英语随笔,发散了 3.7

uh,it is my first note in English , and i just want to share my experience about traveling and just want to use some words about trip in order to remember them and use them in the spoken english. so ,uh, maybe the grammer is not so right.

yeah , i went on a tour with my parents at the age of 5,and  it was excited for me to travel to Beijing by plane,because before that time ,i have never go other places by plane yeah.i know that,it maybe very common in other places to take a budget airline, budget airline means that the flight ticket is cheap than the normal airline ,but the drinks and the food on the plane are need money to buy,also,if u want to change your seat,you need to pay extra money.but i heard that, the food and the drinks on the plane taste good.maybe.the budget airlines are not so common in china. oh ,there is a famous budget airline ,it is called Air Asia,yeah.i remembered that when i was young ,i'd love to choose a window seat,becase i can see cloud,and the scenes below the plane.also,when i was young ,i'd love to choose the flight airline at night,especailly the airline from1am to 5am.maybe i was too young and i just like to stay up late,or just love to do things in an uncommon way maybe.now i think i am so active at that time and now i will choose some normal airline ,because i am easy to get tired than before,ahhh

ok,lets talk some about beijing,i went there in winter,but in my memory ,i did not see snow at that time ,maybe it was not cold during the time i travelled.i visted forbidden city, a building with a long histroy,and there were many treasure and paintings and so on there ,it was so large that we could't visit it just a day.last time,i mentioned my favourite TV play,but i didnt talk about it with detailed,so i want to share it with u. it is called the legend of zhenhuan,it was released in 2012or2013 i forgot,although it was a TVplay long long ago,but it won a popluarity.it is a stroy  in forbidden city,it told us the women in the forbiiden city to flight ,not the mean about war , women flight against with each other and just for power,treasure and the love of emperors.they used there apparentment to gain power,money and so on.if the emperor didnt like her,she may die,if the emperor like her,she may gain what she want ,also she will gain complain from other women in the forbbiden city.the main role of this TV play alive at the end of the stroy, and she became the mother of emporer,but she lost a lot, her parents healthy,her best friends's life,and her lover,also her happy feelings.maybe she would be lonely to finish her rest life.i thought it was a trage for women .they can not depend on their wise and they can not do what the man do at that time,they even can not to read more books and just be a doll to rely on the men.although it may be a wonderful ending ,most of people think that, but i  still think that women in that forbbiden city were unhappy.ok, uh , i can talk another Tv play to u ,yeah , i love to watch tv play,especailly the story  happen in chinese ancient,itis called the legend of ruyi.these two tv play have similar places.they all talked about the flight between the women ,but the legend of ruyi is more real ,the role of this story fell in love with the emporer,and she believed that their love would last forever,but unfortunality,after some years,the emporer loved other woman , and began to dislike crush,who was ruyi.the main role experienced a lot of dispointments and gradual give up the love ,hate and all feelings about her crush,the emporer.when she got sick ,she didnt want to see a doctor,and then die in a young age.   but zhenhuan,the legend of zhenhuan's main role ,although she love emporer first , but later she gave up everything,and use her wisdom to alive.zhenhuan still have hope to alive in the world,but ruyi gave up the hope to alive because,i thought the most importance for her was disappeared ,so,she could die.

ok ,thats all what i want to say now .

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