This app is an Internet software service provided by our company. These terms of service are the main agreement for you to access and use this app.

Before accepting this agreement, please read all the contents carefully. If you cannot accurately understand or disagree with any content of this agreement, please do not follow up. You have read and fully understood the contents of this agreement by clicking to confirm on the web page, and actually purchasing or using the services of this app. You have reached an agreement with flash Learning company on using or ordering the corresponding products and / or services, and agree to accept all the agreed contents of this Agreement and be bound by it.

1. Service content

"Products and / or services" in this clause refers to the services displayed on the mobile app provided by this app to you. The specific service content is subject to the content you use or order. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate some free services at any time, and reserve the right to adjust the types and forms of free services provided by this app at any time according to the actual situation. We will not bear the losses caused to you by the adjustment of any free services provided by this app. We have the right to charge corresponding service fees for any free service content at an appropriate time in the future.

You agree that we need to adjust and upgrade the charging services provided by this app to meet the needs of users and improve the product experience, including the type and form of services. If we need to terminate the charging service provided to you due to some circumstances, we will notify you in advance through on-site notice, email, official website announcement, etc. You agree that if we terminate the provision of a charging service, our obligation is only to refund you part of the fees corresponding to the service period you have not used. You agree that we are not liable to you for the adjustment, upgrading or termination of the charged services. However, in any case, we will make reasonable efforts to reserve a reasonable time for you to respond to the change, suspension or termination of such services.

2. Registration

In order to access this app and use the service, you agree to the following matters: fill in the accurate and true registration email, mobile phone number, password and name according to the registration prompt on the official website of this app, and ensure the validity and legality of the login email, mobile phone number, name, avatar and other information updated in the future. If you provide any illegal, false, immoral or information that we think is not suitable for display on this app, or we have reason to suspect that your information belongs to virus programs or malicious operations, or you violate the provisions of this service terms, or you use this app for commercial purposes without our consent, we have the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse you to use all or any part of the service now and in the future.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we have no obligation to assume any responsibility for any registration information of any user, including but not limited to the responsibility of identifying and verifying the authenticity, accuracy, integrity, applicability and / or whether it is the latest information of any registration information.

3. Use

We encourage users to make full use of this app to freely publish and share their own information content. You can freely publish and upload pictures, videos and other contents, but these contents must be in the public domain, or you have the right to use these contents (including the right to copy, information network transmission and other rights to use the uploaded, published and shared contents). Users should bear legal responsibility for all their actions, and this app does not bear any legal responsibility.

Users shall not use this app to send or disseminate sensitive information and information that violates national laws and regulations, including but not limited to the following information:

Opposing the basic principles defined in the constitution;

Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

Damaging the honor and interests of the state;

Inciting national hatred and discrimination and undermining national unity;

Undermining the state's religious policies and propagating cults and feudal Superstitions;

Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and destroying social stability;

Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

Insulting or slandering others and infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;

Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

4. Intellectual property

We fully own the ownership of the app products and services (including any development and upgrading of them) and all relevant intellectual property rights (including but not limited to source code, object code, documentation, interface design, layout framework, and any software and materials provided by us according to maintenance and technical support). You agree with our ownership and intellectual property rights, and promise to respect and not infringe our ownership and intellectual property rights in any way. Without our written permission, you may not copy, transmit, transfer, license or provide others to use the above knowledge achievements, otherwise you shall bear corresponding responsibilities, and this app has the right to terminate your use of this app without refunding any fees.

5. Data security

What is the face changing principle of this application?

The video technology of this application is similar to the PS technology of video version, which uses the combination of face image and video. Face photos will be deleted immediately after video synthesis, and your face photos and data will not be preserved.

What face data does this application collect?

We analyze the user's photos and find out the feature points of the face in the photos (such as eyes, nose, mouth points) for face processing. We do not collect face data. After the analysis process, all data will be deleted and the server will not save any data.

What is the purpose of this application to collect this information?

In order to provide users with the "face changing" effect, the application needs to find feature points (such as eyes, nose, mouth points). Face photos will be deleted immediately after the change video synthesis, and the server will not retain your face photos and data.

Will the data be shared with any third party? Where will this information be stored?

Relevant data will not be shared with any third party. The server will not store your face photos. After the analysis process, your photos will be deleted.

6. Protection of minors

According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are a child under the age of 14, you should obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardian in advance according to the registration and use process before using the relevant products or services, and your parent or legal guardian should help you complete the product or service registration process so that you can use the products or services we provide.

If you are the guardian of children, before helping children complete the registration and use of products or services, you should carefully read this policy and the specific privacy protection guidelines of products (if any), decide whether to agree to this policy and help children register and use, so that children can use the products or services we provide.

7. Service change / interruption / termination

If the network service is suspended or the service function is adjusted due to the need of system maintenance or upgrade, we will try our best to make an announcement on the website in advance.

8. Improvement and modification of service terms

We have the right to improve and modify our terms of service from time to time in accordance with the development of the Internet and the changes in relevant laws and regulations of the people's Republic of China. We reserve the right to modify the terms of service at any time. When users use our services, it is necessary to carefully read and reconfirm the latest terms of service. In case of relevant disputes, the latest terms of service shall prevail.

9. Others

These terms of service and the services under them shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the people's Republic of China.

If the user uses this service to engage in any illegal or infringement behavior, the user shall bear all the responsibility by himself, and we will not bear any legal responsibility. Therefore, if any loss is caused to us or any third party, the user shall be responsible for full compensation.

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### 回答1: OFD(Open Format Document)是一种在中国开发的电子文档格式标准,与其他国际标准文档格式相比,OFD在安全性、可扩展性、可编辑性、多媒体支持等方面具有优势。因此,OFD格式在国内的应用越来越广泛。 为了能够更好地方便用户使用OFD文档,开发一个可靠的OFD电子文档阅读器显得非常重要。而采用了QT技术的OFD电子文档阅读器具有以下几个优点: 首先,QT(QuickTime)跨平台性强,能够在多个操作系统中运行。无论是在windows、MacOS还是Linux系统中,QT都可以兼容,这样可以大大提高OFD文档的普及和使用率。 其次,QT技术与OpenCV相比,它的UI(用户界面)设计更加人性化,更加美观,能够满足用户视觉需求,提升用户体验。 另外,QT的开发模式采用了C++对象编程,更加灵活,也更加容易维护。开发人员可以通过QT提供的工具包和API,解决复杂的计算操作和UI设计,简化了OFD电子文档阅读器的开发流程。 总体来看,采用QT技术的OFD电子文档阅读器具有跨平台性、UI美观、开发灵活等优点,对于OFD文档的普及有着积极的推动作用。 ### 回答2: 随着数字化时代的不断推进,电子文档在我们的日常生活中越来越重要。针对OFD电子文档这一格式,我们可以采用QT技术来开发一款OFD电子文档阅读器。 首先,我们需要了解OFD电子文档的特点和格式,然后针对其进行自定义开发,这就需要使用QT技术。QT是一种跨平台的应用程序开发框架,其拥有丰富的类库和高效的工具,能够简化开发过程、提高开发效率。 QT技术支持多种编程语言,如C++,Python和JavaScript等,在开发过程中可以根据需要进行选择。此外,QT还提供了丰富的界面设计工具,可以方便快捷地创建美观实用的界面。 开发OFD电子文档阅读器需要不断了解用户需求和文档阅读方式的变化,同时合理安排界面布局和交互设计,加强文档的搜索、标注和分享等功能。在开发过程中,我们可以借助QT技术优势,独立开发和完善电子文档阅读器,从而提高我们的工作效率和用户体验。 总之,采用QT技术开发OFD电子文档阅读器可以提高开发效率和用户体验,同时也需要在开发过程中不断了解用户需求和文档阅读方式的变化,不断完善产品功能和性能,以满足用户需求。


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