
osx的一次启动失败竟然把网卡搞坏了,windows linux osx都不能实用网卡上网,害得我买了一个usb网卡。
通过ifconfig看到 HWaddr FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF,虽然可以通过 ifconfig eth1 hw ether ××:××:××:××:××:××设置MAC启用,windows下也可以通过设置MAC来启用,但是osx86不能上网,而且启动时显示Intel82557:couldnt allocate eeprom  check  crc  error 等信息。
还好发现了eepro100-diag ,下载一个 eepro100-diag 编译,通过定义ENABLE_HWADDR_UPDATE,就可以写网卡eeprom了。
eepro100-diag -f -w -H ××:××:××:××:××:×× 指定新地址,eepro100-diag会自动计算crc。

/* eepro100-diag.c: Diagnostic and setup program for the Intel EEPro100.

   This is a diagnostic and EEPROM setup program for the Ethernet adapters
   based on the Intel "Speedo3" chip series: the i82557, '558 and '559.
   These chips are used on the EtherExpress Pro100B, and EEPro PCI 10+.

    Copyright 1998-2003 by Donald Becker.
    This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of
    the GNU General Public License (GPL), incorporated herein by reference.
    Contact the author for use under other terms.

    This program must be compiled with "-O"!
    See the bottom of this file for the suggested compile-command.

    The author may be reached as becker@scyld.com, or C/O
     Scyld Computing Corporation
     914 Bay Ridge Road, Suite 220
     Annapolis MD 21403

    Support and updates available at

    Common-sense licensing statement: Using any portion of this program in
    your own program means that you must give credit to the original author
    and release the resulting code under the GPL.  To use this code under
    other terms requires an explicit license from the copyright holder.

static char *version_msg =
"eepro100-diag.c:v2.13 2/28/2005 Donald Becker (becker@scyld.com)/n"
" http://www.scyld.com/diag/index.html/n";
static char *usage_msg =
"Usage: eepro100-diag [-aDEefFGhmqrRtvVwW] [-p <IOport>] [-[AF] <media>]/n"
"  For details and other options see http://www.scyld.com/diag/index.html/n";

static const char long_usage_msg[] =
"Usage: %s [-aDfrRvVw] [-AF <speed+duplex>] [-#<BoardNum>]/n/
   Show the internal state of a network adapter./n/
   The common usage is/n/
      eepro100-diag -aem/n/
 Frequently used options are/n/
   -a  --show_all_registers    Print all registers./n/
   -e  --show-eeprom    Dump EEPROM contents, /"-ee/" shows the details./n/
   -m  --show_mii        Print the MII transceiver state/n/
                    Using -mm monitors the link./n/
   -f  --force        Perform operation, even on a running NIC./n/
 To operate on a single NIC, or one that hasn't been automatically found:/n/
   -#  --card_num    INDEX    Operate on the specified card index./n/
   -p  --port-base    IOADDR    Assume an adapter at the specified I/O address./n/
   -t  --chip-type    TYPE    Specify adapter type (with '-p').  Use '-1' to/n/
                            list available types indicies./n/
 To change the persistent EEPROM settings/n/
   -G  --parameters PARMS    Set adapter-specific parameters./n/
   -H  --new-hwaddr 01:23:45:67:89:ab/n/
        Set a new hardware station address.  Typically disabled for safety./n/
   -w  --write-EEPROM     Actually write the new settings into the EEPROM./n/
   -D  --debug/n/
   -v  --verbose    Report each action taken./n/
   -V  --version    Emit version information./n/
   -A  --advertise <speed|setting>  (See the mii-diag manual page.)/n/

#if ! defined(__OPTIMIZE__)
#warning  You must compile this program with the correct options!
#warning  See the last lines of the source file.
#error You must compile this driver with "-O".
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#if defined(__linux__)  &&  __GNU_LIBRARY__ == 1
#include <asm/io.h>            /* Newer libraries use <sys/io.h> instead. */
#include <sys/io.h>

/* No libmii.h or libflash.h yet, thus the declarations here. */
extern int show_mii_details(long ioaddr, int phy_id);
extern int monitor_mii(long ioaddr, int phy_id);
/* Simple alternate functions if libmii is not used. */
extern int monitor_mii(long ioaddr, int phy_id) __attribute__((weak));
extern int show_mii_details(long ioaddr, int phy_id) __attribute__((weak));

extern int flash_pci_rom_show(long addr_ioaddr, long data_ioaddr);
extern int flash_pci_rom_dump(long addr_ioaddr, long data_ioaddr,
                              const char *filename);
extern int flash_pci_rom_program(long addr_ioaddr, long data_ioaddr,
                                 const char *filename);

/* We should use __u8 .. __u32, but they are not always defined. */
typedef u_int32_t u32;
typedef u_int16_t u16;
typedef u_int8_t u8;

struct option longopts[] = {
 /* { name  has_arg  *flag  val } */
    {"card-num", 1, 0, '#'},        /* Operate on the specified card index. */
    {"Advertise", 1, 0, 'A'},
    {"base-address", 1, 0, 'p'},
    {"show_all_registers",    0, 0, 'a'},    /* Print all registers. */
    {"help",    0, 0, 'h'},            /* Print a long usage message. */
    {"show-eeprom",  0, 0, 'e'},    /* Dump EEPROM contents (-ee valid). */
    {"emergency-rewrite",  0, 0, 'E'}, /* Re-write a corrupted EEPROM.  */
    {"force-detection",  0, 0, 'f'},
    {"new-interface",  1, 0, 'F'},    /* New interface (built-in, AUI, etc.) */
    {"new-hwaddr",  1, 0, 'H'},    /* Set a new hardware address. */
    {"show-mii",  0, 0, 'm'},    /* Dump MII management registers. */
    {"port-base",  1, 0, 'p'},    /* Use the specified I/O address. */
    {"quiet",    0, 0, 'q'},        /* Decrease verbosity */
    {"restart",    0, 0, 'r'},        /* Restart autonegotiation. */
    {"reset",    0, 0, 'R'},        /* Reset the transceiver. */
    {"chip-type",  1, 0, 't'},    /* Assume the specified chip type index. */
    {"test",    0, 0, 'T'},        /* Do register and SRAM test. */
    {"verbose",    0, 0, 'v'},        /* Verbose mode */
    {"version", 0, 0, 'V'},        /* Display version number */
    {"write-EEPROM", 1, 0, 'w'},/* Actually write the EEPROM with new vals */
    { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

extern int eepro100_diag(int vend_id, int dev_id, long ioaddr, int part_idx);

/* The table of known chips.
   Because of the bogus /proc/pci interface we must have both the exact
   name from the kernel, a common name and the PCI vendor/device IDs.
   This table is searched in order: place specific entries followed by
   'catch-all' general entries. */
struct pcidev_entry {
    const char *part_name;
    const char *proc_pci_name;
    int vendor, device, device_mask;
    int flags;
    int io_size;
    int (*diag_func)(int vendor_id, int device_id, long ioaddr, int part_idx);
} pcidev_tbl[] = {
    { "Intel i82557/8/9 EtherExpressPro100", "Intel 82557",
      0x8086, 0x1229, 0xffff, 0, 0x20, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel 82559ER EtherExpressPro/100+", 0,
      0x8086, 0x1209, 0xffff, 0, 0x20, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel EtherExpressPro100+ Type 1029", 0,
      0x8086, 0x1029, 0xffff, 0, 0x20, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel InBusiness i82559", 0,
      0x8086, 0x1030, 0xffff, 0, 0x40, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel i82562 Pro/100 V", 0,
      0x8086, 0x2449, 0xffff, 0, 0x40, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel Pro/100 VE (type 1031)", 0,
      0x8086, 0x1031, 0xffff, 0, 0x40, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel Pro/100 VM-1038", 0,
      0x8086, 0x1038, 0xffff, 0, 0x40, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel Pro/100 VM-1039", 0,
      0x8086, 0x1039, 0xffff, 0, 0x40, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel Pro/100 VE-103a", 0,
      0x8086, 0x103A, 0xffff, 0, 0x40, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel Pro/100 VE-103b", 0,
      0x8086, 0x103B, 0xffff, 0, 0x40, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel Pro/100 VE-103d", 0,
      0x8086, 0x103D, 0xffff, 0, 0x40, eepro100_diag },
    { "Intel Pro/100 VE-unknown (1030 series)", 0,
      0x8086, 0x1030, 0xfff0, 0, 0x40, eepro100_diag },
    { 0, 0, 0, 0},

int verbose = 1, opt_f = 0, debug = 0;
int show_regs = 0, show_eeprom = 0, show_mii = 0;
unsigned int opt_a = 0,                    /* Show-all-interfaces flag. */
    opt_restart = 0,
    opt_reset = 0,
    opt_watch = 0,
    opt_G = 0;
unsigned int opt_GPIO = 0;        /* General purpose I/O setting. */
int do_write_eeprom = 0, do_test = 0;
int nway_advertise = 0, fixed_speed = -1;
int new_default_media = -1;
/* Valid with libflash only. */
static unsigned int opt_flash_show = 0;
static char    *opt_flash_dumpfile = NULL, *opt_flash_loadfile = NULL;

static unsigned char new_hwaddr[6], set_hwaddr = 0;
static int emergency_rewrite = 0;

static int scan_proc_pci(int card_num);
static int parse_media_type(const char *capabilities);
static int get_media_index(const char *name);

main(int argc, char **argv)
    int port_base = 0, chip_type = 0;
    int errflag = 0, show_version = 0;
    int c, longind;
    int card_num = 0;
    extern char *optarg;

    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "#:aA:DeEfF:G:hH:mp:qrRt:vVwWBL:S:",
                            longopts, &longind))
           != -1)
        switch (c) {
        case '#': card_num = atoi(optarg);    break;
        case 'a': show_regs++; opt_a++;        break;
        case 'A': nway_advertise = parse_media_type(optarg); break;
        case 'D': debug++;            break;
        case 'e': show_eeprom++;    break;
        case 'E': emergency_rewrite++;     break;
        case 'f': opt_f++;            break;
        case 'F': new_default_media = get_media_index(optarg);
            if (new_default_media < 0)
        case 'G': opt_G++; opt_GPIO = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16); break;
        case 'h': fprintf(stderr, long_usage_msg, argv[0]); return 0;
        case 'H':
                int hwaddr[6], i;
                if (sscanf(optarg, "%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x:%2x",
                           hwaddr, hwaddr + 1, hwaddr + 2,
                           hwaddr + 3, hwaddr + 4, hwaddr + 5) == 6) {
                    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        new_hwaddr[i] = hwaddr[i];
                } else
        case 'm': show_mii++;     break;
        case 'p':
            port_base = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16);
        case 'q': if (verbose) verbose--;         break;
        case 'r': opt_restart++;    break;
        case 'R': opt_reset++;        break;
        case 't': chip_type = atoi(optarg);    break;
        case 'v': verbose++;        break;
        case 'V': show_version++;    break;
        case 'w': do_write_eeprom++;    break;
        case 'W': opt_watch++;        break;
        case 'B': opt_flash_show++;    break;
        case 'L': opt_flash_loadfile = optarg;    break;
        case 'S': opt_flash_dumpfile = optarg;    break;
        case '?':
    if (errflag) {
        fprintf(stderr, usage_msg);
        return 3;

    if (verbose || show_version)

    if (chip_type < 0
        || chip_type >= sizeof(pcidev_tbl)/sizeof(pcidev_tbl[0]) - 1) {
        int i;
        fprintf(stderr, "Valid numeric chip types are:/n");
        for (i = 0; pcidev_tbl[i].part_name; i++) {
            fprintf(stderr, "  %d/t%s/n", i, pcidev_tbl[i].part_name);
        return 3;

    /* Get access to all of I/O space. */
    if (iopl(3) < 0) {
        perror("Network adapter diagnostic: iopl()");
        fprintf(stderr, "This program must be run as root./n");
        return 2;

    /* Try to read a likely port_base value from /proc/pci. */
    if (port_base) {
        printf("Assuming a %s adapter at %#x./n",
               pcidev_tbl[chip_type].part_name, port_base);
        pcidev_tbl[chip_type].diag_func(0, 0, port_base, chip_type);
    } else if ( scan_proc_pci(card_num) == 0) {
                "Unable to find a recognized card in /proc/pci./nIf there is"
                " a card in the machine, explicitly set the I/O port"
                " address/n  using '-p <ioaddr> -t <chip_type_index>'/n"
                " Use '-t -1' to see the valid chip types./n");
        return ENODEV;

    if (show_regs == 0  &&  show_eeprom == 0  &&  show_mii == 0)
        printf(" Use '-a' or '-aa' to show device registers,/n"
               "     '-e' to show EEPROM contents, -ee for parsed contents,/n"
               "  or '-m' or '-mm' to show MII management registers./n");

    return 0;

/* Generic (all PCI diags) code to find cards. */

static char bogus_iobase[] =
"This chip has not been assigned a valid I/O address, and will not function./n"
" If you have warm-booted from another operating system, a complete /n"
" shut-down and power cycle may restore the card to normal operation./n";

static char bogus_irq[] =
"This chip has not been assigned a valid IRQ, and will not function./n"
" This must be fixed in the PCI BIOS setup.  The device driver has no way/n"
" of changing the PCI IRQ settings./n"
" See  http://www.scyld.com/expert/irq-conflict.html  for more information./n";

static int scan_proc_bus_pci(int card_num)
    int card_cnt = 0, chip_idx = 0;
    int port_base;
    char buffer[514];
    unsigned int pci_bus, pci_devid, irq, pciaddr0, pciaddr1;
    int i;
    FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/bus/pci/devices", "r");

    if (fp == NULL) {
        if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open /proc/bus/pci/devices./n");
        return -1;
    while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
        if (debug > 1)
            fprintf(stderr, " Parsing line -- %s", buffer);
        if (sscanf(buffer, "%x %x %x %x %x",
                   &pci_bus, &pci_devid, &irq, &pciaddr0, &pciaddr1) <= 0)
        for (i = 0; pcidev_tbl[i].vendor; i++) {
            if ((pci_devid >> 16) != pcidev_tbl[i].vendor
                || (pci_devid & pcidev_tbl[i].device_mask) !=
            chip_idx = i;
            /* Select the I/O address. */
            port_base = pciaddr0 & 1  ?  pciaddr0 & ~1 : pciaddr1 & ~1;
            if (card_num == 0 || card_num == card_cnt) {
                printf("Index #%d: Found a %s adapter at %#x./n",
                       card_cnt, pcidev_tbl[chip_idx].part_name,
                if (irq == 0  || irq == 255)
                if (port_base)
                    pcidev_tbl[chip_idx].diag_func(0,0,port_base, i);
    return card_cnt;

static int scan_proc_pci(int card_num)
    int card_cnt = 0, chip_idx = 0;
    char chip_name[40];
    FILE *fp;
    int port_base;

    if ((card_cnt = scan_proc_bus_pci(card_num)) >= 0)
        return card_cnt;
    card_cnt = 0;

    fp = fopen("/proc/pci", "r");
    if (fp == NULL)
        return 0;
        char buffer[514];
        int pci_bus, pci_device, pci_function, vendor_id, device_id;
        int state = 0;
        if (debug) printf("Done open of /proc/pci./n");
        while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
            if (debug > 1)
                fprintf(stderr, " Parse state %d line -- %s", state, buffer);
            if (sscanf(buffer, " Bus %d, device %d, function %d",
                       &pci_bus, &pci_device, &pci_function) > 0) {
                chip_idx = 0;
                state = 1;
            if (state == 1) {
                if (sscanf(buffer, " Ethernet controller: %39[^/n]",
                           chip_name) > 0) {
                    int i;
                    if (debug)
                        printf("Named ethernet controller %s./n", chip_name);
                    for (i = 0; pcidev_tbl[i].part_name; i++)
                        if (pcidev_tbl[i].proc_pci_name  &&
                            strncmp(pcidev_tbl[i].proc_pci_name, chip_name,
                            == 0) {
                            state = 2;
                            chip_idx = i;
                /* Handle a /proc/pci that does not recognize the card. */
                if (sscanf(buffer, " Vendor id=%x. Device id=%x",
                           &vendor_id, &device_id) > 0) {
                    int i;
                    if (debug)
                        printf("Found vendor 0x%4.4x device ID 0x%4.4x./n",
                               vendor_id, device_id);
                    for (i = 0; pcidev_tbl[i].vendor; i++)
                        if (vendor_id == pcidev_tbl[i].vendor  &&
                            (device_id & pcidev_tbl[i].device_mask)
                            == pcidev_tbl[i].device)
                    if (pcidev_tbl[i].vendor == 0)
                    chip_idx = i;
                    state = 2;
            if (state == 2) {
                if (sscanf(buffer, "  I/O at %x", &port_base) > 0) {
                    state = 3;
                    if (card_num == 0 || card_num == card_cnt) {
                        printf("Index #%d: Found a %s adapter at %#x./n",
                               card_cnt, pcidev_tbl[chip_idx].part_name,
                        if (port_base)
                                (vendor_id, device_id, port_base, chip_idx);
    return card_cnt;

/* Convert a text media name to a NWay capability word. */
static int parse_media_type(const char *capabilities)
    const char *mtypes[] = {
        "100baseT4", "100baseTx", "100baseTx-FD", "100baseTx-HD",
        "10baseT", "10baseT-FD", "10baseT-HD", 0,
    char *endptr;
    int cap_map[] = { 0x0200, 0x0180, 0x0100, 0x0080, 0x0060, 0x0040, 0x0020,};
    int i;
    if (debug)
        fprintf(stderr, "Advertise string is '%s'./n", capabilities);
    for (i = 0; mtypes[i]; i++)
        if (strcasecmp(mtypes[i], capabilities) == 0)
            return cap_map[i];
    i = strtoul(capabilities, &endptr, 16);
    if (*endptr == 0  &&  0 < i  &&  i <= 0xffff)
        return i;
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid media advertisement '%s'./n", capabilities);
    return 0;

/* Return the index of a valid media name.
   0x0800    Power up autosense (check speed only once)
   0x8000    Dynamic Autosense
/* A table of media names to indices.  This matches the Digital Tulip
   SROM numbering, primarily because that is the most complete list.
   Other chips will have to map these number to their internal values.
struct { char *name; int value; } mediamap[] = {
    { "10baseT", 0 },
    { "10base2", 1 },
    { "AUI", 2 },
    { "100baseTx", 3 },
    { "10baseT-FDX", 0x204 },
    { "100baseTx-FDX", 0x205 },
    { "100baseT4", 6 },
    { "100baseFx", 7 },
    { "100baseFx-FDX", 8 },
    { "MII", 11 },
    { "Autosense", 0x0800 },
    { 0, 0 },

static int get_media_index(const char *name)
    char *endptr;
    int i;

    if (! name)
        return -1;
    for (i = 0; mediamap[i].name; i++)
        if (strcasecmp(name, mediamap[i].name) == 0)
            return i;
    i = strtol(name, &endptr, 0);
    if (*endptr == 0)
        return i;
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid interface specified.  It must be one of/n");
    for (i = 0; mediamap[i].name; i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "  %d %s/n", mediamap[i].value, mediamap[i].name);
    return -1;

/* Chip-specific section. */

/* The chip-specific section for the Intel EEPro100 diagnostic. */

static char sleep_mode_msg[] =
"   Sleep mode is enabled.  This is not recommended./n"
"   Under high load the card may not respond to/n"
"   PCI requests, and thus cause a master abort./n"
"   To clear sleep mode use the '-G 0 -w -w -f' options./n";

static char no_xcvr_msg[] =
"   This NIC has no transceiver programmed into the configuration EEPROM./n"
"   This is likely a manufacturing error.  It may be corrected with/n"
"   software.  Contact the board vendor for an update./n";

static int read_eeprom(long ioaddr, int location, int addr_len);
static void write_eeprom(long ioaddr, int index, int value, int addr_len);
static int do_eeprom_cmd(long ioaddr, int cmd, int cmd_len);
static void eepro100_eeprom(unsigned short *ee_data);

int mdio_read(long ioaddr, int phy_id, int location);
void mdio_write(long ioaddr, int phy_id, int location, int value);

int flash_pci_rom_show(long ioaddr, long data) __attribute__((weak));
int flash_pci_rom_dump(long ioaddr, long data, const char *filename)
int flash_pci_rom_program(long ioaddr, long data, const char *filename)

/* Offsets to the various registers.
   Accesses need not be longword aligned. */
enum speedo_offsets {
    SCBStatus = 0, SCBCmd = 2,    /* Rx/Command Unit command and status. */
    SCBPointer = 4,                /* General purpose pointer. */
    SCBPort = 8,                /* Misc. commands and operands.  */
    SCBflash = 12, SCBeeprom = 14, /* EEPROM and flash memory control. */
    SCBCtrlMDI = 16,            /* MDI interface control. */
    SCBEarlyRx = 20,            /* Early receive byte count. */

/* The EEPROM commands include the alway-set leading bit. */
#define EE_WRITE_CMD    (5)
#define EE_READ_CMD        (6)
#define EE_ERASE_CMD    (7)

/* Last-hope recovery major screw-ups: rewrite the EEPROM with the values
   from my card (and hope I don't met you on the net...).
   Only experts should use this, after hand-modifying this table.  The
   default will probably not match your board! */
unsigned short djb_eepro100_eeprom[64] = {
    0xa000, 0x49c9, 0x87ab, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0101, 0x4401, 0x0000,
    0x6455, 0x2022, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0x7fcd, };

/* Values read from the EEPROM, and the new image. */
unsigned short eeprom_contents[256];
unsigned short new_ee_contents[256];

int eepro100_diag(int vend_id, int dev_id, long ioaddr, int part_idx)
    int i;
    int phy0, phy1;
    int ee_addr_len = 6;        /* Modified below. */
    int eeprom_size = 64, eeprom_change = 0;
    unsigned short status = inw(ioaddr + SCBStatus);

    /* It's mostly safe to use the EEPro100 EEPROM and MDIO register during
       operation.  But warn the user, and make then pass '-f'. */
    if (!opt_f) {
        if (status == 0xffff) {
            printf(" * A recognized chip has been found, but it does not "
                   "appear to exist in/n * I/O space.  Use the"
                   " '-f' flag to see the register values anyway./n");
            return 1;
        if ((status & 0x00fc) != 0x0000) {
            printf("A potential i82557 chip has been found, but it appears to "
                   "be active./nEither shutdown the network, or use the"
                   " '-f' flag./n");
            return 1;

    if (verbose > 1 || show_regs) {
        static const char *tx_state[] = {
            "Idle", "Suspended", "Active", "Unknown"};
        static const char *rx_state[] = {
            "Idle", "Idle/Suspended", "No Resources", "Unknown",
            "Ready", "Broken-5",  "Broken-6",  "Broken-7", "Broken-8",
            "Suspended - no buffers", "No resources - no buffers", "Broken-11",
            "Ready, but no buffers",  "Broken-13", "Broken-14", "Broken-15",

        printf("i82557 chip registers at %#x:/n ", (int)ioaddr);
        for (i = 0; i < 0x18; i += 4)
            printf(" %8.8x", inl(ioaddr + i));
        printf("  %snterrupt sources are pending./n",
               (status & 0xff00) ? "I": "No i");
        printf("   The transmit unit state is '%s'./n",
               tx_state[(status>>6) & 3]);
        printf("   The receive unit state is '%s'./n",
               rx_state[(status>>2) & 15]);
        if (status == 0x0050)
            printf("  This status is normal for an activated but idle "
            printf("  This status is unusual for an activated interface./n");
        if (inw(ioaddr + SCBCmd) != 0)
            printf(" The Command register has an unprocessed command "
                   inw(ioaddr + SCBCmd));

    /* Read the EEPROM. */
        int size_test = do_eeprom_cmd(ioaddr, (EE_READ_CMD << 8) << 16, 27);
        ee_addr_len = (size_test & 0xffe0000) == 0xffe0000 ? 8 : 6;
        eeprom_size = 1 << ee_addr_len;
        if (debug)
            printf("EEPROM size probe returned %#x, %d bit address./n",
                   size_test, ee_addr_len);
        for (i = 0; i < eeprom_size; i++)
            eeprom_contents[i] = read_eeprom(ioaddr, i, ee_addr_len);
        memcpy(new_ee_contents, eeprom_contents, eeprom_size << 1);

    phy0 = eeprom_contents[6] & 0x8000 ? -1 : eeprom_contents[6] & 0x1f;
    phy1 = eeprom_contents[7] & 0x8000 ? -1 : eeprom_contents[7] & 0x1f;

    if (verbose > 2 || show_eeprom > 1) {
        unsigned short sum = 0;
        int last_row_zeros = 0;
        u16 zeros[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        printf("EEPROM contents, size %dx16:/n", eeprom_size);
        for (i = 0; i < eeprom_size; i += 8) {
            int j;
            if (memcmp(eeprom_contents + i, zeros, 16) != 0) {
                last_row_zeros = 0;
                printf("  %#4.2x:", i);
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                    printf(" %4.4x", eeprom_contents[i + j]);
                    sum += eeprom_contents[i + j];
                printf("  ");
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                    int ew = eeprom_contents[i + j];
                           isprint(ew & 0xff) ? ew & 0xff : '_',
                           isprint(ew >>   8) ? ew >> 8   : '_' );
            } else if ( ! last_row_zeros) {
                last_row_zeros = 1;
                printf("      .../n");
        if (sum == 0xBaBa)        /* Bahhhh. */
            printf(" The EEPROM checksum is correct./n");
            printf(" *****  The EEPROM checksum is INCORRECT!  *****/n"
                   "  The checksum is 0x%2.2X, it should be 0xBABA!/n", sum);

    /* The user will usually want to see the interpreted EEPROM contents. */
    if (verbose > 1 || show_eeprom)

    /* These two "-G <n>" settings may change or be removed! */
    /* Clear the sleep mode bit with "-G 0". */
    if (opt_G  &&  opt_GPIO == 0  &&  (eeprom_contents[10] & 0x0002)) {
        printf("Changing the chip configuration word (offset 10) to %#4.4x./n",
        new_ee_contents[10] = eeprom_contents[10] & ~0x0002;
    if (opt_G  &&  opt_GPIO == 1  &&  eeprom_contents[6] == 0) {
        printf("Changing the transceiver type to MII RJ45./n");
        new_ee_contents[5] = 0x0101;
        new_ee_contents[6] = 0x4401;

    if (emergency_rewrite)
        fprintf(stderr, "Full EEPROM overwrite has been disabled"
                " in this release of the diagnostic./n");
    if (set_hwaddr)
        fprintf(stderr, "Modifying the station (MAC) address has been disabled"
                " in this release of the diagnostic./n");
    /* Do not enable this code for end-users: it is too easy to misuse. */
    if (emergency_rewrite  &&  ! set_hwaddr)
        printf("*** Emergency EEPROM rewrite is only valid when you also "
               "specify a new/n*** station address with -H <xx:xx:...>/n");
    if (set_hwaddr) {
        if (emergency_rewrite)
            memcpy(new_ee_contents, djb_eepro100_eeprom,
                   sizeof djb_eepro100_eeprom);
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            new_ee_contents[i] =
                (new_hwaddr[i*2+1]<<8) + new_hwaddr[i*2];
    if (eeprom_change) {
        u16 checksum = 0;
        /* Recalculate the checksum. */
        for (i = 0; i < eeprom_size - 1; i++)
            checksum += new_ee_contents[i];
        if (new_ee_contents[i] != 0xBABA - checksum) {
            if (debug)
                printf("The checksum at location %d must be "
                       "updated from 0x%4.4X to 0x%4.4X./n", i,
                       eeprom_contents[i], 0xBABA - checksum);
            new_ee_contents[i] = 0xBABA - checksum;
        for (i = 0; i < eeprom_size; i++)
            if (new_ee_contents[i] != eeprom_contents[i]) {
                if (do_write_eeprom) {
                    printf("Writing %#4.4x to configuration EEPROM word %d./n",
                           new_ee_contents[i], i);
                    write_eeprom(ioaddr, i, new_ee_contents[i],
                } else
                    printf("  Would write %4.4x to replace %4.4x at %d./n",
                           new_ee_contents[i], eeprom_contents[i], i);

    /* Grrr, it turns out they the PHY is not always #0. */
    if (verbose > 1 || show_mii) {
        if (phy0 > 0 &&
            mdio_read(ioaddr, phy0, 0) != 0xffff  &&
            mdio_read(ioaddr, phy0, 0) != 0x0000) {
            printf("Primary transceiver is MII PHY #%d.", phy0);
            show_mii_details(ioaddr, phy0);
        if (phy1 > 0 &&
            mdio_read(ioaddr, phy1, 0) != 0xffff  &&
            mdio_read(ioaddr, phy1, 0) != 0x0000) {
            printf("Alternate transceiver is MII PHY #%d.", phy0);
            show_mii_details(ioaddr, phy1);
    if (phy0 > 0 &&  nway_advertise > 0) {
        printf("Setting the media capability advertisement register of "
               "PHY #%d to 0x%4.4x./n", phy0, nway_advertise | 1);
        mdio_write(ioaddr, phy0, 4, nway_advertise | 1);
    if (show_mii > 1) {            /* Monitor MII status */
        monitor_mii(ioaddr, phy0);

    /* Flash operations. */
    if (opt_flash_show)
        flash_pci_rom_show(ioaddr, 0);
    if (opt_flash_dumpfile)
        if (flash_pci_rom_dump(ioaddr, 0, opt_flash_dumpfile) < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to save the old Flash BootROM image "
                    "into file '%s'./n", opt_flash_dumpfile);
            return 3;
    if (opt_flash_loadfile)
        if (flash_pci_rom_program(ioaddr, 0, opt_flash_loadfile) < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load the new Flash BootROM image "
                    "from file '%s'./n", opt_flash_loadfile);
            return 4;

    return 0;

  Reading and programming the EEPro100 flash requires a kernel extension
  that allocates a memory region and mmaps the PCI boot ROM space.
  The current (mid-2002) code that does this only works on a few kernel
  versions, and thus is not enabled by default.
int flash_pci_rom_show(long ioaddr, long data)
    printf("Flash operations not configured into this program./n");
    return -1;
int flash_pci_rom_dump(long ioaddr, long data, const char *filename)
    printf("Flash operations not configured into this program./n");
    return -1;
int flash_pci_rom_program(long ioaddr, long data, const char *filename)
    printf("Flash operations not configured into this program./n");
    return -1;

/* Serial EEPROM section.
   A "bit" grungy, but we work our way through bit-by-bit :->. */
/*  EEPROM_Ctrl bits. */
#define EE_SHIFT_CLK    0x01    /* EEPROM shift clock. */
#define EE_CS            0x02    /* EEPROM chip select. */
#define EE_DATA_WRITE    0x04    /* EEPROM chip data in. */
#define EE_DATA_READ    0x08    /* EEPROM chip data out. */
#define EE_ENB            (0x4800 | EE_CS)
#define EE_WRITE_0        0x4802
#define EE_WRITE_1        0x4806
#define EE_OFFSET        SCBeeprom

/* Delay between EEPROM clock transitions. */
#define eeprom_delay(ee_addr)    inw(ee_addr)

/* Wait for the EEPROM to finish the previous operation. */
static int eeprom_busy_poll(long ee_ioaddr)
    int i;
    outw(EE_ENB, ee_ioaddr);
    for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)            /* Typical 2000 ticks */
        if (inw(ee_ioaddr) & EE_DATA_READ)
    return i;

static int read_eeprom(long ioaddr, int location, int addr_len)
    return do_eeprom_cmd(ioaddr, ((EE_READ_CMD << addr_len) | location) << 16,
                         3 + addr_len + 16) & 0xffff;

static void write_eeprom(long ioaddr, int index, int value, int addr_len)
    long ee_ioaddr = ioaddr + EE_OFFSET;
    int i;

    /* Poll for previous op finished. */
    eeprom_busy_poll(ee_ioaddr);            /* Typical 0 ticks */
    /* Enable programming modes. */
    do_eeprom_cmd(ioaddr, (0x4f << (addr_len-4)), 3 + addr_len);
    /* Do the actual write. */
                  (((EE_WRITE_CMD<<addr_len) | index)<<16) | (value & 0xffff),
                  3 + addr_len + 16);
    /* Poll for write finished. */
    i = eeprom_busy_poll(ee_ioaddr);            /* Typical 2000 ticks */
    if (debug)
        printf(" Write finished after %d ticks./n", i);
    /* Disable programming. This command is not instantaneous, so we check
       for busy before the next op. */
    do_eeprom_cmd(ioaddr, (0x40 << (addr_len-4)), 3 + addr_len);

/* This executes a generic EEPROM command, typically a write or write enable.
   It returns the data output from the EEPROM, and thus may also be used for
   reads. */
static int do_eeprom_cmd(long ioaddr, int cmd, int cmd_len)
    unsigned retval = 0;
    long ee_addr = ioaddr + EE_OFFSET;

    if (debug > 1)
        printf(" EEPROM op 0x%x: ", cmd);

    outw(EE_ENB | EE_SHIFT_CLK, ee_addr);

    /* Shift the command bits out. */
    do {
        short dataval = (cmd & (1 << cmd_len)) ? EE_WRITE_1 : EE_WRITE_0;
        outw(dataval, ee_addr);
        if (debug > 2)
            printf("%X", inw(ee_addr) & 15);
        outw(dataval | EE_SHIFT_CLK, ee_addr);
        retval = (retval << 1) | ((inw(ee_addr) & EE_DATA_READ) ? 1 : 0);
    } while (--cmd_len >= 0);
    outw(EE_ENB, ee_addr);

    /* Terminate the EEPROM access. */
    outw(EE_ENB & ~EE_CS, ee_addr);
    if (debug > 1)
        printf(" EEPROM result is 0x%5.5x./n", retval);
    return retval;

/* Read and write the MII registers using the parallel MDIO interface on
   the Speedo3.  This is far less exciting than the typical bit-serial
   implementation (whew!) although we cannot control preamble generation. */

int mdio_read(long ioaddr, int phy_id, int location)
    int val, boguscnt = 64*10;        /* <64 usec. to complete, typ 27 ticks */
    outl(0x08000000 | (location<<16) | (phy_id<<21), ioaddr + SCBCtrlMDI);
    do {
        val = inl(ioaddr + SCBCtrlMDI);
        if (--boguscnt < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, " mdio_read() timed out with val = %8.8x./n", val);
    } while (! (val & 0x10000000));
    return val & 0xffff;

void mdio_write(long ioaddr, int phy_id, int location, int value)
    int val, boguscnt = 64*10;        /* <64 usec. to complete, typ 27 ticks */
    outl(0x04000000 | (location<<16) | (phy_id<<21) | value,
         ioaddr + SCBCtrlMDI);
    do {
        val = inl(ioaddr + SCBCtrlMDI);
        if (--boguscnt < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, " mdio_write() timed out with val = %8.8x./n",
    } while (! (val & 0x10000000));

/* Simple alternate functions if libmii is not used. */
extern int monitor_mii(long ioaddr, int phy_id) __attribute__((weak));
extern int show_mii_details(long ioaddr, int phy_id) __attribute__((weak));

int monitor_mii(long ioaddr, int phy_id)
    int i;
    unsigned short new_1, baseline_1 = mdio_read(ioaddr, phy_id, 1);
    if (baseline_1 == 0xffff) {
        fprintf(stderr, "No MII transceiver present to monitor./n");
        return -1;
    printf("  Baseline value of MII status register is %4.4x./n",
    for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
        new_1 = mdio_read(ioaddr, phy_id, 1);
        if (new_1 != baseline_1) {
            printf("  MII status register changed to %4.4x./n", new_1);
            baseline_1 = new_1;
    return 0;

int show_mii_details(long ioaddr, int phy_id)
    int mii_reg;
    printf(" MII PHY #%d transceiver registers:", phy_id);
    for (mii_reg = 0; mii_reg < 32; mii_reg++)
        printf("%s %4.4x", (mii_reg % 8) == 0 ? "/n  " : "",
               mdio_read(ioaddr, phy_id, mii_reg));
    return 0;

/* PHY media interface chips. */
static const char *phys[] = {
    "None", "i82553-A/B", "i82553-C", "i82503",
    "DP83840", "80c240", "80c24", "i82555",
    "unknown-8", "unknown-9", "DP83840A", "unknown-11",
    "unknown-12", "unknown-13", "unknown-14", "unknown-15", };
enum phy_chips { NonSuchPhy=0, I82553AB, I82553C, I82503, DP83840, S80C240,
                     S80C24, I82555, DP83840A=10, };
static const char is_mii[] = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 };
const char *connectors[] = {" RJ45", " BNC", " AUI", " MII"};

static void eepro100_eeprom(unsigned short *eeprom)
    unsigned char dev_addr[6];
    int i, j;
    int phy0 = eeprom[6] & 0x8000 ? -1 : eeprom_contents[6] & 0x1f;
    int phy1 = eeprom[7] & 0x8000 ? -1 : eeprom_contents[7] & 0x1f;

    printf("Intel EtherExpress Pro 10/100 EEPROM contents:/n"
           "  Station address ");
    for (j = 0, i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        dev_addr[j++] = eeprom[i];
        dev_addr[j++] = eeprom[i] >> 8;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        printf("%2.2X:", dev_addr[i]);
    printf("%2.2X./n", dev_addr[i]);
    if ((eeprom[3] & 0x03) != 3)
        printf("  Receiver lock-up bug exists. (The driver work-around *is* "
    printf("  Board assembly %4.4x%2.2x-%3.3d, Physical connectors present:",
           eeprom[8], eeprom[9]>>8, eeprom[9] & 0xff);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if (eeprom[5] & (1<<i))
    printf("/n  Primary interface chip %s PHY #%d./n",
           phys[(eeprom[6]>>8)&7], phy0);
    if (((eeprom[6]>>8) & 0x3f) == DP83840)
        printf("  Transceiver-specific setup is required for the DP83840"
               " transceiver./n");
    if (eeprom[7] & 0x0700)
        printf("    Secondary interface chip %s, PHY %d./n",
               phys[(eeprom[7]>>8)&7], phy1);
    if (eeprom[6] == 0)
    if (eeprom[10] & 0x0002)


 * Local variables:
 *  compile-command: "cc -O -Wall -o eepro100-diag eepro100-diag.c"
 *  alt-compile-command: "cc -O -Wall -o eepro100-diag eepro100-diag.c -DLIBMII libmii.c"
 *  tab-width: 4
 *  c-indent-level: 4
 *  c-basic-offset: 4
 * End:




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