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原创 Xilinx FPGA手册上的“Logic Cells”究竟是什么?


2021-07-30 09:34:04 2025

原创 MFC 最新版本

MFC 版本历史:(截止于2020年6月30日)

2020-07-26 17:20:11 1671 2

原创 有关窗口对象指针和窗口句柄获取的相关函数。

顺便记录一下有关窗口对象指针和窗口句柄相关的函数。Win32 API函数对窗口的操作总是需要一个窗口句柄(hWnd)来指向需要操作的对象;比如::SetWindowPos(hWnd,...)而MFC内,窗口句柄已经包含在对象成员内,需要的是指向窗口对象的指针(pWnd),这样就可以对此对象的成员函数操作了。比如pWnd->SetWindowPos(...)常用获得函数:AfxGet

2016-04-07 22:37:40 2700

原创 解决文档/视图结构中相互调用不方便的问题

MFC 的Document/View程序中,需要频繁调用CMainFrame 类以及CDocument/CView(View1/View/View3...)中的成员,而且相互调用。虽然系统提供了很多函数可以帮助,但是感觉还不够爽。这里可以学一下theApp的办法,给这些类定义全局指针,比如:CMainFrame* pMainFrame;CDemoDoc* pDoc;CTex

2016-04-06 21:31:59 425

原创 如何为SDI程序中多个不同视图路由命令消息

具体见图:图片中代码不太清楚,贴在这里:BOOL CMainFrame::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo){ if (pDoc) return pDoc->RouteCmdAllViews(GetActiveView(), nID, nCode, pEx

2016-04-06 21:17:30 600

转载 巧用/用足 UpdateAllViews()中的三个参数

Suppose you write a program editor that uses the MDI architecture to allow the user to display multiple views of a source code file. If a change made to a file in one view is visible in the others, al

2016-04-06 20:44:01 1542

原创 MFC MDI项目如何一个文档显示多个不同视图类(比如文字和图表,各自拥有单独的框架窗口)


2016-04-05 22:45:43 6920

转载 writing .NET applications, which language to use?

Note When writing .NET applications, all languages are equivalent because they all com-pile down to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL, or IL for short). In fact, you could saythat to a very

2015-08-23 16:30:36 553

转载 如何在VC++中使用Windows Forms (VS2012-VS2015)

https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/a6d92d96-4a86-4ef7-a815-7f588a6073ea/vs-express-2012-no-c-windows-forms-application?forum=Vsexpressvc在VS2010里新建项目,在VC++/CLR里可以直接新建Windows Forms项目,使用相关向导。但

2015-08-23 12:48:28 4794

原创 JTAG 之前OK,但是现在找不到并口,或出现并口但是烧不进的话,试试这个:

X:\altera\91\quartus\bin\bblpt.exe /iX:\altera\91\quartus\bin\bblpt.exe /i

2015-03-01 13:14:28 1526

原创 PCI9054 突发模式数据传输 (burst mode data transfer )

C mode target slave , 之前看PCI9054 datasheet知道这个burst mode ,也看了时序图,但是一直缺乏一个感性的认识。今天网上买的 USB逻辑分析仪到货了,接上去用PLX SDK提供的API函数做了个控制台程序试了试读和写,的确认识了single cycle和burst的实际样子。1,EEPROM里给memory space 0的设置是16位

2015-02-27 20:56:49 5272 2

转载 按字寻址和按字节寻址问题!

转载说明:最近和“位”打交道多了,研究PCI本地地址I/O寻址空间,看到资料是最大256 Byte,可用8根地址线。当时糊涂,在想2^8=256 啊,怎么和256 Byte搭上了。况且数据线是32位呢。于是网上搜了搜,发现这个讨论帮助蛮大的。特别是7楼和13楼的解答。以下内容为转载:L1:按字寻址和按字节寻址问题!迷茫!!!CPU有2

2015-02-20 22:17:17 14576 5

转载 PCI9054 学习小结

转载自:http://blog.csdn.net/lg2lh/article/details/8042008PS: 已经对原文的笔误做修改。PCI的基本协议这里就不介绍了,因为一般的芯片协议都是集成好的,我只需要大体了解就行,不需要做芯片,我感觉就不需要太了解协议。 这里讲解是基于PLX 的9054(9052)芯片为基础的,本人只是入门,望批评指正。

2015-02-20 18:11:45 6178

转载 PCIe及USB传输速度小结

PCIe各标准的速度如下: 版本发布时间原始数据传输带宽有效带宽单个Lane带宽总带宽(x16)PCIe1.x20032.5GT/s2Gbps250MB/s8GB/sPCIe2.x20075.0GT/s4Gbps500MB/s16GB/sPCIe3.020108.0GT/s

2015-02-20 17:10:16 2115

转载 C++11/14/17 Features In VS 2015 Preview(Stephan T. Lavavej)

Visual Studio 2015 Preview is now available, so here's an updated feature table for the Core Language: C++11 Core Language FeaturesVS 2013VS 2015 PreviewNotes

2015-01-09 17:59:04 836

转载 王垠:如何掌握程序语言


2013-06-19 21:40:29 609

原创 孟岩谈如何学习modern C++

C++ 11 以后风格大变,打好基础只需要C++ Primer, C++标准程序库,Effective C++,C++ Concurrency in Action 这四本书就够了http://www.weibo.com/smoothmonk#_rnd1370316773354

2013-06-04 11:36:20 1369 1

转载 刘未鹏 推荐的软件开发书籍

列一下我所认为的,你面试微软前必须要读的十本书:Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (《编码的奥秘》)Computer System: A Programmer’s Perspective (《深入理解计算机系统》) / Windows via C/C++ (《Windows核心编程》 / 《程序员的自我修

2013-05-22 17:01:33 1318

转载 Welcome Back to C++ (Modern C++)

C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. Well-written C++ programs are fast and efficient. The language is more flexible than other languages because you can use it to cr

2013-05-21 16:32:48 775

转载 对象的传值与返回

对象的传值与返回 说起函数,就不免要谈谈函数的参数和返回值。一般的,我们习惯把函数看作一个处理的封装(比如黑箱),而参数和返回值一般对应着处理过程的输入和输出。这种情况下,参数和返回值都是值类型的,也就是说,函数和它的调用者的信息交流方式是用过数据的拷贝来完成,即我们习惯上称呼的“值传递”。但是自从引入了“引用”的概念后,函数的传统模型就不再那么“和谐”了。引用的传递可以允许函数和调用者共

2013-04-10 07:39:59 892

转载 虚函数与虚继承寻踪


2013-04-10 07:25:58 537

转载 成员函数指针与高性能的C++委托

Member Function Pointers and the Fastest Possible C++ Delegates 成员函数指针与高性能的C++委托撰文:Don Clugston翻译:周翔 引子标准C++中没有真正的面向对象的函数指针。这一点对C++来说是不幸的,因为面向对象的指针(也叫做“闭包(closure)”或“委托(delegat

2013-04-09 21:52:20 1079

转载 VC++: Under the Hood (谈VC++对象模型)

——谈VC++对象模型(美)简.格雷Jan Gray March 1994 Jan Gray is a Software Design Engineer in Microsoft’s Visual C++ Business Unit. He helped design and implement the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler.

2013-04-09 20:10:36 821

转载 C语言运行时库详解 (C/C++ Runtime)

运行时库是程序在运行时所需要的库文件,通常运行时库是以LIB或DLL形式提供的。C运行时库诞生于20世纪70年代,当时的程序世界还很单纯,应用程序都是单线程的,多任务或多线程机制在此时还属于新观念。所以这个时期的C运行时库都是单线程的。  随着操作系统 多线程技术的发展 ,最初的C运行时库无法满足程序的需求,出现了严重的问题 。C运行时库使用了多个全局变量(例如errno)和静态变量,这可

2013-03-01 16:41:12 11968

转载 VC下 Runtime 版本不同原因引起的一个编译问题案例

BackgroundMSDN中对于在不同的配置下Link的LIB作了说明:C Runtime Library:开关对应的库版本/MDMSVCRT.LIB多线程DLL的Release版本/MDdMSVCRTD.LIB多线程DLL的Debug版本

2013-03-01 14:23:53 1542

转载 有关C Runtime 的转载

首先说明,我google了半天,想找到英文的关于这个资料,但是实在找不到,只好转载国人的讨论。 CRT原先是指Microsoft开发的C Runtime Library,用于操作系统的开发及运行。后来在此基础上开发了C++ Runtime Library,所以现在CRT是指Microsoft开发的C/C++ Runtime Library。在VC的CRT/SRC目录下,可以看到CR

2013-03-01 12:51:18 348

转载 一个优秀windows C++程序员的知识体系

思考一个优秀windows C++ 程序员该有哪些知识,可最终发现什么知识都不能少, 看下图:

2013-02-28 16:58:31 1018

转载 范型编程杂谈

谈范型(GP)之前, 先谈一下面向对象(OO), OO强调世界是由对象组成的,对象是由方法和属性组成的(个人感觉还应该加上事件),而对象之间又有继承(is-a)和组合等 关系。OO很符合我们认识世界的直觉,它以封装,继承和多态为特性,我们在现实工作中又总结出来了OO的5大设计原则和23种设计模式。总之,OO基本上已经可以很好的解决我们现实生活中的所有问题。那么既然OO已经可以很好的解决我们

2013-02-28 16:50:19 422

转载 软命令接口的适用场合

看到有些朋友很喜欢用软命令的方式来提供接口, 什么是软命令, 其实就是一个接口,根据参数的不同,可以实现N多的功能(我不知道"软命令"这名词是我原创还是现有的,我们暂时就这样称呼吧).    看看现实中有哪些产品已经成功应用了这种特性?    首先想到是的是windows窗口的消息处理函数,用C的方式是类似这样:    LRESULT MessageProc(HWND hWnd

2013-02-28 16:07:09 733

转载 消息耦合还是接口耦合

最近公司准备开发一个新产品,需要重新设计一套新的框架,但是就这框架中各模块的通信方式,大家产生了争论,主要集中在各模块的交互方式是消息耦合还是接口耦合。需求大概这样,我们需要封装一套客户端SDK, 暴露一系列API给外部用,而这套SDK内部会有很多模块组成,这些模块之间相互会有交互。第一种设计是基于接口耦合,框架如下:这种接口方式的设计要点是:a. 各模块以类似CO

2013-02-28 16:05:40 860

转载 理解 Windows API 调用过程

理解 Windows API 调用过程我们在应用层调用一个Win32 API, 系统内部究竟是如何执行的, 它是如何从用户态进入到内核态的呢 ?对于每层一些概念的解释,这里不详述了,具体可以参考理解Windows内核模式与用户模式.以Kernel32里的 CreateProcess 为例, 内部会调用ntdll.dll里导出的NtCreateProcess, ntd

2013-02-28 15:14:18 1612

转载 理解Windows内核模式与用户模式

理解Windows内核模式与用户模式内核层次架构windows程序运行分为内核模式和用户模式,内核模式可以访问所有的内存地址空间, 并且可以访问所有的CPU指令。一般程序运行在用户模式, 通过系统调用切换到内核模式执行系统功能,Windows系统通过这种方式来确保系统的安全和稳定。下面是内核的层次划分:硬件抽象层(Hardware Abstraction L

2013-02-28 15:11:53 533

转载 眼花缭乱中看Metro Style—MS Apps Store—Desktop Apps以及Win-Runtime和Win32

WinRT(Windows Runtime)是微软新一代在Win8 Metro下开发框架, 它是一套面向对象、跨语言并且是Native的库。 如果有人问我WinRT的核心技术是什么? 我的答案是 COM + .Net Metadata + Xaml, 这三者可以说是微软这些年所有技术的精华。COM组件技术一直是微软在用户态的核心技术之一, 它让我们可以无缝的以面向对象的方式搭建

2013-02-28 14:21:57 1155

转载 _MBCS

MBCS(Multi-Byte Chactacter System,即多字节字符系统)它是编码的一种类型,而不是某个特定编码的名称。 字符基础:ASCII,DBCS,Unicode 所有的string类都是以C-style字符串为基础的。C-style字符串是字符数组。字符类型有三种编码格式: 第一种是单字节字符集(single byte character set or SBCS)

2013-02-26 10:42:21 2731

转载 你应当如何学习C++(以及编程)(rev#1)

你应当如何学习C++(以及编程)(rev#1) By 刘未鹏(pongba)C++的罗浮宫(http://blog.csdn.net/pongba) Javascript是世界上最受误解的语言,其实C++何尝不是。坊间流传的错误的C++学习方法一抓就是一大把。我自己在学习C++的过程中也走了许多弯路,浪费了不少时间。 为什么会存在这么多错误认识?原因主要有三个,一是C+

2013-02-21 11:37:30 369

转载 十年学会编程

十年学会编程著者: Peter Norvig翻译: Dai Yuwen为何人人都这么着急?信步走进任何一家书店,你会看到名为《如何在7天内学会Java》的书,还有各 种各样类似的书: 在几天内或几小时内学会Visual Basic, Windows, Internet等等,一眼望不到 尽头。我在Amazon 上做了如下的 强力检索 : pubdate: af

2013-02-21 10:26:17 504

转载 评侯捷的《深入浅出MFC》和李久进的《MFC深入浅出》

侯捷的<深入浅出MFC>相信大家都已经很熟悉了,论坛上也有很多介绍,这里我就不多说了。      而李久进的<MFC深入浅出>,听说的人可能就少得多。原因听说是这本书当时没有怎么宣传,而自从1999年第1版后,似乎也没有重印过,现在市面上根本找不到,所以大部分人都不知道。我手里现在恰好有一本,是从图书馆借的。这本书全名为<MFC深入浅出——从MFC设计到MFC编程>李久进编著,华中理工大学

2013-02-18 15:22:25 7392

转载 程序员学习能力提升三要素


2013-02-17 16:15:49 592

转载 windows 编程的学习次序


2013-02-17 12:48:33 4846

转载 VC 中使用内存映射文件处理大文件

=========================================首先,通过 CreateFile() 函数来创建或打开一个文件内核对象,这个对象标识了磁盘上将要用作内存映射文件的文件。(其实是获取文件句柄)其次,通过 CreateFileMapping() 函数来为刚才创建的文件内核对象创建一个文件映射内核对象并告诉系统文件的尺寸以及访问文件的方式。(获取

2013-02-08 12:06:08 621


Design Patterns Explained - Review Questions and Answers Table of Contents • Chapter 1: The Object-Oriented Paradigm • Chapter 2: The UML - The Unified Modeling Language • Chapter 3: A Problem That Cries Out for Flexible Code • Chapter 4: A Standard Object-Oriented Solution • Chapter 5: An Introduction to Design Patterns • Chapter 6: The Façade Pattern • Chapter 7: The Adapter Pattern • Chapter 8: Expanding Our Horizons • Chapter 9: The Strategy Pattern • Chapter 10: The Bridge Pattern • Chapter 11: The Abstract Factory Pattern • Chapter 12: How Do Experts Design? • Chapter 13: Solving The CAD/CAM Problem with Patterns • Chapter 14: The Principles and Strategies of Design Patterns • Chapter 15: Commonality and Variability Analysis (CVA) • Chapter 16: The Analysis Matrix • Chapter 17: The Decorator Pattern • Chapter 18: The Observer Pattern • Chapter 19: The Template Method Pattern • Chapter 20: Lessons from Design Patterns: Factories • Chapter 21: The Singleton Pattern and the Double-Checked Locking Pattern • Chapter 22: The Object Pool Pattern • Chapter 23: The Factory Method Pattern • Chapter 24: Summary of Factories (no review questions) • Chapter 25: Design Patterns Reviewed: A Summation and a Beginning


MFC 2019 微软官方文档 共计6780页 带标签

MFC 2019 微软官方文档 共计6780页 带标签, 相当于把MFC相关的MSDN整合到一个PDF文件里。



vector中存放300000个指向类DataItem(3个字段和一个构造函数)的指针,回收所有DataItem的内存和清除vector后,为什么整个进程还占6M呢,是vector导致内存泄露,还是啥原因,大神一定要给我说清楚啊,我应经想了好几天了@简悦云风 @左耳朵耗子 @GeniusVczh


win32 多线程程序设计



MFC.chm 中文版

MFC 中文版文档, CHM格式,放在一起查询方便


ProcessMonitor.CHM 中文版

Process Monitor 中文版,绝对能用。



windows进程知识库 process thread CreateEvent Mutex EnterCriticalSection you know


windows程序设计 第二版 (王艳平版)代码

windows程序设计 第二版 (王艳平版)原书代码


软件调试与优化典型应用 book-code

软件调试与优化典型应用 原书配套CD里的代码


Production Testing of RF and System-on-a-Chip Devices for Wireless Communications((Artech.House.Publishers.Apr.2004)

Production Testing of RF and System-on-a-Chip Devices for Wireless Communications Keith B. Schaub Joe Kelly ========================== It came to our attention that there were not any books available that enlightened the engineer on the concepts of production testing of radio frequency (RF) and systemon- a-chip (SOC) devices. There is a number of great books and application notes on the subject of RF measurement techniques. There is also a number of great mixedsignal analysis and measurements how-to books. However, there are no books that bring the two worlds of RF and mixed-signal testing into one volume. It is our intention to bridge this gap. Under the topic of electronics there are two major categories of devices, digital and analog. Digital refers to those devices that manipulate data between two states (i.e., 1 or 0). Analog refers to the manipulation of continuous waveforms. Analog electronics is a very general topic, and for the most part, the subject falls under the category of mixed signal. Analog measurements are also covered in this category. However, when discussing RF electronics (also analog), special attention must be paid to the rules introduced under the category of mixed-signal testing. It is these rules that often make people approach RF with trepidation. But, they are simply that, rules. If they are followed, RF is very straightforward. An RF engineer could reference back to old college books as these topics and test concepts are derived from the fundamental theories of physics. However, our goal is to present these measurements within this book in a straightforward manner, with explanations covering the gotchas that all of us have run into over time. Indeed, many of the descriptions will be based on microwave theory and the theory of microwave devices. But this is a necessary foundation, so that topics may be taken two steps further: 1. Describing the test; 2. Explaining how to implement production-testing solutions. Testing and measuring RF and SOC devices is routinely performed on bench tops in laboratories, but production testing adds the constraints of performing these tests significantly more efficiently, while maintaining the same level of quality. The term efficiently commonly means “more quickly,” but it can also mean introducing creative means such as multisite testing or parallel testing. Topics such as these will be covered throughout the chapters in this book. This book is intended for a wide variety of audiences. They include SOC applications engineers, engineering managers, product engineers, and students, although other disciplines can benefit as well. The book is constructed in two parts. The first part consists of the first three chapters, readable like a novel, informing the reader of the details of production testing and presenting items to consider such as cost of test xiii (COT). The second half (Chapters 4 through 8) is written as a handbook, specifically for applications engineers. It is our intention to create a book that will be used as a reference, providing algorithms and good-practice techniques. Additionally, the appendixes that we have included contain items that would typically be needed by SOC engineers. The book is also aimed at managers of technical teams, that they may pick up this book, read the first few chapters, and feel comfortable in relatively detailed discussions involving applications and production-test solutions. A few years ago, an RF applications engineer would be very focused in this very unique (often termed complex) field performing tests on discrete RF devices such as mixers, power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, and RF switches. Times have changed. Today, we face increasing levels of integration, such that many of these discrete device functions are contained within one chip or module. Furthermore, the integration levels are such that RF chips contain lower-frequency analog functionality, as well as digital functionality (earlier RF devices often contained three-wire serial communications for controlling things such as gain control, but current digital is becoming more complex). Indeed, it would be more accurate, when referring to this new breed of engineers, to coin the term SOC engineer when discussing today’s wireless applications. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the many facets of production testing, with particular focus on the testing of RF and SOC devices. Many of the topics also directly work for other types of electronic device production testing. Additionally, the various capital expense items are covered, such as handlers, wafer probers, load boards, contactors, and so forth. There are not many general information application notes available on these topics, and this chapter is intended to bring them together to one location. Chapter 2 introduces the devices, both RF and SOC, that this book focuses on. A review of how the radio has evolved in wireless communications is presented. The superheterodyne radio and direct conversion (zero-if) architectures are discussed, as are their changes over time and their impact on testing. Lastly, an overview of the types of tests that are performed on each type of device is presented. Cost of test is reviewed in Chapter 3. An in-depth analysis is presented in this chapter with the intention to be a guide for those making decisions on how to implement final tests of devices. Note that this chapter, while presented in a book on RF testing, can be applied equally to any other type of electronic device or wafer testing. The intention is for this chapter to be useful to managers, sales teams, and applications engineers who go beyond the role of sitting behind the tester. Also presented in this chapter is a discussion of the traditional models of production test. Topics considered include the advantages and disadvantages of using third-party-testing integrated design manufacturers (IDMs) versus subcontract manufacturers (SCMs). An analytical tool will be presented for calculating cost of test, including many necessary components that are often overlooked when deciding how to perform production testing. Algorithms for production tests performed on discrete RF devices, as well as the front end of more highly integrated devices are presented in Chapter 4, the beginning of the handbook-type portion of this book. Detailed descriptions of the tests, as well as algorithms in both tabular and block diagram formats, are provided. xiv Preface Following the format of Chapter 4, Chapter 5 provides algorithms on measurements used with more highly integrated SOC devices. The tests discussed in this section are typical of those found in wireless communications. Chapter 6 is an introduction to many facets of mixed-signal testing. Common tests that are finding their way into SOC device production testing are explained. Chapter 7 covers new methods for improving the efficiency of production testing, taking it beyond simply performing the measurements faster. Concepts such as parallel and concurrent testing are presented. Chapter 8 is dedicated to the measurement of noise. Both noise figure and phase noise measurements are discussed. The intention of this chapter is to educate the engineer in what goes on behind the scenes of today’s easy-to-use noise figure analyzers and automated test equipment (ATE). Gone are the days when the engineer had to manually extract noise measurements, but it is important to understand the algorithms, which even today, within analyzers, effectively remain unchanged. There is further explanation on how to perform noise measurements in a production-test environment. Phase noise is also be considered and examined. Appendixes 4A, A, and B are included to cover the common items that every engineer is often running hastily to find from their notes. We look forward to helping to merge the worlds of RF and mixed-signal production testing. Keith Schaub Joe Kelly March 2004


Timing And Patterns

By Dirk Hill ================ Timing and Patterns • Timing Diagram • Timing • Formats • Timing II • Patterns • Bringing It All Together This is a short paper on the basics of test development. This one covers developing a set of formats, timing sets and a pattern from a timing diagram and timing table. The device used is a simple SRAM memory device with a multiplexed bus. It has 16 memory locations accessed by four parallel address/data lines. There are three control lines: Address Latch Enable (ALE), Write enable (WR), and Read enable (RD). To access a memory location the address must first be latched and then either a read or write cycle follows. (Once an address is latched multiple Writes and Reads can take place on the same location. We do not take advantage of this in this paper.) This paper does not take DC parametrics into consideration. The “tester” is a simplified one with a tester-per-pin architecture (that is all the pins are input and output pins). It is capable of timeset and format switching on the fly. It has 4 edgesets and 4 format sets per pin and 10 time sets. (We do not take advantage of format switching on the fly in this paper.)


MEMS An_Introduction_to_Microelectromechanical_Systems_Engineering

MEMS-An_Introduction_to_Microelectromechanical_Systems_Engineering-2nd_edition-eBook_LiB-Artech_House_Publishers.pdf ==================== corresponding technology has enjoyed a fast pace of development and has rapidly spread to institutions and companies on all inhabited continents. A search of the keyword MEMS in all granted patents in the United States since 1998 returns nearly 4,000 patents and references. Many devices have left universities to go into commercial development, and several have reached the stage of becoming products. It is therefore appropriate to extensively revise the text to incorporate advances in the field, new products, as well as suggestions from the readers. As we revised the original text and added substantial new material, we strived to retain the style characteristic of an introductory book intended for a broad audience of scientists, engineers, students, and business executives. This revised edition continues to assume that the reader has no prior experience in MEMS technology but does possess an understanding of basic scientific concepts equivalent to first-year college physics and chemistry. The objective remained to introduce a select number of representative demonstrators that are now or are soon to be commercially available. We added many more illustrations and pictures to aid the reader in developing a familiarity with the technology. We also included throughout the text more practical tidbits that are useful to those who wish to apply this technology to their needs. In this revision, we have expanded on the fabrication processes, adding new methods and materials. The advantages and limitations of many micromachined structures are covered in more detail. We divided the chapter on commercial structures into four chapters, each focusing on a specific application, and then expanded each chapter with appropriate material covering new technical developments and products. Chapter 4 is now specific to automotive and industrial applicat



VHDL是由美国国防部为描述电子电路所开发的一种语言,其全称为(Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language。 与另外一门硬件描述语言Verilog HDL相比,VHDL更善于描述高层的一些设计,包括系统级(算法、数据通路、控制)和行为级(寄存器传输级),而且VHDL具有设计重用、大型设计能力、可读性强、易于编译等优点逐渐受到硬件设计者的青睐。但是,VHDL是一门语法相当严格的语言,易学性差,特别是对于刚开始接触VHDL的设计者而言,经常会因某些小细节处理不当导致综合无法通过。为此本文就其中一些比较典型的问题展开探讨,希望对初学者有所帮助,提高学习进度。



基于CPLD 的三相多波形函数发生器设计 文章作者:尹佳喜 尹 仕 文章出处:国外电子元器件 摘要:介绍了基于可编程逻辑器件CPLD 和直接数字频率合成技术(DDS)的三相多波形函数发生器的基本原理, 并在此基础上给出了基于CPLD 的各模块设计方法及其VHDL 源程序。 关键词:CPLD;直接数字频率合成;函数发生器;VHDL



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