【IGME382】Maps Mapping and Geospatial Technologies

1. General Course Information
Course Description
This course provides a survey of technologies used to represent the earth, collectively referred to as
Geospatial Technologies (GTs). Students will gain hands-on experience with GTs, including Global
Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Virtual Globes (Google Earth),
Remote Sensing, and Web GIS. Students will be taught how geospatial technology is used in business,
industry, and government. Students should be comfortable working in PC-based computing
Course Objective
Broader developments with information technology have increased the use and application of GTs. For
example, GTs have become common place in numerous industries such as telecommunications, civil
engineering, and crisis management. Furthermore, 80% of all data contains a spatial component, thus
making GTs relevant and applicable to very wide range of information management tasks. The objective
of this course is to expose students to foundational concepts and technologies of GTs. Students taking the
course will be able to continue with additional GT courses on remote sensing. Geographic Information
Systems (GISs), spatial databases, mobile GIS, spatial analysis, geographic visualization, and applications
of GTs to environmental, societal, and other problem domains.
Course Assumptions
This is an online course, but students should expect to spend as much time and effort in this course as
they would in a face-to-face offering. Throughout the semester, you will be required to complete several
lab assignments and readings. Students should expect to spend 3-6 hours outside of class time in order to
complete readings and assignments. Students are encouraged to talk to me about their own interests in
geospatial technologies.
The myCourses systems will be used for facilitation of the course. Students are expected to know how to
use the myCourses system and their RIT email accounts.
2. Course Materials
Textbook, Readings, and Videos
Materials to be assigned by Instructor will be made available through myCourses. There is no official
textbook required for this course.
Software and Accounts
2.2.1. ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online
This course will use ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online. Each student will be provided the required software
installer and license during the course. ArcGIS Pro will only work on Windows computers
. The RIT Lab will
have access to the software as well and arrangements can be made to access the facility. A third option for
the software is a Virtual Machine with ArcGIS Pro installed, although using the software locally is highly
recommended. ArcGIS Online should be compatible with any operating system assuming you have access
to a modern web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
Other Materials
You will be required to maintain your own datasets and will need ~16GB of available hard disk or
external storage. You may also be required to use a mobile application that will be compatible for iOS or
Android. Accommodations can be made if you do not have access to a smart phone or are unable to
download applications.
4. Course Organization
As this is an online course, all materials will be made available in the myCourses system and may include
web-based tools, videos, and readings. In general, recorded lectures, discussions, and self-directed
laboratory exercises will be presented at the beginning of each week. Students will be expected to
complete assignments and knowledge check quizzes before the start of the next class (within one week).
Remember - it is your responsibility to complete all assigned work each week. If you run into trouble –
reach out! I am happy to help during office hours or at a time that is convenient for us both.
I will not be on campus at any point during the semester but will be available during office hours and by
appointment using a signup approach.
Please note that this schedule is tentative and may change during the semester
Online Quizzes
There will be a short, timed quiz each week that pertains to that topic. All quizzes will be posted with
other weekly materials and will be due within one week.
Assignments will be a hands-on exercise that will explore that week’s topic. They may require working
with geospatial data and software or a written response to a reading or prompt from that week’s lecture.
Labs will require software to be downloaded or accessed through web portals.
Assignments will have a specified due date and will be submitted via myCourses. Assignments turned in
late will result in an automatic loss of one letter grade for each day. After five days late, the assignment
will result in a grade of 0 for that assignment. Accommodations for late assignments will be made on a
case-by-case basis but will require prior notice (at least 3 days) before a due date. Note: it is better to
reach out if a situation arises as opposed to not handing in an assignment.
There will be a test towards the end of the semester. This will look to assess your understanding of the
material presented in the prior weeks. The test will consist of a combination of true/false, multiple-choice,
and short answer questions based on the content provided.
Final Project
The final project will demonstrate what you have learned in the course and provide an outlet for your own
interests in geospatial technologies. Students will develop their own project ideas utilizing GIS and
Geospatial Technology to look at a world problem (big or small!). You will be required to find your own
data, conduct some analysis, and create a final deliverable. It is likely that we will use a Story Map via
ArcGIS Online and will cover how to create them in class. Other options may be available and will be
discussed as we get closer.
5. Administrative Information
Use of Generative AI Tools
Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the RIT
Student Rights and Responsibilities.
You may review the posted policy on the RIT Student Rights and Responsibilities web site
This policy covers all courses at RIT unless otherwise noted by the instructor, the department, or the
college in which the course is offered.
Plagiarism in any format will NOT BE TOLERATED. Academic prosecution of students caught
plagiarizing can and will be conducted leading to failing grades for assignments and/or expulsion and
failure of the course.
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the RIT
Student Rights and Responsibilities.
This policy covers all courses at RIT unless otherwise noted by the instructor, the department, or the
college in which the course is offered.
Plagiarism in any format will NOT BE TOLERATED. Academic prosecution of students caught
plagiarizing can and will be conducted leading to failing grades for assignments and/or expulsion and
failure of the course. 




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