
      1.引导让步状语从句(通常可以用though替换),使用下面句型:1)"形容词/副词十as+主语十谓语:Young as I am,I know some of the family secrets.尽管我还很小,但我了解一些家庭秘密。Much as like her,I will not marry her.虽然我很喜欢她,但我并不想与她结婚。Some members of the staff couldn't handle the case,hard as they tried.一些职员不管怎么想办法也解决不了这个问题。2)"原形动词十as十主语十may/might/will/would":Try as he would,he could not lift the rock.不管他用多大劲也举不起那块石头。There was not a soul to be found in the house,search as they would.不管他们怎么寻找,房子里也找不到一个人。 
  2.作关系代词,使用下面句型:1)"such…as"(as在此接近于who/that/which):Such women as Tom knew thought he was charming.汤姆认识的那些妇女都认为他长得很迷人。I never heard such stories as he tells.我从未听说过他讲的那些故事。He never hesitates to make such criticisms as are considered helpful to others.只要对别人有帮助,他从不犹豫提出这类批评。It wasn't such a good dinner she had promised us. a.that b.which d.what(答案c.CET-4'90/1.译文:它并不是像她承诺我们的那样一顿美餐。)2)用在"the same…as"句型中:He doesn't believe the same things as you do.他不相信你相信的那些东西。(注:as的这一用法在OALD词典中被当作连词,但在张道真教授编的《现代英语用法词典》(重排本)P70中被当作关系代词,似乎后者更合理、更好理解些。)
  3.用在"as+be动词十表语"从句中,表不"正如":He is absent,as is often the case.他正如通常那样又缺席了。Freddie,as might be expected,was attending the conference.正如可能预料的那样,弗雷迪当时正在出席会议。As was expected,he performed the task with success.正如预料的那样,他成功地完成了任务。 ______ is known to the world,Mark Twain is a great American writer. a.That b.Which c.As d.It(答案 c.CET-4'93/6.译文:正如世人所知,马克?吐温是一位伟大的美国作家。 _____ is generally accepted,economical growth is determined by the smooth development of production.a.What b.That c.It d.As(答案d.考研'95.译文:正如所公认的那样,经济增长是由生产的平 稳发展所决定的。)(注:as在这一句型中是连词还是关系代词也存在着争议,它在结构上更接近关系代词,但as与that/which不同,that/which引导的关系从句只能放在先行词后面,而as引导的从句不但可以放在主句的后面,还可以放在主句的前面。)
  4.as用于省略句,为避免重复,as代替表语或宾语部分:David is tall,as are my brothers.像我的几个弟兄们一样,戴维也是个高个儿。(as are my brothers用的是倒装语序,正常语序应是 as my brothers are。)The Second World War,as did the earlier one of 1914,prompted public concern about a physical and Intellectual well-being of the country's human resources.第二次世界大战,正如早些时候1914年的那次一样,立即引起了公众对这个国家人力资源的身心健康的关注。
  5.as用于省略句,引起分词短语作状语:As expected,the afforestation movement rapidly spread.正如预料的那样,植树造林运动迅速扩展开来。It usually happens as described above.它的发生通常如上面所描写的那样。He had failed to visit her as promised.他没有像他允诺的那样去看望她。His first novel"Night" was an account of the Nazi crimes ____ through the eyes of a teenaged seen b.which saw c.but was seen d.and were seen(答案a.选自六级样题.译文:他的第一部小说《夜》通过一个十几岁的男孩的眼睛描述了纳粹的罪行。)
  6.用于as much…as;not so much… as"或"not so/as十形容词十as"句式中:He said the situation there was not so bad as had been painted.他说,那里的局势并不像所描绘的那样糟。The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach the art of learning.学校教育的伟大作用与其说是教给你东西,还不如说是教给你如何学习的技能。He is not so much a writer as a reporter.与其说他是位作家,还不如说他是个记者。They were expected to be models of virtue,honoured as much for their character as for their learning.人们期望他们成为美德的典范,不但因为他们的学识,而且因为他们的品德而受到敬重。
  7.用于 as if/as though引导的省略句中:He paused as if expecting Lenny to speak.(as if后面跟现在分词)他停了一下,好象是在等待拉尼讲话一样。The boy turned, as if awakened from some dream。(后面跟过去分词)那男孩翻了翻身,好像从梦中醒来一样。He opened his mouth as if to speak something.(后面跟不定式)他张张口,好像要说些什么。He glanced as if in search of something.(后面跟介词短语)他瞟了一眼,好像在寻找什么东西一样。
  8.用在"just as…,so…"结构中:Just as the soil is a part of the earth,__ the atmosphere. it is b.the same is is d.and so is(答案 c.考研'95.译文:正如土壤是地球的一部分一样,大气层也是地球的一部分。)(so is the atmosphere是倒装句。在"just as…,so…"句式中,so引导的主句常用倒装语序,尤其在主语特别长时更是如此,so代替被省略了的表语部分。)Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, ______ the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his c.thus答案 a.CET.6'93/6.译文:正如建筑工人砌砖郁闲熟的技艺一样,有经验的作家在用词做文章上也有高超的技艺。) 
  before一特别要注意before在下面几个例句中的用法,在这些例句中,before相当于and then,汉语常译为"然后;才":I must finish my work before go home.我必须先把工作做完再回家。He had to be called two or three times before he would come to his dinner.往往要叫他两三遍,他才肯过来吃饭。The farmer decided to drive the cows away before they made more damage to the crops.那个农夫决定把那些牛赶走,以免对庄稼造成更大的损害。It was several years before we met again.又过了好几年我们才又见了面。A man escaped from the prison last night.It was a long time the guards discovered what had happened. a.before b.until c.since d.when(答案 a.CET.4'93/6.译文:昨晚一个犯人从监狱逃跑了,过了好久警卫才发现发生了什么事。)Scientists say it may be five or ten years _____ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. A. since b. before c. after d. when (答案 b.CET.4'95/6.译文:科学家们说,可能还需要 5到 10年才能将这种药在病人身上作实验。(注:before的这一用法经常考试)
  busy -busy作表语时仅面可跟如下结构:busy with/at/over/-ing"忙于……":Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy for her examination. prepare be prepared c.preparing d.being prepared(答案 c.CET-4'93/6. 译文:琼昨天晚上没有时间去听音乐会,因为她在忙于准备考试。)We were busy (get)things ready for the trial production when he phoned us.(考研'80.答案:将get变为getting.译文:我们正为试生产而忙着做准备时,他打来了电话.)
but for
  but for ----用于虚拟语气中,表示"若非",相当于if not,后面跟名词;还可用 but that引导一个从句,陈述具体事实:_____ bed its destination on time. a.In case of b.In spite of c.Because of d.But for(答案 d.CET-6'90/1.译文:若不是由于洪水,轮船就可以按时抵达目的地了)。He might have been killed ____ the arrival of the police.a.except for b.but for c.with d.for(答案 b.CET-6'95/6.译文: 若不是警察赶到,他可能就被杀害了。) ______ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday. a. In spite of b. But for c. Because of d. As for(答案 b.考研'91.译文:要不是有英语考试,我上个星期天就去听音乐会了。)
but that
  but that ---- 用在虚拟语气中,but that从句谓语用陈述语气,陈述具体事实,表示"倘没有,若不是": He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time.他本来会帮助我们的, 但当时他没有钱。 but that 还用在"(It is) not that…but that…"句式中,表示"不是因为…而是因为…":Not that John doesn't want to help you, but that it's beyond his power.不是约翰不想帮助你,而是因为他无能为力。
  can/could ---- 1."can't…too""怎么也不为过':You can't be _____ careful in making the decision as it is such a critical case.a.quite b.very c.too答案 c.选自六级样题.译文:做这一决定时再细心也不为过,因为这是一件至关重要的事情。)
  2."can't/couldn't+比较级"表示"不可能再",实际上等于"……最":The earthquake could not have come at a worse time for the war-torn country.对于那个饱受战争之苦的国家来说, 地震发生的时间再糟糕不过了。
  3."can't/couldn't+完成式"用于推断过去"不可能发生了某事":Mary、my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.a.has received b. ought to have received c. couldn't have received d. shouldn't have received(答案 C.考研'91.译文:玛丽不可能收到了我的信,不然她一定会回信的。)Comrade Li _____ be in Beijing because saw him in town only a few minutes ago.a.mustn't b.can't c.may not d.isn't able to(答案b.考研'80.译文:李同志不可能在北京,因为仅在几分钟前我还在城里见到了他。)
cannot help-ing
  cannot help-ing ----"禁不住,忍不住;避免不了":I couldn't help overhearing what he said.我禁不住偷听了他说的话。We couldn't help their seeing us.我们避免不了他们看见我们。
cannot help but do
  cannot help but do -----"不由得,不能不"(与 cannot help-ing基本同义):You can't help but respect them.你不由的要尊敬他们。(注:在这个句式中,还可以把help省略掉,意思不变,如上面的句子也可改变为:You cannot but respect them.)
cannot choose but do
  cannot choose but do ----注意ht后面习惯上跟不带 to的不定式,表示"没有别的办法,只好"; He cannot choose but obey.他没有别的办法,只好服从。
  choice ----注意choice在下面句型中的用法:1."have no choice but to do"或"There's no choice for sb but to do""没有别的办法,只好"(注意 but后面的不定式必须带 to):We had no choice but to do what we were asked.我们不得不做要求我们做的工作。2."have no other choice than to do""没有别的选择,只好":The beaten enemy had no other choice than.a.surrender b.surrendering surrender be surrendered(答案c.译文:被打败的敌人没有别的选择只好投降。)
do more than do
  do more than do ----注意 than后面习惯上跟不带to的不定式,表示"不仅仅,不单单,不只是":In the course of a day students do far more than Just classes.a.attend b. attended attend d.attending(答案 a.CET-4'93/6.译文:在一天之内,学生不只是上课(还要做许多别的事情)。Colleges and universities across the nation have decided to do more than talk about the use in student cheating.除了谈论学生作弊的上升以外,全国各地的大学已决定采取一切措施。(摘自《大学英语》第二册第8课 Honesty:Is It Going Out of Style?)
do nothing but(do)
  do nothing but(do) ----"仅仅(做),只(做),除……外什么都不(做)":Lots of empty bottles were found under the old man's bed.He must have done nothing but _____ (drink).(答案:but后用原形动词 drink。考研'89)(注意下面的句式)So there was nothing for them to do ______ their places at the end of It.a.except take b.but take c.besides take d. but to take(答案 d.译文:他们只好在尽头自己的座位上坐下。)(注意这里的 but后面用不定式to take与前面的for them to do是并列的,处在相同的位置上,作nothing的定语: nothing to do but to take...)
do nothing else than (do)
  do nothing else than (do) ---- 注意:do nothing后面用了else后就要用than而不再用but, 但than后面同样用不带to的不定式:He sat there, doing nothing else ______. a. but to laugh b. than laughing c. than laugh d. but laughed (答案c. 译文:他坐在那里一个劲地笑。)但注意下面这个句子:He had nothing else to do except to return/than to return to his hot room..他没有别的办法,只好回到自己酷热的房间。(这个句子中的不定式 to do和to return做 nothing else的定语.)
  either…or ----"或是……或是……;不是……就是…"。由选择连词either…or引导的名词作主语时,谓语动词的人称和数要与or后面的名词保持一致。either…or还可以引导并列名词或介词短语作宾语,引导并列谓语或表语,引导并列状语或定语,引导并列分句。该结构的关键是由它们引导的两个部分必须并列处于同一层次上:Either Tim or his brothers have to shovel the snow.要么蒂姆,要么他的兄弟们,必须铲雪。The local hunters either shoot or trap them.当地的猎人或者枪杀它们,或者设陷捕捉它们。Either you must improve your work or shall dismiss you.要么改进你的工作,否则我就解雇你。I was advised _____ for reservations. either telephone or to write the hotel. b. either to telephone or to write the hotel c. that I should telephone or to write the hotel d. I ought either to telephone or write the hotel(答案 b.考研 '85.译文:他们建议我要么给旅馆打电话,要么给旅馆写封信预订房间。)
  find ----- find后面可以跟带现在分词、过去分词、形容词或不定式 to be的复合结构作宾语;如果是不定式本身作宾语,要把不定式后移,用形式宾语 it填补其位置:He was found dying/dead/injured.人们发现他快死了/已经死了/受了伤。We found(him to be/that he was)th




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