,本节有课外读物《Semantic Hashing》和《Using Very Deep Autoencoders for Content-Based Image Retrieval》一、从PCA到AE二、深度AE三、

2015-03-11 15:05:59 1630

原创 lecture14-RBM的堆叠、修改以及DBN的决策学习和微调

这是Hinton的第14课,主要介绍了RBM和DBN的东西,这一课的课外读物有三篇论文《Self-taught learning- transfer learning from unlabeled data》和《A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets》以及《To recognize shapes, first learn to generate

2015-03-09 14:56:46 4370

原创 lecture13-BP算法的讨论和置信网

这是HInton课程第13课,这一课有两篇论文可以作为课外读物《Connectionist learning of belief networks》和《The wake-sleep algorithm for unsupervised neural networks》一、BP算法的Ups和downs在这部分,将会介绍BP的历史,先介绍在70和80年代它的来源,然后介绍为什么在90年代它失败

2015-03-08 13:35:20 1195

原创 CUDA2.3-原理之任意长度的矢量求和与用事件来测量性能

__global__ void add( int *a, int *b, int *c) { int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x *blockDim.x; while (tid < N) { c[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid];//your operation tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;

2015-03-04 10:43:51 741

原创 CUDA2.2-原理之存储器访问

本小节来自《大规模并行处理器编程实战》第四节,该书是很好的从内部原理结构上来讲述了CUDA的,对于理解CUDA很有帮助,借以博客的形式去繁取间,肯定会加入自己个人理解,所以有错误之处还望指正。该书还出版了第二版《programming massively parallel processors a hands-on-approach, 2nd》,第一版相对较旧,第二版还是很好的,而且courser

2015-02-04 10:36:34 1076

原创 CUDA2.1-原理之索引与warp

本小节来自《大规模并行处理器编程实战》第四节,该书是很好的从内部原理结构上来讲述了CUDA的,对于理解CUDA很有帮助,借以博客的形式去繁取间,肯定会加入自己个人理解,所以有错误之处还望指正。一、块索引与线程索引    CUDA是细粒度的,数据并行的轻量级线程,在启动一个CUDA的一个Kernel函数的时候,就会创建一个线程网格grid,该网格中的所有线程都是执行该kernel函数的,对于

2015-01-27 12:19:24 1143

原创 opencv8-GPU之相似性计算


2015-01-14 22:37:20 1404 1

原创 opencv7-ml之svm(3)应用


2015-01-14 22:29:08 1204

原创 opencv6.4-imgproc图像处理模块之直方图与模板

2015-01-13 22:20:09 1851

原创 opencv6.5-imgproc图像处理模块之轮廓


2015-01-13 22:18:33 2098

原创 lecture12-玻尔兹曼机和受限玻尔兹曼机


2015-01-13 17:14:57 2518

原创 opencv6.3-imgproc图像处理模块之边缘检测


2015-01-06 22:19:53 2132

原创 opencv6.2-imgproc图像处理模块之图像尺寸上的操作及阈值

接opencv6.1-imgproc图像处理模块之平滑和形态学操作,顺带说一句在opencv中的in-place操作就是比如函数的输入图像和输出图像两个指针是相同的,那么就是in-place操作了。比如很多函数支持目标图像和原图像是同一个内存区域。三、图像的失真缩放采用 pyrUp 和 pyrDown 对图像进行向上和向下采样来达到图像放大和缩小的目的。在这其中的操作是失真操作,所以放大的

2015-01-06 19:12:10 933

原创 CUDA1.1-函数类型限定符与变量类型限定符


2015-01-05 19:21:44 1278

原创 计算机科学论文写作5-写硕士论文

本系列将算是翻译《Scientific Writing for Computer Science Students》 一、硕士论文的组成部分1、摘要   紧凑的写出研究的问题、方法和结果;   最多一页,没有参考文献的引用   最后是ACM的类别+可能的关键字2、引言 通常有4-7页。引言部分应该清楚的定义问题和为了后续的章节给出足够的背景信息。然而不需要任何细节部分!

2015-01-03 18:01:27 1547

原创 计算机科学论文写作3-表、图、例子和其他类似的元素的使用

本教程来自于《Scientific Writing for Computer Science Students》。一、图和表(figures 、tables)1、通常的规则      notice:所有的graphs、pictures 和drawings 都被称之为figures。      figures用来说明模型或者结果,而tables是给出总结。通常来说从来不需要过多的fi

2015-01-03 09:39:07 1010

原创 计算机科学论文写作2-搜寻、阅读和引用文献

本教程来自于《Scientific Writing for Computer Science Students》。一、参考文献的需求  在科学写作中,我们会使用大量的引用!      所有的文字必须被证明,不论是基于之前的研究还是你自己的结果。      必须要明白是基于什么信息上的!(个人:也就是常见的“基于xxx的”,这里的xxx需要搞清楚,搞明白,就是论文的基石)。

2015-01-02 20:13:23 1508

原创 灰度图与彩图的双边滤波

翻译自http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/MANDUCHI1/Bilateral_Filtering.html1、引言        对于图像处理和计算机视觉来说,滤波有可能是最基础的操作了。术语“滤波”最广泛的定义下,也就是过滤后的图像的指定位置上的值就是为基于输入图像上相同位置极其周边区域上函数计算的值。例如:

2015-01-01 22:34:03 3950

原创 opencv6.1-imgproc图像处理模块之平滑与形态学操作


2015-01-01 20:49:50 945

原创 opencv5-objdetect之级联分类器

这是《opencv2.4.9tutorial.pdf》的objdetect module的唯一一个例子。在opencv中进行人脸或者人眼 或者身体的检测 首先就是训练好级联分类器,然后就是检测就行。在opencv中,“opencv/sources/data中就有内置训练好的:基于haar特征的级联分类器、基于hog特征的级联分类器、基于lbp特征的级联分类器”三种。相比较来说 算haar文件夹

2015-01-01 10:49:11 1325

原创 opencv4-highgui之视频的输入和输出以及滚动条


2014-12-23 21:32:00 1244

原创 计算机科学论文写作1-引言

被论文格式虐的心情沮丧,而且往后肯定需要写英文论文,肯定会再次被虐,而且latex的巨大诱惑也驱使着想开始研究如何使用latex写英文论文。本系列将算是翻译《Scientific Writing for Computer Science Students》这本130页的书籍吧,这本书06年Joensuu大学的Wilhelmiina H¨am¨al¨ainen写的。还有一本《writing for

2014-12-23 15:43:25 2512

原创 lecture11-hopfiled网络与玻尔兹曼机


2014-12-22 14:27:35 2320

原创 CUDA1-hello world

电脑配置:windows7 sp1 64bit  + CUDA6.5 + GeForce GTX780 Ti 显卡中的GPU因为多核可以处理很多相同的操作,相比较来说cpu就像个健全的手,什么活都能干,而gpu就是个非健全的手,只能干特定的事情,但是架不住手多,随便几百上千的。关于从cpu过渡到GPU推荐先看《大规模并行处理器编程实战》中前两章,其中有详细地 讲解人们从cpu关注到gpu的

2014-12-20 19:36:05 897

原创 opencv3-core之基本操作

这一篇打算将core部分的例子说完,这都是基于《opencv2.4.9tutorial.pdf》中的core部分,其实这些例子后期都很稳定的,也就是说就算是2.3.1和2.4.10 ,这几个例子不会变,增加的是其他的函数啊什么的,所以无需担心这里的例子是否不适用新版本(opencv3不知道,按照他们小组的意思每次数字大变动,都会有很大的改变opencv3的alpha版本介绍说是重新定义了API,而

2014-12-17 20:00:31 1268

原创 opencv2-新特性及Mat


2014-12-16 15:57:17 812

原创 opencv1-安装及资料

本科用过opencv2..3.1版本,当时按照 http://wiki.opencv.org.cn/index.php/首页 上面的步骤安装的,而且使用的是IplImage和CvMat等C接口的的API。处理了个镇江市交通局的视频中的车辆位置提取的项目(跟着导师干),当时觉得很重要,恩 也就仅限很重要。现在重新审视OpenCV觉得很好的东西,实在不行都能够自己没事写程序玩。正文:采用O

2014-12-16 13:02:47 1043

原创 lecture10-模型的结合与全贝叶斯学习

这是Hinton的第10课这节课有两篇论文可以作为背景或者课外读物《Adaptive mixtures of local experts》和《Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors》。一、为什么模型的结合是有帮助的二、专家混合系统三、全贝叶斯

2014-12-14 22:22:30 1594 2

翻译 A Theoretical Analysis of Feature Pooling in Visual Recognition

这篇是10年ICML的论文,但是它是从原理上来分析池化的原因,因为池化的好坏的确会影响到结果,比如有除了最大池化和均值池化,还有随机池化等等,在eccv14中海油在顶层加个空间金字塔池化的方法。可谓多种多样。A Theoretical Analysis of Feature Pooling in Visual RecognitionY-lan Boureau,Jean  ponce, ya

2014-12-10 19:05:27 1005

原创 lecture9-提高模型泛化能力的方法

HInton第9课,这节课没有放论文进去。。。。。如有不对之处还望指正一、提高泛化方法的概述        在这部分中,将会介绍通过减少(当一个模型的数据表现能力大大的超过训练时提供的数据而产生的)过拟合来提高模型的泛化能力,将会介绍不同的方法去控制网络的数据表达能力,并介绍当我们使用这样一种方法的时候如何设置元参数,然后给出一个通过提早结束训练来控制网络能力(其实就是防止过拟合)

2014-11-28 14:42:00 5423 1

原创 代码杂想


2014-11-22 22:01:38 517

原创 lecture8-RNN的训练方法之二三


2014-11-19 22:24:29 2016

原创 lecture7-序列模型及递归神经网络RNN

Hinton 这里先说下RNN有recurrent neural network 和 recursive

2014-11-15 16:48:38 5876 7

原创 lecture6-mini批量梯度训练及三个加速的方法


2014-11-12 10:46:27 2349

翻译 sparse linear regression with beta process priors

sparse linear regression with beta process priorsBo Chen,John Paisley and Lawrence

2014-11-11 14:22:40 934

翻译 Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks

这是Jake Bouvrie在2006年写的关于CNN的训练原理,虽然文献老了点,不过对理解经典CNN的训练过程还是很有帮助的。该作者是剑桥的研究认知科学的。翻译如有不对之处,还望gNotes on Convolutional Neural Networks

2014-11-07 10:00:33 4834 5

原创 lecture5-对象识别与卷积神经网络

Hinton第五课突然不知道object recognition 该翻译成对象识别好,还是目标识别h

2014-11-06 16:46:00 3218 3

翻译 Convolutional Networks for Images,Speech,and Time-series

Convolutional Networks for Images,Speech,and Time-seriesYann LeCun  Yoshua Bengio

2014-11-05 21:14:56 2138

原创 lecture4-神经网络在语言上的应用

Hinton第四课这一课主要介绍神经网络在语言处理上应用,而主要是在文本上,并附上了2003年Bengio 等人的19页的论文《A Neural Probabilistic Language Model》,觉得不错,打算看看翻译了在传上来,虽然不是做这方面的,但是多懂些其他领域的东西也好。一、学习去预测下一个单词    通过使用BP去学习单词意思的特征表征,这里先介绍一个1980年

2014-11-04 22:24:13 1315

原创 lecture3-线性神经元和算法


2014-11-03 09:20:46 1386

Implementing a Language with LLVM in Objective Caml-llvm.org (2017).pdf

The goal of this tutorial is to progressively unveil our language, describing how it is built up over time. This will let us cover a fairly broad range of language design and LLVM-specific usage issues, showing and explaining the code for it all along the way, without overwhelming you with tons of details up front


Mayur Pandey, Suyog Sarda - LLVM Cookbook-Packt Publishing (2015).pdf

This book travels through all the phases of compilation: frontend processing, code optimization, code emission, and so on. And to make this journey easy, LLVM is the simplest compiler infrastructure to study. It's a modular, layered compiler infrastructure where every phase is dished out as a separate recipe. Written in object-oriented C++, LLVM gives programmers a simple interface and lots of APIs to write their own compiler.


Modern C++ Programming Cookbook[May 2017].pdf.zip

This book addresses many of the new features included in C++11, C++14, and the forthcoming C++17. This book is organized in recipes, each covering one particular language or library feature, or a common problem developers face and its typical solution using modern C++. Through more than 100 recipes, you will learn to master both core language features and the standard libraries, including those for strings, containers, algorithms, iterators, input/output, regular expressions, threads, filesystem, atomic operations, and utilities.



programming language for data science and its applications. It also serves as a guide to handle data in the most available formats, and shows how to crawl and scrape data from the Internet. Chapter 2, Metaprogramming, covers the concept of metaprogramming, where a language can express its own code as a data structure of itself. For example, Lisp expresses code in the form of Lisp arrays, which are data structures in Lisp itself. Similarly, Julia can express its code as data structures. Chapter 3, Statistics with Julia, teaches you how to perform statistics in Julia, along with the common problems of handling data arrays, distributions, estimation, and sampling techniques. Chapter 4, Building Data Science Models, talks about various data science and statistical models. You will learn to design, customize, and apply them to various data science problems. This chapter will also teach you about model selection and the ways to learn how to build and understand robust statistical models. Chapter 5, Working with Visualizations, teaches you how to visualize and present data, and also to analyze and the findings from the data science approach that you have taken to solve a particular problem. There are various types of visualizations to display your findings, namely the bar plot, the scatter plot, pie chart, and so on. It is very important to choose an appropriate method that can reflect your findings and work in a sensible and an aesthetically pleasing manner. Chapter 6, Parallel Computing, talks about the concepts of parallel computing and handling a lot of data in Julia.



Chapter 1, Installing the Julia Platform, guides you with the installation of all the necessary components required for a Julia environment. It teaches you how to work with Julia’s console (the REPL) and discusses some of the more elaborate development editors you can use. Chapter 2, Variables, Types, and Operations, discusses the elementary built-in types in Julia, and the operations that can be performed on them, so that you are prepared to start writing the code with them. Chapter 3, Functions, explains why functions are the basic building blocks of Julia, and how to effectively use them. Chapter 4, Control Flow, shows Julia’s elegant control constructs, how to perform error handling, and how to use coroutines (called Tasks in Julia) to structure the execution of your code. Chapter 5, Collection Types, explores the different types that group individual values, such as arrays and matrices, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. Chapter 6, More on Types, Methods, and Modules, digs deeper into the type concept and explains how this is used in multiple dispatch to get C-like performance. Modules, a higher code organizing concept, are discussed as well. Chapter 7, Metaprogramming in Julia, touches on the deeper layers of Julia, such as expressions and reflection capabilities, and demonstrates the power of macros. Chapter 8, I/O, Networking, and Parallel Computing, shows how to work with data in files and databases using DataFrames. We can explore the networking capabilities, and shows how to set up a parallel computing environment with Julia. Chapter 9, Running External Programs, looks at how Julia interacts with the command line and other languages and also discusses performance tips. Chapter 10, The Standard Library and Packages, digs deeper into the standard library and demonstrates the important packages for visualization of data.



Chapter 1, Julia is Fast, discuses some of the design underpinning the language and its focus on high performance. Chapter 2, Analyzing Julia Performance, provides the tools and techniques you can use to measure and analyze the performance of your own programs. Chapter 3, Types in Julia, describes the type system and discusses why writing type-stable code is crucial to high performance. Chapter 4, Functions and Macros – Structuring Julia Code for High Performance, discusses techniques to use dispatch and code generation to structure high-performance programs. Chapter 5, Fast Numbers, discusses the basic numeric types and why they are fast.


Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow.

Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow is a practical and mathematical guide to deep learning using TensorFlow. Deep learning is a branch of machine learning where you model the world in terms of a hierarchy of concepts. This pattern of learning is similar to the way a human brain learns, and it allows computers to model complex concepts that often go unnoticed in other traditional methods of modeling. Hence, in the modern computing paradigm, deep learning plays a vital role in modeling complex real-world problems, especially by leveraging the massive amount of unstructured data available today



编写python代码(http://blog.csdn.net/shouhuxianjian/article/details/78075431),然后将NIPS会议从1988年到2016年所有论文的下载链接保存在对应的文件夹 下面的urls.txt中,可以直接复制下载链接到迅雷中,从而


Tree Boosting With XGBoost

Tree boosting has empirically proven to be a highly effective approach to predictive modeling. It has shown remarkable results for a vast array of problems. For many years, MART has been the tree boosting method of choice. More recently, a tree boosting method known as XGBoost has gained popularity by winning numerous machine learning competitions. In this thesis, we will investigate how XGBoost differs from the more traditional MART. We will show that XGBoost employs a boosting algorithm which we will term Newton boosting. This boosting algorithm will further be compared with the gradient boosting algorithm that MART employs. Moreover, we will discuss the regularization techniques that these methods offer and the effect these have on the models.


Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Neural networks are one of the most beautiful programming paradigms ever invented. ,n the conventional approach to programming, we tell the computer what to do, breaking big problems up into many small, precisely defined tasks that the computer can easily perform. %y contrast, in a neural network we


Hands On Deep Learning with TensorFlow

TensorFlow is an open source software library for machine learning and training neural networks. TensorFlow was originally developed by Google, and was made open source in 2015. Over the course of this book, you will learn how to use TensorFlow to solve a novel research problem. You'll use one of the most popular machine learning approaches, neural networks with TensorFlow. We'll work on both the simple and deep neural networks to improve our models.


Getting Started with TensorFlow

Key Features, Get the first book on the market that shows you the key aspects TensorFlow, how it works, and how to use it for the second generation of machine learning, Want to perform faster and more accurate computations in the field of data science? This book will acquaint you with an all-new refreshing library—TensorFlow!, Dive into the next generation of numerical computing and get the most out of your data with this quick guide, Book Description, Google's TensorFlow engine, after much fanfare, has evolved in to a robust, user-friendly, and customizable, application-grade software library of machine learning (ML) code for numerical computation and neural networks., This book takes you through the practical software implementation of various machine learning techniques with TensorFlow. In the first few chapters, you'll gain familiarity with the framework and perform the mathematical operations required for data analysis. As you progress further, you'll learn to implement various machine learning techniques such as classification, clustering, neural networks, and deep learning through practical examples., By the end of this book, you’ll have gained hands-on experience of using TensorFlow and building classification, image recognition systems, language processing, and information retrieving systems for your application., What you will learn, Install and adopt TensorFlow in your Python environment to solve mathematical problems, Get to know the basic machine and deep learning concepts, Train and test neural networks to fit your data model, Make predictions using regression algorithms, Analyze your data with a clustering procedure, Develop algorithms for clustering and data classification, Use GPU computing to analyze big data


Programming in Scala, 3rd Edition

This book is a tutorial for the Scala programming language, written by people directly involved in the development of Scala. Our goal is that by reading this book, you can learn everything you need to be a productive Scala programmer. All examples in this book compile with Scala version 2.11.7, except for those marked 2.12, which compile with 2.12.0-M3.



增强学习导论 2017年6月版本


Scala Functional Programming Patterns

Scala Functional Programming Patterns packt上的资源



为Microsoft 32位平台的应用程序编程接口,Win32 API是从事Windows应用程序开发所必备的。本书首先对Win32 API函数做完整的概述;然后收录五大类函数:窗口管理、图形设备接口、系统服务、国际特性以及网络服务;在附录部分,讲解如何在Visual Basic和Delphi中对其调用。 本书是从事Windows应用程序开发的软件工程师的必备参考手册。


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