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原创 POJ 1852:Ants

AntsTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 11754 Accepted: 5167DescriptionAn army of ants walk on a horizontal pole of length l cm, each with

2015-06-30 11:03:00 479

原创 POJ 1565:Skew Binary

Skew BinaryTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 10676 Accepted: 6807DescriptionWhen a number is expressed in decimal, the kth digit represe

2015-06-30 11:00:57 486

原创 POJ 1961:Period

Period Time Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 14280 Accepted: 6773Description For each prefix of a given string S with N characters (each character has an ASCII code

2015-06-27 13:46:27 403

原创 POJ 2752:Seek the Name, Seek the Fame

Seek the Name, Seek the Fame Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 13619 Accepted: 6755Description The little cat is so famous, that many couples tramp over hill and

2015-06-27 13:08:32 700

原创 POJ 1256:Anagram

Anagram Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 18393 Accepted: 7484Description You are to write a program that has to generate all possible words from a given set of

2015-06-26 14:33:44 700

原创 POJ 1146:ID Codes

ID Codes Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 6281 Accepted: 3769Description It is 2084 and the year of Big Brother has finally arrived, albeit a century late. In orde

2015-06-26 13:59:52 935

原创 HDU 5272 : Dylans loves numbers

Dylans loves numbersTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 274 Accepted Submission(s): 181Problem Description Who is Dylans?You

2015-06-26 12:12:58 554

原创 POJ 3077 : Rounders

Rounders Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 7827 Accepted: 5062DescriptionFor a given number, if greater than ten, round it to the nearest ten, then (if that result i

2015-06-25 15:07:18 471

原创 POJ 3210 : Coins

POJ 3210 : CoinsTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 131072K Total Submissions: 7001 Accepted: 4616DescriptionSnoopy has three coins. One day he tossed them on a table then and tried to flip some

2015-06-25 14:57:24 1441

原创 POJ 3252:Round Numbers

POJ 3252:Round NumbersTime Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 10099 Accepted: 3669 Description The cows, as you know, have no fingers or thumbs and thus are unable to play Sciss

2015-06-25 14:20:29 427

原创 POJ 1330:Nearest Common Ancestors

Nearest Common AncestorsTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 20940 Accepted: 11000DescriptionA rooted tree is a well-known data structure i

2015-06-15 14:48:21 421

原创 POJ 3254:Corn Fields

Corn FieldsTime Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 9295 Accepted: 4940DescriptionFarmer John has purchased a lush new rectangular pasture comp

2015-06-15 12:51:20 374

原创 Codeforces 2A :winner

A. Winnertime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test64 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputThe winner of the card game popular in Berland "Ber

2015-06-14 20:12:41 945

原创 POJ 1655:Balancing Act

Balancing ActTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 10311 Accepted: 4261DescriptionConsider a tree T with N (1 <= N <= 20,000) nodes numbered

2015-06-14 19:58:46 599

原创 POJ3616:Milking Time

Milking TimeTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 5682 Accepted: 2372DescriptionBessie is such a hard-working cow. In fact, she is so focuse

2015-06-13 15:54:37 429

原创 POJ2533:Longest Ordered Subsequence

Longest Ordered SubsequenceTime Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 37454 Accepted: 16463DescriptionA numeric sequence of ai is ordered if a1 a

2015-06-11 13:37:05 423

原创 POJ 1458:Common Subsequence

Common SubsequenceTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 41957 Accepted: 16927DescriptionA subsequence of a given sequence is the given seque

2015-06-11 10:53:28 436

原创 POJ 3983:快算24

快算24Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 4791 Accepted: 2930Description给定4个不大于10的正整数(范围1-10),要求在不改变数据先后顺序的情况下,采用加减乘除四种运算,找到一个表达式,使得最后的结果是24

2015-06-09 00:17:41 832

转载 C++学习笔记之 引用

先声明一下,这里的内容大多是《C++编程思想》中的内容,我最近在学习C++,觉得里面的很多话不错,另外例子也都自己实验了一番,有些现象很有趣,希望与大家分享。•引用(reference)(&)就像能自动地被编译器间接引用的常量型指针。#include <iostream> using namespace std; int y;int& r = y;//当一个引用被创建的时候,它必须被初始化为

2015-06-08 22:45:25 524

原创 51nod:天堂里的游戏

天堂里的游戏李陶冶 (命题人)System Message (测试)基准时间限制:1 秒 空间限制:131072 KB 分值: 10多年后,每当Noder看到吉普赛人,就会想起那个遥远的下午。Noder躺在草地上漫无目的的张望,二楼的咖啡馆在日光下闪着亮,像是要进化成一颗巨大的咖啡豆。天气稍有些

2015-06-08 17:48:35 662

原创 POJ2392:Space Elevator

Space ElevatorTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 9244 Accepted: 4388DescriptionThe cows are going to space! They plan to achieve orbit by

2015-06-08 17:36:42 513

原创 POJ1014:Dividing

DividingTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 63013 Accepted: 16315DescriptionMarsha and Bill own a collection of marbles. They want to split

2015-06-08 17:30:05 1780

原创 POJ1088:滑雪

滑雪Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 82112 Accepted: 30706DescriptionMichael喜欢滑雪百这并不奇怪, 因为滑雪的确很刺激。可是为了获得速度,滑的区域必须向下倾斜,而且当你滑到坡底,你不得不再次走上坡或者等

2015-06-08 17:22:49 448

原创 HihoCoder第十四周:无间道之并查集

#1066 : 无间道之并查集时间限制:20000ms单点时限:1000ms内存限制:256MB描述这天天气晴朗、阳光明媚、鸟语花香,空气中弥漫着春天的气息……额,说远了,总之,小Hi和小Ho决定趁着这朗朗春光出去玩。但是刚刚离开居住的宾馆不久,抄近道不小心走入了一条偏僻小道的小Hi和小Ho就发现自己的前方走来了几个彪形大汉,定睛一看还都是地地道道的黑人兄弟!小Hi

2015-06-03 18:43:47 513

原创 HihoCoder第十三周:最近公共祖先 一

#1062 : 最近公共祖先·一时间限制:10000ms单点时限:1000ms内存限制:256MB描述小Ho最近发现了一个神奇的网站!虽然还不够像58同城那样神奇,但这个网站仍然让小Ho乐在其中,但这是为什么呢?“为什么呢?”小Hi如是问道,在他的观察中小Ho已经沉迷这个网站一周之久了,甚至连他心爱的树玩具都弃置一边。“嘿嘿,小Hi,你快过来看!”小Ho招呼道。

2015-06-03 18:37:53 455

原创 HihoCoder第十二周:刷油漆

#1055 : 刷油漆时间限制:10000ms单点时限:1000ms内存限制:256MB描述上回说到,小Ho有着一棵灰常好玩的树玩具!这棵树玩具是由N个小球和N-1根木棍拼凑而成,这N个小球都被小Ho标上了不同的数字,并且这些数字都是处于1..N的范围之内,每根木棍都连接着两个不同的小球,并且保证任意两个小球间都不存在两条不同的路径可以互相到达。没错,这次说的还是这棵树

2015-06-03 18:32:44 1027

原创 HihoCoder第十一周:树中的最长路

#1050 : 树中的最长路时间限制:10000ms单点时限:1000ms内存限制:256MB描述上回说到,小Ho得到了一棵二叉树玩具,这个玩具是由小球和木棍连接起来的,而在拆拼它的过程中,小Ho发现他不仅仅可以拼凑成一棵二叉树!还可以拼凑成一棵多叉树——好吧,其实就是更为平常的树而已。但是不管怎么说,小Ho喜爱的玩具又升级换代了,于是他更加爱不释手(其实说起来小球

2015-06-03 18:20:31 567



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