- 请按照步骤 1 到 12 中下面的 Microsoft 知识库文章:
178749 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/178749/ ) 如何创建自动化项目使用 MFC 和类型库注意在步骤 9,选择正确的类型库中的您的 Word 版本。在 $ 查找上,请参阅下面的引用部分有关的信息,以在正确类型库。
- 包含语句的 stdafx.h 文件后,在 $ AutoProjectDlg.cpp 中添加 包含 语句 (msword8.h、 msword9.h 或 msword.h) 创建的头文件。为 Word 97 的一个例子是:
#include "stdafx.h" #include "msword8.h"
- 将自动化代码添加到 CAutoProjectDlg::OnRun 方法,以使其显示,如下所示:
void CAutoProjectDlg::OnRun() { _Application oWord; Documents oDocs; _Document oDoc; Selection oSelection; Paragraphs oParagraphs; Tables oTables; Table oTable; Range oRange; Columns oColumns; Column oColumn; Rows oRows; Row oRow; Cells oCells; Cell oCell; Shading oShading; Hyperlinks oHyperlinks; MailMerge oMailMerge; MailMergeFields oMailMergeFields; COleVariant vtOptional((long)DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND,VT_ERROR), vtTrue((short)TRUE), vtFalse((short)FALSE); CString StrToAdd; // Create an instance of Word if (!oWord.CreateDispatch("Word.Application")) { AfxMessageBox("Word failed to start!"); } else { // Set the visible property oWord.SetVisible(TRUE); // Add a new document oDocs = oWord.GetDocuments(); oDoc = oDocs.Add(vtOptional,vtOptional); CreateMailMergeDataFile(&oWord,&oDoc); // Add the address header StrToAdd = "State University/r/nElectrical Engineering " / "Department"; oSelection = oWord.GetSelection(); oParagraphs = oSelection.GetParagraphs(); oParagraphs.SetAlignment(1); // 1 = wdAlignParagraphCenter oSelection.TypeText(StrToAdd); InsertLines(&oSelection,4); oParagraphs.SetAlignment(0); // 0 = wdAlignParagraphLeft oMailMerge = oDoc.GetMailMerge(); oMailMergeFields = oMailMerge.GetFields(); oMailMergeFields.Add(oSelection.GetRange(),"FirstName"); oSelection.TypeText(" "); oMailMergeFields.Add(oSelection.GetRange(),"LastName"); oSelection.TypeParagraph(); oMailMergeFields.Add(oSelection.GetRange(),"Address"); oSelection.TypeParagraph(); oMailMergeFields.Add(oSelection.GetRange(),"CityStateZip"); InsertLines(&oSelection,4); // Set the paragraph alignment to Right justified oParagraphs = oSelection.GetParagraphs(); oParagraphs.SetAlignment(2); // 2 = wdAlignParagraphRight // Insert the current date oSelection.InsertDateTime(COleVariant("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"),/ vtFalse,vtOptional); InsertLines(&oSelection,2); // Reset the justification to Justify oParagraphs = oSelection.GetParagraphs(); oParagraphs.SetAlignment(3); // 3 = wdAlignParagraphJustify oSelection.TypeText("Dear "); oMailMergeFields.Add(oSelection.GetRange(),"FirstName"); oSelection.TypeText(","); InsertLines(&oSelection,2); // Add the body of the message StrToAdd = "Thank you for your recent request for next " / "semester's class schedule for the Electrical " / "Engineering Department. Enclosed with this letter " / "is a booklet containing all the classes offered " / "next semester at State University. Several new " / "classes will be offered in the Electrical " / "Engineering Department next semester. These " / "classes are listed below."; oSelection.TypeText(StrToAdd); InsertLines(&oSelection,2); // Add a new table with 9 rows and 4 columns oRange = oSelection.GetRange(); oTables = oDoc.GetTables(); oTable = oTables.Add(oRange,9,4); // Set the width of each column oColumns = oTable.GetColumns(); oColumn = oColumns.Item(1); oColumn.SetWidth(51.0,0); // 0 = wdAdjustNone oColumn = oColumns.Item(2); oColumn.SetWidth(198.0,0); // 0 = wdAdjustNone oColumn = oColumns.Item(3); oColumn.SetWidth(100.0,0); // 0 = wdAdjustNone oColumn = oColumns.Item(4); oColumn.SetWidth(111.0,0); // 0 = wdAdjustNone // Set the shading for row 1 to wdGray25 oRows = oTable.GetRows(); oRow = oRows.Item(1); oCells = oRow.GetCells(); oShading = oCells.GetShading(); oShading.SetBackgroundPatternColorIndex(16); // 16 = wdGray25 // Turn on BOLD for the first row oRange = oRow.GetRange(); oRange.SetBold(TRUE); // Set the alignment for cell (1,1) to center oCell = oTable.Cell(1,1); oRange = oCell.GetRange(); oParagraphs = oRange.GetParagraphs(); oParagraphs.SetAlignment(1); // 1 = wdAlignParagraphCenter // Fill in the class schedule data FillRow(&oTable,1,"Class Number","Class Name",/ "Class Time","Instructor"); FillRow(&oTable,2, "EE220", "Introduction to Electronics II", / "1:00-2:00 M,W,F", "Dr. Jensen"); FillRow(&oTable,3, "EE230", "Electromagnetic Field Theory I", / "10:00-11:30 T,T", "Dr. Crump"); FillRow(&oTable,4, "EE300", "Feedback Control Systems", / "9:00-10:00 M,W,F", "Dr. Murdy"); FillRow(&oTable,5, "EE325", "Advanced Digital Design", / "9:00-10:30 T,T", "Dr. Alley"); FillRow(&oTable,6, "EE350", "Advanced Communication Systems", / "9:00-10:30 T,T", "Dr. Taylor"); FillRow(&oTable,7, "EE400", "Advanced Microwave Theory", / "1:00-2:30 T,T", "Dr. Lee"); FillRow(&oTable,8, "EE450", "Plasma Theory", / "1:00-2:00 M,W,F", "Dr. Davis"); FillRow(&oTable,9, "EE500", "Principles of VLSI Design", / "3:00-4:00 M,W,F", "Dr. Ellison"); // Go to the end of the document oSelection.GoTo(COleVariant((short)3), // 3 = wdGoToLine COleVariant((short)-1),vtOptional,vtOptional); // -1 = wdGoToLast InsertLines(&oSelection,2); // Add closing text StrToAdd = "For additional information regarding the " / "Department of Electrical Engineering, " / "you can visit our website at "; oSelection.TypeText(StrToAdd); // Add a hyperlink to the homepage oHyperlinks = oSelection.GetHyperlinks(); oHyperlinks.Add(oSelection.GetRange(),/ COleVariant("http://www.ee.stateu.tld"),vtOptional); // Finish adding closing text StrToAdd = ". Thank you for your interest in the classes " / "offered in the Department of Electrical " / "Engineering. If you have any other questions, " / "please feel free to give us a call at (999) " / "555-1212./r/n/r/n" / "Sincerely,/r/n/r/n" / "Kathryn M. Hinsch/r/n" / "Department of Electrical Engineering/r/n"; oSelection.TypeText(StrToAdd); // Perform mail merge oMailMerge.SetDestination(0); // 0 = wdSendToNewDocument oMailMerge.Execute(vtFalse); // Close the original form document oDoc.SetSaved(TRUE); oDoc.Close(vtFalse,vtOptional,vtOptional); } }
- 将以下代码上方插入指定的代码中在第 3 步:
void InsertLines(Selection *pSelection, int NumLines) { int iCount; // Insert NumLines blank lines for (iCount = 1; iCount <= NumLines; iCount++) pSelection->TypeParagraph(); } void FillRow(Table *pTable,int Row, CString Text1, CString Text2, CString Text3, CString Text4) { Cell oCell; Range oRange; // Insert data into the specific cell oCell = pTable->Cell(Row,1); oRange = oCell.GetRange(); oRange.InsertAfter(Text1); oCell = pTable->Cell(Row,2); oRange = oCell.GetRange(); oRange.InsertAfter(Text2); oCell = pTable->Cell(Row,3); oRange = oCell.GetRange(); oRange.InsertAfter(Text3); oCell = pTable->Cell(Row,4); oRange = oCell.GetRange(); oRange.InsertAfter(Text4); } void CreateMailMergeDataFile(_Application *pApp,_Document *pDoc) { _Document oDataDoc; MailMerge oMailMerge; Documents oDocs; Tables oTables; Table oTable; Rows oRows; int iCount; COleVariant vtOptional((long)DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND,VT_ERROR), vtFalse((short)FALSE); // Create a data source at C:/DataDoc.doc containing the field data oMailMerge = pDoc->GetMailMerge(); oMailMerge.CreateDataSource(COleVariant("C://DataDoc.doc"), / vtOptional,vtOptional, / COleVariant("FirstName, LastName, Address,CityStateZip"),/ vtOptional, vtOptional,vtOptional,vtOptional,vtOptional); // Open the file to insert data oDocs = pApp->GetDocuments(); oDataDoc = oDocs.Open(COleVariant("C://DataDoc.doc"), / vtOptional,vtOptional,vtOptional,vtOptional,/ vtOptional,vtOptional,vtOptional,vtOptional,/ vtOptional); oTables = oDataDoc.GetTables(); oTable = oTables.Item(1); oRows = oTable.GetRows(); for (iCount=1; iCount<=2; iCount++) oRows.Add(vtOptional); // Fill in the data FillRow(&oTable, 2, "Steve", "DeBroux", / "4567 Main Street", "Buffalo, NY 98052"); FillRow(&oTable, 3, "Jan", "Miksovsky", / "1234 5th Street", "Charlotte, NC 98765"); FillRow(&oTable, 4, "Brian", "Valentine", / "12348 78th Street Apt. 214", "Lubbock, TX 25874"); // Save and close the file oDataDoc.Save(); oDataDoc.Close(vtFalse,vtOptional,vtOptional); }
- 编译并运行您的程序。单击 运行 按钮,Microsoft Word 应该开始和显示示例字母。请注意某些方法具有与 Word 2000 和 Word 2002 更改。有关这些更改的详细信息,请参阅"参考"部分。