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原创 xtu 1268 Strange Optimization 湘潭邀请赛I

Strange OptimizationBobo is facing a strange optimization problem. Given n,m, he is going to find a real number α such that f(12+α) is maximized, where f(t)=mini,j∈Z|in−jm+t|. Help him!Not

2017-05-16 11:08:29 1090

原创 xtu 1267 Highway 湘潭邀请赛H

HighwayIn ICPCCamp there were n towns conveniently numbered with 1,2,…,n connected with (n−1) roads. The i-th road connecting towns ai and bi has length ci. It is guaranteed that any two

2017-05-16 11:06:16 1155

原创 xtu 1266 Parentheses 2017湘潭邀请赛G

ParenthesesBobo has a very long sequence divided into n consecutive groups. The i-th group consists of li copies of character ci where ci is either "(" or ")".As the sequence may not be va

2017-05-16 11:04:05 757

原创 xtu 1264 Partial Sum 2017湘潭邀请赛E

Partial SumBobo has a integer sequence a1,a2,…,an of length n. Each time, he selects two ends 0≤lr≤n and add |∑rj=l+1aj|−C into a counter which is zero initially. He repeats the selection fo

2017-05-16 11:01:10 865

原创 2016长城信息杯中国大学生程序设计竞赛中南邀请赛 xtu 1243 2016

http://www.dengwenhuo.cn/?id=194Given a2×2 matrixA=(a 11 a 21  a 12 a 22  ),  findA n  whereA 1 =A,A n =A×A n−1  . As the result may be large, you are going to find onl

2016-06-20 13:44:28 1350 2

原创 2016长城信息杯中国大学生程序设计竞赛中南邀请赛 xtu 1249 Rolling Variance

Bobo learnt that the variance of a sequencea1,a2,…,anis∑ni=1(ai−a¯)2n−1−−−−−−−−−−−−√wherea¯=∑ni=1ain.Bobo has a sequencea1,a2,…,an, and he would like to find the variance o

2016-06-20 13:42:24 1275

原创 2016长城信息杯中国大学生程序设计竞赛中南邀请赛 xtu 1250 Super Fast Fourier Transform

http://www.dengwenhuo.cn/?id=196Bobo has two sequences of integers{a1,a2,…,an}and{b1,b2,…,bm}. He would like to find∑i=1n∑j=1m⌊|ai−bj|−−−−−−−√⌋.Note that⌊x⌋denotes the maximum intege

2016-06-20 13:41:26 1306

原创 2016长城信息杯中国大学生程序设计竞赛中南邀请赛 xtu 1245 Hamiltonian Path

http://www.dengwenhuo.cn/?id=197In ICPCCamp, there arencities andmdirected roads between cities. Thei-th road going from theai-th city to thebi-th city iscikilometers long. For each

2016-06-20 13:40:01 1207

原创 2016长城信息杯中国大学生程序设计竞赛中南邀请赛 xtu 1244 Gambling

http://www.dengwenhuo.cn/?id=199In ICPCCamp, gambling is conducted as follow. A player will draw balls from an opaque bag containingared balls,bgreen balls andcblue balls initially. Balls

2016-06-20 13:38:37 2109

原创 2016长城信息杯中国大学生程序设计竞赛中南邀请赛 xtu 1246 Heartstone

http://www.dengwenhuo.cn/?id=201Bobo is playing Heartstone. There arenminions in the battlefield. Thei-th minion hashihit points (HP).Bobo uses two kinds of magic. The one is Arcane Sh

2016-06-20 13:37:15 1951

原创 2016长城信息杯中国大学生程序设计竞赛中南邀请赛 xtu 1252 Defense Tower

http://www.dengwenhuo.cn/?id=200In ICPCCamp, there arencities and(n−1)(bidirectional) roads between cities. Thei-th road is between theai-th andbi-th cities. It is guaranteed that citi

2016-06-20 13:34:33 1445

原创 模板收集

ll exmod[100005],rmod[100005];ll multimod(ll a,ll b,ll mod){ ll ans = 0; for ( ; b; b >>= 1, a = (a<<1)%mod) if (b&1) { ans = (ans + a)%mod; }

2016-05-22 21:20:22 516

原创 hdu 3068 最长回文 Manacher算法

http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3068#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;int main(){ char s[220005],str[220005]; int p[220005],n; int an

2016-05-01 20:02:07 592

原创 加油

Problem Description  NightGuard非常喜欢开车旅行。每年5.1节,他都要开着自己的车到一个风景比较好的地方去度假。由于路途遥远,汽车的油箱容量有限,装不下足够的汽油。NightGuard想了一个办法,自己再带上一个桶,用桶来装汽油,这样,汽油就不会不够了。  现在的问题是这样的,油箱一开始是满的,NightGuard想要用桶装尽可能多的汽油.桶的体积为V,路上总

2016-04-15 18:24:32 854

转载 dijkstra算法实现

#include #include using namespace std;const int maxnum = 100;const int maxint = 999999;// 各数组都从下标1开始int dist[maxnum]; // 表示当前点到源点的最短路径长度int prev[maxnum]; // 记录当前点的前一个结点int c[maxnum][

2016-03-15 20:08:09 482

原创 hdu 5635 LCP Array

http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5635题意:给你一串数字    如54 3 2 1 04就表示  前4个字母和从第二个开始的4个字母是一样的 也就是说 这5个字母都是一样的再验证一下 3    从第二个开始的后3个字母 和从第三个开始的后3个字母 都是一样的  成立首先 只存在连续减小和0的情况 否则都是0#in

2016-03-05 22:14:18 813

原创 hdu 1073 Online Judge

http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1073注意清空#include #include #include using namespace std;int main(){ int cas; char ans1[5005],ans2[5005],ans3[5005],ans4[5005],temp[5005];

2016-03-04 13:34:19 778

原创 hd 1070 Milk

http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1070#include #include #include using namespace std;struct milk{ char name[1000]; double money,ml; double val; int day;}m[105];

2016-03-04 11:39:41 682

原创 小巧妙

约瑟夫问题#include #include int main( void ){ int n, i, m, p,t; while(~scanf("%d %d", &n, &m)) { t=1; i=0; while( ++i <= n ) { p = i * m;

2015-12-22 18:41:59 540

原创 poj 1786 Bridge Hands

Drivers of Advanced Cargo Movement, Ltd. usually have to wait quite a long time when waiting at border crossings for duty clearance. They are used to play various (card) games to have some fun. One of

2015-12-13 18:11:02 720

原创 年月日计算星期公式

if( M==1 || M==2 ) { M+=12; --Y; } //1582年9月3日后:w = (d + 2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4-y/100+y/400)%7; //1582年9月3日前:w = (d+2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4+5) % 7; //蔡勒公式 0是星期天 if( Y < 1582 ||

2015-12-09 11:16:43 1313

转载 java保留小数

import java.math.BigDecimal;import java.text.DecimalFormat;import java.text.NumberFormat;public class Format { double f = 111231.5585; public void m1() { BigDecimal bg = new BigDecimal(f);

2015-10-16 17:05:24 646

原创 hdu 1061 Rightmost Digit

Problem DescriptionGiven a positive integer N, you should output the most right digit of N^N. InputThe input contains several test cases. The first line of the input is a single in

2015-10-08 15:09:36 536

原创 UVA 1585 Score

There is an objective test result such as ``OOXXOXXOOO". An `O' means a correct answer of a problem and an `X' means a wrong answer. The score of each problem of this test is calculated by itself and

2015-09-06 17:57:00 731

原创 ZOJ 3210 A Stack or A Queue?

Do you know stack and queue? They're both important data structures. A stack is a "first in last out" (FILO) data structure and a queue is a "first in first out" (FIFO) one.Here comes the problem:

2015-09-06 17:48:48 528

原创 ZOJ 2975 Kinds of Fuwas

In the year 2008, the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. This will signify the prosperity of China as well as becoming a festival for people all over the world.The official mascots of Bei

2015-09-06 15:35:05 536

原创 ZOJ 2971 Give Me the Number

Numbers in English are written down in the following way (only numbers less than109 are considered). Number abc,def,ghi is written as "[abc] million[def] thousand [ghi]". Here "[xyz] " means the w

2015-09-06 15:26:19 543

原创 ZOJ 2969 Easy Task

Calculating the derivation of a polynomial is an easy task. Given a function f(x) , we use (f(x))' to denote its derivation. We use x^n to denote xn. To calculate the derivation of a polynomial, you s

2015-09-06 15:24:10 506

原创 ZOJ 2965 Accurately Say "CocaCola"!

In a party held by CocaCola company, several students stand in a circle and play a game.One of them is selected as the first, and should say the number 1. Then they continue to count number from 1 o

2015-09-06 15:22:41 517

原创 UVA 12290 Counting Game

There are n people standing in a line, playing a famous game called \counting". When the game begins,the leftmost person says \1" loudly, then the second person (people are numbered 1 to n from left

2015-09-06 15:08:45 564

原创 UVA 12289 One-Two-Three

Your little brother has just learnt to write one, two and three, in English. He has written a lot of thosewords in a paper, your task is to recognize them. Note that your little brother is only a ch

2015-09-06 14:46:52 535

原创 ZOJ 3787 Access System

For security issues, Marjar University has an access control system for each dormitory building.The system requires the students to use their personal identification cards to open the gate if they wan

2015-09-06 14:39:09 505

原创 ZOJ 3785 What day is that day?

It's Saturday today, what day is it after 11 + 22 + 33 + ... +NN days? InputThere are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T indicating the number of test c

2015-09-06 14:36:49 652

原创 ZOJ 3778 Talented Chef

As we all know, Coach Gao is a talented chef, because he is able to cookM dishes in the same time. Tonight he is going to have a hearty dinner with his girlfriend at his home. Of course,Coach Gao

2015-09-06 14:34:49 585

原创 ZOJ 3714 Java Beans

There are N little kids sitting in a circle, each of them are carrying some java beans in their hand. Their teacher want to selectM kids who seated in M consecutive seats and collect java beans from

2015-09-06 13:46:07 1461

原创 ZOJ 3713 In 7-bit

Very often, especially in programming contests, we treat a sequence of non-whitespace characters as a string. But sometimes, a string may contain whitespace characters or even be empty. We can have su

2015-09-06 13:41:19 469

原创 ZOJ 3712 Hard to Play

MightyHorse is playing a music game called osu!. After playing for several months, MightyHorse discovered the way of calculating score inosu!: 1. While playing osu!, player need to click som

2015-09-06 13:32:32 503

原创 ZOJ 3710 Friends

Alice lives in the country where people like to make friends. The friendship is bidirectional and if any two person have no less thank friends in common, they will become friends in several days. Cu

2015-09-06 13:27:18 409

原创 ZOJ 3708 Density of Power Network

The vast power system is the most complicated man-made system and the greatest engineering innovation in the 20th century. The following diagram shows a typical 14 bus power system. In real world, the

2015-09-06 13:24:57 496

原创 ZOJ 3878 Convert QWERTY to Dvorak

Edward, a poor copy typist, is a user of the Dvorak Layout. But now he has only a QWERTY Keyboard with a brokenCaps Lock key, so Edward never presses the brokenCaps Lock key. Luckily, all the othe

2015-09-06 12:59:09 898


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