1052. Linked List Sorting (25)



#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

typedef struct Node
	int curAdress, key, nextAdress;
	bool exist;
	Node(){exist = false;}
	bool operator < (const Node& orh) const
		return key < orh.key;
#define MAX 1000000
int main()
	int n, root;
	vector<Node> nodeMap(MAX);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		Node tmp;
		scanf("%d%d%d",&tmp.curAdress, &tmp.key, &tmp.nextAdress);
		tmp.exist = true;
		if(tmp.curAdress >= 0 && tmp.curAdress < MAX)
			nodeMap[tmp.curAdress] = tmp;
	vector<Node> nodeList;
	int curID = root;
	while(curID >= 0 && curID < MAX && nodeMap[curID].exist)
		curID = nodeMap[curID].nextAdress;
	if (nodeList.empty())
		if (root == -1)
			printf("0 -1\n");
		else printf("0 %05d\n",root);
		sort(nodeList.begin(), nodeList.end());
		printf("%d %05d\n", nodeList.size(), nodeList[0].curAdress);
		for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); ++i)
			if(i != nodeList.size()-1)
				printf("%05d %d %05d\n", nodeList[i].curAdress, nodeList[i].key, nodeList[i+1].curAdress);
			else printf("%05d %d -1\n", nodeList[i].curAdress, nodeList[i].key);
	return 0;


请参考我给出的代码框架,实现对EMPLOYEE结构体为数据的双向链表的排序算法,要求按照按employeeId升序排列 typedef struct linkNode { void* data; //使用空指针使得NODE适配多种数据结构 struct linkNode* preNode; struct linkNode* nextNode; }LINKED_NODE; /*Define the struct of double linked list.*/ typedef struct { LINKED_NODE* head; LINKED_NODE* tail; size_t size; }DOUBLE_LINK_LIST; typedef struct { int employeeId; char name[20]; char ipAddress[30]; char seatNumber[20]; char group[10]; } EMPLOYEE; DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* createDoubleLinkedList() { DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* newList = (DOUBLE_LINK_LIST*)malloc(sizeof(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST)); newList->head = NULL; newList->tail = NULL; newList->size = 0; return newList; } void destroyDoubleLinkedList(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list) {} /*Add a new node before the head.*/ void insertHead(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, void* data) // void执政适配其他data类型? {} /*Add a new node after tail.*/ void insertTail(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, void* data) // 如何适配其他data类型? {} /*Insert a new node.*/ void insertNode(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, void* data,int index) // 如何适配其他data类型? {} void deleteHead(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list) {} void deleteTail(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list) {} void deleteNode(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, int index) {} LINKED_NODE* getNode(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, int index) {} /* 遍历链表,对每个节点执行指定操作*/ void traverseList(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, void (*callback)(void*)) { LINKED_NODE* currentNode = list->head; while (currentNode != NULL) { callback(currentNode->data); currentNode = currentNode->nextNode; } } void printEmployee(void* data) {}
你可以使用以下代码来实现对EMPLOYEE结构体为数据的双向链表的排序算法,按照按employeeId升序排列: ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct linkNode { void* data; //使用空指针使得NODE适配多种数据结构 struct linkNode* preNode; struct linkNode* nextNode; } LINKED_NODE; /*Define the struct of double linked list.*/ typedef struct { LINKED_NODE* head; LINKED_NODE* tail; size_t size; } DOUBLE_LINK_LIST; typedef struct { int employeeId; char name[20]; char ipAddress[30]; char seatNumber[20]; char group[10]; } EMPLOYEE; DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* createDoubleLinkedList() { DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* newList = (DOUBLE_LINK_LIST*)malloc(sizeof(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST)); newList->head = NULL; newList->tail = NULL; newList->size = 0; return newList; } void destroyDoubleLinkedList(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list) { LINKED_NODE* currentNode = list->head; while (currentNode != NULL) { LINKED_NODE* nextNode = currentNode->nextNode; free(currentNode); currentNode = nextNode; } free(list); } /*Add a new node before the head.*/ void insertHead(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, void* data) { LINKED_NODE* newNode = (LINKED_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(LINKED_NODE)); newNode->data = data; newNode->preNode = NULL; newNode->nextNode = list->head; if (list->head != NULL) list->head->preNode = newNode; list->head = newNode; if (list->tail == NULL) list->tail = newNode; list->size++; } /*Add a new node after tail.*/ void insertTail(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, void* data) { LINKED_NODE* newNode = (LINKED_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(LINKED_NODE)); newNode->data = data; newNode->preNode = list->tail; newNode->nextNode = NULL; if (list->tail != NULL) list->tail->nextNode = newNode; list->tail = newNode; if (list->head == NULL) list->head = newNode; list->size++; } /*Insert a new node.*/ void insertNode(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, void* data, int index) { if (index < 0 || index > list->size) { printf("Invalid index\n"); return; } if (index == 0) { insertHead(list, data); return; } if (index == list->size) { insertTail(list, data); return; } LINKED_NODE* currentNode = getNode(list, index); LINKED_NODE* newNode = (LINKED_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(LINKED_NODE)); newNode->data = data; newNode->preNode = currentNode->preNode; newNode->nextNode = currentNode; currentNode->preNode->nextNode = newNode; currentNode->preNode = newNode; list->size++; } void deleteHead(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list) { if (list->head == NULL) return; LINKED_NODE* oldHead = list->head; list->head = oldHead->nextNode; if (list->head != NULL) list->head->preNode = NULL; free(oldHead); list->size--; if (list->size == 0) list->tail = NULL; } void deleteTail(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list) { if (list->tail == NULL) return; LINKED_NODE* oldTail = list->tail; list->tail = oldTail->preNode; if (list->tail != NULL) list->tail->nextNode = NULL; free(oldTail); list->size--; if (list->size == 0) list->head = NULL; } void deleteNode(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= list->size) { printf("Invalid index\n"); return; } if (index == 0) { deleteHead(list); return; } if (index == list->size - 1) { deleteTail(list); return; } LINKED_NODE* currentNode = getNode(list, index); currentNode->preNode->nextNode = currentNode->nextNode; currentNode->nextNode->preNode = currentNode->preNode; free(currentNode); list->size--; } LINKED_NODE* getNode(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= list->size) { printf("Invalid index\n"); return NULL; } LINKED_NODE* currentNode = list->head; int i = 0; while (i < index) { currentNode = currentNode->nextNode; i++; } return currentNode; } void traverseList(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list, void (*callback)(void*)) { LINKED_NODE* currentNode = list->head; while (currentNode != NULL) { callback(currentNode->data); currentNode = currentNode->nextNode; } } void printEmployee(void* data) { EMPLOYEE* employee = (EMPLOYEE*)data; printf("Employee ID: %d, Name: %s\n", employee->employeeId, employee->name); } int compareEmployee(const void* a, const void* b) { EMPLOYEE* employeeA = (EMPLOYEE*)a; EMPLOYEE* employeeB = (EMPLOYEE*)b; return employeeA->employeeId - employeeB->employeeId; } void sortList(DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list) { size_t dataSize = sizeof(EMPLOYEE); EMPLOYEE** employeeArray = (EMPLOYEE**)malloc(list->size * sizeof(EMPLOYEE*)); LINKED_NODE* currentNode = list->head; size_t i = 0; while (currentNode != NULL) { employeeArray[i] = (EMPLOYEE*)currentNode->data; currentNode = currentNode->nextNode; i++; } qsort(employeeArray, list->size, dataSize, compareEmployee); currentNode = list->head; i = 0; while (currentNode != NULL) { currentNode->data = employeeArray[i]; currentNode = currentNode->nextNode; i++; } free(employeeArray); } int main() { DOUBLE_LINK_LIST* list = createDoubleLinkedList(); EMPLOYEE* employee1 = (EMPLOYEE*)malloc(sizeof(EMPLOYEE)); employee1->employeeId = 2; strcpy(employee1->name, "John"); insertHead(list, employee1); EMPLOYEE* employee2 = (EMPLOYEE*)malloc(sizeof(EMPLOYEE)); employee2->employeeId = 1; strcpy(employee2->name, "Alice"); insertHead(list, employee2); EMPLOYEE* employee3 = (EMPLOYEE*)malloc(sizeof(EMPLOYEE)); employee3->employeeId = 3; strcpy(employee3->name, "Bob"); insertHead(list, employee3); printf("Before sorting:\n"); traverseList(list, printEmployee); sortList(list); printf("\nAfter sorting:\n"); traverseList(list, printEmployee); destroyDoubleLinkedList(list); return 0; } ``` 这段代码首先定义了双向链表的结构体和EMPLOYEE结构体,然后实现了双向链表的创建、销毁、插入、删除、遍历等操作。其中,`sortList`函数使用了快速排序算法对双向链表中的EMPLOYEE结构体按照employeeId升序进行排序。在`main`函数中,创建了一个双向链表并插入了三个EMPLOYEE结构体,然后调用`sortList`函数对链表进行排序并输出结果。 请注意,在代码中使用了动态内存分配(`malloc`)来分配内存,并在适当的时候使用了`free`来释放内存,以防止内存泄漏。
评论 4




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