1. 初衷
从前求学的时候,大致了解logistic regression——原理、应用场合,等等。这段时间工作需要,又找了些资料,重新回顾了一下。一直以来我都有个观点:一个机器学习模型,如果没有一行行代码亲自实现过,就谈不上真正了解它。周末在家,啤酒音乐作伴,码了一个简单LR c++实现,贴出来供大家参考。
2. 限制
3. 具体接口
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// The represetation for a sample
class Sample
// the class index for a sample: 0-1 value, init with '-1'
int iClass;
// the feature index vector
// note: it requires that the input value of a feature is either 0 or 1,
// it stores all the features of a sample whose value is 1.
vector<int> FeaIdVec;
Sample (void);
~Sample (void);
// The logistic regression
class LogisticRegression
// train by SGD on the sample file
bool TrainSGDOnSampleFile (
const char * sFileName, int iMaxFeatureNum, // about the samples
double dLearningRate, // about the learning
int iMaxLoop, double dMinImproveRatio // about the stop criteria
// save the model to txt file: the theta vector with its size
bool SaveLRModelTxt (const char * sFileName);
// load the model from txt file: the theta vector with its size
bool LoadLRModelTxt (const char * sFileName);
// load the samples from file, predict by the LR model
bool PredictOnSampleFile (const char * sFileIn, const char * sFileOut, const char * sFileLog);
// just for test
void Test (void);
// the theta vector for each dimension of feature
vector<double> ThetaVec;
// read a sample from a line, return false if fail
bool ReadSampleFrmLine (string & sLine, Sample & theSample);
// the Sigmoid function: f(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) = exp (x) / ( 1 + exp(x) )
double Sigmoid (double x);
// calculate the model function output by feature vector
double CalcFuncOutByFeaVec (vector<int> & FeaIdVec);
// calculate the gradient and update the theta value, it requires that sorts the feature index ascendingly
void UpdateThetaVec (Sample & theSample, double dY, double dLearningRate);
// predict the class for one single sample
int PredictOneSample (Sample & theSample);
有两个类。class Sample是表示一个样本的节点类,包含样本分类和样本特征——因为输入特征是0-1特征,这里只保存输入为1的特征的index。如果没有2-(2)的限制,则需要保存输入特征index和具体的输入值,效率受影响。
class LogisticRegression类是实现LR的主类。四个公共接口:训练(TrainSGDOnSampleFile)、保存(SaveLRModelTxt)、加载(LoadLRModelTxt)、预测(PredictOnSampleFile)。最后那个“Test”是个dirty的地方,干杂事。
LogisticRegression的成员数据只有一个theta vector,用来存储各个特征的权重。