

How to analyse a fiction extract


In an analytical response, you should show how language and structure create meaning. You could also explore the effect on the reader. An analytical response uses evidence from the text to make clear points.


Whatever the focus of the task, aim to focus on HOW the writer has used specific techniques or choices to create meaning, rather than WHAT the text is saying or WHO it is about.


The key to giving a relevant response is to focus on the question. What are you being asked to do? Circle the key words in the question and remember your focus as you start reading the extract.


An exam question might focus on:


  • characters

  • narrative voice

  • themes and ideas

  • language

  • structure

  • the effect on the reader

  • 人物

  • 叙述的声音

  • 主题和思想

  • 语言

  • 结构

  • 对读者的影响

The next stage is to annotate your extract and find evidence to support your answer. Highlight, circle or underline key parts of the text that you will be able to use as evidence for your response.


When looking at an extract, try and read it more than once. First read the entire extract from beginning to end and annotate any language or structural details that interest you. If you have time, do another read-through annotating other important words and phrases.


Understanding the question


The key to a successful response is to focus on the question and understand what you are being asked to do. Below are a few examples of the types of questions you may be required to answer. Use the marks available for each question as a guide on how much to write.


Example question one


From lines 1 to 5, identify the phrase that shows why the boy is hungry. (1 mark)


This type of question is not looking for a close analysis of the text or a detailed response. This task aims to check your reading skills and ability to pick out the relevant phrase from the fictional text. Don’t spend too long on this type of question - the number of marks available should be your guide. These types of questions usually have a low number of marks. Remember to read the question very carefully – this question is asking you to focus only on lines 1 – 5. It’s also important to only use one phrase in your answer.

Example question two


From lines 10-16, give two ways the character’s behaviour shows that she feels nervous. You can use your own words or a quotation from the text. (2 marks)


This type of question is asking you to find evidence to show the character’s emotions. You are not being asked to analyse the evidence, just to show that you can select the right bit of text. You can write the evidence in your own words or use a direct quotation from the text. Remember to check the question carefully – you are only being asked to use lines 10-16 and only find two bits of evidence.

Example question three


In lines 15 – 20, how does the writer use language and structure to create tension? (6 marks)


If you’re asked to focus on a particular section of an extract, then focus your analysis on that bit. When you’re looking at language remember to examine particular words and phrases used. What patterns of words do you notice – for this question, are there lots of words connected with uncertainty or fear?

Look at sentence structures and notice how the writer is using these to create tension. Are there lots of short sentences to build pace? Do longer sentences keep us hanging on?

How do the characters behave and respond to their situation? Notice dialogue as well as descriptions.

As well as action, think about how characters contribute to tension, how setting is important and how ideas are presented by the writer.

Example question four


In this extract, the writer wants the reader to feel sympathy for the main character. Evaluate how successfully this is achieved. (15 marks)


This question is asking for a judgement, so you are evaluating as well as analysing. Your main task is to explain the extent to which you agree with this opinion and how the extract makes the reader feel. You still need to use quotations to support each point you make - look closely at the word choices the author makes and explore how these affect the reader.

Structuring a paragraph


Use each paragraph to make at least one main point. A paragraph could contain:


  • a link to the focus of the question - try and use the key word or phrase from the question

  • some evidence from the text to support what you think - this will probably include something on language or structure

  • a discussion of the evidence, and links to any other possible evidence

  • 与问题焦点的联系--尽量使用问题中的关键词或短语

  • 来自文本的一些证据来支持你的想法--这可能包括有关语言或结构的内容

  • 对证据的讨论,以及与任何其他可能的证据的链接

Using a few connectives could help link your ideas:


  • Firstly...

  • On the one hand...

  • On the other hand...

  • Similarly...

  • In contrast...

  • However...

  • Alternatively...

  • Finally...

  • 首先......。

  • 一方面......。

  • 另一方面......。

  • 同样的...

  • 相比之下...

  • 然而...

  • 或者说...

  • 最后...

There are lots of different ways to structure a paragraph when analysing fiction, but don’t be too tied down to one formula. It’s important to vary your structure depending on your ideas and how you choose to link evidence together.


Here are just a few common formulas to be aware of:


  • PEE - point/evidence/explain

  • PEEL - point/evidence/explain/link to point

  • PEA - point/evidence/analysis

  • SEAL - state your point/evidence/analyse/link

  • WET - words/effect/techniques

  • RATS - reader’s response/author’s intention/theme/structure

  • PEE--观点/证据/解释

  • PEEL--观点/证据/解释/与观点的联系

  • PEA--观点/证据/分析

  • SEAL--陈述你的观点/证据/分析/链接

  • WET--词语/效果/技巧

  • RATS--读者的反应/作者的意图/主题/结构

Think about which ones you find useful. What are the limitations of each approach?


Using quotations and close analysis


To support your points, you need to use quotations and examples. Quotations should be kept short and to the point. Using just a few words is more powerful than copying out chunks of text - it shows you are being selective. You should also be careful to copy accurately.


Put the quotation inside your own sentence, rather than putting it in the middle of a page and then commenting on it. This is called embedding a quotation.


So rather than:

"He flew like a butterfly." This is an example of a simile, which shows that he was light and graceful.


The author uses similes, eg "he flew like a butterfly."


You would write:

The author uses the simile of the boy flying "like a butterfly" to convey the impression that he is light and graceful.

Making the most of quotations


A close analysis of the language in the quotation can be used to support your point.


There are several ways you can do this:


  • Focus on a word from the quotation and write about why it was chosen by the writer.

  • 重点关注引文中的一个词,并写出作者选择这个词的原因。

  • Write about the connotations of the word, eg the word ‘snake’ could have connotations of evil and might be used by the writer to create an ominous atmosphere. The word ‘home’ has the dictionary meaning of ‘a place where someone lives’, but the word also has positive connotations of warmth and family.

  • 写出这个词的内涵,例如 "蛇 "这个词可能有邪恶的含义,作者可能用它来营造不祥的气氛。家 "这个词在字典中的意思是 "某人居住的地方",但这个词也有温暖和家庭的积极含义。

  • The context of a word will also be important when you are analysing its effect. How the word is used in the sentence and paragraph may affect the connotations of that word.

  • 当你分析一个词的效果时,它的上下文也很重要。该词在句子和段落中的使用方式可能影响该词的内涵。

  • The quotation may contain a metaphor, simile, or other language technique – what is the effect of the technique?

  • 引文可能包含隐喻、比喻或其他语言技巧--该技巧的效果是什么?

  • Make sure you name the literary technique as part of your analysis.

  • 请确保你在分析时说出文学技巧的名称。

  • Remember that you don’t need to give a definition of the technique - just focus on the effect.

  • 记住,你不需要给这种技巧下定义--只需关注其效果。

  • Do the language choices in the quotation link to other parts of the extract? Can you see a pattern in the way the writer is using language?

  • 引文中的语言选择是否与摘录的其他部分有关?你能从作者使用语言的方式中看到一种模式吗?

  • What is the reader’s response to the language in the quotation?读者对引文中的语言有什么反应?

Example analysis


During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. I know not how it was - but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. I say insufferable; for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half-pleasurable, because poetic, sentiment, with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible. I looked upon the scene before me - upon the mere house, and the simple landscape features of the domain - upon the bleak walls - upon the vacant eye-like windows - upon a few rank sedges - and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees - with an utter depression of soul which I can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after-dream of the reveller upon opium - the bitter lapse into everyday life - the hideous dropping off of the veil. There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart - an unredeemed dreariness of thought which no goading of the imagination could torture into aught of the sublime. What was it - I paused to think - what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the House of Usher?

The Fall of the House of Usher, Edgar Allan Poe

Sample questions and answers


Example question one


From lines 1-5, identify the phrase that shows the reader what time of day it is. (1 mark)


“…as the shades of the evening drew on…”

This response answers the question precisely, using lines 1-5 to find the exact phrase that shows what time of day it was.

The quotation is not explained or analysed – the question does not require a developed response.

Example question two


In lines 10-16, give two examples that show the narrator is feeling negative. You may use your own words or quotation from the text. (2 marks)


“…utter depression of soul...”

“…a sinking, a sickening of the heart…”

This response uses two quotations from the text. They are well selected and are evidence to show that the narrator is feeling negative. It’s important to quote selectively to show you are picking out the right detail.

Example question three


In lines 1- 11, how does the writer use language to create a sense of the setting? (6 marks)


The writer’s choice of language leaves the impression of a gloomy setting, “dull, dark, and soundless day…” The subtle alliteration and monosyllabic adjectives give the description an abrupt, stark tone. The use of pathetic fallacy, “The cloud hung oppressively low…” also creates a negative feeling, as if the weather mirrors the character’s depressed emotions. The house is described as having “vacant eye-like windows..” This eerie simile creates a death-like feel with the use the adjective ‘vacant’.

  • This paragraph gets straight into the close analysis - no introduction is needed for this type of question.

  • 本段直接进入仔细分析--这种类型的问题不需要介绍。

  • The response is focused on the task, analysing language and setting.

  • 这个回答集中在任务上,分析了语言和环境

  • Every point is supported by evidence from lines 1-11 of the extract.

  • 每个观点都有摘录的第1-11行的证据支持。

  • Details of the language are linked and the effect is analysed closely.

  • 语言的细节关联了起来,也仔细分析了产生的效果。

  • At least one more paragraph would be needed to fully answer this question, the 6 marks suggests a longer answer is appropriate here.

  • 要完全回答这个问题,至少还需要一个段落,6分的分数表明这里适合做较长的回答





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