


  • 该函数用于初始化一个音视频编解码器的AVCodecContext
  • avcodec_open2()的声明位于libavcodec\avcodec.h,如下所示。
 * Initialize the AVCodecContext to use the given AVCodec. Prior to using this
 * function the context has to be allocated with avcodec_alloc_context3().
 * 初始化 AVCodecContext 以使用给定的 AVCodec
 * 在使用此函数之前,必须使用 avcodec_alloc_context3() 分配上下文
 * The functions avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(), avcodec_find_encoder_by_name(),
 * avcodec_find_decoder() and avcodec_find_encoder() provide an easy way for
 * retrieving a codec.
 * 函数 avcodec_find_decoder_by_name()、avcodec_find_encoder_by_name()、avcodec_find_decoder() 
 * avcodec_find_encoder() 为检索编解码器提供了一种简单的方法
 * @note Always call this function before using decoding routines (such as
 * @ref avcodec_receive_frame()).
 * @code
 * av_dict_set(&opts, "b", "2.5M", 0);
 * codec = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
 * if (!codec)
 *     exit(1);
 * context = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec);
 * if (avcodec_open2(context, codec, opts) < 0)
 *     exit(1);
 * @endcode
 * @param avctx The context to initialize.
 * @param codec The codec to open this context for. If a non-NULL codec has been
 *              previously passed to avcodec_alloc_context3() or
 *              for this context, then this parameter MUST be either NULL or
 *              equal to the previously passed codec.
 * @param options A dictionary filled with AVCodecContext and codec-private options.
 *                On return this object will be filled with options that were not found.
 * @return zero on success, a negative value on error
 * @see avcodec_alloc_context3(), avcodec_find_decoder(), avcodec_find_encoder(),
 *      av_dict_set(), av_opt_find().
int avcodec_open2(AVCodecContext *avctx, const AVCodec *codec, AVDictionary **options);
  • 用中文简单转述一下avcodec_open2()各个参数的含义:
  • avctx:需要初始化的AVCodecContext。
  • codec:输入的AVCodec
  • options:一些选项。例如使用libx264编码的时候,“preset”,“tune”等都可以通过该参数设置。


int attribute_align_arg avcodec_open2(AVCodecContext *avctx, const AVCodec *codec, AVDictionary **options)
    int ret = 0;
    AVCodecInternal *avci;
    const FFCodec *codec2;
    if (avcodec_is_open(avctx))
        return 0;

    if (!codec && !avctx->codec) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No codec provided to avcodec_open2()\n");
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    if (codec && avctx->codec && codec != avctx->codec) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "This AVCodecContext was allocated for %s, "
                                    "but %s passed to avcodec_open2()\n", avctx->codec->name, codec->name);
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    if (!codec)
        codec = avctx->codec;
    codec2 = ffcodec(codec);

    if ((avctx->codec_type != AVMEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN && avctx->codec_type != codec->type) ||
        (avctx->codec_id   != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE     && avctx->codec_id   != codec->id)) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Codec type or id mismatches\n");
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    avctx->codec_type = codec->type;
    avctx->codec_id   = codec->id;
    avctx->codec      = codec;

    if (avctx->extradata_size < 0 || avctx->extradata_size >= FF_MAX_EXTRADATA_SIZE)
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    avci = av_mallocz(sizeof(*avci));
    if (!avci) {
        ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        goto end;
    avctx->internal = avci;

    avci->buffer_frame = av_frame_alloc();
    avci->buffer_pkt = av_packet_alloc();
    if (!avci->buffer_frame || !avci->buffer_pkt) {
        ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        goto free_and_end;

    avci->skip_samples_multiplier = 1;

    if (codec2->priv_data_size > 0) {
        if (!avctx->priv_data) {
            avctx->priv_data = av_mallocz(codec2->priv_data_size);
            if (!avctx->priv_data) {
                ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
                goto free_and_end;
            if (codec->priv_class) {
                *(const AVClass **)avctx->priv_data = codec->priv_class;
        if (codec->priv_class && (ret = av_opt_set_dict(avctx->priv_data, options)) < 0)
            goto free_and_end;
    } else {
        avctx->priv_data = NULL;
    if ((ret = av_opt_set_dict(avctx, options)) < 0)
        goto free_and_end;

    if (avctx->codec_whitelist && av_match_list(codec->name, avctx->codec_whitelist, ',') <= 0) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Codec (%s) not on whitelist \'%s\'\n", codec->name, avctx->codec_whitelist);
        ret = AVERROR(EINVAL);
        goto free_and_end;

    // only call ff_set_dimensions() for non H.264/VP6F/DXV codecs so as not to overwrite previously setup dimensions
    if (!(avctx->coded_width && avctx->coded_height && avctx->width && avctx->height &&
          (avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264 || avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_VP6F || avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_DXV))) {
        if (avctx->coded_width && avctx->coded_height)
            ret = ff_set_dimensions(avctx, avctx->coded_width, avctx->coded_height);
        else if (avctx->width && avctx->height)
            ret = ff_set_dimensions(avctx, avctx->width, avctx->height);
        if (ret < 0)
            goto free_and_end;
    if ((avctx->coded_width || avctx->coded_height || avctx->width || avctx->height)
        && (  av_image_check_size2(avctx->coded_width, avctx->coded_height, avctx->max_pixels, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE, 0, avctx) < 0
           || av_image_check_size2(avctx->width,       avctx->height,       avctx->max_pixels, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE, 0, avctx) < 0)) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring invalid width/height values\n");
        ff_set_dimensions(avctx, 0, 0);
    if (avctx->width > 0 && avctx->height > 0) {
        if (av_image_check_sar(avctx->width, avctx->height,
                               avctx->sample_aspect_ratio) < 0) {
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "ignoring invalid SAR: %u/%u\n",
            avctx->sample_aspect_ratio = (AVRational){ 0, 1 };

    if (avctx->sample_rate < 0) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid sample rate: %d\n", avctx->sample_rate);
        ret = AVERROR(EINVAL);
        goto free_and_end;
    if (avctx->block_align < 0) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid block align: %d\n", avctx->block_align);
        ret = AVERROR(EINVAL);
        goto free_and_end;

    /* compat wrapper for old-style callers */
    if (avctx->channel_layout && !avctx->channels)
        avctx->channels = av_popcount64(avctx->channel_layout);

    if ((avctx->channels > 0 && avctx->ch_layout.nb_channels != avctx->channels) ||
        (avctx->channel_layout && (avctx->ch_layout.order != AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_NATIVE ||
                                   avctx->ch_layout.u.mask != avctx->channel_layout))) {
        if (avctx->channel_layout) {
            av_channel_layout_from_mask(&avctx->ch_layout, avctx->channel_layout);
        } else {
            avctx->ch_layout.order       = AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_UNSPEC;
            avctx->ch_layout.nb_channels = avctx->channels;

    if (avctx->ch_layout.nb_channels > FF_SANE_NB_CHANNELS) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Too many channels: %d\n", avctx->ch_layout.nb_channels);
        ret = AVERROR(EINVAL);
        goto free_and_end;

    avctx->frame_number = 0;
    avctx->codec_descriptor = avcodec_descriptor_get(avctx->codec_id);
    if ((avctx->codec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_EXPERIMENTAL) &&
        avctx->strict_std_compliance > FF_COMPLIANCE_EXPERIMENTAL) {
        const char *codec_string = av_codec_is_encoder(codec) ? "encoder" : "decoder";
        const AVCodec *codec2;
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
               "The %s '%s' is experimental but experimental codecs are not enabled, "
               "add '-strict %d' if you want to use it.\n",
               codec_string, codec->name, FF_COMPLIANCE_EXPERIMENTAL);
        codec2 = av_codec_is_encoder(codec) ? avcodec_find_encoder(codec->id) : avcodec_find_decoder(codec->id);
        if (!(codec2->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_EXPERIMENTAL))
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Alternatively use the non experimental %s '%s'.\n",
                codec_string, codec2->name);
        goto free_and_end;

    if (avctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO &&
        (!avctx->time_base.num || !avctx->time_base.den)) {
        avctx->time_base.num = 1;
        avctx->time_base.den = avctx->sample_rate;
    if (av_codec_is_encoder(avctx->codec))
        ret = ff_encode_preinit(avctx);
        ret = ff_decode_preinit(avctx);
    if (ret < 0)
        goto free_and_end;

    if (CONFIG_FRAME_THREAD_ENCODER && av_codec_is_encoder(avctx->codec)) {
        ret = ff_frame_thread_encoder_init(avctx);
        if (ret < 0)
            goto free_and_end;

        && !(avci->frame_thread_encoder && (avctx->active_thread_type&FF_THREAD_FRAME))) {
        /* Frame-threaded decoders call FFCodec.init for their child contexts. */
        ret = ff_thread_init(avctx);
        if (ret < 0) {
            goto free_and_end;
    if (!HAVE_THREADS && !(codec2->caps_internal & FF_CODEC_CAP_AUTO_THREADS))
        avctx->thread_count = 1;

    if (!(avctx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME) ||
        avci->frame_thread_encoder) {
        if (codec2->init) {
            ret = codec2->init(avctx);
            if (ret < 0) {
                avci->needs_close = codec2->caps_internal & FF_CODEC_CAP_INIT_CLEANUP;
                goto free_and_end;
        avci->needs_close = 1;


    if (av_codec_is_decoder(avctx->codec)) {
        if (!avctx->bit_rate)
            avctx->bit_rate = get_bit_rate(avctx);

        /* update the deprecated fields for old-style callers */
        avctx->channels = avctx->ch_layout.nb_channels;
        avctx->channel_layout = avctx->ch_layout.order == AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_NATIVE ?
                                avctx->ch_layout.u.mask : 0;

        /* validate channel layout from the decoder */
        if (avctx->channel_layout) {
            int channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(avctx->channel_layout);
            if (!avctx->channels)
                avctx->channels = channels;
            else if (channels != avctx->channels) {
                char buf[512];
                av_get_channel_layout_string(buf, sizeof(buf), -1, avctx->channel_layout);
                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,
                       "Channel layout '%s' with %d channels does not match specified number of channels %d: "
                       "ignoring specified channel layout\n",
                       buf, channels, avctx->channels);
                avctx->channel_layout = 0;
        if (avctx->channels && avctx->channels < 0 ||
            avctx->channels > FF_SANE_NB_CHANNELS) {
            ret = AVERROR(EINVAL);
            goto free_and_end;
        if (avctx->bits_per_coded_sample < 0) {
            ret = AVERROR(EINVAL);
            goto free_and_end;

        if (avctx->framerate.num > 0 && avctx->framerate.den > 0)
            avctx->time_base = av_inv_q(av_mul_q(avctx->framerate, (AVRational){avctx->ticks_per_frame, 1}));
    if (codec->priv_class)
        av_assert0(*(const AVClass **)avctx->priv_data == codec->priv_class);


    return ret;
    goto end;
  • avcodec_open2()的源代码量是非常长的,但是它的调用关系非常简单——它只调用了一个关键的函数,即AVCodec的init(),后文将会对这个函数进行分析。
  • 我们可以简单梳理一下avcodec_open2()所做的工作,如下所列:
    • (1)为各种结构体分配内存(通过各种av_malloc()实现)。
    • (2)将输入的AVDictionary形式的选项设置到AVCodecContext。
    • (3)其他一些零零碎碎的检查,比如说检查编解码器是否处于“实验”阶段。
    • (4)如果是编码器,检查输入参数是否符合编码器的要求
    • (5)调用AVCodec的init()初始化具体的解码器。


  • avcodec_open2()中最关键的一步就是调用AVCodec的init()方法初始化具体的编码器。
  • AVCodec的init()是一个函数指针,指向具体编解码器中的初始化函数。
  • 这里我们以libx264为例,看一下它对应的AVCodec的定义。
  • libx264对应的AVCodec的定义位于libavcodec\libx264.c,如下所示。
#if X264_BUILD >= 153
FFCodec ff_libx264_encoder = {
    .p.name           = "libx264",
    .p.long_name      = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("libx264 H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10"),
    .p.type           = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
    .p.id             = AV_CODEC_ID_H264,
    .p.capabilities   = AV_CODEC_CAP_DR1 | AV_CODEC_CAP_DELAY |
                        AV_CODEC_CAP_OTHER_THREADS |
    .p.priv_class     = &x264_class,
    .p.wrapper_name   = "libx264",
    .priv_data_size   = sizeof(X264Context),
    .init             = X264_init,
    .close            = X264_close,
    .defaults         = x264_defaults,
#if X264_BUILD < 153
    .init_static_data = X264_init_static,
    .p.pix_fmts       = pix_fmts_all,
#if X264_BUILD >= 158
                      | FF_CODEC_CAP_INIT_THREADSAFE
  • 可以看出在ff_libx264_encoder中init()指向X264_init()。X264_init()的定义同样位于libavcodec\libx264.c,如下所示。
static av_cold int X264_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
    X264Context *x4 = avctx->priv_data;
    AVCPBProperties *cpb_props;
    int sw,sh;
    int ret;

    if (avctx->global_quality > 0)
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "-qscale is ignored, -crf is recommended.\n");

    if (avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) {
        x4->params.b_mpeg2 = 1;
    } else

    x4->params.b_deblocking_filter         = avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_LOOP_FILTER;

    if (x4->preset || x4->tune)
        if (x264_param_default_preset(&x4->params, x4->preset, x4->tune) < 0) {
            int i;
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error setting preset/tune %s/%s.\n", x4->preset, x4->tune);
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Possible presets:");
            for (i = 0; x264_preset_names[i]; i++)
                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, " %s", x264_preset_names[i]);
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "\n");
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Possible tunes:");
            for (i = 0; x264_tune_names[i]; i++)
                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, " %s", x264_tune_names[i]);
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "\n");
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    if (avctx->level > 0)
        x4->params.i_level_idc = avctx->level;

    x4->params.pf_log               = X264_log;
    x4->params.p_log_private        = avctx;
    x4->params.i_log_level          = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
    x4->params.i_csp                = convert_pix_fmt(avctx->pix_fmt);
#if X264_BUILD >= 153
    x4->params.i_bitdepth           = av_pix_fmt_desc_get(avctx->pix_fmt)->comp[0].depth;

    PARSE_X264_OPT("weightp", wpredp);

    if (avctx->bit_rate) {
        if (avctx->bit_rate / 1000 > INT_MAX || avctx->rc_max_rate / 1000 > INT_MAX) {
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "bit_rate and rc_max_rate > %d000 not supported by libx264\n", INT_MAX);
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);
        x4->params.rc.i_bitrate   = avctx->bit_rate / 1000;
        x4->params.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_ABR;
    x4->params.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size = avctx->rc_buffer_size / 1000;
    x4->params.rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate = avctx->rc_max_rate    / 1000;
    x4->params.rc.b_stat_write      = avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_PASS1;
    if (avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_PASS2) {
        x4->params.rc.b_stat_read = 1;
    } else {
        if (x4->crf >= 0) {
            x4->params.rc.i_rc_method   = X264_RC_CRF;
            x4->params.rc.f_rf_constant = x4->crf;
        } else if (x4->cqp >= 0) {
            x4->params.rc.i_rc_method   = X264_RC_CQP;
            x4->params.rc.i_qp_constant = x4->cqp;

        if (x4->crf_max >= 0)
            x4->params.rc.f_rf_constant_max = x4->crf_max;

    if (avctx->rc_buffer_size && avctx->rc_initial_buffer_occupancy > 0 &&
        (avctx->rc_initial_buffer_occupancy <= avctx->rc_buffer_size)) {
        x4->params.rc.f_vbv_buffer_init =
            (float)avctx->rc_initial_buffer_occupancy / avctx->rc_buffer_size;

    PARSE_X264_OPT("level", level);

    if (avctx->i_quant_factor > 0)
        x4->params.rc.f_ip_factor         = 1 / fabs(avctx->i_quant_factor);
    if (avctx->b_quant_factor > 0)
        x4->params.rc.f_pb_factor         = avctx->b_quant_factor;

    if (x4->chroma_offset)
        x4->params.analyse.i_chroma_qp_offset = x4->chroma_offset;

    if (avctx->gop_size >= 0)
        x4->params.i_keyint_max         = avctx->gop_size;
    if (avctx->max_b_frames >= 0)
        x4->params.i_bframe             = avctx->max_b_frames;

    if (x4->scenechange_threshold >= 0)
        x4->params.i_scenecut_threshold = x4->scenechange_threshold;

    if (avctx->qmin >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.i_qp_min          = avctx->qmin;
    if (avctx->qmax >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.i_qp_max          = avctx->qmax;
    if (avctx->max_qdiff >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.i_qp_step         = avctx->max_qdiff;
    if (avctx->qblur >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.f_qblur           = avctx->qblur;     /* temporally blur quants */
    if (avctx->qcompress >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.f_qcompress       = avctx->qcompress; /* 0.0 => cbr, 1.0 => constant qp */
    if (avctx->refs >= 0)
        x4->params.i_frame_reference    = avctx->refs;
    else if (x4->params.i_level_idc > 0) {
        int i;
        int mbn = AV_CEIL_RSHIFT(avctx->width, 4) * AV_CEIL_RSHIFT(avctx->height, 4);
        int scale = X264_BUILD < 129 ? 384 : 1;

        for (i = 0; i<x264_levels[i].level_idc; i++)
            if (x264_levels[i].level_idc == x4->params.i_level_idc)
                x4->params.i_frame_reference = av_clip(x264_levels[i].dpb / mbn / scale, 1, x4->params.i_frame_reference);

    if (avctx->trellis >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.i_trellis    = avctx->trellis;
    if (avctx->me_range >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.i_me_range   = avctx->me_range;
    if (x4->noise_reduction >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.i_noise_reduction = x4->noise_reduction;
    if (avctx->me_subpel_quality >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.i_subpel_refine   = avctx->me_subpel_quality;
    if (avctx->keyint_min >= 0)
        x4->params.i_keyint_min = avctx->keyint_min;
    if (avctx->me_cmp >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.b_chroma_me = avctx->me_cmp & FF_CMP_CHROMA;

    if (x4->aq_mode >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.i_aq_mode = x4->aq_mode;
    if (x4->aq_strength >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.f_aq_strength = x4->aq_strength;
    PARSE_X264_OPT("psy-rd", psy_rd);
    PARSE_X264_OPT("deblock", deblock);
    PARSE_X264_OPT("partitions", partitions);
    PARSE_X264_OPT("stats", stats);
    if (x4->psy >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.b_psy  = x4->psy;
    if (x4->rc_lookahead >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.i_lookahead = x4->rc_lookahead;
    if (x4->weightp >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.i_weighted_pred = x4->weightp;
    if (x4->weightb >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.b_weighted_bipred = x4->weightb;
    if (x4->cplxblur >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.f_complexity_blur = x4->cplxblur;

    if (x4->ssim >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.b_ssim = x4->ssim;
    if (x4->intra_refresh >= 0)
        x4->params.b_intra_refresh = x4->intra_refresh;
    if (x4->bluray_compat >= 0) {
        x4->params.b_bluray_compat = x4->bluray_compat;
        x4->params.b_vfr_input = 0;
    if (x4->avcintra_class >= 0)
#if X264_BUILD >= 142
        x4->params.i_avcintra_class = x4->avcintra_class;
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
               "x264 too old for AVC Intra, at least version 142 needed\n");

    if (x4->avcintra_class > 200) {
#if X264_BUILD < 164
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
                "x264 too old for AVC Intra 300/480, at least version 164 needed\n");
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
        /* AVC-Intra 300/480 only supported by Sony XAVC flavor */
        x4->params.i_avcintra_flavor = X264_AVCINTRA_FLAVOR_SONY;

    if (x4->b_bias != INT_MIN)
        x4->params.i_bframe_bias              = x4->b_bias;
    if (x4->b_pyramid >= 0)
        x4->params.i_bframe_pyramid = x4->b_pyramid;
    if (x4->mixed_refs >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.b_mixed_references = x4->mixed_refs;
    if (x4->dct8x8 >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.b_transform_8x8    = x4->dct8x8;
    if (x4->fast_pskip >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.b_fast_pskip       = x4->fast_pskip;
    if (x4->aud >= 0)
        x4->params.b_aud                      = x4->aud;
    if (x4->mbtree >= 0)
        x4->params.rc.b_mb_tree               = x4->mbtree;
    if (x4->direct_pred >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.i_direct_mv_pred   = x4->direct_pred;

    if (x4->slice_max_size >= 0)
        x4->params.i_slice_max_size =  x4->slice_max_size;

    if (x4->fastfirstpass)

    /* Allow specifying the x264 profile through AVCodecContext. */
    if (!x4->profile)
        switch (avctx->profile) {
        case FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE:
            x4->profile = av_strdup("baseline");
        case FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH:
            x4->profile = av_strdup("high");
        case FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_10:
            x4->profile = av_strdup("high10");
        case FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_422:
            x4->profile = av_strdup("high422");
        case FF_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444:
            x4->profile = av_strdup("high444");
        case FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN:
            x4->profile = av_strdup("main");

    if (x4->nal_hrd >= 0)
        x4->params.i_nal_hrd = x4->nal_hrd;

    if (x4->motion_est >= 0)
        x4->params.analyse.i_me_method = x4->motion_est;

    if (x4->coder >= 0)
        x4->params.b_cabac = x4->coder;

    if (x4->b_frame_strategy >= 0)
        x4->params.i_bframe_adaptive = x4->b_frame_strategy;

    if (x4->profile)
        if (x264_param_apply_profile(&x4->params, x4->profile) < 0) {
            int i;
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error setting profile %s.\n", x4->profile);
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "Possible profiles:");
            for (i = 0; x264_profile_names[i]; i++)
                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, " %s", x264_profile_names[i]);
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "\n");
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    x4->params.i_width          = avctx->width;
    x4->params.i_height         = avctx->height;
    av_reduce(&sw, &sh, avctx->sample_aspect_ratio.num, avctx->sample_aspect_ratio.den, 4096);
    x4->params.vui.i_sar_width  = sw;
    x4->params.vui.i_sar_height = sh;
    x4->params.i_timebase_den = avctx->time_base.den;
    x4->params.i_timebase_num = avctx->time_base.num;
    if (avctx->framerate.num > 0 && avctx->framerate.den > 0) {
        x4->params.i_fps_num = avctx->framerate.num;
        x4->params.i_fps_den = avctx->framerate.den;
    } else {
        x4->params.i_fps_num = avctx->time_base.den;
        x4->params.i_fps_den = avctx->time_base.num * avctx->ticks_per_frame;

    x4->params.analyse.b_psnr = avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_PSNR;

    x4->params.i_threads      = avctx->thread_count;
    if (avctx->thread_type)
        x4->params.b_sliced_threads = avctx->thread_type == FF_THREAD_SLICE;

    x4->params.b_interlaced   = avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_INTERLACED_DCT;

    x4->params.b_open_gop     = !(avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_CLOSED_GOP);

    x4->params.i_slice_count  = avctx->slices;

    if (avctx->color_range != AVCOL_RANGE_UNSPECIFIED)
        x4->params.vui.b_fullrange = avctx->color_range == AVCOL_RANGE_JPEG;
    else if (avctx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ420P ||
             avctx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ422P ||
             avctx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVJ444P)
        x4->params.vui.b_fullrange = 1;

    if (avctx->colorspace != AVCOL_SPC_UNSPECIFIED)
        x4->params.vui.i_colmatrix = avctx->colorspace;
    if (avctx->color_primaries != AVCOL_PRI_UNSPECIFIED)
        x4->params.vui.i_colorprim = avctx->color_primaries;
    if (avctx->color_trc != AVCOL_TRC_UNSPECIFIED)
        x4->params.vui.i_transfer  = avctx->color_trc;
    if (avctx->chroma_sample_location != AVCHROMA_LOC_UNSPECIFIED)
        x4->params.vui.i_chroma_loc = avctx->chroma_sample_location - 1;

    if (avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER)
        x4->params.b_repeat_headers = 0;

        const char *p= x4->x264opts;
            char param[4096]={0}, val[4096]={0};
            if(sscanf(p, "%4095[^:=]=%4095[^:]", param, val) == 1){
                ret = parse_opts(avctx, param, "1");
                if (ret < 0)
                    return ret;
            } else {
                ret = parse_opts(avctx, param, val);
                if (ret < 0)
                    return ret;
            p= strchr(p, ':');

#if X264_BUILD >= 142
    /* Separate headers not supported in AVC-Intra mode */
    if (x4->avcintra_class >= 0)
        x4->params.b_repeat_headers = 1;

        AVDictionaryEntry *en = NULL;
        while (en = av_dict_get(x4->x264_params, "", en, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX)) {
           if ((ret = x264_param_parse(&x4->params, en->key, en->value)) < 0) {
               av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING,
                      "Error parsing option '%s = %s'.\n",
                       en->key, en->value);
#if X264_BUILD >= 161
               if (ret == X264_PARAM_ALLOC_FAILED)
                   return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    // update AVCodecContext with x264 parameters
    avctx->has_b_frames = x4->params.i_bframe ?
        x4->params.i_bframe_pyramid ? 2 : 1 : 0;
    if (avctx->max_b_frames < 0)
        avctx->max_b_frames = 0;

    avctx->bit_rate = x4->params.rc.i_bitrate*1000LL;

    x4->enc = x264_encoder_open(&x4->params);
    if (!x4->enc)
        return AVERROR_EXTERNAL;

    if (avctx->flags & AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER) {
        x264_nal_t *nal;
        uint8_t *p;
        int nnal, s, i;

        s = x264_encoder_headers(x4->enc, &nal, &nnal);
        avctx->extradata = p = av_mallocz(s + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
        if (!p)
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

        for (i = 0; i < nnal; i++) {
            /* Don't put the SEI in extradata. */
            if (nal[i].i_type == NAL_SEI) {
                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "%s\n", nal[i].p_payload+25);
                x4->sei_size = nal[i].i_payload;
                x4->sei      = av_malloc(x4->sei_size);
                if (!x4->sei)
                    return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
                memcpy(x4->sei, nal[i].p_payload, nal[i].i_payload);
            memcpy(p, nal[i].p_payload, nal[i].i_payload);
            p += nal[i].i_payload;
        avctx->extradata_size = p - avctx->extradata;

    cpb_props = ff_add_cpb_side_data(avctx);
    if (!cpb_props)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    cpb_props->buffer_size = x4->params.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size * 1000;
    cpb_props->max_bitrate = x4->params.rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate * 1000LL;
    cpb_props->avg_bitrate = x4->params.rc.i_bitrate         * 1000LL;

    // Overestimate the reordered opaque buffer size, in case a runtime
    // reconfigure would increase the delay (which it shouldn't).
    x4->nb_reordered_opaque = x264_encoder_maximum_delayed_frames(x4->enc) + 17;
    x4->reordered_opaque    = av_malloc_array(x4->nb_reordered_opaque,
    if (!x4->reordered_opaque)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    return 0;
  • X264_init()的代码的两项工作:
  • (1)设置X264Context的参数。X264Context主要完成了libx264和FFmpeg对接的功能。可以看出代码主要在设置一个params结构体变量,该变量的类型即是x264中存储参数的结构体x264_param_t。
  • (2)调用libx264的API进行编码器的初始化工作。例如调用x264_param_default()设置默认参数,调用x264_param_apply_profile()设置profile,调用x264_encoder_open()打开编码器等等。
  • 最后附上X264Context的定义,位于libavcodec\libx264.c,如下所示。

typedef struct X264Context {
    AVClass        *class;
    x264_param_t    params;
    x264_t         *enc;
    x264_picture_t  pic;
    uint8_t        *sei;
    int             sei_size;
    char *preset;
    char *tune;
    char *profile;
    char *level;
    int fastfirstpass;
    char *wpredp;
    char *x264opts;
    float crf;
    float crf_max;
    int cqp;
    int aq_mode;
    float aq_strength;
    char *psy_rd;
    int psy;
    int rc_lookahead;
    int weightp;
    int weightb;
    int ssim;
    int intra_refresh;
    int bluray_compat;
    int b_bias;
    int b_pyramid;
    int mixed_refs;
    int dct8x8;
    int fast_pskip;
    int aud;
    int mbtree;
    char *deblock;
    float cplxblur;
    char *partitions;
    int direct_pred;
    int slice_max_size;
    char *stats;
    int nal_hrd;
    int avcintra_class;
    int motion_est;
    int forced_idr;
    int coder;
    int a53_cc;
    int b_frame_strategy;
    int chroma_offset;
    int scenechange_threshold;
    int noise_reduction;
    int udu_sei;

    AVDictionary *x264_params;

    int nb_reordered_opaque, next_reordered_opaque;
    X264Opaque *reordered_opaque;

     * If the encoder does not support ROI then warn the first time we
     * encounter a frame with ROI side data.
    int roi_warned;
} X264Context;

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