Format NVM


1.1 metadata

Metadata is contextual information about a particular LBA of data. (Metadata 是数据的一个特定LBA的上下文信息)The host may include metadata to be stored by the NVM subsystem if storage space is provided by the controller. Metadata may include Protection Information (refer to section 8.3).

1.2 NVM

NVM is an acronym(缩写) for non-volatile memory.

1.3 NVM Set

A portion of NVM from an Endurance Group. Refer to section 4.9.

1.4 NVM subsystem

An NVM subsystem includes one or more controllers, zero or more namespaces, and one or more ports. An NVM subsystem may include a non-volatile memory storage medium and an interface between the controller(s) in the NVM subsystem and non-volatile memory storage medium.

二、Format NVM command

this NSID specifies formatting of all namespaces attached to the controller executing the Format NVM command. Namespaces not attached to that controller are not formatted.

The Format NVM command is used to low level format the NVM media. This command is used by the host to change the LBA data size and/or metadata size. A low level format may destroy all data and metadata associated with all namespaces or only the specific namespace associated with the command (refer to the Format NVM Attributes field in the Identify Controller data structure). After the Format NVM command successfully completes, the controller shall not return any user data that was previously contained in an affected namespace.

As part of the Format NVM command, the host requests a format operation and may request a secure erase of the contents of the NVM (refer to the SES field in Figure 328). There are two types of secure erase. The User Data Erase erases all user content present in the NVM subsystem. The Cryptographic Erase erases all user content present in the NVM subsystem by deleting the encryption key with which the user data was previously encrypted.

作为Format NVM命令的一部分,主机请求格式化操作,并且可以请求安全擦除NVM的内容(请参阅图328中的SES字段)。 安全擦除有两种类型。 User Data Erase将擦除NVM子系统中存在的所有用户内容。 Cryptographic Erase通过删除先前用来加密用户数据的加密密钥来擦除NVM子系统中存在的所有用户内容。

The scope of the format operation and the scope of the format with secure erase depend on the attributes that the controller supports for the Format NVM command and the Namespace Identifier specified in the command as described in Figure 327. The type of secure erase, if applicable, is based on the setting of the Secure Erase Settings field in Command Dword 10 as defined in Figure 328.

格式化操作的范围和带安全擦除的格式化的范围取决于控制器对Format NVM命令和命令中指定的Namespace Identifier所支持的属性,如图327中所述。安全擦除的类型(如果适用) 是基于Command Dword 10中的“Secure Erase Settings”字段的设置,如图328中所定义。

The Format NVM command shall fail if the controller is in an invalid security state (refer to the appropriate security specification, e.g., TCG Storage Interface Interactions specification). The Format NVM command may fail if there are outstanding I/O commands to the namespace specified to be formatted. I/O commands for a namespace that has a Format NVM command in progress may be aborted and if aborted, the controller should return a status code of Format in Progress.

在一个namespace中,如果有未完成的I/O操作,发Format NVM命令会失败。在一个正在做Format NVMnamespace中发I/O命令也会被中止掉,控制器返回状态码:Format in Progress

For a Format command with the NSID field set to FFFFFFFFh that specifies secure erase:

a) if bit 1 is set to ‘1’ in the FNA field (refer to Figure 247) and there are no namespaces in the NVM subsystem, then that Format command shall complete without error;

b) if bit 1 is cleared to ‘0’ in the FNA field and there are no attached namespaces, then that Format command shall complete without error.

For a Format command with an NSID field set to FFFFFFFFh that does not specify a secure erase:

a) if bit 0 is set to ‘1’ in the FNA field and there are no namespaces in the NVM subsystem, then that Format command shall complete without error; and

b) if bit 0 is cleared to ‘0’ in the FNA field and there are no attached namespaces, then that Format command shall complete without error.

After successful completion of a Format NVM command, the settings specified in the Format NVM command (e.g., PI, MSET, LBAF) are reported as part of the Identify Namespace data structure. If the Format NVM command results in a change of the logical block size for the namespace, then the resulting namespace size (i.e., NSZE) (refer to Figure 245) and the namespace capacity (i.e., NCAP) (refer to Figure 245) may differ from the values indicated prior to the processing of the Format NVM command. (处理Format NVM命令之前的值)

The Format NVM command uses the Command Dword 10 field. All other command specific fields are reserved.

Namespace identifier terminology is defined in the following table:

Valid NSID Type

The associated namespace


is attached to this controller


is not attached to this controller


exists in the NVM subsystem


does not exist in the NVM subsystem

Command Completion

A completion queue entry is posted to the Admin Completion Queue when the NVM media format is complete. Format NVM command specific status values are defined in Figure 329.

Figure 329:Format NVM – Command Specific Status Values




Invalid Format:该Format无效,可能由多种情况引起:

  1. 指定了一个无效的LBA Format号
  2. 每个LBA没有足够的metadata时启用PI
  3. 指定的Format在当前配置中不可用
  4. 无效的安全状态(参考TCG Storage Interface Interactions)





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