Socket 错误返回码

Socket error 0 - Directly send error 
Socket error 10004 - Interrupted function call 
Socket error 10013 - Permission denied 
Socket error 10014 - Bad address 
Socket error 10022 - Invalid argument 
Socket error 10024 - Too many open files 
Socket error 10035 - Resource temporarily unavailable 
Socket error 10036 - Operation now in progress 
Socket error 10037 - Operation already in progress 
Socket error 10038 - Socket operation on non-socket 
Socket error 10039 - Destination address required 
Socket error 10040 - Message too long 
Socket error 10041 - Protocol wrong type for socket 
Socket error 10042 - Bad protocol option 
Socket error 10043 - Protocol not supported 
Socket error 10044 - Socket type not supported 
Socket error 10045 - Operation not supported 
Socket error 10046 - Protocol family not supported 
Socket error 10047 - Address family not supported by protocol family 
Socket error 10048 - Address already in use 
Socket error 10049 - Cannot assign requested address 
Socket error 10050 - Network is down 
Socket error 10051 - Network is unreachable 
Socket error 10052 - Network dropped connection on reset 
Socket error 10053 - Software caused connection abort 
Socket error 10054 - Connection reset by peer 
Socket error 10055 - No buffer space available 
Socket error 10056 - Socket is already connected 
Socket error 10057 - Socket is not connected 
Socket error 10058 - Cannot send after socket shutdown 
Socket error 10060 - Connection timed out 
Socket error 10061 - Connection refused 
Socket error 10064 - Host is down 
Socket error 10065 - No route to host 
Socket error 10067 - Too many processes 
Socket error 10091 - Network subsystem is unavailable 
Socket error 10092 - WINSOCK.DLL version out of range 
Socket error 10093 - Successful WSAStartup not yet performed 
Socket error 10094 - Graceful shutdown in progress 
Socket error 11001 - Host not found 
Socket error 11002 - Non-authoritative host not found 
Socket error 11003 - This is a non-recoverable error 
Socket error 11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type

WSAEADDRINUSE (10048) Address already in use 
WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abort 
WSAECONNREFUSED (10061) Connection refused 
WSAECONNRESET (10054) Connection reset by peer 
WSAEDESTADDRREQ (10039) Destination address required 
WSAEHOSTUNREACH (10065) No route to host 
WSAEMFILE (10024) Too many open files 
WSAENETDOWN (10050) Network is down 
WSAENETRESET (10052) Network dropped connection
WSAENOBUFS (10055) No buffer space available 
WSAENETUNREACH (10051) Network is unreachable 
WSAETIMEDOUT (10060) Connection timed out 
WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND (11001) Host not found 
WSASYSNOTREADY (10091) Network sub-system is unavailable 
WSANOTINITIALISED (10093) WSAStartup() not performed 
WSANO_DATA (11004) Valid name, no data of that type 
WSANO_RECOVERY (11003) Non-recoverable query error 
WSATRY_AGAIN (11002) Non-authoritative host found
WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED (10092) Wrong WinSock DLL version
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