I Can Do That With PROC FORMAT

                                         I Can Do That With PROC FORMAT
                                Jonas V. Bilenas, JP Morgan Chase, Wilmington, DE
In this tutorial we illustrate how to create your own user-defined FORMATS, INFORMATS, and PICTURE
FORMAS. We describe the many applications of user-defined FORMATS including extracting data, assigning
values to variables, reporting, table look-ups, and extracting data based on keys without sorting data. We also
point out the quirks of the FORMAT procedure, such as why you need to watch your fuzz factor, how to generate
FORMATS from CNTLIN data sets, watching out when using the w.d INFORMATS on formatted variables without
decimal points, and how to use the MULT and ROUND options in creating PICTURE FORMATS. After this
tutorial, you too will say, “I can do that with PROC FORMAT.”
Informats are used to read data into SAS and formats are used to write out data to files and/or reports. Let’s take
a look at some examples. We can specify INFORMATS in an INPUT statement to read data of many
INFORMATS (character, numeric, and date). Here is an example reading data using INFORMATS:
options nocenter;
data test;
input @1 id $char4.
@5 age 2.
proc print data=test;
Output from the PROC PRINT:
Obs id age
1 A14X 54
2 B16Y 24
3 C24Q 19
4 A33A 66
We can look at an example of using FORMATS in the PROC PRINT. Let’s change the PROC PRINT portion of
the above code as follows:
proc print data=test;
format _numeric_ z6.2;

Obs id age
1 A14X 054.00
2 B16Y 024.00
3 C24Q 019.00
4 A33A 066.00

Note that the Zw.d FORMAT is used to print leading zeros. This can be useful for zip code data if stored as
numeric. Some general rules:
1. Character FORMATS and INFORMATS start with a $.
2. All FORMATS and INFORMATS must contain a . to differentiate if from a variable name.
3. w in a w.d format specification counts the number of bytes, including the decimal point.
4. d in a w.d format specification count the number of digits after the decimal point.
5. If the digit contains a decimal point, you don’t need the d specified.

Example of item 5:
options nocenter;
data test;
input @1 id $char4.
@5 age 2.
@7 weight 5.
C24Q19 95.6
proc print data=test;
format _numeric_ z6.1;
Obs id age weight
1 A14X 0054.0 0132.4
2 B16Y 0024.0 0278.1
3 C24Q 0019.0 0095.6
4 A33A 0066.0 0165.3

Building a user defined FORMAT can be viewed as a table lookup where VALUES are mapped to LABELS. Let
us look at some table lookup concepts.
Typical lookup tables use 1-to-1 or many-to-1 mappings. As an example of a 1-to-1 table lookup, we have a data
set that has a variable that codes up credit approval/decline decision codes. When we generate reports of
approvals and declines, we wish to map decision code values into literal labels. The 1-to-1 mapping is illustrated
‘a’ = ‘Approve’
‘d’ = ‘Decline’
If we have many approval codes and many decline codes, these can be mapped or assigned or grouped to the
appropriate label in a many-to-1 mapping. For example:
‘a1’, ‘a2’, ‘a4’ = ‘Approve’
‘d1’, ‘d6’ = ‘Decline’
In the next section, we will look at how we might generate table lookups in SAS. The first method relies on the
DATA step and the second approach will build the lookup using the more efficient method with PROC FORMAT.

For this example, we will look at groupings of credit bureau risk scores. These scores are often used in credit
decisions. One such score has integer values from 370 to 870 with exception scores outside this range. Higher
values of the score relates to better credit quality and reduced risk.
We wish to run a frequency distribution on individuals with scores grouped into 3 classes; 370-670, 671-870, and
un-scored. This is an example of a many-to-1 mapping where we will need to group scores into 3 categories. A
beginning programmer would often handle this by creating another SAS data set where a new variable is
generated to assign membership into categories. This new data is then used in a PROC FREQ to generate the
report. Here is some code generated by the SAS programmer:
data stuff;
set cb;
if 370<= score <= 670 then group='670-';
else if 670 < score <= 870 then group='671+';
else group='unscored';
proc freq data=stuff;
tables group;
Results from the code are:
Cumulative Cumulative
GROUP Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
671+ 623 10.7 623 10.7
670- 5170 89.2 5793 99.9
unsc 5 0.1 5798 100.0
The code did the job, but it required that a new DATASTEP be created and the label ‘unscored’ was truncated to

Using a user defined FORMAT saves some processing time and resources. The same problem solved using
PROC FORMAT is illustrated here.
proc format;
value score 370 - 670 = '670-'
670<- 870 = '671+'
other = 'unscored'
proc freq data=cb;
tables score;
format score score.;
Code returns this output:
Cumulative Cumulative
SCORE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
670- 5170 89.2 5170 89.2
671+ 623 10.7 5793 99.9
unscored 5 0.1 5798 100.0

Some observations to make:
1. Assignment of the FORMAT occurs in PROC FREQ with a FORMAT statement.
2. I end the format definition with the ‘;’ on a new line. This is just my preference but I find it easier to debug
PROC FORMAT code especially if I add more value mappings to the FORMAT later on.
3. The ‘unscored’ label now appears without truncation.
4. FORMAT name does not have to match the name of the variable you will apply the FORMAT to.

Syntax rules for PROC FORMAT will be reviewed in a later section. Let’s look at another application of PROC
FORMAT to find unexpected values.
User defined formats can be used to list out unexpected values. If a range of values are not mapped in a PROC
FORMAT, the original values will be returned as labels. Here is an example:
proc format;
value looky 370-870 = '370-870'
proc freq data=cb;
tables score;
format score looky.;
Output is as follows:
Cumulative Cumulative
SCORE Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
370-870 30320 96.0 30320 96.0
9003 1264 4.0 31584 100.0
With the above example we run the risk of truncating the output of values if the values have a width larger than the
width of the FORMAT label. For this reason, it is better to use an embedded FORMAT as follows:
proc format;
value looky 370-870 = '370-870'
other = [best.]
With this code, we embedded a FORMAT within a FORMAT in line . These have to be within brackets or pipes(|).

New variables can be assigned within a data step using user defined FORMATS. A nice feature of using
FORMATS for generating new variables is that the method can replace IF/THEN/ELSE code. By default, PROC
FORMAT will not allow 1-to-many or many-to-many mapping. There are no checks for accidental 1-to-many or
many-to-many mapping in IF/THEN/ELSE code within a data step.
In this example we wish to assign a credit line based on a risk score range.
proc format;
value stx low - < 160 = '1000'
160 - < 180 = '2500'
180 - < 200 = '5000'
200 - < 220 = '7500'
220 - high = '9500'
data scores;
do score = 10, 160, 170, 180, 200, 210, 220, 230;
line = put(score,stx.);
put _all_;


score=10   line='1000' _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=160 line='2500' _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=170 line='2500' _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=180 line='5000' _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=200 line='7500' _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=210 line='7500' _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=220 line='9500' _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=230 line='9500' _ERROR_=0 _N_=1

Note that the LINE variable is saved as character with the code. Using a PUT function will always return a
character format. We need to change the LINE assignment as
line = input(put(score,stx.),best.);


score=160 line=2500 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=170 line=2500 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=180 line=5000 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1


Taking the last example, what if we wanted to offer different lines as a function of score for 20% of the records?
Here is sample code:
proc format;
value use low - 0.8 = 'stx'
0.8 < - high = 'sty'
value stx low - < 160 = '1000'
160 - 179 = '2500'
180 - 199 = '5000'
200 - 219 = '7500'
220 - high = '9500'
value sty low - < 160 = '1500'
160 - 179 = '3200'
180 - 199 = '6500'
200 - 219 = '8000'
220 - high = '10000'
; run;
data scores;
set bbu.scores;
fmtuse = put(ranuni(83),use.);
line = input(putn(score,fmtuse),best12.);


Some comments about the code:
I take a uniform random number and assign ‘stx’ 80% of the time and ‘sty’ 20% of the time as values to variable
FMTUSE using a PUT function.
I use the PUTN function which assigns, as the second argument, the variable containing the FORMAT name
you wish to assign. This will dynamically assign the format based upon values of the FMTUSE variable. Note
that the second argument in the PUTN function does not end in a dot since the second argument is not a
FORMAT but a variable. For character FORMATS use the PUTC function.
More examples of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional table lookups using PROC FORMAT can be found in SUGI31
paper by Perry Watts, “Using Database Principles to Optimize SAS® Format Construction from Tabular Data”.

As we have seen in the section on using INFORMATS, be careful when you use the decimal indicator. Here is an
example where we get unexpected results:
proc format;
value $test 'a' = '1.2345'
'b' = '1.5432'
'c' = '100000';
data _null_;
do i = 'a', 'b', 'c';
ta = input(put(i,$test.),6.4);
put _all_;


i=a ta=1.2345 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
i=b ta=1.5432 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
i=c ta=10 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1


We notice that the last entry mapped to 10 as opposed to 100000. We can rectify this by using the best
ta = input(put(i,$test.),best.);
Using a 6 INFORMAT will work as well.
ta = input(put(i,$test.),6.);


When working with small numeric values sometimes results are not as expected. Check the following code and
proc format;
value stx 0 - 1e-20 = '1'
1e-20< - 2e-20 = '2'

data scores;
do score = 0, 2e-20;
looky = put(score,stx.);
put _all_;


score=0 looky=1 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=2E-20 looky=1 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1


Note that both values map to LOOKY=1. There is a default fuzz value in PROC FORMAT of 1e-12. To correct
the above code, modify the PROC FORMAT section as follows:
proc format;
value stx (fuzz=0) 0 - 1e-20 = '1'
1e-20< - 2e-20 = '2'
Resulting Output:
score=0 looky=1 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
score=2E-20 looky=2 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1

User defined formats can be used to extract a subset of data from a larger DATASET. Here is an example.
proc format;
value $key '06980' = 'Mail1'
'06990', '0699F', '0699H' = 'Mail2'
other = 'NG'
data stuff;
set large.stuff;
where put(seqnum,$key.) ne 'NG';


Note that for this example we are generating a character FORMAT that will map character values. Character
FORMATS must start with a ‘$’.
Let’s review some syntax rules for setting up user defined FORMATS in the next sections.

Ranges of values can be specified in a number of ways and special keywords can be used in the expression of the
1. VALUES can be single values or values separated by commas:
• ‘x’
• ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’
• 1, 22, 43

2. Ranges (numeric or character) can include intervals such as:
• A – B. Interval includes both endpoints.
• A <- B. Interval includes values larger than A through B.
• A - < B. Interval includes values from A to less than B.
• A <- < B. Interval does not include either endpoint.

3. Ranges can be specified with special keywords:
• LOW, HIGH, OTHER, .,’ ‘

4. The LOW keyword does not format missing values for numeric formats. For character formats, LOW includes
missing values.

5. The OTHER keyword does include missing values unless accounted for with specification of missing values.

• For SAS8 and earlier, format names must be 8 characters or less. For SAS9, the number of characters a
format name can have is 32. These lengths include the dollar sign required for character formats.
• FORMAT names cannot be identical to existing internal SAS format names.
• FORMAT names cannot end or begin with a number.
• Character FORMATS must begin with a “$”.
• INFORMATS can be created in PROC FORMAT with the INVALUE statement. This paper did not touch on
the steps to create user informats. To review the INVALUE statement of PROC FORMAT, refer to SAS
documentation and/or SAS PRESS book “The Power of PROC FORMAT” (2005, Bilenas).

PROC FORMAT also offers a method of merging large data sets (up to a few million, depending on memory
resources) to very large (millions and millions) unsorted SAS data sets or flat files. The method first builds a user
defined format from a special data set. The requirements for this data set are that it must not have any duplicates
in key fields and have at least these variables:
• FMTNAME: name of format to create.
• TYPE: ‘C’ for character or ‘N’ for numeric.
• START: the value you want to format into a label. If you are specifying a range, START specifies the lower
end of the range and END specifies the upper end.
• LABEL: the label you wish to generate.
Once the data is generated, a FORMAT is generated from the data and then applied to match records from the
larger unsorted SAS data set or flat file. Here is an example of code applied to a large unsorted SAS data set.
proc sort data=small out=temp nodupkey force;
by seqnum;
data fmt (rename=(seqnum=start));
retain fmtname 'key'
type 'C'
label 'Y';
set temp end=eof;
if eof then do;
start =' ';
label = 'N';
HLO = 'O';
proc format cntlin=fmt; run;
data match;
set bigfile;
where put(seqnum,$key.)= 'Y';

Some observations on above code:
• The sort of the small DATASET () was done to ensure no duplicates of the key variable, SEQNUM.
• In line we create the dataset that will be used by PROC FORMAT to generate the FORMAT.
• Also, on line , we need to rename the key variable SEQNUM to START.
• Since FMTNAME, TYPE and LABEL will not change for each record we can use the RETAIN statement
starting on line (RETAIN is more efficient than variable assignment statements).
• Note that we set FMTNAME to ‘key’. In this example, the format type is character since the key field on which
to match is character. We also assign a value of ‘C’ to TYPE to indicate that we are setting up a character
format. This code will work if we call FMTNAME ‘key’ or ‘$key’. Another interesting quirk of PROC FORMAT.
• Beginning with line we start a DO loop to handle specification of an ‘OTHER’ condition. The HLO variable
specified in line will handle the OTHER specification by setting HLO=‘O’. It is a good idea to set the START
variable to missing to avoid a one-to-many mapping. At the end of the loop, we output another record where
LABEL is set to ‘N’.
• In , we specify the CNTLIN= option on the PROC FORMAT statement. This will read in the data FMT and
generate the FORMAT $KEY that we will then use in the merge-extract DATA step starting on line .

PICTURE FORMATS provide a template for printing numbers. The template can specify how numbers are
displayed and provide a method to deal with:
• Leading zeros.
• Decimal and comma placement.
• Embedding characters within numbers.
• Prefixes.
• Truncation or rounding of numbers.
Many examples are included in (2005, Bilenas). One example of using PICTURE FORMATS is to add a trailing
‘%’ in PROC TABULATE output when a PCTSUM or PCTN calculation is specified. For this example, we also use
the ROUND option so that the number is rounded rather than truncated. This code will print a leading 0 if the
percentage is less than 1 (i.e., .67% displays as 0.67%) since we include a digit selector with a value other then 0
to the left of the decimal point. With the two ‘9’ values after the decimal, 2 digits will be displayed after the decimal
even if one or more are 0.
proc format;
picture p8r (round) 0-100 = '0009.99%'


The above example will remove negative signs for negative values when applying the format. This may not be an
issue in PROC TABULATE when using PCTSUM or PCTN statistics, but you may want to be safe and modify the
code as follows:

proc format;
picture p8r (round)
low - < 0 = '0009.99%' (prefix='-')
0 - high = '0009.99%'

With the introduction of SAS8, we have the capability to map values to more than one label. Multi-label formats
can be used in PROC SUMMARY and PROC TABULATE. Let us take a look at an example that we introduced
earlier where we are mapping credit decision codes into labels:
‘a1’, ‘a2’, ‘a4’ = ‘Approve’
‘d1’, ‘d6’ = ‘Decline’
We wish to generate a frequency report for each decision and get totals for each category. Here is the code that
generates the formats, the hypothetical data, and the summary report.
proc format;
value key low - 0.20 = 'a1'
0.20 < - 0.25 = 'a2'
0.25 < - 0.35 = 'a4'
0.35 < - 0.80 = 'd1'
0.80 < - high = 'd6'
picture p8r (round)
low - < 0 = '0009.99%' (prefix='-')
0 - high = '0009.99%'
value $deccode (multilabel notsorted)
'a0' - 'a9' = 'APPROVE TOTALS'
'a1' = ' a1: Approval'
'a2' = ' a2: Weak Approval'
'a4' = ' a4: Approved Alternate Product'
'd0' - 'd9' = 'DECLINE TOTALS'
'd1' = ' d1: Decline for Credit'
'd6' = ' d6: Decline Other'
data decision;
do id = 1 to 1000;
decision = put(ranuni(7),key.);
proc tabulate data=decision noseps formchar=' ';
class decision/mlf preloadfmt order=data;
format decision $deccode.;
table (decision all)
/rts=33 row=float misstext=' ';

In the PROC FORMAT section of the code we create 3 formats. In line we generate the format that will assign
decision code to records in a SAS data set based on a uniform random number generated in a DO loop ().
The second format in line generates the PICTURE format for displaying percent signs in PROC TABULATE.
The final format in line is used to generate the multi-label format. Some comments on this format:
1. Note that we must specify the (multilabel) option when generating the format.
2. We can preserve the order of formatted values on tabulate output by specifying the NOTSORTED option
in the generation of the FORMAT and PRELOADFMT ORDER=DATA options in line ; the CLASS
specification in TABULATE.
3. Note that we have labels for each of the 5 decision codes. We also map all codes beginning with the
letter ‘a’ into ‘APPROVE TOTALS’ and all those beginning with the letter ‘d’ into ‘DECLINE TOTALS’
4. The CLASS statement in TABULATE or SUMMARY () must include the MLF option to generate the
multi-label output.
Output from TABULATE:
N %
a1: Approval 163 16.30%
a2: Weak Approval 45 4.50%
a4: Approved Alternate Product 106 10.60%
d1: Decline for Credit 453 45.30%
d6: Decline Other 233 23.30%
All 1,000 100.00%
Sometimes you may want to save your formats to use in other code or to be used by other users. Use the
LIBRARY= option:
libname libref ..
proc format library = libref;
value ..
To use the saved format in a subsequent program without having to enter the FORMAT code, specify a LIBNAME
of LIBRARY so that SAS will look for user formats in the LIBRARY.
libname library ..
You can edit the format by first converting it into a SAS data set using a CNTLOUT option in PROC FORMAT and
then edit the data set with PROC FSEDIT. When the changes are made, convert back to a user FORMAT with
the CTLIN= option. Here is an example of using the CNTLOUT oprion:
proc format library=libref cntlout=SAS dataset;
select entry;
To print out a saved FORMAT library, use the FMTLIB option as indicated:
libname library …
proc format library=library fmtlib;

The FORMAT procedure allows users to create their own formats that allow for a convenient table look up in SAS.
Using PROC FORMAT will make your code more efficient and your output look more professional.
• Bilenas, J. “The Power of PROC FORMAT”, SAS Press, 2005.
• Watts, P. Using Database Principles to Optimize SAS® Format Construction from Tabular Data, SUGI31,
Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at:
Jonas V. Bilenas
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Wilmington, DE 19801
Email: Jonas.Bilenas@chase.com
SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS
Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are
trademarks of their respective companies.
This work is an independent effort and does not necessarily represent the practices followed at JP Morgan Chase
SAS Global Forum 2008 Foundations and Fundamentals





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