1 PytestAutoTestFrameWork
2 |—|config
3 |——|__init__.py
4 |——|conf.py
5 |——|config.ini
6 |—|data
7 |——|__init__.py
8 |——|tcData.xlsx
9 |—Page
10 |——|PageObject.py
11 |———|__init__.py
12 |———|ContactPage.py
13 |———|HomePage.py
14 |———|LoginPage.py
15 |———|SendMailPage.py
16 |——|__init__.py
17 |——|BasePage.py
18 |—|report
19 |—|TestCases
20 |——|__init__.py
21 |——|conftest.py
22 |——|test_confactCase.py
23 |——|test_loginCase.py
24 |——|test_sendMailCase.py
25 |—|util
26 |——|__init__.py
27 |——|clipboard.py
28 |——|keyboard.py
29 |——|parseConFile.py
30 |——|parseExcelFile.py
31 |——|sendMailForReport.py
32 |—|conftest.py
33 |—|pytest.ini
34 |—|RunTestCase.py
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/15 12:04
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : clipboard.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 import win32con
11 import win32clipboard as WC
14 class ClipBoard(object):
15 '''设置剪切板内容和获取剪切板内容'''
17 @staticmethod
18 def getText():
19 '''获取剪切板的内容'''
20 WC.OpenClipboard()
21 value = WC.GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT)
22 WC.CloseClipboard()
23 return value
25 @staticmethod
26 def setText(value):
27 '''设置剪切板的内容'''
28 WC.OpenClipboard()
29 WC.EmptyClipboard()
30 WC.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT, value)
31 WC.CloseClipboard()
34 if __name__ == '__main__':
35 from selenium import webdriver
37 value = 'python'
38 driver = webdriver.Firefox()
39 driver.get('http://www.baidu.com')
40 query = driver.find_element_by_id('kw')
41 ClipBoard.setText(value)
42 clValue = ClipBoard.getText()
43 query.send_keys(clValue.decode('utf-8'))
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/15 12:05
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : keyboard.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
11 # 模拟按键
12 import win32api
13 import win32con
14 import time
17 class KeyBoard(object):
18 """模拟按键"""
19 # 键盘码
20 vk_code = {
21 'enter' : 0x0D,
22 'tab' : 0x09,
23 'ctrl' : 0x11,
24 'v' : 0x56,
25 'a' : 0x41,
26 'x' : 0x58
27 }
29 @staticmethod
30 def keyDown(key_name):
31 """按下键"""
32 key_name = key_name.lower()
33 try:
34 win32api.keybd_event(KeyBoard.vk_code[key_name], 0, 0, 0)
35 except Exception as e:
36 print('未按下enter键')
37 print(e)
39 @staticmethod
40 def keyUp(key_name):
41 """抬起键"""
42 key_name = key_name.lower()
43 win32api.keybd_event(KeyBoard.vk_code[key_name], 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0)
45 @staticmethod
46 def oneKey(key):
47 """模拟单个按键"""
48 key = key.lower()
49 KeyBoard.keyDown(key)
50 time.sleep(2)
51 KeyBoard.keyUp(key)
53 @staticmethod
54 def twoKeys(key1, key2):
55 """模拟组合按键"""
56 key1 = key1.lower()
57 key2 = key2.lower()
58 KeyBoard.keyDown(key1)
59 KeyBoard.keyDown(key2)
60 KeyBoard.keyUp(key1)
61 KeyBoard.keyUp(key2)
64 if __name__ == '__main__':
65 from selenium import webdriver
66 driver = webdriver.Firefox()
67 driver.get('http://www.baidu.com')
68 driver.find_element_by_id('kw').send_keys('python')
69 KeyBoard.twoKeys('ctrl', 'a')
70 KeyBoard.twoKeys('ctrl', 'x')
通过测试项目设计,我们需要把测试数据存放在Excel文件中,把页面操作元素存在UI对象库中也就是一个配置文件,那么我们需要对Excel 和 ini文件解析,因此我们开始编写这两个方法,设计UI对象库和测试数据文件
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/22 16:12
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : parseExcelFile.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 from openpyxl import load_workbook
11 from config.conf import excelPath
14 class ParseExcel(object):
16 def __init__(self):
17 self.wk = load_workbook(excelPath)
18 self.excelFile = excelPath
20 def getSheetByName(self, sheetName):
21 """获取sheet对象"""
22 sheet = self.wk[sheetName]
23 return sheet
25 def getRowNum(self, sheet):
26 """获取有效数据的最大行号"""
27 return sheet.max_row
29 def getColsNum(self, sheet):
30 """获取有效数据的最大列号"""
31 return sheet.max_column
33 def getRowValues(self, sheet, rowNum):
34 """获取某一行的数据"""
35 maxColsNum = self.getColsNum(sheet)
36 rowValues = []
37 for colsNum in range(1, maxColsNum + 1):
38 value = sheet.cell(rowNum, colsNum).value
39 if value is None:
40 value = ''
41 rowValues.append(value)
42 return tuple(rowValues)
44 def getColumnValues(self, sheet, columnNum):
45 """获取某一列的数据"""
46 maxRowNum = self.getRowNum(sheet)
47 columnValues = []
48 for rowNum in range(2, maxRowNum + 1):
49 value = sheet.cell(rowNum, columnNum).value
50 if value is None:
51 value = ''
52 columnValues.append(value)
53 return tuple(columnValues)
55 def getValueOfCell(self, sheet, rowNum, columnNum):
56 """获取某一个单元格的数据"""
57 value = sheet.cell(rowNum, columnNum).value
58 if value is None:
59 value = ''
60 return value
62 def getAllValuesOfSheet(self, sheet):
63 """获取某一个sheet页的所有测试数据,返回一个元祖组成的列表"""
64 maxRowNum = self.getRowNum(sheet)
65 columnNum = self.getColsNum(sheet)
66 allValues = []
67 for row in range(2, maxRowNum + 1):
68 rowValues = []
69 for column in range(1, columnNum + 1):
70 value = sheet.cell(row, column).value
71 if value is None:
72 value = ''
73 rowValues.append(value)
74 allValues.append(tuple(rowValues))
75 return allValues
78 if __name__ == '__main__':
79 # excel = ParseExcel()
80 # sheet = excel.getSheetByName('login')
81 # print('行号:', excel.getRowNum(sheet))
82 # print('列号:', excel.getColsNum(sheet))
83 #
84 # rowvalues = excel.getRowValues(sheet, 1)
85 # columnvalues = excel.getColumnValues(sheet, 2)
86 # valueofcell = excel.getValueOfCell(sheet, 1, 2)
87 # allvalues = excel.getAllValuesOfSheet(sheet)
88 #
89 # print('第{}行数据{}'.format(1, rowvalues))
90 # print('第{}列数据{}'.format(2, columnvalues))
91 # print('{}{}单元格的内容{}'.format(1, 2, valueofcell))
92 # print('login{}'.format(allvalues))
94 excel = ParseExcel()
95 sheet = excel.getSheetByName('mail')
96 print('行号:', excel.getRowNum(sheet))
97 print('列号:', excel.getColsNum(sheet))
99 allvalues = excel.getAllValuesOfSheet(sheet)
101 print('sendmail{}'.format(allvalues))
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/18 10:54
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : parseConFile.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 import configparser
11 from config.conf import configDir
14 class ParseConFile(object):
16 def __init__(self):
17 self.file = configDir
18 self.conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
19 self.conf.read(self.file, encoding='utf-8')
21 def getAllSections(self):
22 """获取所有的section,返回一个列表"""
23 return self.conf.sections()
25 def getAllOptions(self, section):
26 """获取指定section下所有的option, 返回列表"""
27 return self.conf.options(section)
29 def getLocatorsOrAccount(self, section, option):
30 """获取指定section, 指定option对应的数据, 返回元祖和字符串"""
31 try:
32 locator = self.conf.get(section, option)
33 if ('->' in locator):
34 locator = tuple(locator.split('->'))
35 return locator
36 except configparser.NoOptionError as e:
37 print('error:', e)
38 return 'error: No option "{}" in section: "{}"'.format(option, section)
40 def getOptionValue(self, section):
41 """获取指定section下所有的option和对应的数据,返回字典"""
42 value = dict(self.conf.items(section))
43 return value
46 if __name__ == '__main__':
47 cf = ParseConFile()
48 print(cf.getAllSections())
49 print(cf.getAllOptions('126LoginAccount'))
50 print(cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('126LoginAccount', 'username'))
51 print(cf.getOptionValue('126LoginAccount'))
1 [126LoginAccount];126邮箱正确的登录账号和密码;运行用例时请更换正确的用户名和密码
2 username=linuxxiaochao
3 password=xiaochao11520
4 [HomePageElements];126邮箱首页菜单栏元素
5 homePage=id->_mail_tabitem_0_3text
6 mailList=id->_mail_tabitem_1_4text
7 applicationCenter=id->_mail_tabitem_2_5text
8 inBox=id->_mail_tabitem_3_6text
9 [LoginPageElements];126邮箱登录页面的元素
10 frame=xpath->//div[@id="loginDiv"]/iframe
11 username=xpath->//input[@name="email"]
12 password=xpath->//input[@name="password"]
13 loginBtn=xpath->//a[@id="dologin"]
14 ferrorHead=xpath->//div[@class="ferrorhead"]
15 [ContactPageElements];126邮箱添加联系人页面元素
16 new_contact=xpath->//span[text()="新建联系人"]
17 name=id->input_N
18 mail=xpath->//div[@id="iaddress_MAIL_wrap"]//input[@class="nui-ipt-input"]
19 star=xpath->//span[@class="nui-chk-text"]/preceding-sibling::span/b
20 phone=xpath->//div[@id='iaddress_TEL_wrap']//input[@class='nui-ipt-input']
21 comment=id->input_DETAIL
22 commit=xpath->//span[text()='确 定']
23 tooltip=xpath->//span[text()='请正确填写邮件地址。']
24 [SendMailPageElements];126邮箱发送邮件页面元素
25 writeMail=xpath->//div[@id='dvNavContainer']//span[text()='写 信']
26 addressee=xpath->//input[@aria-label='收件人地址输入框,请输入邮件地址,多人时地址请以分号隔开']
27 subject=xpath->//input[contains(@id, '_subjectInput')]
28 iframe=xpath->//iframe[@class="APP-editor-iframe"]
29 text=xpath->/html/body
30 sendBtn=xpath->//header//span[text()='发送']
31 expect=xpath->//h1[contains(@id,'_succInfo')]
32 uploadAttachment=xpath->//div[@title="点击添加附件"]
33 delete=xpath->//a[text()='删除']
新建excel文件,分3个sheet,分别为:login,contact,mail #每个sheet中数据可自行填写,驱动测试用例执行不同的数据进行测试
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/20 8:45
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : BasePage.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 import time
11 from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
12 from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait as wd
13 from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
14 from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchWindowException, TimeoutException, \
15 NoAlertPresentException, NoSuchFrameException
16 from selenium import webdriver
18 from util.clipboard import ClipBoard
19 from util.keyboard import KeyBoard
20 from util.parseConFile import ParseConFile
21 from util.parseExcelFile import ParseExcel
24 class BasePage(object):
25 """
26 结合显示等待封装一些selenium 内置方法
27 """
28 cf = ParseConFile()
29 excel = ParseExcel()
31 def __init__(self, driver, outTime=30):
32 self.byDic = {
33 'id': By.ID,
34 'name': By.NAME,
35 'class_name': By.CLASS_NAME,
36 'xpath': By.XPATH,
37 'link_text': By.LINK_TEXT
38 }
39 self.driver = driver
40 self.outTime = outTime
42 def findElement(self, by, locator):
43 """
44 find alone element
45 :param by: eg: id, name, xpath, css.....
46 :param locator: id, name, xpath for str
47 :return: element object
48 """
49 try:
50 print('[Info:Starting find the element "{}" by "{}"!]'.format(locator, by))
51 element = wd(self.driver, self.outTime).until(lambda x : x.find_element(by, locator))
52 except TimeoutException as t:
53 print('error: found "{}" timeout!'.format(locator), t)
54 except NoSuchWindowException as e:
55 print('error: no such "{}"'.format(locator), e)
56 except Exception as e:
57 raise e
58 else:
59 # print('[Info:Had found the element "{}" by "{}"!]'.format(locator, by))
60 return element
62 def findElements(self, by, locator):
63 """
64 find group elements
65 :param by: eg: id, name, xpath, css.....
66 :param locator: eg: id, name, xpath for str
67 :return: elements object
68 """
69 try:
70 print('[Info:start find the elements "{}" by "{}"!]'.format(locator, by))
71 elements = wd(self.driver, self.outTime).until(lambda x : x.find_element(by, locator))
72 except TimeoutException as t:
73 print(t)
74 except NoSuchWindowException as e:
75 print(e)
76 except Exception as e:
77 raise e
78 else:
79 # print('[Info:Had found the elements "{}" by "{}"!]'.format(locator, by))
80 return elements
82 def isElementExsit(self, by, locator):
83 """
84 assert element if exist
85 :param by: eg: id, name, xpath, css.....
86 :param locator: eg: id, name, xpath for str
87 :return: if element return True else return false
88 """
89 if by.lower() in self.byDic:
90 try:
91 wd(self.driver, self.outTime).\
92 until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((self.byDic[by], locator)))
93 except TimeoutException:
94 print('Error: element "{}" time out!'.format(locator))
95 return False
96 except NoSuchWindowException:
97 print('Error: element "{}" not exsit!'.format(locator))
98 return False
99 return True
100 else:
101 print('the "{}" error!'.format(by))
103 def isClick(self, by, locator):
104 """判断是否可点击,返回元素对象"""
105 if by.lower() in self.byDic:
106 try:
107 element = wd(self.driver, self.outTime).\
108 until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((self.byDic[by], locator)))
109 except Exception:
110 return False
111 return element
112 else:
113 print('the "{}" error!'.format(by))
115 def isAlertAndSwitchToIt(self):
116 """
117 assert alert if exsit
118 :return: alert obj
119 """
120 try:
121 re = wd(self.driver, self.outTime).until(EC.alert_is_present())
122 except NoAlertPresentException:
123 return False
124 except Exception:
125 return False
126 return re
128 def switchToFrame(self, by, locator):
129 """判断frame是否存在,存在就跳到frame"""
130 print('info:switching to iframe "{}"'.format(locator))
131 if by.lower() in self.byDic:
132 try:
133 wd(self.driver, self.outTime).\
134 until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((self.byDic[by], locator)))
135 except TimeoutException as t:
136 print('error: found "{}" timeout!'.format(locator), t)
137 except NoSuchFrameException as e:
138 print('error: no such "{}"'.format(locator), e)
139 except Exception as e:
140 raise e
141 else:
142 print('the "{}" error!'.format(by))
144 def switchToDefaultFrame(self):
145 """返回默认的frame"""
146 print('info:switch back to default iframe')
147 try:
148 self.driver.switch_to.default_content()
149 except Exception as e:
150 print(e)
152 def getAlertText(self):
153 """获取alert的提示信息"""
154 if self.isAlertAndSwitchToIt():
155 alert = self.isAlertAndSwitchToIt()
156 return alert.text
157 else:
158 return None
160 def getElementText(self, by, locator, name=None):
161 """获取某一个元素的text信息"""
162 try:
163 element = self.findElement(by, locator)
164 if name:
165 return element.get_attribute(name)
166 else:
167 return element.text
168 except:
169 print('get "{}" text failed return None'.format(locator))
170 return None
172 def loadUrl(self, url):
173 """加载url"""
174 print('info: string upload url "{}"'.format(url))
175 self.driver.get(url)
177 def getSource(self):
178 """获取页面源码"""
179 return self.driver.page_source
181 def sendKeys(self, by, locator, value=''):
182 """写数据"""
183 print('info:input "{}"'.format(value))
184 try:
185 element = self.findElement(by, locator)
186 element.send_keys(value)
187 except AttributeError as e:
188 print(e)
190 def clear(self, by, locator):
191 """清理数据"""
192 print('info:clearing value')
193 try:
194 element = self.findElement(by, locator)
195 element.clear()
196 except AttributeError as e:
197 print(e)
199 def click(self, by, locator):
200 """点击某个元素"""
201 print('info:click "{}"'.format(locator))
202 element = self.isClick(by, locator)
203 if element:
204 element.click()
205 else:
206 print('the "{}" unclickable!')
208 def sleep(self, num=0):
209 """强制等待"""
210 print('info:sleep "{}" minutes'.format(num))
211 time.sleep(num)
213 def ctrlV(self, value):
214 """ctrl + V 粘贴"""
215 print('info:pasting "{}"'.format(value))
216 ClipBoard.setText(value)
217 self.sleep(3)
218 KeyBoard.twoKeys('ctrl', 'v')
220 def enterKey(self):
221 """enter 回车键"""
222 print('info:keydown enter')
223 KeyBoard.oneKey('enter')
225 def waitElementtobelocated(self, by, locator):
226 """显示等待某个元素出现,且可见"""
227 print('info:waiting "{}" to be located'.format(locator))
228 try:
229 wd(self.driver, self.outTime).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((self.byDic[by], locator)))
230 except TimeoutException as t:
231 print('error: found "{}" timeout!'.format(locator), t)
232 except NoSuchWindowException as e:
233 print('error: no such "{}"'.format(locator), e)
234 except Exception as e:
235 raise e
237 def assertValueInSource(self, value):
238 """断言某个关键字是否存在页面源码中"""
239 print('info:assert "{}" in page source'.format(value))
240 source = self.getSource()
241 assert value in source, '关键字"{}"不存在源码中!'.format(value)
243 def assertStringContainsValue(self, String, value):
244 """断言某段字符串包含另一个字符串"""
245 print('info:assert "{}" contains "{}"'.format(String, value))
246 assert value in String, '"{}"不包含"{}"!'.format(String, value)
249 @staticmethod
250 def getSheet(sheetName):
251 """获取某个sheet页的对象"""
252 sheet = BasePage.excel.getSheetByName(sheetName)
253 return sheet
256 if __name__ == "__main__":
257 driver = webdriver.Firefox()
258 frame = ('xpath', '//div[@id="loginDiv"]/ifram')
259 wait = BasePage(driver)
260 driver.get('https://mail.126.com/')
261 wait.switchToFrame(*frame)
262 username = wait.findElement('xpath', '//input[@name="email"]')
263 username.send_keys('账号')
264 if wait.isElementExsit('xpath', '//input[@name="password"]'):
265 wait.findElement('xpath', '//input[@name="password"]').send_keys('xiaochao11520')
266 wait.click('xpath', '//a[@id="dologin"]')
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/20 12:28
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : HomePage.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 from Page.BasePage import BasePage
13 class HomePage(BasePage):
14 # 配置文件读取元素
15 homePage = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('HomePageElements', 'homePage')
16 mailList = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('HomePageElements', 'mailList')
17 applicationCenter = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('HomePageElements', 'applicationCenter')
18 inBox = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('HomePageElements', 'inBox')
19 '''首页菜单选项'''
20 def selectMenu(self, Menu='mailList'):
21 """邮箱首页选择菜单"""
22 if Menu == 'mailList':
23 self.click(*HomePage.mailList)
24 elif Menu == 'homePage':
25 self.click(*HomePage.homePage)
26 elif Menu == 'applicationCenter':
27 self.click(*HomePage.applicationCenter)
28 elif Menu == 'inBox':
29 self.click(*HomePage.inBox)
30 else:
31 raise ValueError('''
32 菜单选择错误!
33 homePage->首页
34 mailList->通讯录
35 applicationCenter->应用中心
36 inBox->收件箱''')
38 if __name__=='__main__':
39 from selenium import webdriver
40 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage
41 driver = webdriver.Firefox()
42 login = LoginPage(driver)
43 login.login('账号', 'xiaochao11520')
45 home = HomePage(driver)
46 home.selectMenu()
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/20 12:28
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : LoginPage.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 from Page.BasePage import BasePage
13 class LoginPage(BasePage):
15 # 配置文件读取元素
16 frame = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'frame')
17 username = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'username')
18 password = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'password')
19 loginBtn = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'loginBtn')
20 ferrorHead = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('LoginPageElements', 'ferrorHead') # 登录失败提示
22 def login(self, userName, passWord):
23 '''登录'''
24 print('-------staring login-------')
25 self.loadUrl('https://mail.126.com')
26 self.switchToFrame(*LoginPage.frame)
27 self.clear(*LoginPage.username)
28 self.sendKeys(*LoginPage.username, userName)
29 self.clear(*LoginPage.password)
30 self.sendKeys(*LoginPage.password, passWord)
31 self.click(*LoginPage.loginBtn)
32 self.switchToDefaultFrame()
33 print('---------end login---------')
35 # add at 2019/04/19
36 def assertTextEqString(self, expected, name = None):
37 '''断言提示信息是否与期望的值相等'''
38 self.switchToFrame(*LoginPage.frame)
39 text = self.getElementText(*LoginPage.ferrorHead, name)
40 self.switchToDefaultFrame()
41 print('info: assert "{}" == "{}"'.format(text, expected))
42 assert text == expected, '{} != {}'.format(text, expected)
44 if __name__=="__main__":
45 from selenium import webdriver
46 driver = webdriver.Firefox()
47 login = LoginPage(driver, 30)
48 login.login('lin', '')
49 login.assertTextEqString('请输入密码')
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/20 12:29
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : ContactPage.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 from Page.BasePage import BasePage
13 class ContactPage(BasePage):
14 # 配置文件读取元素
15 new_contact = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'new_contact')
16 name = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'name')
17 mail = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'mail')
18 star = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'star')
19 phone = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'phone')
20 comment = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'comment')
21 commit = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'commit')
22 errortip = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('ContactPageElements', 'tooltip') # 错误提示
24 def newContact(self, Name, Mail, Star, Phone, Comment):
25 """添加联系人"""
26 print('--------string add contact--------')
27 self.click(*ContactPage.new_contact)
28 self.sendKeys(*ContactPage.name, Name)
29 self.sendKeys(*ContactPage.mail, Mail)
30 if Star == '1':
31 self.click(*ContactPage.star)
32 self.sendKeys(*ContactPage.phone, Phone)
33 self.sendKeys(*ContactPage.comment, Comment)
34 self.click(*ContactPage.commit)
35 print('--------end add contact--------')
37 def assertErrorTip(self, excepted):
38 """断言联系人添加失败时是否有提示信息"""
39 text = self.getElementText(*ContactPage.errortip)
40 print('info: assert "{}"=="{}"'.format(text, excepted))
41 assert text == excepted
43 if __name__ == '__main__':
44 from selenium import webdriver
45 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage
46 from Page.PageObject.HomePage import HomePage
47 driver = webdriver.Firefox()
48 home = HomePage(driver)
49 login = LoginPage(driver)
50 contact = ContactPage(driver)
52 login.login('账号', 'xiaochao11520')
53 home.selectMenu()
54 contact.newContact('281754041@qq.com')
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/20 9:16
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : SendMailPage.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 from Page.BasePage import BasePage
13 class SendMailPage(BasePage):
14 # 配置文件读取元素
15 writeMail = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'writeMail')
16 addressee = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'addressee')
17 subject = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'subject')
18 iframe = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'iframe')
19 text = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'text')
20 sendBtn = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'sendBtn')
21 expect = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'expect')
22 uploadAttachment = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'uploadAttachment')
23 delete = BasePage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('SendMailPageElements', 'delete')
25 def sendMail(self, Address, Subject, Text, PFA=''):
26 """发送邮件功能"""
27 print('------------string send mail---------------------')
28 self.click(*SendMailPage.writeMail)
29 self.sendKeys(*SendMailPage.addressee, Address)
30 self.sendKeys(*SendMailPage.subject, Subject)
31 self.switchToFrame(*SendMailPage.iframe)
32 self.sendKeys(*SendMailPage.text, Text)
33 self.switchToDefaultFrame()
34 if PFA:
35 self.click(*SendMailPage.uploadAttachment)
36 self.ctrlV(PFA)
37 self.enterKey()
38 self.waitElementtobelocated(*SendMailPage.delete)
39 self.click(*SendMailPage.sendBtn)
40 print('------------end send mail---------------------')
42 if __name__=='__main__':
43 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage
44 from selenium import webdriver
45 driver = webdriver.Firefox()
47 login = LoginPage(driver)
48 login.login('账号', 'xiaochao11520')
49 sendMail = SendMailPage(driver)
50 sendMail.sendMail('281754043@qq.com', 'pytest', 'pytest实战实例', 1, 'D:\KeyWordDriverTestFrameWork\geckodriver.log')
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/20 15:10
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : conftest.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 import pytest
11 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage
14 # 从配置文件中获取正确的用户名和密码
15 userName = LoginPage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('126LoginAccount', 'username')
16 passWord = LoginPage.cf.getLocatorsOrAccount('126LoginAccount', 'password')
17 @pytest.fixture(scope='function')
18 def login(driver):
19 '''除登录用例,每一个用例的前置条件'''
20 print('------------staring login------------')
21 loginFunc = LoginPage(driver, 30)
22 loginFunc.login(userName, passWord)
23 yield
24 print('------------end login------------')
25 driver.delete_all_cookies()
1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/20 14:10
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : test_loginCase.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 import pytest
11 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage
14 @pytest.mark.loginTest
15 class TestLogin(object):
17 # 测试数据
18 loginSheet = LoginPage.getSheet('login')
19 data = LoginPage.excel.getAllValuesOfSheet(loginSheet)



1 """
2 ------------------------------------
3 @Time : 2019/4/20 14:10
4 @Auth : linux超
5 @File : test_loginCase.py
6 @IDE : PyCharm
7 @Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
8 ------------------------------------
9 """
10 import pytest
11 from Page.PageObject.LoginPage import LoginPage
14 @pytest.mark.loginTest
15 class TestLogin(object):
17 # 测试数据
18 loginSheet = LoginPage.getSheet('login')
19 data = LoginPage.excel.getAllValuesOfSheet(loginSheet)