
total: I + II + III + IV = 31 + 81 + III.A + 112 + 16 = III.A + 240

Part I Writing

total: 31


[1] at the center of ... ···的关键[文中]

[2] any healthy relationship

[3] stand 在于[文中]

[4] a core element

[5] the employee-employer relationship

[6] positive result 好处[文中]

[7] employers and their workers trust each other

[8] implicit trust 绝对信任[文中] 此处implicit直译为完全的

[9] the company's operation

[10] take ... for example

[11] renowned

[12] electronics company

[13] Panasonic

[14] founder

[15] staff

[16] technical skills

[17] without reservation

[18] defective goods

[19] Not only that 不仅如此

[20] sense of belonging

[21] contribute to

[22] regard ... as ...... 认为某物怎么样

[23] trusworthy

[24] be more likely to 更容易[文中]

[25] embrace 接受[文中]

[26] leader's decisions

[27] unnecessary

[28] in conclusion

[29] the stronger the sense of trust is in an employee-boss relationship, the more motivated employees are.

[30] ... be favorable to.......···对······是有益的

[31] both ... and ......


Part II Listening Comprehension

total: 27 + 13 + 41 = 81

Section A

total: 16 + 11 = 27

Conversation One 西班牙凉菜汤

total: 5 + 11 = 16

1 question

[1] weird

[2] thicker 浓稠的[文中]

[3] appeal

[4] go stale

[5] blend

2 conversation

[1] What's all that?

[2] soup

[3] stale

[4] texture 口感[文中]

[5] thickness 浓度[文中]

[6] AS I said earlier,

[7] hard-boiled egg

[8] cured ham

[9] Is it good too? 它很好吃吗?[文中]

[10] distinct flavor 特殊的味道[文中]

[11] used to do

  • be used to doing/sth
  • be used to do
Conversation Two 购买葡萄酒

total: 2 + 9 = 11

1 question

[1] elderly people

  • elder people
  • old people

[2] go with 与…搭配[文中]

  • pair with
2 conversation

[1] What kind of wine would you like?

[2] at all

  • after all

[3] How does that sound?你觉得怎么样?

[4] vicinity

[5] the safest option 最保险的选择[文中]

[6] fruity

[7] Alternatively或者[过渡词]

[8] winery
[9] peppery flavor

Section B

total: 5 + 8 = 13

Passage One 纳瓦霍密码

total: 1 + 4 = 5

1 question

[1] contribution to... 擅长…[文中]

2 passage

[1] enjoy 喜欢[文中]

[2] secret codes

[3] figure it out

[4] Neither side 任何一方都不

Passage Two 技术对传统高薪工作的冲击

total: 0 + 8 = 8

1 question


2 passage

[1] make a living

[2] knowledge-intersive

[4] labor force

[5] the sector of the econmy 经济部门

  • the caring sector 护理业

[6] massage

[7] with regard to

[8] high-end

Section C

total: 11 + 13 + 17 = 41

Recording One 世界上第一条人工铺就的道路

total: 0 + 11 = 11

1 question


2 recording

[1] a stone pit

[2] the pyramids

[3] saw

[4] stumble across

[5] to go nowhere 不知所终[文中]

[6] ending in ...

[7] elevation

[8] sea level

[9] barge

[10] float over to 漂到[文中]

[11] ship off to 用船运到[文中]

Recording Two 中医针灸疗法

total: 3+ 10 = 13

1 question

[1] conventional tests

  • medical tests

[2] ask for... 要求…

  • ask sb to do sth. 让某人做某事

[3] negative side effects

2 recording

[1] go in 扎进[文中]

  • slip into

[2] in that

  • in that case

[3] take another track

  • take track

[4] Chinese-American

[5] manage to do

[6] fantasize about

[7] as likely as

[8] in all

[9] energetically connect 强有力地连接着[文中]

[10] a fraction of what it was 只是过去的一小部分[文中]

Recording Three 出生排行对婚姻的影响

total: 1 + 16 = 17

1 question

[1] the verge of

2 recording

[1] distill

[2] fade away

[3] uncover

[4] go wrong

[5] only children

[6] grow 与 grow up

  • grow vt./vi. grow 后面可加宾语,也可不加,而且适用的范围很广,表示「植物、鬍鬚、头髮、人口、城市等的增长」
    • The plant grew.
      My father grew a beard.
      I grow my hair long. 我的头髮长长了。
  • grow up vi. 后面不能加宾语,而且只用于表示「孩子长大成人」
    • When I grow up, I want to be a doctor.
      长大后,我想当医生。(注意,grow up后面没有宾语)

[7] the apple of one's eye

[8] subconsciously

[9] in the end

  • in the “giving” end “付出”的一方[文中]

[10] self-assured

[11] sovereign

[12] thrive 长大[文中]

[13] indulge

[14] initiative

[15] tact

[16] crave

Part III Reading Comprehension

total: III.A + 56 + 56 = III.A + 112

Section A

total: III.A



Section B

total: 7 + 49 = 56

1 question

[1] It is thought probable that ... 人们认为很可能…

[2] risk-taking

[3] urge

[4] finding a mate

[5] getting married

[6] social interaction

[7] impart ... to ...... 把···传授给 ······

2 passage

[1] suspicion

  • suspect
  • doubt

[2] wariness

[3] materialize 突然出现[文中]

[4] look on

[] index 指数[文中]

[5] reckless

[6] regardless of whether ... or ...

[7] examined

[8] need not 不一定[文中]

[9] take advantage of

  • leverage 利用[文中]
  • utilize

[10] keen sensitivity

[11] associate with ... 与…相关联[文中]

[12] intense

[13] payoff

[14] published online

[15] outcome

[16] solitude

[17] implication

[18] be skillful at

  • be good at

[19] neutral [ˈnuːtrəl]

  • natural [ˈnætʃrəl]
  • nutrition [nuˈtrɪʃn]

[20] the order of ... … 的顺序[文中]

[21] given 赋予[文中]

[22] think about 回想起[文中]

  • think in social terms

[23] in terms of 与…有关[文中]
[] medial temporal lobe 内侧的[文中]

[24] social meaning

[25] dorsomedial preforntal cortex

[26] register (在仪表上)显示

[27] distinct 独特的[文中]

[28] call on

[29] uptapped mental powers

[30] be geared to 准备好[文中]

[31] be mad at

[32] drama

[33] distract themselves from schoolwork

[34] driving adults crazy

[35] It is actually ...

[36] hormonal

[37] striking out on their own 开辟(…的道路);开始行动

[38] obsess about 挂念[文中]

[39] individual entity

[40] lay out 清楚地表达[文中]

[41] to do so 实现这一点[文中]

[42] in terms of

[43] Napoleon

  • Churchill

[44] lonely gloom 寂寞忧郁[文中]

[45] welcome 欣然接受[文中]

[46] end 目的[文中]

[47] cost sb. sth. 使某人失去某物[文中]

[48] a spot at a selective university 择优录取学生的学校的一个席位[文中]

[49] assure sb. that...

Section C

total:29 + 27 =56

Passage One 欧洲争分夺秒挽救水稻

total: 7 + 22 = 29

1 question

[1] Killing two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟。

[2] wage

[3] absorbency

[4] Its immediate priority is ...当务之急是…

[5] on purpose 有意[文中]

[6] variety

[7] popularizing 普及[文中]

2 passage

[1] battleground

[2] setting (事件发生的)背景,地点

[3] contest

[4] giant

[5] apple snail

[6] bearing 关系,关联[文中]

[7] overall

[8] wetland

[9] the Mediterrannean just two hours south of Barcelona地中海在巴塞罗那以南,距其有两小时车程

[10] creep into 漫延[文中]

[11] fresh-water marshes

[12] hamper

[13] kill off 灭绝,杀光[文中]

[14] feed on 以…为食物

[15] to harness on foe against the other 以敌制敌

[16] march

[17] along the Po in Italy 沿着意大利波河沿岸

[18] a season 一个季度

[19] crossbreed

[20] grain 谷粒[文中]

[21] successive generaions 继代[文中]

[22] retain

Passage Two 拍照提升你的体验度

total: 8 + 19 == 27

1 question

[1] painstaking

[2] bring to

  • it would actually bring pleasure to photo-takers.

[3] sightseeing

[4] prevent

  • pretend
  • protect

[5] distract

[6] come out with 出版,发表[文中]

[7] on display

[8] derive ... from ...... 从······中获得···

2 passage

[1] laborious

[2] ordeal

[3] reserve 保留,保存[文中]

[4] instead of 而非[文中]

[5] embark on 着手做,从事与[文中]

[6] not less 而非更少[文中]

[7] hang onto 保留,不放弃[文中]

[8] engage in 参与,加入

[9] forbade

[10] significantly 显著地[文中]

[11] heighten

[12] work for适用于[文中]

  • It works for things as boring as archaeological(考古的) museums.

[13] that works the same way. 这同样有效。 work可直译为导致

[14] instruct命令,指定[文中]

[15] either to take photos or not 拍照或不拍照

[16] look longer at look是系动词

  • People look longer at things they want to photograph.

[17] to the relief of sb/to sb's relief 使某人欣慰/庆幸

[18] immersed 专心的[文中]

[19] take at least three photos

  • take mental photos 在心里拍照
  • snap photos
  • take pictures

Part IV Translation

total: 16


[1] In the past

[2] private car

[3] an indispensable part of ... ···中不可或缺的一部分

[4] commute

[5] take self-drive trips 自驾游

[6] traffic congestion

[7] parking spce

[8] the problems of ... are increasingly severe. ··· 的问题日益严峻

  • … are becoming growing/rising problems.

[9] the number of cars is growing so fast.

[10] introduce new regulations

[11] the municipal governments

[12] the ever-increasing air pollution

[13] purchase

[14] new energy vehicles

[15] adapt measure

  • make measure

[16] provide incentives for ... 支持…

  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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