显著性轮廓提取、轮廓编组综述要看的内容(二)Stochastic Completion Fields学派

Stochastic Completion Fields学派


David W. Jacobs

92 年从MIT博士毕业,师从Eric Grimson。现在是Maryland大学的A.P.。关注的问题是图像中目标的识别,知觉组织方面研究的大牛,做了很多知觉组织方面计算的和心理学方 面的研究。知觉组织干的事情是,如何在识别目标前就将目标标记出来。Jacobs认为,知觉组织是识别所必须的过程,他做了研究展示二者的结合。

Perceptual Organization

· D. Jacobs, ``What Makes Viewpoint Invariant Properties Perceptually Salient?'' , JOSA (A), 2003.

· Z. Liu, D. Jacobs, R. Basri ``The role of convexity in perceptual completion -- beyond good continuation'' . Vision Research 39: 4244-4257, 1999. 

· D. Jacobs, ``Robust and Efficient Detection of Convex Groups'' , IEEE Trans. PAMI, 18 (1):23-37, 1996. Copyright (c) 1996 by IEEE.

· L. Williams, and D. Jacobs ``Local Parallel Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields'' Neural Computation , 9 (4):859-881, 1997.  

· L. Williams and D. Jacobs ``Stochastic Completion Fields: A Neural Model of Illusory Contour Shape and Salience'' , Neural Computation , 9 (4):837-858, 1997. 

Lance R. Williams

94年,马萨诸塞州大学博士毕业,题目是:Perceptual Completion of Occluded Surfaces 。在NEC研究中心做过博士后,现在是新墨西哥大学的A.P.。跟Jacobs应该是在NEC的时候是好哥们儿,随机完全场的理论也是他们那个期间提出来的。现在在学术领域已经不活跃了。

Zweck, J.W. and L.R. Williams, Euclidean Group Invariant Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields Using Shiftable-Twistable Functions , Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 21(2), pp. 135-154, 2004.

Mahamud, S., Williams, L.R., Thornber, K.K. and K. Xu, Segmentation of Multiple Salient Closed Contours from Real Images , IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 25(4), pp. 433-444, 2003.

Williams, L.R. and K.K. Thornber, Orientation, Scale, and Discontinuity as Emergent Properties of Illusory Contour Shape , Neural Computation 13(8), pp. 1683-1711, 2001.

Thornber, K.K. and L.R. Williams, Characterizing the Distribution of Completion Shapes with Corners Using a Mixture of Random Processes , Pattern Recognition 33, pp. 543-553, 2000.

Williams, L.R., Zweck, J.W., Wang, T. and K.K. Thornber, Computing Stochastic Completion Fields in Linear-Time Using a Resolution Pyramid , Computer Vision and Image Understanding 76(3), pp. 289-297, 1999.

Williams, L.R. and K.K. Thornber, A Comparison of Measures for Detecting Natural Shapes in Cluttered Backgrounds , Intl. Journal of Computer Vision 34 (2/3), pp. 81-96, 1999.

Williams, L.R. and D.W. Jacobs, Local Parallel Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields , Neural Computation 9(4), pp. 859-881, 1997.

Williams, L.R. and D.W. Jacobs, Stochastic Completion Fields: A Neural Model of Illusory Contour Shape and Salience , Neural Computation 9(4), pp. 837-858, 1997.

Thornber, K.K. and L.R. Williams, Analytic Solution of Stochastic Completion Fields , Biological Cybernetics 75, pp. 141-151, 1996.

Williams, L.R. and A.R. Hanson, Perceptual Completion of Occluded Surfaces , Computer Vision and Image Understanding 64(1), pp. 1-20, 1996.

他还有一个硕士学生,也做显著性闭合轮廓,硕士论文题目是:Improved Segmentation of Salient Closed Contours

Shyjan Mahamud

02年从CMU博士毕业,题目是Discriminative Distance Measures for Object Detection 。研究兴趣是目标识别,知觉组织,机器学习,Structure from Motion。貌似现在已近不在学术界了。

在我所关注的contour grouping方面的研究,还是基于Jacobs和Williams在97年提出的Stochastic Completion Fields。

Segmentation of Salient Closed Contours from Real Images

S. Mahamud, K.K. Thornber and L.R. Williams,

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) ,

Korfu, Greece, September 1999.

Segmentation of Multiple Salient Closed Contours from Real Images

Shyjan Mahamud, Lance R. Williams, Karvel K. Thornber and Kanglin Xu,

IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence ,

Vol. 25(4), April 2003.





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