ADS-B Standards

While the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) sets global standards and recommendations for aviation, including ADS-B, the practical implementation and compliance with ADS-B standards often rely on industry-specific organizations such as the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) in the United States, EUROCAE (The European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment) and EUROCONTROL in Europe.
There are three standards related to ADS-B:
The DO-242 series is Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards for Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B). These standards include overviews of ADS-B system-level applications typically focus on providing a broad understanding of the functionalities, benefits, and operational aspects of the ADS-B system, without specific technical implementations.    
The DO-260 series is Minimum Operational Performance Standards for 1090 MHz Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). These standards contain the minimum operational performance requirements for ADS-B airborne 1090MHz transmitters, covering aspects such as data format descriptions for DF17 and DF18 ADS-B messages. The DO-260 series serves as a valuable reference for 1090MHz ADS-B equipment design, research, and development, guiding the implementation of 1090ES ADS-B technology in both airborne and ground-based applications.
The DO-282 series is Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B). These standards contain the minimum operational performance requirements for implementing ADS-B using UAT transceivers, covering aspects such as data format descriptions for UAT ADS-B messages. The DO-282 series serves as a valuable reference for UAT 978MHz ADS-B equipment design, research, and development, guiding the implementation of UAT ADS-B technology in both airborne and ground-based applications.    


The ED-102 series is Minimum Operational Performance Specification for 1090 MHz Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B). ED-102 series standards are the European counterparts to U.S. RTCA DO260 series. These standards contain the minimum operational performance requirements for ADS-B airborne 1090MHz transmitters, covering aspects such as data format descriptions for DF17 and DF18 ADS-B messages. The DO-260 series serves as a valuable reference for 1090MHz ADS-B equipment design, research, and development, guiding the implementation of 1090ES ADS-B technology in both airborne and ground-based applications.
The ED-129 series is Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Ground System. It’s a standard that outline the specifications and requirements for ADS-B ground systems, including ADS-B ground stations. These standards provide comprehensive guidelines for the design, development, and deployment of ADS-B ground infrastructure, ensuring interoperability, reliability, and performance.

Please note when referring to standards, I always use the term "series" to encompass the ongoing development and evolution of individual standards over time. Standards such as DO-260 series represent a series of documents that may undergo revisions, updates, or new iterations as technology advances, regulatory requirements evolve, and industry needs change. For example, a standard like DO-260 may be initially released in a certain version (e.g., DO-260), and subsequent revisions or updates may lead to new versions (e.g., DO-260A, DO-260B, etc.). Each new version typically incorporates improvements, clarifications, or enhancements based on feedback from stakeholders, advancements in technology, or changes in regulatory frameworks.

EUROCONTROL defines a document describes the structure for the transmission of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) messages. This is known as Asterix Cat021. Asterix Cat021 specifically defines the data format output from an ADS-B ground station intended for Air Traffic Control (ATC) purposes. This standard ensures that ADS-B ground stations transmit surveillance data in a consistent and standardized format that is compatible with ATC systems and procedures. Asterix Cat021 standard may undergo revisions and updates over time, resulting in the existence of multiple versions. The introduction of new versions of Asterix Cat021 documents may result in changes to data formats, message structures, or other aspects of the standard. As a result, compatibility between different versions of Asterix Cat021 documents may vary, and users must carefully consider the implications of transitioning between versions. It's important to note that while Asterix Cat021 is tailored for ATC applications, an ADS-B ground receiver used for other purposes, such as data analysis, research, or non-ATC-related operations, may utilize different data formats. 

Above are the fundamental standards, numerous other standards, specifications, regulations, and guidance documents play crucial roles in the implementation, certification, and operation of ADS-B technology, such as TSO-C166, AMC20-24.

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