

        环境配置,其中关键的一环是,控件路径的统一。但是有时每台机器,控件或开发库所在盘不同。这就需要系统变量来隔离绝对路径的变化。以下是老外对系统变量的详细说明,还不错: 原文链接:

Why this article?

Further Reading
For background material about environment variables, including a list of those created when Windows starts, see  Wilson Mar's Environment Variablesarticle.

Sometimes we need to access some system configuration information that is stored in environment variables – such as the search path. These are stored in environment variables.

On other occasions we might want to provide a spawned application with some global information using environment variables. This can be done in two main ways:

  1. By setting some new environment variables and then spawning the new process which reads the information. The new process gets a copy of the parent's environment by default.
  2. By creating an environment block programatically and passing that to the new process. The new process will get only the environment variables contained in the new environment block.

A little background information

Before we jump into writing some code to access and update environment variables, let us take a brief look at how Windows handles them.

When Windows starts a program it provides the program with a copy of its environment variables. The API functions that work with environment variables operate on this copy,not on the original environment variables. This means that any changes you make to environment variables only apply to the program's copy and do not update the underlying Window's environment variables – such changes are lost when your program terminates.

Any child processes started by your application gets, by default, a copy of your program'scurrent environment, not that of Windows. This means that any changes you make to the environment before starting the child process are reflected in the child's own environment block. This default behaviour can be overridden by defining a custom block of environment variables to be passed to the child process. We discuss how to do this below.

One final point to note is that the block of memory allocated for environment variables is a fixed size. This means that you can't keep adding new environment variables to the block without limit. At some point the attempt to add a variable, or to store more data in an existing one, will fail. The size of the block created for a process depends on the number of environment variables and the size of the data to be passed to it. Back in the days of Windows 98 the block size was small (about 16Kb) and was incremented in 4Kb chunks. On modern Windows systems this size is massively increased.

How it's done

Now we have an understanding of how Windows handles environment variables, let us move on to look at how we work with them. Windows provides four API functions for accessing and updating environment variables:

  1. GetEnvironmentVariable
    Returns the value of a given environment variable.
  2. SetEnvironmentVariable
    Sets an environment variable's value, creating a new variable if necessary. This routine can also be used to delete an environment variable.
  3. GetEnvironmentStrings
    Gets a list of all the environment variables available to a process.
  4. ExpandEnvironmentStrings
    Replaces environment variables delimited by "%" characters in a string with the variable's value.

We will develop six Delphi routines that wrap these API calls plus one that can be used to create a new environment block for passing to a child process. They are:

  1. GetEnvVarValue
    Returns the value of a given environment variable.
  2. SetEnvVarValue
    Sets the value of the given environment variable.
  3. DeleteEnvVar
    Deletes the given environment variable.
  4. GetAllEnvVars
    Fills a string list with the names and values of all the program's environment variables.
  5. ExpandEnvVars
    Replaces all "%" delimited environment variables in a string with their values.
  6. CreateEnvBlock
    Creates a new environment block suitable for passing to a child process.

And so to the code:


This routine returns the value of a given environment variable (or returns the empty string if there is no variable with that name). Here's the definition:

function GetEnvVarValue(const VarName: string): string;
  BufSize: Integer;  // buffer size required for value
  // Get required buffer size (inc. terminal #0)
  BufSize := GetEnvironmentVariable(
    PChar(VarName), nil, 0);
  if BufSize > 0 then
    // Read env var value into result string
    SetLength(Result, BufSize - 1);
      PChar(Result), BufSize);
    // No such environment variable
    Result := '';

You'll notice that GetEnvironmentVariable is called twice: once to get the size of the required buffer and the second time to actually read the variable. This is a common Windows idiom.

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This routine sets the value of an environment variable. If the variable doesn't already exist it is created. Zero is returned if all goes well, otherwise a Windows error code is returned. An error may occur if there is no room in the environment block for the new value. The implementation is very simple:

function SetEnvVarValue(const VarName,
  VarValue: string): Integer;
  // Simply call API function
  if SetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(VarName),
    PChar(VarValue)) then
    Result := 0
    Result := GetLastError;
Remember, setting an environment variable only operates on the program's copy of the variable – it  does not update the value of Window's copy of the variable. Changes are lost when the program terminates.

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This routine deletes the given environment variable. Note that SetEnvVarValue('') has the same effect. Again, zero is returned on success and a Windows error code on error. The implementation is again simple:

function DeleteEnvVar(const VarName: string): Integer;
  if SetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(VarName), nil) then
    Result := 0
    Result := GetLastError;
Once again, this function has  no effect on Window's own copy of the environment variable.

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This routine returns all of a program's environment variables in a string list. Each entry in the list is of the form Name=Value. You can use the TStrings Names[] and Values[]properties to extract the variable names and value from the string. The function returns the amount of space taken by the strings in the environment block. If you just want to know the size of the environment variables, pass a nil parameter. Here's the definition:

function GetAllEnvVars(const Vars: TStrings): Integer;
  PEnvVars: PChar;    // pointer to start of environment block
  PEnvEntry: PChar;   // pointer to an env string in block
  // Clear the list
  if Assigned(Vars) then
  // Get reference to environment block for this process
  PEnvVars := GetEnvironmentStrings;
  if PEnvVars <> nil then
    // We have a block: extract strings from it
    // Env strings are #0 separated and list ends with #0#0
    PEnvEntry := PEnvVars;
      while PEnvEntry^ <> #0 do
        if Assigned(Vars) then
        Inc(PEnvEntry, StrLen(PEnvEntry) + 1);
      // Calculate length of block
      Result := (PEnvEntry - PEnvVars) + 1;
      // Dispose of the memory block
    // No block => zero length
    Result := 0;
Often there will be an entry in the environment block not in the form  Name=Value (it may have format  =Value). The data can be read from the string list via its  Items[] property, but not from the  Names[] property.

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This function takes as a parameter a string of text containing one or more environment variables, delimited by "%" characters, and returns the string with each environment variable replaced by its value. E.g. if the PROMPT environment variable has value '$p$g' then

ExpandEnvVars('The prompt is %PROMPT%')

returns 'The prompt is $p$g'.

function ExpandEnvVars(const Str: string): string;
  BufSize: Integer; // size of expanded string
  // Get required buffer size 
  BufSize := ExpandEnvironmentStrings(
    PChar(Str), nil, 0);
  if BufSize > 0 then
    // Read expanded string into result string
    SetLength(Result, BufSize - 1);
      PChar(Result), BufSize);
    // Trying to expand empty string
    Result := '';
This function can be useful when reading strings of type  REG_EXPAND_SZ from the registry since these strings contain un-expanded environment variables. Passing such a string to this function will expand all the variables.

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This final function creates an environment block that can be passed to a child process.

Be careful
Buffer sizes here are in characters, not bytes. On Unicode Delphis this is not the same thing.
Either allocate memory using  StrAlloc, which allows for character size, or use  GetMem and mulitply buffer size by  SizeOf(Char).

It creates a new environment block containing the strings from the NewEnv string list. IfIncludeCurrent is true then the variables defined in the current process' environment block are included. The new block is stored in the memory pointed to by Buffer, which must be at least BufSize characters. The size of the block is returned. If the provided buffer is nil or is too small then no block is created. The return value gives the required buffer size in characters.

function CreateEnvBlock(const NewEnv: TStrings;
  const IncludeCurrent: Boolean;
  const Buffer: Pointer;
  const BufSize: Integer): Integer;
  EnvVars: TStringList; // env vars in new block
  Idx: Integer;         // loops thru env vars
  PBuf: PChar;          // start env var entry in block
  // String list for new environment vars
  EnvVars := TStringList.Create;
    // include current block if required
    if IncludeCurrent then
    // store given environment vars in list
    if Assigned(NewEnv) then
    // Calculate size of new environment block
    Result := 0;
    for Idx := 0 to Pred(EnvVars.Count) do
      Inc(Result, Length(EnvVars[Idx]) + 1);
    // Create block if buffer large enough
    if (Buffer <> nil) and (BufSize >= Result) then
      // new environment blocks are always sorted
      EnvVars.Sorted := True;
      // do the copying
      PBuf := Buffer;
      for Idx := 0 to Pred(EnvVars.Count) do
        StrPCopy(PBuf, EnvVars[Idx]);
        Inc(PBuf, Length(EnvVars[Idx]) + 1);
      // terminate block with additional #0
      PBuf^ := #0;

The way we use this function is similar to the idiom used by many Windows API functions (such as GetEnvironmentVariable). We first call the function with a nil buffer to find the required buffer size, then call it again with a buffer of correct size to receive the data.

This routine can be used along with the Windows CreateProcess API function to spawn a new process with only one environment variable (FOO=Bar) as follows:

function ExecProg(const ProgName: string; EnvBlock: Pointer): Boolean;
  {Creates new process for given program passing any given environment block}
  SI: TStartupInfo;         // start up info
  PI: TProcessInformation;  // process info
  CreateFlags: DWORD;       // process creation flags
  SafeProgName: string;     // program name: safe for CreateProcessW
  // Make ProgName parameter safe for passing to CreateProcessW
  SafeProgName := ProgName;
  // Set up startup info record: all default values
  FillChar(SI, SizeOf(SI), 0);
  SI.cb := SizeOf(SI);
  // Set up creation flags: special flag required for unicode
  // environments, which is want when unicode support is enabled.
  // NOTE: we are assuming that the environment block is in Unicode
  // on Delphi 2009 or later. CreateProcessW does permits it to be
  // ANSI, but we don't support that
  CreateFlags := CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT;  // passing a unicode env
  CreateFlags := 0;
  // Execute the program
  Result := CreateProcess(
    nil, PChar(SafeProgName), nil, nil, True,
	CreateFlags, EnvBlock, nil, SI, PI
Problems with  CreateProcess Unicode API.
When using the Unicode API,  CreateProcess maps to  CreateProcessW which exhibits some strange behaviour. See  MSDN for an explanation of the problem: look under the lpCommandLine parameter section.
We must make the  ProgName parameter safe for passing to  CreateProcess on Delphi 2009 and later by making sure the memory space occupied by  ProgName is writeable. If  ExecProg is called with a  ProgName parameter with a reference count of -1 the memory is not writeable and  CreateProcess will fail.
In a  post to the CodeGear forums, Remy Lebeau suggested the  UniqueString work-around that we have used. This ensures that  ProgName has a reference count of 1.

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Demo Code

A demo program to accompany this article is available for download. This program demonstrates the use of the six routines. Unzip the demo application and load it into Delphi to compile. A Readme file that explains how to use the demo program is included.

This source code is merely a proof of concept and is intended only to illustrate this article. It is not designed for use in its current form in finished applications. The code is provided on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. The code is open source – see the source files for any licensing terms. If you agree to all this then please download the code using the following link.

Going Further

My Environment Variables Unit provides a set of routines and a component that use the methods discussed here to access environment variables.

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