
trans_from_rgb— 将图像从 RGB 色彩空间转换为任意色彩空间。

(所有值范围均基于缩放为 [0; 1] 的 RGB 值。自动获取特定图像类型的值范围,则它们必须为乘以 image 类型的最大值,例如,在这种情况下为 255 字节图像)

read_image (Image, 'E:/20240911/Img/00FMB0HU000004E9A0000932_aa19606.000_20240911000353_A.jpg')
decompose3 (Image, Red, Green, Blue)

  Min := min([R, G, B])
  Max := max([R, G, B])
  V := Max
  if (Max == Min)
     S := 0
     H := 0
     S := (Max - Min) / Max
     if (R == Max)
        H := ((G - B) / (Max - Min)) * rad(60)
     elseif (G == Max)
        H := (2 + (B - R) / (Max - Min)) * rad(60)
     elseif (B == Max)
        H := (4 + (R - G) / (Max - Min)) * rad(60)
Range of values:
H = [0; 2pi[, S = [0; 1], V = [0; 1]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H, S, V, 'hsv')
dev_display (H)

dev_display (S)

dev_display (V)

  |M1|   |2/sqrt(6)  -1/sqrt(6)  -1/sqrt(6)|   |R|
  |M2| = |0           1/sqrt(2)  -1/sqrt(2)| * |G|
  |I1|   |1/sqrt(3)   1/sqrt(3)   1/sqrt(3)|   |B|
  H = atan2(M2,M1)
  S = sqrt(M1*M1 + M2*M2)
 I = I1 / sqrt(3)
Range of values:
H = [0; 2pi[, S= [0; sqrt(2/3)], I = [0; 1]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H1, S1, V1, 'hsi')
dev_display (H1)

dev_display (S1)

dev_display (V1)

  |Y|   |0.299   0.587   0.114|   |R|
  |I| = |0.599  -0.276  -0.324| * |G|
  |Q|   |0.214  -0.522   0.309|   |B|
Range of values:
Y = [0; 1], I = [-0.599; 0.599], Q = [-0.522; 0.522]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H2, S2, V2, 'yiq')
dev_display (H2)

dev_display (S2)

dev_display (V2)

  |Y|   | 0.299   0.587   0.114|   |R|
  |U| = |-0.147  -0.289   0.436| * |G|
  |V|   | 0.615  -0.515  -0.100|   |B|
Range of values:
Y = [0; 1], U = [-0.436; 0.436], V = [-0.615; 0.615]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H3, S3, V3, 'yuv')
dev_display (H3)

dev_display (S3)

dev_display (V3)

  |A |   |0.30   0.59   0.11|   |R|
  |Rg| = |0.50  -0.50   0.00| * |G|
  |Yb|   |0.25   0.25  -0.50|   |B|
Range of values:
A = [0; 1], Rg = [-0.5, 0.5], Yb = [-0.5, 0.5]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H4, S4, V4, 'argyb')
dev_display (H4)

dev_display (S4)

dev_display (V4)

  |X|   |0.412453  0.357580  0.180423|   |R|
  |Y| = |0.212671  0.715160  0.072169| * |G|
  |Z|   |0.019334  0.119193  0.950227|   |B|
使用的原色对应于 sRGB 和 CIE Rec. 709。 D65 用作白点。
使用的原色 (x, y, z):
         x         y         z
  red    0.6400    0.3300    0.0300
  green  0.3000    0.6000    0.1000
  blue   0.1500    0.0600    0.7900
  white  0.3127    0.3290    0.3583

X:=[0; 0.950456], Y:=[0; 1], Z:=[0; 1.088754]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H5, S5, V5, 'ciexyz')
dev_display (H5)

dev_display (S5)

dev_display (V5)

  |X|   |0.412453  0.357580  0.180423|   |R|
  |Y| = |0.212671  0.715160  0.072169| * |G|
  |Z|   |0.019334  0.119193  0.950227|   |B|

  L = 116 * f(Y/Yw) - 16
  a = 500 * (f(X/Xw) - f(Y/Yw))
  b = 200 * (f(Y/Yw) - f(Z/Zw))
     f(t) = t^(1/3),           t > (24/116)^3
     f(t) = (841/108)*t + 16/116,  otherwise.
     Black point B: (Rb, Gb, Bb) = (0, 0, 0)
     White point W = (Rw, Gw, Bw), according to image type:
       byte:=(255, 255, 255), uint2:=(2^16-1, 2^16-1, 2^16-1),
       int4:=(2^31-1, 2^31-1, 2^31-1), real:=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
L := [0; 100], a := [-86.1813; 98.2352], b := [-107.8617; 94.4758] 
(在 byte 和 uint2 的情况下,缩放到最大灰度值。 在 int4 的情况下,L 和 a 被缩放到最大灰度值, b 缩放到最小灰度值,以便原点保持为0。

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H6, S6, V6, 'cielab')
dev_display (H6)

dev_display (S6)

dev_display (V6)

  |X|   |0.412453  0.357580  0.180423|   |R|
  |Y| = |0.212671  0.715160  0.072169| * |G|
  |Z|   |0.019334  0.119193  0.950227|   |B|
  L = 116 * f(Y/Yw) - 16
  a = 500 * (f(X/Xw) - f(Y/Yw))
  b = 200 * (f(Y/Yw) - f(Z/Zw))
  C_ab = sqrt(a^2+b^2)
  h_ab = atan2(b,a)
     f(t) = t^(1/3),           t > (24/116)^3
     f(t) = (841/108)*t + 16/116,  otherwise.

     h_ab lies between 0° and 90° if a and b are both positive,
     between 90° and 180° if a is negative and b is positive,
     between 180° and 270° if a and b are both negative, and
     between 270° and 360° if a is positive and b is negative.

     Black point B: (Rb, Gb, Bb) = (0, 0, 0)
     White point W = (Rw, Gw, Bw), according to image type:
       byte:=(255, 255, 255), uint2:=(2^16-1, 2^16-1, 2^16-1),
       int4:=(2^31-1, 2^31-1, 2^31-1), real:=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) 
Range of values:
L := [0; 100], C := [0; 133.8086], h := [0; 360]
(在 byte 和 uint2 的情况下,缩放到最大灰度值。 在 int4 的情况下,L 和 C 被缩放到最大灰度值, 而 h 以 arcs 秒为单位

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H7, S7, V7, 'cielchab')
dev_display (H7)

dev_display (S7)

dev_display (V7)

  |X|   |0.412453  0.357580  0.180423|   |R|
  |Y| = |0.212671  0.715160  0.072169| * |G|
  |Z|   |0.019334  0.119193  0.950227|   |B|
  u' = 4*X / (X + 15*Y + 3*Z)
  v' = 9*Y / (X + 15*Y + 3*Z)
  uw' = 4*Xw / (Xw + 15*Yw + 3*Zw)
  vw' = 9*Yw / (Xw + 15*Yw + 3*Zw)
  L = 116 * f(Y/Yw) - 16
  u = 13 * L * (u' - uw')
  v = 13 * L * (v' - vw')
     f(t) = t^(1/3),           t > (24/116)^3
     f(t) = (841/108)*t + 16/116,  otherwise.

     Black point B: (Rb, Gb, Bb) = (0, 0, 0)
     White point W = (Rw, Gw, Bw), according to image type:
       byte:=(255, 255, 255), uint2:=(2^16-1, 2^16-1, 2^16-1),
      int4:=(2^31-1, 2^31-1, 2^31-1), real:=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
L := [0; 100], u := [-83.0774; 175.0148], v := [-134.1008; 107.3923] 
(在 byte 和 uint2 的情况下,缩放到最大灰度值。 如果是 int4 L,并且 u 被缩放到最大灰度值, v 缩放到最小灰度值,以便原点保持 为 0。

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H8, S8, V8, 'cieluv')
dev_display (H8)

dev_display (S8)

dev_display (V8)

  |X|   |0.412453  0.357580  0.180423|   |R|
  |Y| = |0.212671  0.715160  0.072169| * |G|
  |Z|   |0.019334  0.119193  0.950227|   |B|
  u' = 4*X / (X + 15*Y + 3*Z)
  v' = 9*Y / (X + 15*Y + 3*Z)
  uw' = 4*Xw / (Xw + 15*Yw + 3*Zw)
  vw' = 9*Yw / (Xw + 15*Yw + 3*Zw)
  L = 116 * f(Y/Yw) - 16
  u = 13 * L * (u' - uw')
  v = 13 * L * (v' - vw')
  C_uv = sqrt(u^2+v^2)
  h_uv = atan2(v,u)
     f(t) = t^(1/3),           t > (24/116)^3
     f(t) = (841/108)*t + 16/116,  otherwise.
     h_uv lies between 0° and 90° if u and v are both positive,
     between 90° and 180° if u is negative and v is positive,
     between 180° and 270° if u and v are both negative, and
     between 270° and 360° if u is positive and v is negative.
     Black point B: (Rb, Gb, Bb) = (0, 0, 0)
     White point W = (Rw, Gw, Bw), according to image type:
       byte:=(255, 255, 255), uint2:=(2^16-1, 2^16-1, 2^16-1),
       int4:=(2^31-1, 2^31-1, 2^31-1), real:=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
Range of values:
L := [0; 100], C := [0; 179.0402], h := [0; 360[ 
     在 byte 和 uint2 的情况下,缩放到最大灰度值。 在 int4 的情况下,
     L 和 C 被缩放到最大灰度值, 而 h 以 arcs 秒为单位。)

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H9, S9, V9, 'cielchuv')
dev_display (H9)

dev_display (S9)

dev_display (V9)

  |X|   |0.620   0.170   0.180|   |R|
  |Y| = |0.310   0.590   0.110| * |G|
  |Z|   |0.000   0.066   1.020|   |B|
Range of values:
X = [0; 0.970], Y = [0; 1.010], Z = [0; 1.086]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H10, S10, V10, 'ciexyz2')
dev_display (H10)

dev_display (S10)

dev_display (V10)

  |X|   |0.618   0.177   0.205|   |R|
  |Y| = |0.299   0.587   0.114| * |G|
  |Z|   |0.000   0.056   0.944|   |B|
Range of values:
X = [0; 1], Y = [0; 1], Z = [0; 1]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H11, S11, V11, 'ciexyz3')
dev_display (H11)

dev_display (S11)

dev_display (V11)

  |X|   |0.476   0.299   0.175|   |R|
  |Y| = |0.262   0.656   0.082| * |G|
  |Z|   |0.020   0.161   0.909|   |B|
  Primary colors (x, y, z):
   red:=(0.628, 0.346, 0.026), green:=(0.268, 0.588, 0.144),
   blue:=(0.150, 0.070, 0.780), white65:=(0.313, 0.329, 0.358)
Used primary colors (x, y, z):
           x        y         z
  red      0.628    0.346    0.026
  green    0.268    0.588    0.144
  blue     0.150    0.070    0.780
  white65  0.313    0.329    0.358
Range of values:
X:=[0; 0.951], Y:=[0; 1], Z:=[0; 1.088]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H12, S12, V12, 'ciexyz4')
dev_display (H12)

dev_display (S12)

dev_display (V12)

  |L|   |0.390469, 0.549910, 0.008901|   |R|
  |M| = |0.070925, 0.963118, 0.001358| * |G|
  |S|   |0.023143, 0.128013, 0.935976|   |B|
This conceptually is a transformation from RGB to CIE XYZ (see 'ciexyz' above) followed by a transformation from CIE XYZ to LMS.
Range of values:
L:=[0; 0.949280], M:=[0; 1.035401], S:=[0; 1.087132]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H13, S13, V13, 'lms')
dev_display (H13)

dev_display (S13)

dev_display (V13)

  |I1|   | 0.333 0.333 0.333|   |R|
  |I2| = | 1.0   0.0  -1.0  | * |G|
  |I3|   |-0.5   1.0  -0.5  |   |B|

Range of values:
I1 = [0; 1], I2 = [-1; 1], I3 = [-1; 1]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H14, S14, V14, 'i1i2i3')
dev_display (H14)

dev_display (S14)

dev_display (V14)

   Min := min([R, G, B])
   Max := max([R, G, B])
   I := (R + G + B) / 3
   if (I == 0)
      H := 0
      S := 1
      S := 1 - Min / I
      if (S == 0)
           H := 0
         X := (R + R - G - B) / 2
         Y := (R - G) * (R - G) + (R - B) * (G - B)
         Z := sqrt(Y)
         if (Z == 0)
            H := 0
            H := acos(X / Z)
         if (B > G)
            H := rad(360) - H
Range of values:
I = [0; 1], H = [0; 2pi[, S = [0; 1]

trans_from_rgb (Red, Green, Blue, H15, S15, V15, 'ihs')
dev_display (H15)

dev_display (S15)

dev_display (V15)





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


