《Spark MLlib 机器学习》第十五章代码

本文提供《Spark MLlib 机器学习》第十五章的代码示例,重点聚焦于神经网络的实现,包括相关算法的详细代码和链接。

《Spark MLlib 机器学习》第十五章代码


package NN

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.Logging
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg._

import breeze.linalg.{
  Matrix => BM,
  CSCMatrix => BSM,
  DenseMatrix => BDM,
  Vector => BV,
  DenseVector => BDV,
  SparseVector => BSV,
  axpy => brzAxpy,
  svd => brzSvd
import breeze.numerics.{
  exp => Bexp,
  tanh => Btanh

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import java.util.Random
import scala.math._

 * label:目标矩阵
 * nna:神经网络每层节点的输出值,a(0),a(1),a(2)
 * error:输出层与目标值的误差矩阵
case class NNLabel(label: BDM[Double], nna: ArrayBuffer[BDM[Double]], error: BDM[Double]) extends Serializable

 * 配置参数
case class NNConfig(
  size: Array[Int],
  layer: Int,
  activation_function: String,
  learningRate: Double,
  momentum: Double,
  scaling_learningRate: Double,
  weightPenaltyL2: Double,
  nonSparsityPenalty: Double,
  sparsityTarget: Double,
  inputZeroMaskedFraction: Double,
  dropoutFraction: Double,
  testing: Double,
  output_function: String) extends Serializable

 * NN(neural network)

class NeuralNet(
  private var size: Array[Int],
  private var layer: Int,
  private var activation_function: String,
  private var learningRate: Double,
  private var momentum: Double,
  private var scaling_learningRate: Double,
  private var weightPenaltyL2: Double,
  private var nonSparsityPenalty: Double,
  private var sparsityTarget: Double,
  private var inputZeroMaskedFraction: Double,
  private var dropoutFraction: Double,
  private var testing: Double,
  private var output_function: String,
  private var initW: Array[BDM[Double]]) extends Serializable with Logging {
  //            var size=Array(5, 10, 7, 1)
  //            var layer=4
  //            var activation_function="tanh_opt"
  //            var learningRate=2.0
  //            var momentum=0.5
  //            var scaling_learningRate=1.0
  //            var weightPenaltyL2=0.0
  //            var nonSparsityPenalty=0.0
  //            var sparsityTarget=0.05
  //            var inputZeroMaskedFraction=0.0
  //            var dropoutFraction=0.0
  //            var testing=0.0
  //            var output_function="sigm"
   * size = architecture;
   * n = numel(nn.size);
   * activation_function = sigm   隐含层函数Activation functions of hidden layers: 'sigm' (sigmoid) or 'tanh_opt' (optimal tanh).
   * learningRate = 2;            学习率learning rate Note: typically needs to be lower when using 'sigm' activation function and non-normalized inputs.
   * momentum = 0.5;              Momentum
   * scaling_learningRate = 1;    Scaling factor for the learning rate (each epoch)
   * weightPenaltyL2  = 0;        正则化L2 regularization
   * nonSparsityPenalty = 0;      权重稀疏度惩罚值on sparsity penalty
   * sparsityTarget = 0.05;       Sparsity target
   * inputZeroMaskedFraction = 0; 加入noise,Used for Denoising AutoEncoders
   * dropoutFraction = 0;         每一次mini-batch样本输入训练时,随机扔掉x%的隐含层节点Dropout level (http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/absps/dropout.pdf)
   * testing = 0;                 Internal variable. nntest sets this to one.
   * output = 'sigm';             输出函数output unit 'sigm' (=logistic), 'softmax' and 'linear'   *
  def this() = this(NeuralNet.Architecture, 3, NeuralNet.Activation_Function, 2.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, NeuralNet.Output, Array(BDM.zeros[Double](1, 1)))

  /** 设置神经网络结构. Default: [10, 5, 1]. */
  def setSize(size: Array[Int]): this.type = {
    this.size = size

  /** 设置神经网络层数据. Default: 3. */
  def setLayer(layer: Int): this.type = {
    this.layer = layer

  /** 设置隐含层函数. Default: sigm. */
  def setActivation_function(activation_function: String): this.type = {
    this.activation_function = activation_function

  /** 设置学习率因子. Default: 2. */
  def setLearningRate(learningRate: Double): this.type = {
    this.learningRate = learningRate

  /** 设置Momentum. Default: 0.5. */
  def setMomentum(momentum: Double): this.type = {
    this.momentum = momentum

  /** 设置scaling_learningRate. Default: 1. */
  def setScaling_learningRate(scaling_learningRate: Double): this.type = {
    this.scaling_learningRate = scaling_learningRate

  /** 设置正则化L2因子. Default: 0. */
  def setWeightPenaltyL2(weightPenaltyL2: Double): this.type = {
    this.weightPenaltyL2 = weightPenaltyL2

  /** 设置权重稀疏度惩罚因子. Default: 0. */
  def setNonSparsityPenalty(nonSparsityPenalty: Double): this.type = {
    this.nonSparsityPenalty = nonSparsityPenalty

  /** 设置权重稀疏度目标值. Default: 0.05. */
  def setSparsityTarget(sparsityTarget: Double): this.type = {
    this.sparsityTarget = sparsityTarget

  /** 设置权重加入噪声因子. Default: 0. */
  def setInputZeroMaskedFraction(inputZeroMaskedFraction: Double): this.type = {
    this.inputZeroMaskedFraction = inputZeroMaskedFraction

  /** 设置权重Dropout因子. Default: 0. */
  def setDropoutFraction(dropoutFraction: Double): this.type = {
    this.dropoutFraction = dropoutFraction

  /** 设置testing. Default: 0. */
  def setTesting(testing: Double): this.type = {
    this.testing = testing

  /** 设置输出函数. Default: linear. */
  def setOutput_function(output_function: String): this.type = {
    this.output_function = output_function

  /** 设置初始权重. Default: 0. */
  def setInitW(initW: Array[BDM[Double]]): this.type = {
    this.initW = initW

   * 运行神经网络算法.
  def NNtrain(train_d: RDD[(BDM[Double], BDM[Double])], opts: Array[Double]): NeuralNetModel = {
    val sc = train_d.sparkContext
    var initStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    var initEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    // 参数配置 广播配置
    var nnconfig = NNConfig(size, layer, activation_function, learningRate, momentum, scaling_learningRate,
      weightPenaltyL2, nonSparsityPenalty, sparsityTarget, inputZeroMaskedFraction, dropoutFraction, testing,
    // 初始化权重
    var nn_W = NeuralNet.InitialWeight(size)
    if (!((initW.length == 1) && (initW(0) == (BDM.zeros[Double](1, 1))))) {
      for (i <- 0 to initW.length - 1) {
        nn_W(i) = initW(i)
    var nn_vW = NeuralNet.InitialWeightV(size)
    //    val tmpw = nn_W(0)
    //    for (i <- 0 to tmpw.rows - 1) {
    //      for (j <- 0 to tmpw.cols - 1) {
    //        print(tmpw(i, j) + "\t")
    //      }
    //      println()
    //    }

    // 初始化每层的平均激活度nn.p
    // average activations (for use with sparsity)
    var nn_p = NeuralNet.InitialActiveP(size)

    // 样本数据划分:训练数据、交叉检验数据
    val validation = opts(2)
    val splitW1 = Array(1.0 - validation, validation)
    val train_split1 = train_d.randomSplit(splitW1, System.nanoTime())
    val train_t = train_split1(0)
    val train_v = train_split1(1)

    // m:训练样本的数量
    val m = train_t.count
    // batchsize是做batch gradient时候的大小 
    // 计算batch的数量
    val batchsize = opts(0).toInt
    val numepochs = opts(1).toInt
    val numbatches = (m / batchsize).toInt
    var L = Array.fill(numepochs * numbatches.toInt)(0.0)
    var n = 0
    var loss_train_e = Array.fill(numepochs)(0.0)
    var loss_val_e = Array.fill(numepochs)(0.0)
    // numepochs是循环的次数 
    for (i <- 1 to numepochs) {
      initStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
      val splitW2 = Array.fill(numbatches)(1.0 / numbatches)
      // 根据分组权重,随机划分每组样本数据  
      val bc_config = sc.broadcast(nnconfig)
      for (l <- 1 to numbatches) {
        // 权重 
        val bc_nn_W = sc.broadcast(nn_W)
        val bc_nn_vW = sc.broadcast(nn_vW)

        //        println(i + "\t" + l)
        //        println("W1")
        //        val tmpw0 = bc_nn_W.value(0)
        //        for (i <- 0 to tmpw0.rows - 1) {
        //          for (j <- 0 to tmpw0.cols - 1) {
        //            print(tmpw0(i, j) + "\t")
        //          }
        //          println()
        //        }
        //        println("W2")
        //        val tmpw1 = bc_nn_W.value(1)
        //        for (i <- 0 to tmpw1.rows - 1) {
        //          for (j <- 0 to tmpw1.cols - 1) {
        //            print(tmpw1(i, j) + "\t")
        //          }
        //          println()
        //        }
        //        println("W3")
        //        val tmpw2 = bc_nn_W.value(2)
        //        for (i <- 0 to tmpw2.rows - 1) {
        //          for (j <- 0 to tmpw2.cols - 1) {
        //            print(tmpw2(i, j) + "\t")
        //          }
        //          println()
        //        }

        // 样本划分
        val train_split2 = train_t.randomSplit(splitW2, System.nanoTime())
        val batch_xy1 = train_split2(l - 1)
        //        val train_split3 = train_t.filter { f => (f._1 >= batchsize * (l - 1) + 1) && (f._1 <= batchsize * (l)) }
        //        val batch_xy1 = train_split3.map(f => (f._2, f._3))
        // Add noise to input (for use in denoising autoencoder)
        // 加入noise,这是denoising autoencoder
评论 8




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