如果需要其他的时间 可以直接网上搬,不同的格式的都有 以及时间戳
随机生成3个筛子,玩家来猜测3个筛子和的大小 (和3<=x<=10为小,11<=x<=18为大 )
import random
initial_money = 1000
current_money = initial_money
def roll_dice():
dice1 = random.randrange(1,6)
dice2 = random.randrange(1,6)
dice3 = random.randrange(1,6)
return dice1+dice2+dice3
def main():
global current_money
print('Welcome to the Big Small Game!')
while current_money > 0:
print(f'\nCurrent balance:${current_money:.2f}')
#Get player bet amount
while True:
bet_amount = float(input('Enter your bet amount (Enter 0 to quit):'))
if bet_amount < 0:
print('Please enter a non-negative bet amount.')
elif bet_amount > current_money:
print("Insufficient balance. Please enter a smaller bet amount.")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")
if bet_amount == 0 :
print('Game over.thank you for playing !')
print("Choose 'big' or 'small' to bet on the sun of three dice.")
player_chioce = input("Enter your chioce('big or small'): ").strip().lower()
if player_chioce not in ['big','small']:
print("Invalid choice. Please choose 'big' or 'small'.")
total = roll_dice()
print(f"The total value of three dice is: {total}")
if (total >=11 and total <=18 and player_chioce == 'big') or (total >=3 and total <=10 and player_chioce =='small'):
winnings = bet_amount
current_money += winnings
print(f"Congratulations! You guessed correctly and won ${winnings:.2f}!")
winnings = -bet_amount
current_money += winnings
print(f"Sorry, you guessed incorrectly and lost ${winnings :.2f}.")
print("You have run out of money. Game over!")
def text_create(name, msg): desktop_path = 'D:/python练习/' full_path = desktop_path + name + '.txt' file = open(full_path, 'w') file.write(msg) file.close() print('Done') text_create('hello', 'hello world') def text_filter(word, censored_word='lame', changed_word='Awesome'): return word.replace(censored_word, changed_word) text_filter('python is lame') def censored_text_create(name, msg): clean_msg = text_filter(msg) text_create(name, clean_msg) censored_text_create('Try', 'lame!lame!lame')
CN_mobile =[134,135,136,137,138,139,150,151,152,157,158,159,182,183,184,187,188,147,148,1705] CN_union =[130,131,132,155,156,185,186,145,176,1709] CN_telecom =[133,153,180,181,189,177,1700] def mian(): Your_number = input("Enter your number:") # CN_CN = { # "CN_mobile" : [134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 150, 151, 152, 157, 158, 159, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 147, 148,1705], # "CN_union" : [130, 131, 132, 155, 156, 185, 186, 145, 176, 1709], # "CN_telecom" : [133, 153, 180, 181, 189, 177, 1700] # } #prefix取出输入的电话号码的前3位 prefix = int(Your_number[:3]) if len(Your_number) != 11: print("Invalid length,your number should be in 11 digits") # elif not any(prefix in segment for segment in CN_CN.values()): #通过prefix not in 判断输入的电话号码 属不属于上面的三个运营商 elif prefix not in CN_mobile+CN_union+CN_telecom: print("No such an operator") else: if prefix in CN_union: print("Operator :China Union") elif prefix in CN_mobile: print("Operator :China mobile") elif prefix in CN_telecom: print("Operator :China telecom") print(f"We're sending verification code via text to your phone :{Your_number}") mian() python小白 请大家多指教 希望追赶上各位大佬 与大家共同进步!!!