本博文由 youngpan1101 出品,转载请注明出处。
文章链接: http://blog.csdn.net/youngpan1101/article/details/73742209
作者: 宋洋鹏(youngpan1101)
邮箱: yangpeng_song@163.com
- 通过使用 tclap 库,当我们运行 C++ 项目所生成的可执行文件时,可以很方便地进行命令行(运行指令)的解析。
- 【tclap library webpage】
- 【tclap API】
下载 【Download】
下载 tclap-1.2.1.tar.gz , 然后解压,将 tclap-1.2.1/include/tclap 复制到工程目录下的 3rdParty 文件夹
新建 CMake 工程
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project( TclapDemo ) include_directories( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdParty ) add_executable( main main.cpp )
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include "tclap/CmdLine.h" //ostringstream 对象用来进行格式化的输出,常用于将各种类型转换为 string 类型 //ostringstream 只支持 << 操作符 template<typename T> std::string toString(const T& t){ std::ostringstream oss; //创建一个格式化输出流 oss<<t; //把值传递如流中 return oss.str(); } //模板函数:将string类型变量转换为常用的数值类型(此方法具有普遍适用性) template <class Type> Type stringToNum(const std::string& str){ istringstream iss(str); Type num; iss >> num; return num; } int main(int argc,char** argv){ try { // Define the command line object. TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Command description message", ' ', "0.1"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> nameArg("n", "name", "Name to print", false, "Tom", "std::string", cmd); // Tom is the default value TCLAP::ValueArg<int> deviceIdArg("c", "cam", "Camera device id", false, 123, "integer", cmd); // 33 is the default value TCLAP::SwitchArg noShowOutputSw("", "no-show", "Don't show video", cmd, false); // false is the default value TCLAP::ValueArg<double> deviceDataArg("d", "data", "data user defined", false, 2.3456, "double", cmd); // 33 is the default value TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> initBbArg("b", "boundingbox", "Init Bounding Box", false, "-1,-1,-1,-1", "x,y,w,h", cmd); // Tom is the default value // Parse the args. cmd.parse( argc, argv ); std::string name = nameArg.getValue(); std::cout << "My name is: " << name << std::endl; int camId = deviceIdArg.getValue(); std::cout << "Camera ID is: " << camId << std::endl; bool bIsShowVideo = noShowOutputSw.getValue(); std::cout << "The flag of showing video: " << bIsShowVideo << std::endl; double data = deviceDataArg.getValue(); std::cout << "data is: " << data << std::endl; std::stringstream initBbSs(initBbArg.getValue()); double initBb[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { std::string singleValueStr; getline(initBbSs, singleValueStr, ','); initBb[i] = stringToNum<double>(singleValueStr); } std::cout << "initBb : " << initBb[0] << " " << initBb[1] << " " << initBb[2] << " " << initBb[3] << std::endl; } catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e) { // catch any exceptions std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl; } return 1; }
hwj@ubuntu:build$ sudo ./main My name is: Tom Camera ID is: 123 The flag of showing video: 0 data is: 2.3456 initBb : -1 -1 -1 -1
hwj@ubuntu:build$ sudo ./main -h USAGE: ./main [-b <x,y,w,h>] [-d <double>] [--no-show] [-c <integer>] [-n <std::string>] [--] [--version] [-h] Where: -b <x,y,w,h>, --boundingbox <x,y,w,h> Init Bounding Box -d <double>, --data <double> data user defined --no-show Don't show video -c <integer>, --cam <integer> Camera device id -n <std::string>, --name <std::string> Name to print --, --ignore_rest Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. --version Displays version information and exits. -h, --help Displays usage information and exits. Command description message
hwj@ubuntu:build$ sudo ./main --version ./main version: 0.1
hwj@ubuntu:build$ sudo ./main -d 0.2457 --no-show -c 2 -n Mike -b 2,3,4,-12 My name is: Mike Camera ID is: 2 The flag of showing video: 1 data is: 0.2457 initBb : 2 3 4 -12
hwj@ubuntu:build$ sudo ./main --data -0.2457 --no-show --cam 22 -n Mike My name is: Mike Camera ID is: 22 The flag of showing video: 1 data is: -0.2457 initBb : -1 -1 -1 -1