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翻译 Linux(2)简单的导航指令(下)绝对路径和相对路径


2017-04-16 16:00:05 7490

原创 如何爬虫推特数据


2017-06-10 17:25:14 7832

原创 如何不用laravel的分页功能而通过vue和axios实现异步分页功能


2017-04-20 17:52:28 3069

原创 the diary of how to backup one more files in linux

#!/usr/bin/bash#to backup one more files#asha 2017/4/17if [ $# \then echo please give at least one existed file you wanna backupfidate=`date +%F`for file in $*doif [ ! -e $file ]

2017-04-17 22:47:47 555

原创 the diary of how to get a random word within a file

cat haha.txt | sed 's/\s\s*/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | tail -n +$(expr $RANDOM % ) | head -1

2017-04-17 20:15:34 438

原创 the diary about awk scp in linux

talk awk and scpthe awkthe awk is like cut , but it is more powerful , say you have a text file named "haha" , inside it you have structure like this:asha haha 1peter wawa 2melme papa 3

2017-04-17 17:54:39 361

原创 the diary of cron xarg find tar in linux

i think things gonna to be crazy now!cronit is a really crazy stuff,cron stands for command run on,you can use it to decide to do one stuff at a specified time every time.it is easy to use t

2017-04-17 15:08:13 411

原创 the diary of homework of script check dir in linux

to make a script to check a directory?#!/usr/bin/bash#check the information of a directory#Asha 2017/4/17if [ ! -d $1 ]thenecho there is no this directory.exitfi echo we have

2017-04-17 11:41:47 362

原创 the diary of script in linux

scriptdo not want to type codes every time, want to be efficient, want to be lazy,then just use script to handle repetitive tasks.what is script in linux?it is just like script in theatrical

2017-04-17 09:43:23 427

原创 the diary of sleep jobs & fg command line in linux

sleepwhat does sleep do? sleep command runs the action of literally sleep. all it does is wait some time and quit . it's usage is sleep . jobswhat does jobs do? jobs is literally jobs. insi

2017-04-17 08:33:03 410

原创 the diary of process manage of top ps and kill in linux

what are top , ps , kill command?what do they do?firstly , i wanna say about top. top can help us to find what tasks that are running in our system,it will show us what tasks are running,how many ta

2017-04-16 20:02:28 330

原创 the diary for one command application of pipe in Linux

ls -l /projects/ghosttrail | tail -n +2 | sed 's/\s\s*/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort | uniq -c actually in my first glance, i think it is complicated, and the true is that i got stopped when i see t

2017-04-15 21:46:06 483

原创 the diary of pipe in linux

learning new stuff always makes you exited. and i have to write down it and increase my memory for it as well.today i finished reading pipe commands in Linux. we just make a "|" to stand for that.

2017-04-15 19:27:43 380

原创 the diary for redirection in linux

it is amazing for me to know what is redirection in Linux.what i know is that it is control three streams , these respectfully are standardinput(0) standardoutput(1) standarderror(2).at normal sta

2017-04-15 19:06:52 542

原创 如何把用laravel5.4写好的网站架构到远程虚拟机上


2017-04-14 12:13:00 1345 1

翻译 Linux(2) 简单的导航指令


2017-04-11 23:38:36 803

翻译 Linux(1) 命令行(command line)的介绍

翻译自:http://ryanstutorials.net/linuxtutorial/commandline.php基本介绍Linux 有很好的图形界面并且使用起来也很方便。你的体验会觉得跟在其它操作系统上,例如Windows 和 OSX 一样。这个课程不会涉及到图形界面的教学, 我相信你们自己能够很快速地掌握。我更加专注于教你们如何用BASH来使用命令行(终端terminal)。命

2017-04-10 12:16:47 4026



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