Kibana User Guide [4.2] » Dashboard



A Kibana dashboard displays a set of saved visualizations in groups that you can arrange freely. You can save a dashboard to share or reload at a later time.


Sample dashboard. 

Getting Started 开始

You need at least one saved visualization to use a dashboard.


Building a New Dashboard 创建一个新的仪表盘

The first time you click the Dashboard tab, Kibana displays an empty dashboard.

你第一次点击 Dashboard 标签的时候,Kibana会显示一个空白的仪表盘。

Build your dashboard by adding visualizations. By default, Kibana dashboards use a light color theme. To use a dark color theme instead, click the Settings Gear button and check the Use dark theme box.

通过添加可视化结果的方式,构建你的仪表盘。一般情况下,Kibana仪表盘使用淡色主题。如果你想使用深色主题,点击Settings Gear按钮,检查 Use dark theme 框。


You can change the default theme in the Advanced section of the Settings tab.

你可以在 Settings 栏的 Advanced 部分改变默认的主题。

Automatically Refreshing the Page 自动刷新页面

You can configure a refresh interval to automatically refresh the page with the latest index data. This periodically resubmits the search query.


When a refresh interval is set, it is displayed to the left of the Time Filter in the menu bar.

当设置好刷新间隔后,在菜单栏Time Filter的右边会有显示。

To set the refresh interval:


  1. Click the Time Filter Time Filter in the upper right corner of the menu bar. 点击菜单栏右上方的 Time Filter Time Filter 
  2. Click the Refresh Interval tab. 点击 Refresh Interval 栏。
  3. Choose a refresh interval from the list. 从列表中选择一个刷新间隔。

To automatically refresh the data, click the images/autorefresh.png Auto-refresh button and select an autorefresh interval:

为了自动刷新数据,点击按钮 images/autorefresh.png Auto-refresh,选择一个自动刷新间隔:

When auto-refresh is enabled, Kibana’s top bar displays a pause button and the auto-refresh interval: images/autorefresh-pause.png. Click the Pause button to pause auto-refresh.


Adding Visualizations to a Dashboard 添加可视化到仪表盘

To add a visualization to the dashboard, click the Add Visualization Plus button in the toolbar panel. Select a saved visualization from the list. You can filter the list of visualizations by typing a filter string into theVisualization Filter field.

The visualization you select appears in a container on your dashboard.

要添加可视化到仪表板上,点击工具栏面板上的 Add Visualization Plus 按钮。从列表中选择一个已保存的可视化。你可以在 Visualization Filter 里输入字符串来过滤想要找的可视化。



If you see a message about the container’s height or width being too small, resize the container.


Saving Dashboards 保存仪表盘

To save the dashboard, click the Save Dashboard button in the toolbar panel, enter a name for the dashboard in the Save As field, and click the Save button. By default, dashboards store the time period specified in the time filter when you save a dashboard. To disable this behavior, clear the Store time with dashboard box before clicking the Save button.

要保存仪表板,点击工具栏面板上的 Save Dashboard 按钮,在 Save As 栏输入仪表板的名字,然后点击Save 按钮。

Loading a Saved Dashboard 加载一个保存的仪表盘

Click the Load Saved Dashboard button to display a list of existing dashboards. The saved dashboard selector includes a text field to filter by dashboard name and a link to the Object Editor for managing your saved dashboards. You can also access the Object Editor by clicking Settings > Edit Saved Objects.

点击 Load Saved Dashboard 按钮显示已存在的仪表板列表。已保存仪表板选择器包括了一个文本栏可以通过仪表板的名字做过滤,还有一个链接到 Object Editor 而已管理你的已保存仪表板。你也可以直接点击Settings > Edit Saved Objects 来访问 Object Editor

Sharing Dashboards 分享仪表盘

You can share dashboards with other users. You can share a direct link to the Kibana dashboard or embed the dashboard in your Web page.

你可以分享仪表板给其他用户。可以直接分享 Kibana 的仪表板链接,也可以嵌入到你的网页里。


A user must have Kibana access in order to view embedded dashboards.

用户必须有 Kibana 的访问权限才能看到嵌入的仪表板。

Click the Share button to display HTML code to embed the dashboard in another Web page, along with a direct link to the dashboard. You can select the text in either option to copy the code or the link to your clipboard.

点击 Share 按钮显示 HTML 代码,就可以嵌入仪表板到其他网页里。还带有一个指向仪表板的链接。点击复制按钮可以复制代码,或者链接到你的黏贴板。

Embedding Dashboards 嵌入仪表盘

To embed a dashboard, copy the embed code from the Share display into your external web application.

要嵌入仪表板,从 Share 页里复制出嵌入代码,然后粘贴进你外部网页应用内即可。

Customizing Dashboard Elements 定制仪表盘元素

The visualizations in your dashboard are stored in resizable containers that you can arrange on the dashboard. This section discusses customizing these containers.


Moving Containers 移动容器

Click and hold a container’s header to move the container around the dashboard. Other containers will shift as needed to make room for the moving container. Release the mouse button to confirm the container’s new location.


Resizing Containers 改变容器大小

Move the cursor to the bottom right corner of the container until the cursor changes to point at the corner. After the cursor changes, click and drag the corner of the container to change the container’s size. Release the mouse button to confirm the new container size.


Removing Containers 删除容器

Click the x icon at the top right corner of a container to remove that container from the dashboard. Removing a container from a dashboard does not delete the saved visualization in that container.

点击容器右上角的 x 图标删除容器。从仪表板删除容器,并不会同时删除掉容器里用到的已存可视化。

Viewing Detailed Information 查看详细信息

To display the raw data behind the visualization, click the bar at the bottom of the container. Tabs with detailed information about the raw data replace the visualization, as in this example:


Table. A representation of the underlying data, presented as a paginated data grid. You can sort the items in the table by clicking on the table headers at the top of each column. 


Request. The raw request used to query the server, presented in JSON format.


Response. The raw response from the server, presented in JSON format.


Statistics. A summary of the statistics related to the request and the response, presented as a data grid. The data grid includes the query duration, the request duration, the total number of records found on the server, and the index pattern used to make the query.


To export the raw data behind the visualization as a comma-separated-values (CSV) file, click on either theRaw or Formatted links at the bottom of any of the detailed information tabs. A raw export contains the data as it is stored in Elasticsearch. A formatted export contains the results of any applicable Kibana field formatters.

为了展现以CSV文件存在的可视化背后的原始数据,点击详细信息底部的Raw 或 Formatted 链接。一个原始输出包括保存在ES中的数据。一个格式化的输出包括Kibana格式化应用的结果。

Changing the Visualization 修改可视化

Click the Edit button Pencil button at the top right of a container to open the visualization in the Visualize page.

点击容器右上角的 Edit 按钮 Pencil button 在 Visualize 页打开可视化编辑。

Working with Filters 容器功能

When you create a filter anywhere in Kibana, the filter conditions display in a green oval under the search text entry box:



Hovering on the filter oval displays the following icons:


Enable Filter images/filter-enable.png 过滤器开关
Click this icon to disable the filter without removing it. You can enable the filter again later by clicking the icon again. Disabled filters display a striped shaded color, green for inclusion filters and red for exclusion filters.
Pin Filter images/filter-pin.png 过滤器图钉
Click this icon to  pin a filter. Pinned filters persist across Kibana tabs. You can pin filters from the Visualize tab, click on the  Discover or  Dashboard tabs, and those filters remain in place. NOTE: If you have a pinned filter and you’re not seeing any query results, that your current tab’s index pattern is one that the filter applies to.
点击这个图标 钉住 过滤器。被钉住的过滤器,可以横贯 Kibana 各个标签生效。比如在 Visualize  标签页钉住一个过滤器,然后切换到  Discover  或者  Dashboard  标签页,过滤器依然还在。注意:如果你钉住了过滤器,然后发现检索结果为空,注意查看当前标签页的索引模式是不是跟过滤器匹配。
Toggle Filter images/filter-toggle.png 过滤器反转
Click this icon to  toggle a filter. By default, filters are inclusion filters, and display in green. Only elements that match the filter are displayed. To change this to an exclusion filters, displaying only elements that  don’t match, toggle the filter. Exclusion filters display in red.
点击这个图标 反转 过滤器。默认情况下,过滤器都是包含型,显示为绿色,只有匹配过滤条件的结果才会显示。反转成排除型过滤器后,显示的是 匹配过滤器的检索项,显示为红色。
Remove Filter images/filter-delete.png 删除过滤器
Click this icon to remove a filter entirely.

To apply any of the filter actions to all the filters currently in place, click the images/filter-actions.png Global Filter Actionsbutton and select an action.

想要对当前页所有过滤器统一执行上面的某个操作,点击  images/filter-actions.png   Global Filter Actions  按钮,然后再执行操作即可。






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