A*算法 路径源码

#include <stdio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define KEYBOARD_INT 0x09
#define KEY_BUFFER 0x60
#define KEY_CONTROL 0x61
#define INT_CONTROL 0x20

#define MAKE_RIGHT 77
#define MAKE_LEFT  75
#define MAKE_UP 72
#define MAKE_DOWN 80
#define MAKE_SPACE 57
#define MAKE_X 45
#define MAKE_N 49

#define BREAK_RIGHT 205
#define BREAK_LEFT 203
#define BREAK_UP 200
#define BREAK_DOWN 208
#define BREAK_SPACE 185
#define BREAK_X 173
#define BREAK_N 177

#define INDEX_UP 0
#define INDEX_DOWN 1
#define INDEX_RIGHT 2
#define INDEX_LEFT 3
#define INDEX_SPACE 4
#define INDEX_X 5
#define INDEX_N 6

#define COLS 41        // note the cols should be 2 more than the screen size
#define ROWS 24        // because if we have a point at the extremes and we check to see
#define TOTAL_TILES ROWS*COLS+1   // if we can go in all directions, we don't need a special case to check these. (same for rows)
#define SHIFT 4   /* change this to reflect the the size.
       Ex. 16x16 tile equals 2^4. or a shift of 4 */
#define TILESIZE 16  /* change this also to reflect tile size. 16x16. */

typedef int boolean;
struct NODE {
    long f,h;
    int g,tmpg;
    int x,y;
    int NodeNum;
    struct NODE *Parent;
    struct NODE *Child[8];       /* a node may have upto 8+(NULL) children. */
    struct NODE *NextNode;       /* for filing purposes */

struct NODE *OPEN;
struct NODE *CLOSED;

/*                                 STACK                                  */
struct STACK {
    struct NODE *NodePtr;
    struct STACK *NextStackPtr;
struct STACK *Stack;

void (_interrupt _far *Old_Isr)(void);
  int raw_key;
  int key_table[7]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
  int FINISHED=0;
  int TileMap[TOTAL_TILES];
  int g_driver=VGA,g_mode=VGAHI;

void _interrupt _far New_Key_Int(void);
void RestoreKeyboard(void);
void InitKeyboard(void);
void SetUp(void);
void DrawScreen(void);
void DrawSquare(int deltax,int deltay,int flag);
void DisplayPath(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2);
int TileNum(int x, int y);
boolean FreeTile(int x, int y);
void BoundaryTiles(void);

struct NODE *FindPath(long sx,long sy,long dx,long dy);
struct NODE *ReturnBestNode(void);
void GenerateSuccessors(struct NODE *BestNode,long dx,long dy);
void GenerateSucc(struct NODE *BestNode,long x, long y, long dx, long dy);
struct NODE *CheckOPEN(int tilenum);
struct NODE *CheckCLOSED(int tilenum);
void Insert(struct NODE *Successor);
void PropagateDown(struct NODE *Old);

void Push(struct NODE *Node);
struct NODE *Pop(void);











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以下是一个简单的A*算法的Matlab实现,它用于找到从起点到终点的最短路径: ```matlab function path = astar(start, goal, map) % A*算法实现 % 输入:起点start,终点goal,地图map % 输出:路径path % 初始化起点和终点节点 start_node = Node(start,0,0); goal_node = Node(goal,0,0); % 初始化开启列表和关闭列表 open_list = [start_node]; closed_list = []; while ~isempty(open_list) % 从开启列表中选择最小代价节点 current_node = minCostNode(open_list); % 如果当前节点为终点,返回路径 if current_node == goal_node path = getPath(current_node); return; end % 将当前节点从开启列表移到关闭列表 open_list = removeNode(open_list, current_node); closed_list = [closed_list, current_node]; % 遍历当前节点的所有邻居 neighbors = getNeighbors(current_node, map); for i = 1:length(neighbors) neighbor = neighbors(i); % 如果邻居节点在关闭列表中,跳过 if isNodeInList(neighbor, closed_list) continue; end % 计算邻居的代价 g_cost = current_node.g_cost + distance(current_node, neighbor); h_cost = distance(neighbor, goal_node); f_cost = g_cost + h_cost; % 如果邻居节点不在开启列表中,将其加入并设置父节点 if ~isNodeInList(neighbor, open_list) neighbor.parent = current_node; neighbor.g_cost = g_cost; neighbor.f_cost = f_cost; open_list = [open_list, neighbor]; else % 如果邻居节点已经在开启列表中,更新其代价和父节点 for j = 1:length(open_list) if open_list(j) == neighbor if g_cost < open_list(j).g_cost open_list(j).parent = current_node; open_list(j).g_cost = g_cost; open_list(j).f_cost = f_cost; end break; end end end end end % 如果程序执行到这里,说明无法找到路径 error('No path found'); end function node = Node(position, g_cost, f_cost) % 定义节点类 node.position = position; % 节点位置 node.g_cost = g_cost; % 从起点到该节点的代价 node.f_cost = f_cost; % 从起点到该节点的估价代价 node.parent = []; % 父节点 end function distance = distance(node1, node2) % 计算两个节点之间的距离 distance = norm(node1.position - node2.position); end function neighbors = getNeighbors(node, map) % 获取节点的邻居节点 neighbors = []; for i = -1:1 for j = -1:1 if i == 0 && j == 0 continue; end neighbor_pos = node.position + [i,j]; if isValidNode(neighbor_pos, map) neighbors = [neighbors, Node(neighbor_pos,0,0)]; end end end end function isValid = isValidNode(position, map) % 判断节点是否合法 if position(1) < 1 || position(1) > size(map,1) || ... position(2) < 1 || position(2) > size(map,2) || ... map(position(1), position(2)) == 1 isValid = false; else isValid = true; end end function node = minCostNode(node_list) % 找到开启列表中代价最小的节点 min_cost = Inf; min_index = 0; for i = 1:length(node_list) if node_list(i).f_cost < min_cost min_cost = node_list(i).f_cost; min_index = i; end end node = node_list(min_index); end function node_list = removeNode(node_list, node) % 从节点列表中移除节点 node_list(node_list==node) = []; end function path = getPath(node) % 从节点到起点追溯路径 path = []; while ~isempty(node.parent) path = [node.position; path]; node = node.parent; end path = [node.position; path]; end function isInList = isNodeInList(node, node_list) % 判断节点是否在列表中 isInList = false; for i = 1:length(node_list) if node_list(i) == node isInList = true; break; end end end ``` 在上面的代码中,我们定义了一个`Node`类来表示A*算法中的节点。每个节点都有一个位置、从起点到该节点的代价、从起点到该节点的估价代价和一个父节点。我们还定义了一些辅助函数,例如`distance`函数用于计算两个节点之间的距离,`getNeighbors`函数用于获取节点的邻居节点,`isValidNode`函数用于判断节点是否合法,`minCostNode`函数用于找到开启列表中代价最小的节点,`removeNode`函数用于从节点列表中移除节点,`getPath`函数用于从节点到起点追溯路径,`isNodeInList`函数用于判断节点是否在列表中。 使用该算法时,我们需要将起点、终点和地图作为输入参数传递给`astar`函数。地图是一个二维数组,其中0表示可通过的区域,1表示障碍物。`astar`函数将返回从起点到终点的最短路径,如果无法找到路径则会抛出异常。 以下是一个示例代码,演示如何在一个10x10的地图上找到从(1,1)到(10,10)的最短路径: ```matlab % 定义地图 map = zeros(10); map(2:4,5) = 1; map(6:8,5) = 1; map(5,2:7) = 1; % 执行A*算法 start = [1,1]; goal = [10,10]; path = astar(start, goal, map); % 可视化结果 figure; imagesc(map); hold on; plot(path(:,2), path(:,1), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); ``` 运行上面的代码,将会看到一个10x10的地图,其中红色线条表示从(1,1)到(10,10)的最短路径


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